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Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood

"alright but right now we need to hurry to school" starts hurrying to school "come on we are going to be late" they rushed into their classrooms and quickly sat down right after they sat the bell rang and the teacher came in "too close" Alister said to the two
She sat in her seat right when the bell rang and she exhaled. It was amazingly close but she made it. "Way too close" she says back to his comment. This was in her mind going to be a very boring day.

@FrostRaven @Otakubeats
After Class it was break and everyone was heading outside he went up to aubrey "hey so you wanted to talk to me" As the sunlight shined through the window and onto her. He felt his crush on her was reforming now that she was back in his life.

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I'd sit under a tree in the shade continuing to draw until an older kid came up to me, grabbing my hair. "H-hey!" He'd take the book from me, throwing it into a nearby water puddle.
"Y-yeah..." She said stud seeing slightly which she never did. "So you see I would of told you this sooner, but ya know I moved away and didn't say anything but ya know." She says laughing dryly. "I'll just get to the point...I like you a lot and have had a crush on you for forever and I haven't told you and I'm sorry but ya, that's what I need to tell you" she says looking down at the ground.

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"Yeah actually, Turnip's taken me on so many adventures, far and wide!" Said Yooranus with starry eyes. "Travelling across whimsical and marvelous lands we met with many beautiful sights, noble people and honorable travelers. We gained knowledge and wisdom on our journeys, coming home with these tokens and memorabilia. We're actually foreign too though, so most of the books are in Arabic. Our grandparents wove us this rug too, isn't it beautiful?" It seemed that through Yooranus's eyes the world was like a storybook, she had the dicion of a poet in almost everything she said. Only occasionally an actually casual sentence would find its way into her speech.

Saturn continued his painting quietly before being interrupted by a beautiful blue Abyssinian hopping onto his lap. "Hi Artemis," he chuckled softly, putting down his paintbrush to pet her.

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Devon looks around, before putting in the CD. She turns on all her speakers, the surround sound system starting up too. Before the music booms out.


Rose fell back laughing when Ciel attacked the boy. She shook her head and heard the voices. Shaking her head she hopped on the roaring bike and pulled out of the driveway. She growled lightly "Dylan I'll be at school!!" She screamed into the house and rode off.

Dylan came out with his bag over his shoulder and huffed, "Y'all made her mad." He whispered and got into his car, driving off.
"I feel the same It was the day you told me you were leaving was the day i was going to tell you how i felt. when you told me it broke all the courage i had" Alister hugged Aubrey for what seemed like forever" I love you"

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Rose had ran into school. She placed her bag in her seat and ran off around the school, bumping into people on her way, not caring really. She smiled lightly as she made it back outside and started to climb a near-by tree. She took in a deep breath and let it out, sitting on a branch.

PixieDusts said:
Rose had ran into school. She placed her bag in her seat and ran off around the school, bumping into people on her way, not caring really. She smiled lightly as she made it back outside and started to climb a near-by tree. She took in a deep breath and let it out, sitting on a branch.
A loud boom would erupt from devon's house, causing the ground to shake slightly, and trees to sway. " AH!" Devon cries out holding her ears from the sound. And starts to turn it down.
The trees began to sway and Rose squeaked, holding the branch as the sound echoed around her. "What is that?" She asked aloud and climbed down from the tree, walking to the sound.

PixieDusts said:
The trees began to sway and Rose squeaked, holding the branch as the sound echoed around her. "What is that?" She asked aloud and climbed down from the tree, walking to the sound.
Devon looks out the door, making sure everything is still in the boxes, and sighs in relief when she finds out they are. " thank god. " Devon says.
Rose had stumbled into her neighborhood. 'I should get back to school...' She thought for a moment before she continued to walk o the noise. It pulled her and so, she went to it. She got to where she thought it was and looked around, seeing nothing she shook her head. "Hello?" She asked shyly and looked down, waiting for an answer.

she walked into the theater wondering if there was a play going on they were looking for acoters and acctresses so when her turn came up az everyone had to sing she sung : [media]

PixieDusts said:
Rose had stumbled into her neighborhood. 'I should get back to school...' She thought for a moment before she continued to walk o the noise. It pulled her and so, she went to it. She got to where she thought it was and looked around, seeing nothing she shook her head. "Hello?" She asked shyly and looked down, waiting for an answer.
Devon pokes her head out. " yes~" She says before falling onto the side of her face. " ow. "
Rose squeaked loud and moved back a little. "Well hello." She said softly, her eyes shimmering and she shook her head lightly. She stood up straight and bowed her head. "Sorry to bother you, I just heard a noise..."

A drone flys above the two and lands Alister runs after it "dang it wrong code, sorry about that" Alister looks at rose "oh hey rose" Alister pick up the drone

@lostsoul @PixieDusts
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Leo was playing with his plastic dinosaurs in the front yard, making grumbling noises as he did so. He stood up holding a pterodactyl and ran around with it pretending it was flying.

In the distance he heard a mechanical noise and looked over. He could see a drone flying around. He grinned and dropped the toy before running towards it. He stood underneath it with his eyes wide open.

"That's so cool." He said watching it in amazement. "Is it yours?" He asked a boy considerably taller than him.

Alister looked at the kid "better i made it" he walks to the kid and kneels down and shows it to him
she walked back to he neighbourhood beeming she had got the part. her bag swinging she could hear a loud bzzzzzz she looked up to see a drone. she looked up at it shelding her eyes from the sun.then she hurrridly kept moving.
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FrostRaven said:
A drone flys above the two and lands Alister runs after it "dang it wrong code, sorry about that" Alister looks at rose "oh hey rose" Alister pick up the drone
@lostsoul @PixieDusts
" I think one of my speakers blew. " Devon says, looking around to find a speaker on the floor. surrounded by blackened floor. " Found it. Well shit. That will take a bit to fix." she says sighing.

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