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Fantasy The Necromancer's Claw


The Dark Knight is here
This is my first rp, so if there are any mistakes please remember that.

This is going to be a story with a massive scale, so if you're unable to make regular posts, then this isn't for you.

This rp is going to be an epic/quest story.


Eons ago, a powerful fiend rose to power, and with him he brought demons and dark minions of all kinds. His goal was to conquer the world, but he found opposition which eventually stopped him and sent back into his dark pits.

Now, he's back and so are a number of his followers. He wants to raise a new army, one with more power and numbers than the one before. But the only way for him to do that is to possess The Necromancer's Claw.

Obviously there is the light side who oppose him, and they are lead by Avion's Council, a group of wise elders. When their city is attacked by a group of dark minions, they send out 7 citizens who possess a unique 'gift'.

Their job is to cross the oceans in search of the Necromancer's Claw, no one knows where it is, but if you seek it, it will lead you to it's dwelling.

The Fiend, who's name is Krad Dorl, has sent his own followers to find the dagger. The dagger's power is simple, there are two ancient places in the world, know as Oblivian's Pond and Avion's Pond. Oblivian's Pond is a pond made out of pure lava which lies in Oblivian's Castle. Avion's Pond is sacred blue water, which lies in the Sacred Temple of Avion.

The Fiend's goal is to take the dagger to Oblivian's Pond, where he will have to open a deep wound in his hand with it and then throw it into the pond. Doing so, will bring back the Fiend's five most trusted and most powerful followers of the past, known as the Koyu Daire. They will use their combined power to bring back every demon who's ever died, from the very first one to the one who died only seconds ago. And if the light side are the ones who reach the dagger first, their leader will have to open a wound in his with the dagger and throw it into their pond, this will bring back the Light's five most powerful from their death's, known as the Hegi Daire. They will use their combined power to bring back every soldier who's ever been killed by the demons.

The chosen 7 will each have a unique power as I said, and these powers are:

Earth- @Abby Zilack

Wood- @Cadin shadow lord

Metal- @Wolf Wolf

Magic- @Gothemel

Fiend's Generals:

General 1- @CrimsonEclipse

General 2- @XxToxicGoldxX

General 3- @theunderwolf

General 4- @Storm Blessed

Each of these powers will also have their own unique abilities, these abilities are:

Earth- Can draw super strength from the ground and can use the earth to track down and scout from long rage when touching it.

Fire- Can take away heat from any object they touch, including the weak minions. And can also create illusions in their enemy's mind when there is too much heat.

Wind- Enhanced speed, hearing, and enhanced voice projection.

Water- Can heal themselves when they're in water and heal others, but can't heal fatal wounds on the main organs. Can also turn their bodies into liquid for a short period of time.

Wood- Can make their muscles, bones and skin elastic.

Metal- Can control any metal, which means they can't lose a one-on-one sword fight, but the more number of swords there are, their control becomes weaker. Can also control the minion's emotions if they're touching metal.

Magic- Magic is basically light, so no teleportation or telekenisis, telekenisis is only for wind.

I'm going to need 7 peope to play the 'chosen 7' and possibly 4 people who will play the 4 generals who rose with the Fiend when he came back. They will make occassional appearances with the minions. And when the Koyu Daire or the Hegi Daire are brought back, I will re-open the thread asking for 5 new members.

Obviously an rp with this much scale needs a narrator or at least someone to control the setting and summon the obstacles in the way. That person will be me. I will also control the Fiend and some of his minions and also the Avion's Council at the beginning.

If you're are interested, please say so and choose what character you want and I will reserve it for you until I post the character sheet link when I have enough numbers. Also, the magic character has to be an elder, who is a representative of the Council. And they can only use magic by channeling through their staff( I know it's not original).

Also this story is set in the medieval era, so no guns, explosives and deffinately no modern technology.
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Krad Dorl moved around the hall of his catle, its gloomy dark colours and blue candle lights giving off a dark shadowy aura around him. His steps were quiet, so quiet that they couldn't be heard even in the hallow hall.

Krad turned back to his small gathering, made up of four of his mightiest followers.

General Krag Azhun, General Spiora, General Eeuzahr and General Ragan. Four magicians who can wield the art of dark magic and had good leadership skills each.

"I have a job for you generals." He said to them, his voice calm and cold. He walked up to his raised patform and sat down on his silver and black throne, looking down at his generals who were seating on their own chairs at the bottom of the platform.

"Ragan tells me that Avion's Council are planning on attacking me. I do not have the enough numbers or power to deal with them yet, which is why you are all assembled here tonight. You shall all take your own minions each, and ride seperately to the city of Tar Marea. I want you Krag to attack them upfront and distract them at the gates. You Eeuzahr will attack them from behind on the north, breaching their back while Krag has them distracted.

Spiora you will brake them open from the west, do so simultaneously with Eeuzahr and Ragan will attack them on the east, also simultaneously with Eeuzahr." Krad Dorl finished giving his orders and studied his generals, he knew that they would each want to do something of their own too, so he decided that he should let them have their fun.

"Once you've breached their defences and have entered the city, feel free to do whatever you want and kill whoever you want." Krad almost allowed a small sinister smile to escape his lips, he knew that his generals would cause so much damage that the Council would be too busy cleaning up their city instead of attacking him.

Yes, this is the perfect way to open up the way for him to search for the dagger in peace, without the distraction of those muddworms.

(Everyone can make their intro posts now. :D )
Isaac was going to meet his new partners. He had heard of the Avion's Council was going to be summoned so he knew it was happening but he was very worried about how the people would he would be working with would think of him. Never the less he opened the door to the council room and to his surprise he was the first one there.
Ariolle floated across the halls. She knew that, here, she didn't have restrictions like she did among humans. It was common to have such special ability here.

Frankly, she didn't even know why the humans had all freaked out when she floated up infront of a mall once. She had just wanted to see the billboard from up close. Later she had seen herself on several news channels and papers. Thankfully, her face hadn't been shown clear there.

Her thoughts wandered to the Avion's Council's meeting. She knew something bad was happening, something related to the evil minions. She had thought that it was all over.

She entered the room infront of her with curiosity and was surprised to find a person already standing there. She landed herself on the ground and quirked an eyebrow.

"Who are you?", she asked.
Vergil was helping out an old lady by carrying some bread for her. He was notified by a soldier that he was to be summoned to the council. He walked with the soldier getting to know him because why not. When that reached the council, Vergil thanked the soldier for the company ad entered on two people having a conversation. He said to them, "I am sorry for interrupting you but I was summoned here. Were you as well?" By the way in Vergil. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."


A young man was taking a stroll in the town. He stood at about 5'7, the average height of a late adolescent. He had blonde hair which glinted under the sunlight, making it seem golden. His silver eyes darted from left to right, watching the other villagers do their own things. He was wearing a white long-sleeved polo shirt that had its sleeves rolled up to his elbow, with a black vest on top of it. He, too, was wearing black slacks and black shoes that was newly polished. On his waist was a brown belt with a sheath on the left that belonged to the dagger that was residing in it. He took slow steps, taking his time to examine the town, subconsciously kicking a small pebble on the ground.

The boy then heard the familiar clanking of armor. The guards always patrol the streets, you see, and he got used to the sounds they made, as well as their frequent appearances. What surprised him though, was that the guard tapped his shoulder, making him turn around to face him. "Yes?" he prompted. The guard told him that he was summoned by the Council, bewildering the young man. What did he possibly do to gain the Council's attention? Perhaps they had important news to tell him, or something related to that matter. "May you escort me?" The guard, instead of responding in words, turned and walked to the direction of the Council. It didn't take long before they reached it. "Thank you for your assistance." he said, watching the guard walk away.

He looked around, his gaze falling on three people that were already there. He assumed that they, too, had been summoned by the Council. He could not answer his own question for he does not know why they were summoned, including him. Deciding to stay quiet and just speak up when necessary, he leaned against the doorway and waited to be acknowledged.

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Ariolle looked at him, surprised by his sudden entrance.

"Should I hang a board with my name around my neck now?", she asked sarcastically but replied nonetheless. "Ariolle Ravenwood. I control wind."

She blinked at the fourth member standing in the doorway. "Well? You're not going to join this sweet little gathering?"
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The young man chuckled at how the girl described the gathering. "I will, now that you've mentioned it." he said, walking towards her. "Fortunately for you, I have already heard your name, so you need not to repeat it a third time. As for me, I am Augustus. Augustus Tybalt Letholdus." A bow would've complimented his introduction, but he mentally waved that thought aside. "Do you know why you were summoned here?" he asked the young woman. Perhaps she had an idea of why they were summoned here, because one thing was for sure:
he doesn't know why he was summoned. He didn't do anything against the Council, so that thought was crossed out. Deciding to just wait for the response of the girl, Ariolle, Augustus stopped guessing things for a while.
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Daiva's new borrowed stallion raced to no end. Daiva smiled, feeling the wind rush through her face. She loved the outdoors. She had been cooped up for too long, having to spend a whole night, in one place. It was terrible. Her joints groaned from exhaustion, and yet, she found that she couldn't stop. Her fantasy world was then cut off by the sound of her stomach, punching the air. She looked for a town nearby, and found one. She spurred the horse faster towards the town. Reaching it, she slowed down to a canter. Looking for something, easy to snatch, she spied a honey fried roll, her favorite. Slowing down to a stop, she hopped off the horse. She strode to the stand, hungrily looking at the bread. Quickly glancing around, she found no on lookers. Daiva quickly snatched the pastry, and jumped onto her horse again. Before anyone could miss the roll, she took off, yet again to feel the wind, making her face burn with exileration.

Reaching the next home clustered place, she noticed lots of guards. Must be a city, she thought to herself. She'd have to be careful, the swords, were an unpleasantry. Suddenly a nearby guard yelled 'Halt!', making her stop the horse. Realizing the guard was talking to her, she got ready to get the horse moving.

"The council requires your presence!"

What would the council want with her? Had they finally caught her? Did they know she had been 'borrowing' things? Deciding not to anger the guards, she allowed them to lead her horse to the council. They had her jump off her horse, saying 'it would await her when she was done'. Stepping into the room, she realized she wasn't the only one. She audibly sighed in relief.
Sitting in the obsidian colored seat was the general Eeuzahr who had some strange black fog trailing off his armor. After hearing Krads orders to attack Tar Marea he was particularly pleased to be able to do whatever he wanted once entering.

"Interesting... attacking them first before they attack us. I must say that was some really useful information Ragan and to betray your kind so easily I just can't help but think what they might think of you in the upcoming battle."

He chuckle after saying that. This was human nature at its finest. Whenever they are at the edge of the wall with tough decisions to make humans would most likely change sides in order to live.

Eeuzahr then looked over at the generals Krag and Spior. Thinking how much of a bloodshed it was going to be at Tar Marea since all four of them are going to be attacking it.
Ariolle glanced at the new girl before replying to the curt guy before her. "Well I don't particularly know. Perhaps the minions attacked again?", she guessed.

The council must've found out about her powers when she had been carelessly flaunting it infront of the mall.

But she didn't care anymore. She didn't care about what the world thought of her. The only thing restraining her vandalizing the place and rebelling against the council was her sister. Ally was trying to live a normal life and Ariolle wasn't going to stop her from the only thing she herself couldn't have.

But what could the council possibly want?, she thought. After all these years of doing nothing to save the people from the dark minions, have they finally come to their senses?

Sometimes she wondered if the Avion's Council even existed. Because no one had prevented her family from being destroyed years ago.

"The most probable guess is that the council has found out about my-", she paused and looked at the newcomers. "Do you three have any special abilities?"


Augustus blinked. "Minions?" He had heard of them, but never really met them in person. But, some say they were demonic, and he did
not want to meet the devil. And-- Ariolle's question pulled him away from his thoughts. "Not as far as I know." said Augustus. "But perhaps you can consider dagger fighting an ability... which it is." Luckily for him, he immediately caught up to the girl's thoughts. "And you have a special ability, yes? Wind manipulation, if I recalled correctly." An advantage of staying quiet and listening to people first before saying something is that you'll learn things that might never be repeated again. "And do not worry, your secret is safe with me." Then he grinned, pearly white teeth showing. "But of course, since you told us, it's no longer a secret. But hey, it's better than everyone knowing, hm?"
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Ariolle looked at him intently, wondering if he could be trusted. His behavious seemed as careless as her sister's but the glint in his eyes held honesty to some extent.

Then her mind travelled to when he said that he didn't have any powers. That couldn't be possible. She had spent enough years in the city to realize that the council only summons those who have something it needs.

That was why when her father.....

No, she had blocked out those thoughts years ago. She couldn't let them in. Instead, she settled for scowling at the guy talking to her before floating away. "I don't like being clueless", she said without looking back. "I'm going to move around a bit."
"I don't give a Damn about what those fools think". Said Ragan to Eeuzahr. "I gave them a chance to see reason, to realise that there is absolutely no hope for them of defeating the Fiend Lord for them. THOSE IDIOTS! CAN'T THEY SEE THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE IS TO GIVE OATH TO THE FIEND LORD!"

Ragan was visibly shaken, and he only then realised he was shouting when he saw Eeuzahr narrow his eyes.

Damn, thought Ragan, i can't going on an outbursts like that and showing my emotions so easily in front of these people.

"Anyway Eeuzahr, I no longer care about my former brothers and sisters, they chose their fate and now let them suffer the consequences".

"Now if you'll excuse me, i have a battle to prepare for". Said Ragan as he turned from Eeuzahr to walk off.


And one of the disadvantages of talking to someone is that there is a possibility that he or she might walk away. Augustus's grin faltered as Ariolle walked-- erm,
floated away. He listened to her parting words before sighing. So this was how it was like to have no friends. It was worse than having power lusting people as his 'friends'. He looked up at the ceiling, wondering why he had such a cruel fate. Deciding to just sulk and silently curse his life, he went back to his original spot by the doorway and leaned against it, his right foot placed on the frame and his arms crossed. Hopefully, his forgetfulness would strike soon so that he wouldn't be so depressed. If he was meeting with the Council then it was best that he was at a decent state. He would just have a conversation with the others later when he's back to his normal and cheerful self.
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The room was grand, no doubt. The huge amethyst chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling of the dome shaped room screamed elegance, comfort and power.

Ariolle spotted a bookshelf at a corner and sped towards it in her inhumane speed. Her eyes scanned the titles written on the spine of each book. 'Existence of power', 'The history of the Council', 'The Fiend Lord'. Her gaze skipped book after book until finally landing on a book that interested her. It read:

The Air Goddess
Ragan stood on a hill overlooking the city he once called home for the past twenty years. A city where he had made friendships. It contained good friends, very good friends. People he ate with, trained with, fought with bled with and cried with when some of them died ....... But he betrayed them. And now he was to kill them.

I betrayed them, thought Ragan. The thought hadn't sunk in yet on ragan. He still was not sure about how he felt about what he was about to do, but there was no turning back now he had already sold his soul to the Fiend Lord Lord. And i am quite sure he does not do refunds, he thought. He could remember quite clearly the look of disgust the council members had on their faces when he proposed to them not to oppose Krad Drol. But why can't they see he was trying to save them and the rest of the world, why can't they see this is all for the greater good. He still doesn't know why he bothered asking them. Deep down he knew the council would never agree.

Maybe subconsciously i wanted to give them a warning, thought Ragan. Well it doesn't matter anymore, they made their choice, and so have I. Its quite ironic that this city is where I learned to control my powers and now I'll be using it to bring its downfall.

"What are those fools waiting for". Said Ragan.

"Excuse me m'lord?". Said one of his captains.

"I'm talking about my fellow generals captain". Said Ragan. "a signal should already have been given. Krag should have started the siege already"

the Captain didn't reply.

Ragan was getting very impatient.

"Captain!". Said Ragan. "Tell the minions to get ready we will start the siege soon"

"But m'lord", said the captain, "The fiend lord said to attack at the same time as the other generals".

Ragan turned and looked at the captain ad said with a very calm and cold voice "You listen to me very carefully captain, I am in charge of you right now. And you will do as i say when say so. I am now telling you will soon attack and if you defy me, I swear I will tear from limb to limb. Now tell the minions to get ready"

"Yes general" said the captain as he saluted with his right fist on his chest.

And so ragan stood impatiently for signal.
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Isaac stood there and "Im sorry I didn't introduce myself my name is Isaac Smith and I can make myself elastic." he said removing his hood showing his white hair
Vergil did not want to interrupt the conversation so he waited. Once they finished he said, "I am Vergil. I am blessed with the power to control earth. Nice to meet you." He would take off his helmet but he didnt think people would like his green hair.
Vergil gripped Isaac's hand making sure not to squeeze too hard because he was superstrong. "Elasticity huh? That's awesome. Would you mind if I see an example? You don't have to but I'm interested." He said smiling.

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