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Fandom The Matinee -Private- | DEAD

Matsuda, Jude

Mentions: Taigakitt Taigakitt (Mei), Pik Pik (Summer)| Interactions: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic (Shigeru), Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum (Aoi), Anne Boolean Anne Boolean (Izumi)
Several had agreed that now wasn’t the time for a good old-fashioned brawl. Jude would have laughed at the irony of the situation. A brawl, in a wild western setting. As if that was the only thing that should have concerned him while they were all here. And for others, it didn’t, for Summer had gone barrelling out the door, calling for those who had run off into what he was sure was a dusty old town.

He would have too, had he not been caught between two of them right now. Jude gave something of a grunt at Izumi’s compliment. He certainly wasn’t happy about the vagueness and the outlandishness of the situation himself but letting it boil over to an attack on him was simply letting it get too far.

Shigeru, slippery thing that he was, managed to get past Jude, and grabbed Izumi by the collar. The more things came out of Izumi’s mouth, the more confused he was by all of it. “Trials? Died?” Jude shook his head, bewildered, and now, looking around in desperation to see if there was some magic door to take him back home. “You’ve got to be kidding me…”

Jude was starting to get more frustrated by his answers, though, a bell ringing had interrupted any intentions of doing so, and Izumi had promptly made off behind Mei in following Summer out of the room. Jude scratched his head, groaning. “None of this makes any sense…”

“I guess we’re not going to find any answers standing in here,”
he muttered, looking to the others who remained inside. “We should probably follow them…unless you want to stay inside…I’m not trying to tell you what to do or anything but, uh…” Damn, he was terrible at this leading the fray business. He just shrugged awkwardly, heading out of doors to find the others, with or without the company of Shigeru and Aoi.

c25f97d5ae27297810e6e4614b019810.jpgcfc148b9d05a1e1da1b4aa6235472fef.jpgThe bear ran and ran as hard as his little legs could carry him across the dusty roads, dragging the girls if they couldn’t keep up with his pace. Masakazu wasn’t far behind. As they ran, that alarm didn’t seem to fade. It was as if it permeated the whole area!

A shadow loomed up ahead, casting over the buildings in the direction of where everyone else was left.

A crack could be heard, similar to the sound knuckles make when gearing for a fight.

Around the corner from what was a hallway back in the physical world stepped two familiar figures:

Petite, beautiful, long black hair, an impossible to misidentify girl, with a taller girl in braided and sour face stood behind her. Junko Watanabe and her goon, Hayako. With yellow eyes instead.

They wore not their school uniforms, but cowgirl outfits. On the left side of their chest were large, golden stars. Their hats were the typical gallon style.

Junko spoke up, her voice slightly distorted, “Why, looks like we have some trouble-makers busting out our detainee. I don’t much approve of it.” She smiled, “That there bear is danger. Put it back, and we can guarantee no harm comes to you.

In response, Hayako was rubbing a fist. That pop or crack from earlier seemed to come from her fists.

From behind them, Summer and Mei could be seen, with Izumi not far behind.
Mei Ono
With Summer saying she could “just kiss” her, she stumbled, “P-please refrain.

Just watching Summer’s antics exhausted Mei, but they needed to find the others.

Listening to their surrounding areas, she spoke up, “I really hope that ringing I hear isn’t because of something they did.

When Izumi came up behind them, Mei pushed on, not wanting to stand around, but rather walk and talk. “I understand that everyone is frustrated right now, but I would like to keep moving. I’m concerned for the others, especially after hearing they could die here. Ando-san, please help us keep an eye out for any… dangers.

Up ahead, she could see a couple people on the horizon, honestly, not too far off from them. It looked like two people, with a… creature between them, and a guy following behind. Quickly, she realized who they were, and she wanted to shout, but the shadow creeping up suddenly up ahead, between them, had her stopping in her tracks.

W-Watanabe-san!?” They got pulled in too? Seeing the other girl behind her caused her already hard-beating heart to beat at an uncomfortable pace in her chest. Hayako was the one that almost had Mei go splat against the ground from the stairs after all.

Aoi Mochizuki

Aoi stood with a blank expression on her face as Izumi answered her questions. She'd like to know more but their only classmate who does know has only limited understanding of the situation. The sound of the bell had taken her by surprise, she didn't think that in such a place would a school bell be heard. A theory came into mind, that the time they spend inside this Metaverse is the same amount of time they spend over the real world. Just as she was about to ask, everyone was gone except for her, Jude, and Shigeru.

Aoi raised an eyebrow at the thought of the blonde teen knowing how to box. He didn't look like it to her, that's for sure. She looked over to Jude and gave him a pointed look. "Yeah, I don't plan on staying here anyway."

She passed by Shigeru and started to walk rather briskly. She was already a few steps ahead of the two when she noticed that she couldn't see the others and stopped abruptly. "Did any of you slowpokes noticed which way the others went?" She said with a tone devoid of all interest and a hand on her hip.

mention: Anne Boolean Anne Boolean || interaction: Arcanist Arcanist BriiAngelic BriiAngelic


Izumi Ando

Izumi blinked at Summer's assumption. "I don't know this place," they responded, "I know about it, but don't know it completely." On top of that, they didn't feel they owed the others anything. Sure, if they were people without the MetaNav, perhaps the nonbinary individual would have felt as if they should at least escort them out of the Palace, but since they all had the same potential Izumi did, they would have ended up in here or a similar place sooner or later. "They're probably not too far up ahead." How far could the three have ran, after all?

When an alarm began sounding, Izumi's purple eyes scanned their surroundings, showing quite a bit less concern than any of the others around them. "Will do!" they responded cheerfully to Mei's request. Of course, at a certain point they may find themselves in a situation where only they could save themselves, but Izumi kept that silent for now.

At the sight of the small group ahead, the blond let out a giggle. "There they are!" they called. "And it seemed they made a new friend as well!" they added in reference to the strange bear running along with them. When the two new figures appeared, Izumi just smiled at Mei's confused reaction. "Oh, it's not really them," they commented before locking eyes with the two. Yellow...? Their brow furrowed. But this wasn't Mementos... Others' Shadows in someone else's Palace? This was certainly something they'd never seen before. "Be careful though. Whatever is done to them here could affect them out in our world..."

Right now, though, it was the other three's fight. Izumi readied themselves to step in if necessary, but they didn't want to stand in the way of someone discovering their power.

Interactions: Summer ( Pik Pik ), Mei ( Taigakitt Taigakitt )
Mentions: Toshiko ( BriiAngelic BriiAngelic ), Masakazu ( The Regal Rper The Regal Rper ), Aurora ( Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider ), Junko, Hayako, Bear?

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    Shadow Junko, Shadow Hayato, Mei ( Taigakitt Taigakitt ) Aurora ( Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider ) Masakazu ( The Regal Rper The Regal Rper ) Summer ( Pik Pik ) Izumi ( Anne Boolean Anne Boolean )
    ~ Metaverse ~
    Break In To Break Out || Toshiko’s CS File

    The alarm was jarring. Wait, had something been set on fire? She brought her hand above her eyes as if blocking out the sun that wasn’t around. She was quickly pulled forwards by the bear, who was surprisingly strong. She realized that the bear had only grabbed her and Aurora and grabbed onto Masukazu dragging him along as well. She quickly dropped his sleeve as the bear proved its speed.

    “Woah! Beary how are you this fast…”

    The sound wouldn’t stop. It was no less loud than when they started running. Yet beneath it she could hear a clear crack of knuckles.


    She looked them up and down and pointed a finger at them ready to accuse them of leaving the girls out of the fun but quickly let her words die as strange distorted voices came as they spoke. Wha-

    “How- how are you doing that with your voice?”

    Wait, had they just been called troublemakers? She wasn’t a troublemaker! Besides how dare they threaten them again! She was pouting as she shook off the bear’s grip and took a step or two closer to the girls. She planted her feet in place just like Shigeru showed her and brought her fists up to her chest.


    She charged forwards with a widely inaccurate punch.
Matsuda, Jude

Mentions: - | Interactions: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic (Shigeru), Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum (Aoi)
Aoi had soon joined Jude on his way out and assumed Shigeru was somewhere close behind. Though, in stepping out into the blazing hot sun, and quite literally into something of a Western movie, he was unsure of where to turn next. Did they go left? Right? He strained to hear any of the voices belonging to their classmates, thinking that would perhaps give him a sign of where to go, though, was disappointed to find that hadn't hurt at all.

"Uh..." Jude looked left and right again, rubbing at the back of his neck. He shrugged. "Beats me. They could have gone anywhere." Maybe they were hiding inside one of the buildings from the so-called monsters Izumi had mentioned? Or they had managed to find their way out of what he was starting to believe was a weird, trippy history simulator and forgot about the rest of them?

Jude looked to Shigeru. "Maybe if we call for your cousin and the others, we might be able to find out where they are."

Running with the bear Aurora managed to keep pace with them, though it wasn’t entirely difficult with the stubby legged bear being the one seemingly leading them on. She was at odds over having let the bear take her hand but at this point she was more worried about the consequences over letting the thing out. The noise of the alarm continued on even as they ran farther and farther from where they were before.

She continued on looking over to Toshi as they ran hoping to see if she was feeling the same way about the insane situation they found themselves in. As they continued she became aware of a cracking noise, the sort of noise she knew all to well. She swallowed hard before seeing the two figures which caused her the most grief, as if this situation wasn’t bad enough. Her mind however seemed to briefly drift towards an area she was slightly shocked by.

Seeing Junko and Hayako in the cowgirl outfits made Aurora blush slightly. Internally she thought Junko looked kinda hot but not long after looking at their bodies she noticed their eyes. The feeling of attraction was immediately replaced with a semblance of fear. Hearing their distorted voices made her heart freeze up, it was like something out of one of Toshi’s video games.

Looking at Toshi she heard the taller girl's warning and immediately felt at ends over being protected again, especially in this situation. Mulling over it in her head she warred internally before taking a deep breath and running behind Toshi towards the two girls. “No! I won't let you fight my battles for me. I want to help!” She cried, her mind screaming internally as she continued behind Toshi. As she charged she didn’t know what to do, but she had been in more than her fair share of fights and despite being known for getting beaten up, she was a tough little thing and knew how to fight.

Toshi BriiAngelic BriiAngelic and The Bear Taigakitt Taigakitt


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    Aoi ( Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum ) Jude ( Arcanist Arcanist )
    ~ Metaverse ~
    Sacrifical Demise || Shigeru's CS File

    He could feel his sense coming back to him as he watched Jude stumble with words. Damn he really messed up huh? He supposed he was looking plenty like a thug right now… Shit. He let out a harsh sigh as Aoi passed him briskly. Yeah he was feeling plenty like an ass right now. He followed hot on their heels. Toshiko… she’d be okay right?

    "Did any of you slowpokes notice which way the others went?"

    He shrugged at Aoi’s question. That would be the best place to start… but it seemed they’d delayed too long. Even Jude who’d left first couldn’t catch sight of the others. When Jude suggested calling for the others he couldn’t help but agree. Only problem was… would their voices carry? He gave the other’s a grimace before trying it out.

    “Well can’t hurt huh.”

    He took a quick inhale in before cupping his hands around his mouth and shouting. Even as he could hear it echo back he didn’t hear much else.


    Yet nothing and no one answered back. He could feel a cold sweat coming over him. Why wasn’t she answering? He didn’t think there were that many paths around. He let his head scan up and down. The place was so unfamiliar to anything he knew. He hated westerns.

    “I-i I guess we’ll just have to look around manually. Toshiko would probably be wherever looked the coolest. What do old westerns usually focus on?”

hux9oixne7451.pngPractice!” was the bear’s response to Toshiko’s question, whether it was something she meant to have an answer to or not.

The looming shadow caused the bear to stop in his tracks, almost falling flat on his face. He released the girls’ wrists as his stuffed arms were flailing in the air, to keep from falling over. “Woah!

After getting a good look at them, he squeaked, almost sounded like a squeaky toy because of it, “IT’S THE DEPUTIES!

Another horror came as a realization, and that was he wasn’t prepared to let these stray kitties get killed. They were obviously not part of Nomura’s cognition. Then again, neither did the two deputies, but this wasn’t the time to dwell on strange theories.

He held a stuffed arm up at Toshiko when she went running, “NO! WAIT! FU-

Cutting his curse off when Aurora ran ahead of him, he flailed his arms harder, “STOP! You will get yourselves killed! At least let me provide some assistance and give a temporary power-up! PLEASE!

The bear pulled a small, tiny toy hammer out from… somewhere as he ran, trying to keep them from attacking the two deputies.

Alas, Toshiko was faster and was up on the deputies faster than the bear could stop them.

The punch had been thrown, but Hayako was the one to stop it before it had his Junko, “Now now. I think this makes them threats, don’it? Watanabe-sama, we should lock’em up just like that there bear was, but with tighter security.” A wide grin came to Hayako’s face as she tightened her hand around Toshiko’s fist, tighter than her human self probably could as she attempted to throw Toshiko back towards the direction she had run from.

“Junko Watanabe” then whistled- a noise that seemed to permeate the alarm going off.

The sound of splats were heard as inky bodies jumped from rooftops and descended upon the group. These dark shadows, no color to them, looked as if they were wearing cowboy hats and rail-thin as they went to surround the area.
Involved: Aoi ( Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum ) | Jude ( Arcanist Arcanist ) | Shigeru ( BriiAngelic BriiAngelic )

Down the ways of the trio that fell behind, down the dirt road, a shout was heard, and it sounded similar to Toshiko. The shout sounded distressed, and there were a few other sounds of a struggle ensuing. It went on for a couple minutes before silence.

A horse raced past the trio, coming from the direction of the struggle, wearing a bandana around its neck and seemingly lacking it’s rider if its saddle and bridle were any indication.
Matsuda, Jude

Mentions: - | Interactions: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic (Shigeru), Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum (Aoi)
Jude flinched at the sudden bellowing from Shigeru, not expecting him to be sound like a foghorn in searching for his cousin. Though, he supposed that should have been the goal of looking for Toshiko. They had to be as loud as possible so their voices would carry. And if Toshiko could shout back, and they could hear her...ah, but they simply had to go looking for her normally, for the time being. Jude turned back to Shigeru, rubbing his jaw.

"Well...western towns are famous for their saloons, right?"
He pointed out. "Maybe we can start by finding one of those first."

Though, it turns out, they may not have even had to do that. Jude was sure he could hear Toshiko's voice, and he held a hand up for the others to be silent as he tried to listen out for it. He heard something of a struggle. He had heard it too often after gigs in alleys or in the actual events themselves. But what was odd was the silence that came after that. Jude looked to the others with a worried expression, though, that had turned to sudden fear as he shouted, "Crap, look out!"

A horse practically bolted past them with a bandana tied around its neck. Jude looked in the direction from where it came from before looking to the others. "I think we have a lead!"
Summer Storms

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Taigakitt Taigakitt Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Anne Boolean Anne Boolean

"Hmm? Why not are you shy senpai all have you know I'm very good at it." Summer says giving her club leader a little tease before drawing her attention back to Izumi "What! you know little to nothing and here I thought you would be useful." Summer poults now running out of ideas. "Fine I won't complain too much but if anything happens to Muski you won't hear the end of it." A moment later they are finally able to see the others insight along with a living stuff bear and Junko with her henchmen Hayako in Cowgirl clothes? What? Summer looked on in confusion of the sight before her. Then looked back up at Izumi "Did I fall asleep in class again this is real right? And what do you mean that they aren't the real ones? You know what never mind there is clearly trouble going on I guess ill have to break it up." She crossed her arms annoyed and started to approach the group. "Guys what's happening why are you randomly fighting?!" And then suddenly black shadows appeared with cowboy hats? These must be the monsters "Crap everyone get out of the way those are dangers." She runs towards the others hoping to block any dangers.

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    Bear, Shadows, Mei ( Taigakitt Taigakitt ) Aurora ( Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider ) Masakazu ( The Regal Rper The Regal Rper ) Izumi ( Anne Boolean Anne Boolean ) Summer ( Pik Pik )
    ~ Metaverse Battle ~
    All The Things She Said || Toshiko’s CS File

    She couldn’t help but smile at Aurora’s little declaration of strength. GOOD! This was the backbone she knew the girl had buried deep inside her. The bear seemed ready to help too! This would be a walk in the park. At least that’s what she thought before Hayato caught her punch. A wave of pain shot through her as the woman tightened her hold far beyond what she would ever expect from the other.


    She grit her teeth at the pain not wanting to scream but unable to stop a shout as her breath started to quicken. With a tug back she tried to escape it’s hold but found herself stuck. Her panic increased as she flailed around. She didn’t think being locked up was the worst they could do and was clearly proven right as she was tugged forwards just before being slammed back in the direction she came from.

    She slammed her head against a wall and suddenly her vision was doubled. From the corner of her eye she could see another group that she hadn’t realized was even there at first. No… She couldn’t get them involved too. It was her own dumb underestimating the two that had this escalate.

    “W-was that the best you got?”

    With a push to the floor she brought herself back up. She wasted no time running back into the fray. She refused to leave Aurora on her own. She brought a hand up wiping away the tears that had begun to spill over. She hated pain but she hated bullies more!

    Yet they weren’t the only problems they had as inky goopy sherrifs had come to town. So then they were the heroes right? They were gonna need their power boost now then! Because if she couldn’t even handle Hayato and it was just her and Aurora…. well this wasn’t going to end well.



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    Jude ( Arcanist Arcanist ) Aoi ( Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum ) ??? ( Taigakitt Taigakitt )
    ~ ??? ~
    GIANTS || Shigeru's CS File

    He was trying desperately to find the source of the shout. That was Toshiko right? It had to be, and of course she’d be yelling. What had she gotten into now? He couldn’t get a good sense for where it came from with it’s echoing but with each moment he got closer until there was sudden silence.


    No no it couldn’t be. If that was Toshiko she’d be even louder after winning. Because losing wasn’t an option if there really were monsters running around. Fuck when they got out of this shit he was drilling her until she could easily dance through the boxing forms. He was lucky enough that something came from the direction he figured the struggle was.

    He nodded at Jude’s shout, already dodging grabbing Aoi by the hand as he yanked her out of the way of the horse barreling towards them. He looked back as it passed weirded out even more by this place than before.

    “Thanks for the heads up.”

    He dropped Aoi’s hand, checking quickly that she was okay. Looked fine? He didn’t focus much before he turned to nod to Jude. He wanted to sprint ahead at full force but he had to take the others in account. He didn’t intend to leave them defenseless. He bit his lower lip with obvious worry.

    “Be careful, who knows what caused that struggle.”

    He started to jog ahead listening for their footsteps behind him and slowing his pace when he couldn’t hear them as clearly until they caught up. Once they jogged a bit he began to scan the stores. Saloon was a great first choice to look, but what was a Saloon?


Aoi Mochizuki

She hated it. She hated everything. But this? She hated this more. Stuck with a straight-laced student and a nobody of a classmate. Toshiko is lucky that she has someone who cares about her and the idea of that flared jealousy in Aoi's numb heart. But these emotions would get her nowhere especially at a time like this and so once again she locked it deep into the abyss.

Huh? She thought to herself as she heard a voice loud and similar to her boisterous classmate. Oddly enough, there was little to nothing in sight. No students, no other forms of life, not-

Suddenly, by force, she was yanked out of the way of a galloping horse. She glared at Shigeru the moment his eyes landed on hers. She wasn't going to thank him if anything he should have left her alone and be trampled by the horse. "Whatever, midget. Let's just go." She grumbled as she followed him in briskly while cradling her wrist.

"We're basically looking for a bar, right?" She asked Jude who was the one who suggested for them to look for a Saloon. "I'm sure it'll be easy to find because it will have a sign. It would also be the only building with those batwing doors." Suddenly the idea of finding a bar was enticing, she could feel her mouth start to dry and the prospect of having a drink would be nice if there was anything to drink at all.

mention: || interaction: Arcanist Arcanist BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

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Matsuda, Jude

Mentions: - | Interactions: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic (Shigeru), Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum (Aoi)
Shigeru was light and quick on his feet, even managing to get Aoi out of the way quick enough before she could get hit by whatever that thing was that went flying past them. Aoi didn't seem particularly grateful for that quick-thinking, though, he was learning that she was just one of those people who couldn't have cared less or wouldn't admit that they cared less.

"Right," Jude nodded to Shigeru, knowing that they needed to be careful wherever they turned in this wild western setting, and once all three recovered from the sudden gallop-by, set off further into the town. As they walked, Aoi had made some suggestions of what the saloon would look like, and Jude nodded to her too, rather impressed by the knowledge she had. "That's good thinking. With any luck, we'll find a bunch of people in there. That's usually where a lot of people end up going..." He watched a lot of westerns.

And well, nothing changed in the present time, with people frequenting bars rather regularly.

Jude paused in the dusty road among some building, searching the area before it landed on what he believed was the saloon he was looking for. He looked to the others and gestured. "In here!" He called before he walked towards it first, only slowing when he got closer to the batwing doors.

He expected to hear more noise or perhaps even witness signs of life, but it was eerily silent. So silent, he could hear the wind whistling through the building. No doubt it had a lot of room for drafts. Jude tutted, rubbing his chin, "Nothing...damn, where is everyone?"

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