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Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood

"When do you remember me ever caring, I could quite honestly sleep on the floor or even the couch and be perfectly fine"she says kind of feeling better that her best friend was back in her life.

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Alister walks over and sits next to her "No no, I would never let you do that. My family makes every friend feel like family. So if you ever need to come over thats fine with everyone."

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"I might take you up on that offer at some point." she say nudging him on the shoulder ever so slightly. "How are your parents doing, and sorry I never thanked them for when I was younger, everything they did for me."

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"they don't need thanks they always do it out of generosity. MY parents have seen worse than you can imagne they hate to see people struggle or need."
"Huh well im going to say thank you to them anyway eventually.Also why don't you sing or play something for me?" she asks curiously trying to get the topic of conversation a little more happy.

I'd open the window to let air in, and start to practice. [media]

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Jack walked down the side walk hunched over and mumbled to himself already upset and having been living here less than a hour, he knew it was going to be fun. He thought about his old crew and was wondering what was going on with them but knew he would never see them again after all they lived half a country away. He continued on his march at a slow trudge trying to find a place to take a nap which was harder than he thought it would be.
Jack hears some music being play and thinks that it's not the worst he's heard after all he's heard beiber. He decided since he was new here he would follow the sound of the music to the source where ever it may be. He began walking towards the source.
"I always knew you had talent." She says smiling softly. "You're an amazing singer" she says simply and just amazed about how well he could sing.

RevenantHusky said:
Jack hears some music being play and thinks that it's not the worst he's heard after all he's heard beiber. He decided since he was new here he would follow the sound of the music to the source where ever it may be. He began walking towards the source.
I'd start to play Red Like Roses, even though I had no idea where the song originated from, I'd grown a liking to it. [media]

Ash had gotten home late last night, boxes still lay on her new floor. She groaned, pulling her pillows over her ears. After her few minutes the noise wouldn't stop Ash grumbles, pushing herself off her floor. She grabs her cloths taking a quick shower dressing in a white button up shirt and a short black shirt, with dark leather boots. She walks outside her home, Rose and Dylan still hadn't arrived yet. Her black truck still in her drive way, a few boxes still lay in the back. Ash opens the back climbing into the bed of the truck, and she starts pulling boxes out. Squinting her eyes at the warm sun.
"yea i really don't like to sing in front of people" takes some breaths then gets up and goes to kitchen "hey you want any thing?"

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Otakubeats said:
I'd start to play Red Like Roses, even though I had no idea where the song originated from, I'd grown a liking to it. [media]

Not long after he began to walk towards the sound of the music he came to a house not unlike his own but not quite the same either. As he reached the house it hit him what the hell was he doing, just walk into someone else's house. "Yep" he said to himself as he walked towards the front door
"You know me, I always eat, its why I'm so fat" she says with a smile as she gets up and follows him to the kitchen. She jumps up and sits on the counter just watching him look around for food.

"hey rule one about success never down yourself" Grabs two apples and hands one to Aubrey
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RevenantHusky said:
Not long after he began to walk towards the sound of the music he came to a house not unlike his own but not quite the same either. As he reached the house it hit him what the hell was he doing, just walk into someone else's house. "Yep" he said to himself as he walked towards the front door
I'd accidentally left the door unlocked, playing music in my bedroom. I'd close the window tightly before I began to sing one of my favorite songs. [media]

She takes an apple from him and takes a bite of it before speaking once she swallowed her food. "Like im ever going to succeed at anything" she says mostly jokingly.

Otakubeats said:
I'd accidentally left the door unlocked, playing music in my bedroom. I'd close the window tightly before I began to sing one of my favorite songs. [media]

Jack opens the door the house still as similar to his as on the outside. He begins to look for the kitchen cause his stomach began to growl. As he shut the door harder than he intended he swore under his breath and listened for the music once again.
RevenantHusky said:
Jack opens the door the house still as similar to his as on the outside. He begins to look for the kitchen cause his stomach began to growl. As he shut the door harder than he intended he swore under his breath and listened for the music once again.
I'd continue singing and playing the guitar, not having heard anything.
She steals his phone from his grasp and enters herself as a contact before handing him his phone back and pulling out hers so he could enter his number.

Otakubeats said:
I'd continue singing and playing the guitar, not having heard anything.
Jack walked toward where he assumed the kitchen was and was right he looked through the fridge and pulled out some ice cream from the freezer. Awesome he said as he took his pocket knife out of his pocket and began using it to scoop the ice cream out. He then begs to head towards the music Ice cream in hand.

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