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Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood


Leo had his face pressed up against the window as they drove to their new house. A wide grin crept onto his face.

"Lily! Wake up we're here!" He shouted to his sister while simultaneously shaking her arm. As soon as the car door was open he sprinted out ignoring his dad telling him to take his bags. He had left the master bedroom for his dad but chose the next biggest room and sat on the floor slightly out of breath.

"This is my room." He said to himself.


Lily's dads car turned around the corner and eventually slowed to a stop, Lily hadn't noticed until she got a shove from her younger brother who was practically jumping out of his seat in excitement. She sighed and looked out the window, this was their new home. It did look brand new but had cold plain coloured walls. She climbed out of the car and was almost knocked over by her brother sprinting past her to get inside. She shook her head and started to carry boxes inside. She noticed another girl, a couple years older than her, walk inside a house near her. Looks like a bunch of other people have already moved in. She said to herself and she walked up stairs. She noticed her brother had claimed the bigger room but she didn't mind, he needed a bigger space for all his toys anyway. She walked back outside and picked up a few more boxes, it was going to take a few hours to get everything settled.
Leah Marcus


It was nearly 3 AM and everyone else in the neighborhood at least seemed to be asleep. All except Leah who was wide awake and setting up her room. She paused in the middle of putting up a poster advertising a music festival from the last summer and looked out her window. She saw a white cat perched upon the fence of the house across from hers. She finished pinning the poster to her wall and opened her window, climbing out and down the vine-covered lattice at the front of the house. She jumped the last two feet to the lawn and jogged across the street, slowing as the cat leapt down and trotted over to her feet. She bent down and pet it behind its ears with a smile. It meowed and she chuckled, standing and looking at the house across from hers that was nearly identical to hers.

Leah remembered a girl only a couple years younger than her moving into the house earlier. She inspected one of the front windows and decided that it must be the girl's, she wasn't sure, but it had to be. She climbed up their lattice that was identical to the one leading from her room and noticed that the window was unlocked. She slid it open quietly and climbed inside, looking around. She saw the girl sleeping on her mattress on the floor, as Leah was herself in her own home, and bent down so that her face was right above the girl's.

"Hey," she whispered to her rather loudly at 3:15 AM so that the girl would hear her," you want to do something fun?"

Saaturn and Uranus were relaxing on the roof, watching the night sky. They had just called it a night from unpacking and setting up their necessities all day. They hadn't set up any TV or internet yet and weren't going to get to that for a few days, so for the meantime they decided to relax under the stars.

"Hey look, that's Demeter." Yooranus nudged her brother who was nodding off and pointed to a cat who was walking down the street towards their home. It was on of their many cats and it looked to be on it's way back home. "Oh." Saturn mumbled sleepily. "That's where she went..."

Across the street, a girl climbing out of her window and down a lattice caught the attention of the twins.

"She seems cool," the two of them said in unison. They watched with interest as she spotted their cat and stopped to pet it for a moment, before proceeding to the house next to them and climbing up the lattice and into the window. In unison, the twins turned and looked at each other, each with an eyebrow raised.

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As Alister lays down in his bed he thinks to himself "wow she really has changed and now even prettier" Alister had a crush on her back then but he was going to tell her how he felt then he found out she was leaving. Now that crush is gone "she is just a friend now" he said to himself as he drifted off to dream land
Alister wakes up and goes down stairs to make breakfast. the wonderful smell emanating from the kitchen fills the house. Alister's parents came downstairs ate then went to work.Alister waited for Aubrey until he went up the the room and knocked "hey wake up sleepy head your breakfast is getting cold"

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Devon would reach up, to grab one of her boxes and fall backwards, the box falling down with her. Her music falling down everywhere. All of them, being one of the unexpected kinds for her. All being variations of rock. " Fuck!" Devon cusses out loud, louder then she meant. bringing attention would be bad, with all these cd's out. No one would think of her as innocent any more. She hated when people thought she was one of those types of girls. She starts picking up the CD's one by one, putting them back. just to find the one she was looking for. rammenstein. " Yes! " She exclaims lifting it, and putting it somewhere safe. Hoping no one barges in. She left the door open for movers too. ( open )
"But this bed is so comfy and warm" she says grasping onto the pillow tighter , really not wanting to get up. Aubrey was just laying on her stomach when she started thinking. She had always had the biggest crush on him. She was however always too shy to tell him so he never knew. 'Maybe I'll tell him eventually' she thinks to herself. She still was going to be stubborn and she didn't get up.

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Leah Marcus


Leah sighed as she walked back to her own home around dawn. The girl across the street hadn't wanted to leave her home and they'd just talked for most of the night.

Leah noticed the cat from earlier again and pet it behind the ears, receiving an appreciative purr. Itbegan trotting casually towards the house across from her's neighbor's house and Leah shrugged, deciding to introduce herself to them. Hopefully more successfully than with the girl whom she now knew was Lily.

Leah walked up to their identical door and peeked in the window next to it. When she spotted a few boxes that still required unpacking, she knocked. When someone came to the door she greeted them casually with
," hi I'm Leah."

Mentioned: @tinygrassisdreaming
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Lily woke up from the sound of someone talking to her. She sat up in shock but calmed herself down after.

"you want to do something fun?"

The girl asked, Lily recognised her as the girl she saw moving in earlier. She yawned stretching her arms.

"Sorry, but I'm really tired from moving in." She mumbled rubbing her eyes. "Maybe another time?" She suggested.

Leah stayed and the girls chatted for a few hours. Lily waved to her as she left and climbed out the window. She lay back down on her mattress and almost immediately fell asleep again.

Ash finished unloading her truck, she sighs laying down. Her hand over her eyes to block out the sun, her pale skin burning. Ash sits up, hopping out of the bed (Of the truck) and closing it back up. She got out her phone, texting Rose and Dylan wondering where they were.

Alister opens the door and quickly grabs his brothers electric guitar then leaves. "might as well do something to wait" starts singing


Ash could hear the roaring of the motorcycle as Rose pulled up to the driveway and smiled, "Dylan's coming!" She said loudly, sighing as she slowly got to the garage door and looked around. 'Cute...' She thought and shook her head, not wanting to get attached to this place.

Dylan was in his truck. It shinned in the sun and smiled lightly, seeing Ash. He shook his head and leaned out the window. "How's it going?" He asked with another smile and looked at their stuff in the back.

Alister's singing seems to go through the whole entire neighboorhood. once he finishes he goes to check up on Aubrey "hey come on wake up"
Voices could be heard through the door calling across the house to one another after Leah knocked. "Sis, get the door!" The first voice called.

"You get it!" Another responded. And hough the first voice did in fact sound much closer to the door, it protested, "I'm painting!"

There was no response after that, but at least Leah knew that people were there and on their way to open the door. In the meantime Yooranus had to finish screwing the curtains for her canopy bed into the ceiling. Once she was done, she stepped off her ladder and headed downstairs. "Whatcha painting?" She asked her brother, peeking around his shoulder.

"Go get the door," he responded, and Yooranus scoffed in playful indignancy, as if he had just said something unspeakably rude. Yooranus peeked through the peephole and when she recognized the farmiliar blonde hair and figure from last night, she opened the door. "How interesting," she smirked with a raised brow at the girl standing before her before noticing Demeter walking in. "Leah, from last night," she began with a whimsical voice, picking up the fluffy white cat who began to purr as she was cradled in Yooranus's arms. "She couldn't take it anymore, every minute away from her love was a minute not worth living. She didn't care for the consequences of getting caught, for any consequence that the rulers could give her could never be worse than the living hell that was every minute--every second that she was forced to spend apart from her true love. So she gathered every ounce of courage she had within her and brought it to the surface, pushing all of her fears to the back of her mind, for they would do her no good on this fateful, starry night. Quickly! Yet carefully, the lovestruck blonde climbed down, down, down. Hopping off of the vines that clawed its way up the stone walls of her tower, she made a run for it! 'Finally,' she thought to herself. 'If anything foul befalls me in the morrow for what I have committed tonight, I can say that no regrets will burden me.' As she continued down her path, on a journey to be reuinetd with her true love, she crossed paths with a beautiful maiden. A white-clad maiden, garbed in royal silks of the finest caliber. She carried the essence of beauty about her as her robes danced in the gentle breeze of the night. The maidens beauty somehow left a feeling of inspiration welling up inside of the lovestruck girl, and with determination shining in her eyes, the girl carried on. Soon she met with familiar vines, though they weren't those of the tower in which she originated. She grabbed hold, and with a tight grip hoisted her self up and began to climb. Soon, she met with the open window of her love, what the brave girl took as an invitation..." Somehow, the girl who stood before Leah managed to transform the blonde's nightly escapades into a flawlessly orated story. The execution was flawless, her tone of voice as she spoke was heartfelt enough to entice anyone and bring them near tears, and the gestures she made would keep anyone interested. She stood smirking at the girl as she pet one of her many cats, she kinda looked like a kitty herself.

"You're that girl who climbed into our neighbor's window last night," said a boy who was suddenly behind tge storyteller, repeating her story but in a completely different way. Saturn had taken a break from his painting to see what his sister was going on an on about, it was like her voice was never going to stop. As the twins stood in the doorway gazing at Leah, their resemblance to one another gave away their familial status.
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Rose sighed in relief as she pulled the key out of her motorcycle. She stood up, letting it lean on the peg and shook her head, swining her leg off it and walked to the door. 'Stupid stuff.' Sht thought with a hiss and looked into the windows. She pressed her hands against the door. "Buuuuuuuuuuuuubbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled, trying to get the key so she could go inside.

Dylan sighed, "Oh my lord, you're going to die!!" He said to Ash as he rolled out of the car. He brought his keyys with him, tossing them to Rose.

Rose caught the keys, sliding it into the key hole. The door swung open and a gust of soothing wind flowed around Rose's hair. She shook her head before she walked in.

Dylan walked to the car and grabbed his bags out of the car, walking to the house.

She stumbled out of her house her bookbag in her hand runing to the school "im late im late " she mumled to herself. her long hair flying out behind me
Leah Marcus


"That's me,"she responded to them both casually with a smile,"your cat here is quite the beautiful thing."

Mentioned: @tinygrassisdreaming
Thinking Aubrey was dead asleep Alister went to the porch and grabed his guitar and sung


Alister knew school would start soon so he got his bag ready and forgot about aubrey
Rose froze when she heard something. It was calming, but seemed to be coming from some place close. She walked out of the house and shook her head, looking around. Her red hair flowed in the howling wind and smiled as the sun kissed her cheeks. She smiled lightly before walking down the sidewalk, listening closely. She heard the music stop and turned her head as her eyes landed on a boy. Her backpack was in the car so she stared at the boy for a moment, just standing there.

She triped and fell over a curve her bad ripping her books falling out. she hurridly picked up her books very embarrised she hurryed to school.
Alister saw a girl just standing there watching him he walked up to the girl and said "You heard didn't you?" Alister said as he propped up the guitar.

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Rose didn't notice the boy walk up to her. She was to much in a daze to realize. She let out a small squeak and jumped back lightly, before bowing. "Y-yes!! Sorry for staring..." Her eyes were on the sidewalk and she stayed in a bowing position, not wanting to seem rude. She looked at the guitar and smiled at the grass, her hair shined in the sunlight.

Alister takes off his glasses to clean them he looks up at the girl with out his glasses Alister is really handsome "its fine. My names Alister whats yours?"


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