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Fantasy The Nexus Project

She smiled, appreciating the doctors words, quickly saying the rest of her plan, "I say we go to the cell, I'd say we go to the execution but if we're late we'd Fox would be gone and really gone this time the execution would be heavily guarded so too." she said, she'd probably use her power to break her way threw. Eloya had a feeling this would end up being late tonight since if we did tomorrow he might not be there, "And well we're there we can send a few of us to get Ruby back." she stated, looking at the others for feedback.
Minutes passed before Gabriel at last decided to go back inside. He was soaked to the bone and shaking from the cold, but he found himself being able to think more clearly. He opened the door, hearing Eloya and the others trying to do what he expected they would do once they discovered Fox was alive. The silver haired teen sighed, leaning against a wall with his arms crossed. "You people are bloody idiots." He said bluntly, closing his eye for a second. "You're seriously thinking of going to rescue him, even though the possibility of us getting killed in the process is far more likely? Even though we're risking ending up like-" Gabriel choked on the word for a second before continuing-"Ruby?" He shook his head. "Think about what you're considering doing for a moment. Breaking into a Nexus holding prison even though we barely understand our powers enough to defend ourselves? The place might not be that heavily guarded, but its still dangerous and full of military weapon just waiting to be used. Do I need to spell it out for you?"

Madness. What these people were thinking of doing was suicide.
Solarex nodded, still holding her knees to her chest. "Sounds fine... We should make a back up plan just in case..." Her gaze fell on the wall before her and she let out a breath. They were going to avenge Ruby and save Fox, then Gabriel yelled at them for being mindless and putting their lives at risk. ".....Why do you think we can create a back up plan?..." She was looking at Gabriel now, with her dull eyes. @Aura Of Twilight
Her head turned, eyes locking with Gabriel's, "I don't care." she said bluntly, her words sounding like icy daggers, "They are my friends, one suffering and the other Dead! I don't care if I might die doing this there my friends! I refuse to leave Fox to die and I absolutely positively refuse to leave Ruby's rotting body in a prison cell for the rest of eternity!" she screamed her eyes welling with tears, "Help or not I don't care. I. Am. Not. A. Coward." she said her words heavy and stating her point well, "I will do this if I end up like Ruby or not so don't call me an Idiot! I will save me friend because he saved me and I will give my friend a proper goodbye because I would never forgive myself if I didn't! I am not a coward and I'm not stupid so quit treating me like it!" at this point she was yelling at Gabriel slightly hoping her rage didn't scare Solarex, "And if your going to treat us like idiots you can leave or just retreat to your little hide out you know what I don't care! Just get out of my face."

@Aura Of Twilight
"Once again, I don't understand why they used children for this damn project." Aedidab huffed and continued furiously typing. "So emotionally unstable." She leaned back and took a deep puff of her cigarette. "I can understand being upset over Ruby, but BK-201 shouldn't bring up such a reaction. Need I remind you that he previously was a Nexus agent? Who knows what he did in the name of Nexus when they were taking over." She sighed and went back to typing and mumbled. "He's just a stupid kid as well."
"I don't care if you think we shouldn't care, he helped us break free of Nexus now we are going to break him free from Nexus." she stated, "Either way I'm going and there's nothing you can say to stop me." Eloya continued, Why can't they see it! I'm doing this if they call me stupid, reckless or emotional! she huffed then sat down looking at the group.
Gabriel gave Eloya the iciest glare he could muster, attempting to keep his own anger under control. Being called a coward struck a nerve. "I am no coward." He said in a soft voice, a near whisper. "I'm merely trying to be logical while you three are letting your emotions get the best on you. You people just don't get it, do you?" He chuckled humorlessly. "We're freaks who are being hunted by the military force which took over the world. We're in hiding and you're risking to throw your lives away for a man who told you to leave him in the first place. Fox thought he was going to die that day. His life has only been extended by a few days." His knuckles began to turn white as he squeezed them. "I'm not saying what has happened isn't horrible, because it is. What Nexus is doing is horrible and a crime against humanity." He stood, walking a few feet forwards as he put his hands in his pockets. They were shaking slightly. "Ruby didn't deserve to die, but guess what? She did. It's best to get over it. And Fox...from what you told me about him, his last wish was to prevent any more of this horror from happening. By going there to that prison, you're risking turning his dream into ashes, are you not?" He paused, glancing at them all in the room. "Shouldn't you respect what he asked of you by waiting until things calm down a bit, and then planning to strike?"

He looked to the doctor, listening to what she had to say before speaking again. "And yet...and yet....watching Ruby die in Fox's arms...I find myself incredibly angry like you all are despite how foolish this all is..." He was just rambling now, his eyes covered in shadows, yet in his minds eye he saw himself back in the single memory he had. The girl's hand was soft in his, little by little losing its warmth. "I want to do something to stop that from happening again...and we need all the help we can get...." He looked at Solarex, his expression unreadable. "Maybe we should make up a plan to rescue Fox."
"This should help then." The doctor tapped a few controls before leaving back and letting the screen change. "What you're looking at is the one of the highest security facilities ever created. The place may as well be a military base. It's an open field for an entire mile in any direction around the facility. That space is constantly patrolled by drones and watched by snipers. There's no road leading in or out. All travel in and out of the prison is done via airship of some kind."


"The low walled area outside you see is a collection of different factories and other intense labor houses. There are a few areas dedicated to the captured soldiers and world leaders from the takeover. Terrible living conditions, but at least they weren't executed. Anyway, to get to Fox, you'll have to get past that massive wall towering over everything else. Past that are just networks of pathways crossing between the inside of those walls leading to individual cells tailored to the personal hell of it's occupant." The doctor continued. She switched to another image. "Here's the interior where you'll find his cell. Thankfully, it's lightly guarded and hardly patrolled at that point."


"As for the rest of the facility, expect the worst. Actual infantry, occupation, riot guards, gorrilla drones, and any other number of nasty surprises." The doctor reappeared on the screen with her hands folded behind her head. "Any questions?"
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Eloya practically fell over when Gabriel agreed to help, and she awkwardly stood back up with a blush at her idiocity then listened to the doctor "I think we should try having a little diversion, we could probably set up something to get most of the guards in one area for example I could try and persuade a couple guards into shooting the far side, that way they'll send most of there security there and we'll have an easier time getting in, and if we get are hands on some of there suits that would be a big help." she explained. Eloya looked at Solarex and Gabriel, "Do you guys have a plan by any chance?
"I might be able to help with the distraction bit." The doctor flipped through a small book and scanned over the pages. Her finger traced on one in particular before stopping. "There are gangs and rebel groups that might be willing to harrass the prison's perimeter. They'll take some convincing, though. As far as getting you in-" She stopped and stood up abruptly. Her voice came slightly muffled due to her movement away from the microphone, but still clear that she was yelling. "Gorzo! Get your ass back here! Just because you aren't here, doesn't mean I won't still send you." She returned to her seat with regained composure. "I can have Gorzo fly you in if you can catch a pilot drunk and his uniform, ID, and whatnot." Gorzo's irked tone could be lightly heard in the background cursing repeatedly. Aedidab made a gesture off screen and continued. "There should be uniforms and everything else you need inside the airship depending on the type of pilot."
"Does the troll have to fly us?" She asked with an annoyed tone, she honestly couldn't stand him, " And you do realize all I have to do is touch someone and they'll do whatever I want, right?" She exlaimed, convincing anyone to do anything wouldn't be a problem.
"The Troll," The doctor mocked quotations with her fingers. "Is the best option you've gotvas far as skill goes. If something goes wrong and you need out fast, you'll need him. Even if he is an ass." More of Gorzo's cursing and other barely audible rantings slipped into the audio feed and the doctor made another gesture off the screen. "That's not going to so easy sweetie. To get the kind of help you need, you'll have to go through a mediator who then passes your offer to the organization's leadership. You can persuade the mediator to your side, but the leaders will still have to make the decision on helping you or not."
"I can set up a meeting with a group for the distraction right now. Would you prefer a gang or an underground militia? Before you choose, think about what you'll be offering them in return for their service, or at least how you'll convince them." The doctor brought out her booklet again and stopped on a particular page. She leaned forward to the screen. "You'll be heading to a seedy part of town so finding the drunk pilot and stealing his airship shouldn't be too hard after you make the deal. I would recommend heading to the prison as soon as Gorzo gets there to fly."
(Skipping to that night)

Everything was in place. The New Domino underground syndicates would make a loud diversion once Gorzo sent them a signal after dropping off the group inside the prison. However, one new addition to the plan had been made through Aedidab's decision. She had tracked down another experiment and had Gorzo pick him up. This new addition should, in theory, make the rescue easier.

Onboard the airship


Gorzo sat at the controls of the aircraft chattering with the security and air control via radio as they neared the prison. Meanwhile, in the hold Dr. Aedidab spoke to the group through the airship's onboard speakers. The interior was spacious enough to move around and had several rows of seats lining both sides of the craft. "Alright everyone, uniforms are located in the seats so you can at least get partially into the facility without much hassle. Gorzo will signal the diversion as soon as you land so you'll have a window of time to move somewhat freely. Try to avoid security measures as much as possible. You'll all look like guards but you don't have the codes to the doors or other systems. Be smart about how you deal with those and other guards." The sound of rustling paper could be heard slightly through the speakers. "Alright so get in, find the cell marked for BK-201, get out. And if you can, try to steal a datapad from someone with a high security clearance. That would open a lot of doors." Another voice could be heard but not understood as Aedidab replied to it with a shooing tone. "Oh, and I've given you someone new to work with. His name is Drake. He can turn invisible. Should be useful. Good luck."

Gorzo turned back to the group through the small space that lead to the holding area. "We're landing. Get ready." He had worked to get them close to the main facility. Their landing pad was on the top of one of the corner towers of the inner wall, so that was convenient enough. The group would only have to work through the honeycombed network of hallways from there. As Gorzo landed, the pad under him lowered and lead down into a small hanger. Once the movement under the ship stopped, he sent the signal and opened the ship's ramp. "Go time, kids"

Outside the ship, in the hanger, the cracks and booms could be heard echoing outside. Occupation officers and infantry rushed to the outer defenses, leaving the interior almost empty. The firefight outside grew in intensity.

@Draki @Aura Of Twilight
"Got it." Eloya responded to the doctor, quickly throwing on the uniform over her clothes, Snag datapod and find the cell marked for BK-201 to get out, got it. she thought. She was the first to step out and she watched for a second as everyone rushed to defend against there diversion, earlier she had quietly greeted the new guy but didn't really care at the moment, she was determined to get this done and was equally shocked that Gabriel had actually come. Eloya scanned the area trying to find a way to get past the huge wall she turned back, "Any ideas on how to get past?" she asked.

@Draki @Aura Of Twilight
"We could go threw there, it looks like a delivery area so all we have to do is slip into a truck." Drake suggested to the blonde. This was kind of new to him, he'd been on his own for about a week now so it'd probably take a while for him to adjust but it sounded kind of nice to have food, and a place even though from what he heard about it, it was filthy. He turned back to the others and waited to see if they had any ideas.
Viktor got suited up and responded to the new guys suggestion, "Good idea except for one problem, we have kids here. If your ability can encompass more than one person I suggest cloaking the kids so nobody becomes suspicious of us. Otherwise it's a good sound plan." He finished looking up at the new guy. As far as he knew he had been through the same situation as them, if not worse because he had been by himself the entire time. Viktor decided to try and trust the new guy, even though they knew practically nothing about him.
"Okay." he replied walking over to the kids grabbing there hands and turning invisible, turning them invisible too. It was kind of tiring but he could handle it. There was a slight ripple were they where so if anyone looked really close they could be seen but they'd probably blend in with the others, "You guys good?" he asked the younger ones. Since they we're invisible they could see each other but nobody else could.
Bree put the uniform over her clothes and followed the others outside. "Actually I can make a shield that will make me invisible. That could spare you some energy. If you wanted I could even use it on a couple of the others..." She said to the new guy.
Here goes nothing...Gabriel thought grimly as he put the suit over his clothes. He looked at the latest recruit, eye narrowed slightly as he discerned him. It was strange how they had come across the man, yet at the same time Gabriel could understand slightly what Drake might have gone through, given said man had spent a period of time alone much like he had. That didn't mean he wasn't suspicious of him, yet the silver haired teen knew they had no choice but to trust given where they were at the moment. His abilities were handy as well, Gabriel had to admit.

Gabriel nodded, trying not to get distracted. "Sounds like a plan. We'll need for someone to stay a few steps behind to make sure no one is following us, even though we might all be invisible." He looked at the blonde. "Eloya, how much do you know about your persuasion powers? If we're going to be getting in via truck, you might have to "convince" the driver to drive us through." He put a hand on his chin, thinking. "Also, who's willing to scout ahead, assuming we get into the building alright? I know the doctor told us a little about this place, but it wouldn't to have someone see how many people...and weapons are in the way. Invisibility can only get us so far. We need to be cautious."
Solarex nodded and replied with a "Yes." To the man known as Drake. She waited for the others to assume ideas and thought some out for herself. "After we get in and open the cell with the data pad, we should try to have a few of us spread out just in case if something goes wrong... And we need someone to stay beside Drake just in case if something happens to him and we lose our invisibility..."
Fox sat in his cell. Hours had passed and he hadn't moved from cradling Ruby. All through that time, he wore the grimace of a man out for blood. Memories and thoughts passed through his mind in flashes. Violent thoughts and a yearning to brutally destroy everyone in the facility. Hate and malice had filled his heart and thoughts. Although, one single thought remained untainted. The one recurring memory of the girl and the tags. At one point, Fox fell into what felt like a dream in the one memory.

"You can have them back once you make the promise." It was that girl. Her voice was warm and playful. Fox had seen her fully once before, when he was sure he was about to die. And the song that had come to mind, it was playing out of a radio. The radio was sat on a rock beside a blanket placed on the vibrant green ground. Other items accompanied the scene. A backpack and a basket as well as several places made for dining adorned the blanket. The thoughts came seeping back into his mind. They were having a picnic. It was a date, the last one they had before Fox joined Nexus.

Fox finally turned his attention back to the girl. He still couldn't remember her name, but he knew now that they were very close. She had short blonde hair and a floral dress over her small frame. Fox couldn't help thinking that she really was beautiful. His hand reached involuntarily toward the tags the girl was holding in front of him. His own voice, surprising to his own ears, returned the playful tone. "Come on now, you know I'll get shafted if I don't have those with me." Of course, this was a memory. He wasn't actually here, he was just reliving the experience. His hand connected with hers and the scene changed.

He wasn't in a field anymore, rather in a gray walled room filled with a crowd of others wearing the same uniform he was. His hand was still extended, but now it held a previously folded but now crumbled peice of paper in and shaking fist. Fox felt the anger again. The same flashes of hate from his time with Ruby in the cell. A tear fell to the floor as an order was given to the formation he stood in. As Fox turned, the memory faded and he was back in the room with Ruby.

It was different now. The room before was entirely dark, but now everything was a dull blue, except for a green outline where he assumed the door was. He looked down and saw Ruby's body in a slightly different shade of blue. He saw a drop of yellow-green fluid fall onto her body. It was a tear. Fox moved slightly and looked at his own hand moving. It was a mix of orange and yellow. Fox took a deep breath and lightly brushed his hand through Ruby's hair. "I see you, Ruby." His voice came out as almost a whisper. He took a few more breaths as his hand passed through Ruby's hair. His voice hardened as he looked up to the outline of the door. "I can see, and I'll see the people that did this to you pay."
(Finally home :3 )

Eloya tilted her head slightly in thought, but was interrupted by Gabriel's Question, "Oh, I know a lot, I could make you scratch your butt right now and not care so.... Ya I can easily do that." she said, trying to add a tad of humor so she could shake them out of worries incase anyone was, "I'll scout ahead though if anything happens I can just make them freeze or something." the blonde said, explaining her method. She was kind of worried herself but she generally knew how to control her emotions so it wasn't a problem, "And I'll make a shine with my knife to signal for you guys to come. Okay?" she asked, Your crazy are you seriously doing this alone? her mind screamed. She noticed a truck driving up, "Here I'm gonna go get that truck driver to drive us in, you guys run to the back, got it?" she asked not waiting for an answer.

"Good." She turned and ran as fast as she possibly could, opening the door and jumping in, "What the hell are you doing?!" the guy shouted reaching to punch her, she dodged and slapped his hand at the same time saying, "Anyone that comes in is not here, if anyone stops us you will not tell them that we are in the back, you don't know I'm here and you are going to stop for exactly a minute and 30 seconds, no more no less." she said, and his head turned straight forward as if she wasn't here at all and he went on with his business, stopping.

She jumped out and opened the back for everyone to get in, "Get in we have about a minute before he starts driving." she said waving everyone over.

@Draki @Aura Of Twilight
(I'm bored of waiting. Breaking myself out. Have fun following the dead body road. :D )

(Also, fair warning. Slightly R rated material to come.)

Fox waited. He knew they would come in eventually. They would want to take and dispose of Ruby. Of course, they had no idea that could see the bastards now. The room they built specifically to blind him wouldn't work anymore, and they would pay. Sure enough, one of the guards opened up cell door. Fox remained staring at the door as the guard entered. The armor disfigured the colors he saw, but the figure was recognizable. Just some stupid grunt with a uniform. Fox was already picturing killing the man. It brought an excited beat to his heart, although his body remained motionless. He had to keep the guard thinking that he was fully blind.

The guard pulled Ruby away from him quickly, fully assuming that Fox would be unable to fight back. Even so, the guard moved slightly to the side to avoid any blind charge from Fox in reaction. With Fox simply letting him take the girl, the guard turned and began to walk out of the room.

Fox looked over the guard carefully. Depth perception was difficult, although he could still discern what cold hard steel looked like, even in just a form of heat. The guard had his combat knife on the back of his belt. How stupid. Fox launched forward as soon as the guard turned and drew the knife. Before the guard could react, Fox pushed the blade through the side of the guard's helmet and subsequently his skull. Fox wasn't satisfied. The kill had been accomplished properly, but he wasn't satisfied. Fox twisted the knife hard and felt bones crack under the force. He saw red hot blood spill out from the blade and down the guard's shoulder. Now he was satisfied. He let the guard down gently and removed Ruby from his grasp. Fox went over the guard quickly and decided to take just the knife. Everything else was useless. He picked up Ruby and left the cell.

Finally, outside again. Fox could finally feel his surroundings. His infrared vision was limited, but now that he could feel he was ready to seek revenge. He stamped his feet a few times trying to feel out the structure of the building. He assumed that the leader of this prison would be at the highest point of the structure. The room he was looking for would at least be partially built with glass. Fox walked along the different hallways for a while before finally feeling what he needed. An elevator shaft. It would take him to the top. No, he felt the elevator was full. Guards, all of them. Probably the next shift. Fox set Ruby down next to the elevator doors while he pried them open. Once open, he could easily feel the cable pulling the elevator vibrating under stress. With a quick swipe, the elevator began its descent. Fox could only imagine the chaos of being inside a falling elevator. He felt satisfaction once again as the elevator crashed below. Now, to go to the top. He placed Ruby over his shoulder and began climbing the emergency ladder inside the now out of service elevator shaft. He would get full revenge, that was his drive. Ruby was weightless and the adrenaline only powered him further.

Finally, he reached the top. Time flew. An announcement had gone out over some speakers somewhere about the elevator shaft being out of order and medical attention being needed at the bottom. That would serve well as a distraction. Fox slipped the blade of his knife into the elevator doors. The room he was seeking would be on the other side of those doors, and he would have to be quick. Fix flipped his knife hard and saw the leg of a guard as the doors opened. Impaling the guard's leg and pulling him into the elevator shaft was easy. Dispatching the second guard was even fun. Throwing the blade into the guard's neck while his firearm sporadically discharged made a mess, but it was fun. The room only had two guards, so Fox made his entrance. He placed Ruby against the wall once again and turned to the room full of monitors and people without any weapons. Now this would be fun.

Fox herded each of the individuals around 8 or so into a central part of the room. Fox carried a deranged smile the entire time. He could see that everyone in the room was afraid by the heat coming off their bodies. He circled them a few times before finally picking out the individual he wanted. The lab coat was all he needed to discern. This had to be the man that killed Ruby. It made sense. The evil doctor gives a poor girl a lethal injection and leaves her to die. Fox forced the rest of the group into the second elevator shaft by saying they could leave. Of course, nobody here was guiltless. He cut the pulley rope for the elevator and let it fall as he turned back to the doctor. They had business to attend to.

"There we are." Fox's voice resounded over the facility as his blood stained face smiled from every screen in the prison and New Domino City. "You all may remember me, and rightfully so. Although, I'm the last to know that Ruby and I were being filmed for your enjoyment when she was murdered." The camera feed shook as he moved it to show Ruby for a few moments as she sat lifeless propped against the wall. "The good doctor that performed the act so kindly informed me." The camera shook again to show a badly beaten man in a lab coat. "Since we all enjoy watching the deaths of criminals and innocent children so much, I figured I would give you another. So, sit back. Enjoy. This is what you all wanted, right?" The camera shook again as Fox sat it down. It was angled just to see the doctor and Fox slowly approaching. All through Fox's speech, he maintained the serene tone of a man that would love nothing more than to watch the world go down in flames just to remove one single resident from its face.

The doctor pleaded on his knees as Fox launched a hard kick into the man's jaw. Blood sprayed as the man fell and Fox continued assaulting the man. Several stomps to the man's chest and limbs rocked the camera slightly before Fox pulled the man up. All the while, the doctor screamed in pain and begged for it to end. Fox threw the man against a work station in the room and resumed the mauling with his fists. Each punch landed hard, he even took time to twist and break bones before throwing the doctor close to the camera. The doctor laid groaning and sputtering on the floor begging not to die as Fox placed the man in a chair. Fox placed one hand one the man's forehead and angled the head back, exposing the neck. The doctor pleaded again and begged not to be killed, only to fall on Fox's deaf ears. Fox wrapped a hand around the doctors throat and began to squeeze. His voice returned with the same serene tone of a mad man. "My dear doctor. You killed people for a living, you killed a child for your paycheck. Why should you fear death when play with it so easily? Are you afraid that the souls you stole will be waiting?" Fox squeezed harder as the doctor made guttural noises. "You see, you don't have to worry about the afterlife; or where your God is." His tone changed, now entirely deranged and full of a joyful hate with a slight laugh at the end. "Because he's right here." His voice became an audible whisper as a smile contorted his face. "And he's fresh out of mercy." Fox's grip tightened and the doctor writhed under it. Fox's fingers sunk slowly into the doctors skin as it gave way under the pressure. Blood fell out of the wounds before the camera was violently splashed with a thick red tint. A few moment passed of pure guttural cries enveloped the audio and then died out. The red tint was smudged away by a finger to reveal the doctor laying in the chair lifeless, his throat ripped from his body. Fox returned to the camera's view severely bloodied, but smiling still. The video ended and the air filled with the sound of sirens and the tint of red warning lights.

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