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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

Akio looked temporarily confused then shook his head and chuckled. "I didnt come here for that, i simply came out here to play guitar without bothering anyone." He said patting his trusty instrument. In truth he didnt think the girl could take him, he had always been fond of a fight and was confident in his ability to hold his own
Ana blinked at him. "Something wrong?", she asked timidly. An entire circus of expressions ran helter-skelter across her face. The show finished its act with a mildly perplexed expression. What in the world is she thinking? "I'm sorry. I am uh? Not all that social?" Is she asking me if I'm social, or is she stating that she herself isn't social? Kolbe couldn't tell. Glancing back at the fridge, he made a split second decision and grabbed the milk carton. Oh dancing cow, don't fail me now.

"Oh dancing cow, don't fail me now." In his intense drink-pouring focus, Kolbe didn't realize he'd said his mantra out loud. He simply watched the stream of dairy collecting in the cup, muttering the chant to himself.
Fane poked her face tenderly. "Your blushing," he smiled blushing a twinge as well. He actually loved cats for being a fox- they reminded him of his family. Mainly the triplets Maria Malena And Melinda. They were always full of energy giving him something to do every day. Without realising what was happening,

A small barely noticeable tear traced his face racing at almost full speed towards his neck.


Aoi started a small- getting louder growl. In the back of his head e knew he could easily take them down since they were half human and in a way he could have taken those dogs down too but he was too simple for that. Blood was not his thing. In this case however he sensed a threat and it started on Skylar's face. He laid there watching Ari ready to spring if necessary.


Akahana blinked and blinked again not able to say a single word. She was also too shocked to see he was pouring her milk... To hear his small little chant. MILK! She loved milk with all her heart, it was like the forbidden fruit in her culture and she loved consuming it whether human form and cold or cat form warmed in a saucer. Her tail went straight up flicking back and forth at the tip in happiness.

"Have i given you a reason to doubt me?" He said in a voice that was half challenge, half question.
The male one was growling towards Skylar, the female one distrusting. "Akio you already saved them, if they don't trust us enough to even talk to us then we can't really do anything." Skylar sighed.
Aurora looked up at him, her smile immediately fading when she saw the tear. She reached up and used the pad of her thumb to gently wipe it away. "What's wrong?" she asked softly, her voice barely audible but tender. She stuffed her hand back in her lap as she silently waited for an answer. He didn't have to tell her if he didn't want to, but a piece of her hoped he would.
Kolbe finished pouring. He now had a glass of frothy, cold milk in front of him. Looking up, he noticed Ana staring intensely at the cup, an expression of sheer delight lighting up her face. Her tail was up and twitching in what Kolbe presumed to be a happy gesture. He sighed in relief. Mr. Moo hadn't failed him after all.

He slid the glass accross the table to the girl waiting on the counter-top, then sat back in his chair to finish his breakfast, smiling to himself. Haha, success! I am the awesomest conversationalist ever! The two of use are definitely friends for life. He paused, then started laughing at his own ridiculous thoughts. "If making friends was so easy, I'd carry a carton of milk with me everywhere." He giggled at his toast.
Sashi stood in the driveway of the mansion. "This place is big..." She whispered to herself, shaking a little. What if the people in there were mean...? She kicked a small rock across the driveway. Sashi silently walked up to the big doors and knocked with a shaky hand. She hoped someone was there.
Skylar turned around to see a girl struggling with the door, he walked over leaving Akio with the two in the tree. He opened the door in front of her, "Need a little help?" He smiled at the girl.
She blushed. "Well... uh... thanks..." She looked down and twiddled with her thumbs. "I'm Sashi..." This was so embarrassing! She was scared to look up.
"I'm Skylar, but you may call me Sky. Its a pleasure to meet you Sashi." He smiled as he held his hand out, awaiting a hand shake.
She looked at his hand and reached hers out to shake it. Her face was still bright red. "Hi Sky..." She moaned. She was so awkward and stupid...
"Can I show you to your room, or was there even one left?" Sky drifted to thought. He was worried there wouldn't be any left, "Did you reserve one or anything of the sort?"
Her eyes widened. "N-no!" She sat down and pouted. "Stupid me!" Sashi put her face in her arms and moaned again. Terrible first impression.
"Ah come on it ain't that bad, the people here are friendly enough, someone will share their room." Skylar hesitated, but took a chance. "You can bunk with me, a pretty girl living with me would do some good for my popularity here." He chuckled and waited for her response.
She looked up with a crimson red face. "I-I'm not pretty..." She shook her head to herself. "I... guess I could bunk with you..." She hadn't bunked with a guy before...
"Ahh, don't sell yourself short." He put his hand on his hip and gestured for her to put her hand inbetween his arm and his body. "I promise I keep my room quite tidy for a guy, come on I show you."
She looked at his hand and then at his face. "Uh..." She closed her eyes nervously and slipped her hand in between his arm and his body. "Alright..."
He smiled, leading her up through the foyer, up the stairs and opened the door to the room, allowing her to go in first. "Not too bad, it has a couch that ill sleep on." He pointed to the king sized bed, large enough for 4 of her, "You of course, being the lady, may have the bed." He began removing his personal items from beside the pillow, his music sheets, his journal, and his computer.
She shook her head. "No... you're nice enough to let me stay with you. You can have the bed too. It's big enough for two people." She smiled a gentle smile. This guy seemed nice enough.
On that note he sat on the bed, gesturing for her to sit too. "So, mind telling me about yourself, or would you like some privacy?" Either way Skylar knew he would be spending a lot of time with this girl, which was frankly ok.
"I don't really like attention..." She said blushing. She hated herself... "I don't have parents, and I grew up alone. I never had a family member, or dated people." She instantly felt stupid. "D-Don't think of me as heartless! I-I mean..." She stood up and ran out of the room. I'm such an idiot! People will hate me at the state!
He watched her run from the room, but before rounding the corner he grabbed her hand. "Now little lady, that isn't the best way to end a conversation. I think you have the biggest heart of anyone here, so why don't you come back and tell me more."

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