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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

She looked at her hand, then his, then back at hers. "Fine..." She walked back into the room and sat on the bed. "What do you want to know...?"
"Anything I should know to bunk with you." This girl intrigued Sky, she was sweet and innocent, but so unsure of herself.
"I Roll in my sleep... usually from nightmares..." She looked down. She always had nightmares... "Sorry if I ever wake you up, Sky..."
"Well ill be waking up to comfort you, which is a fine reason to wake up, in fact I would be more then grateful to." Hunter wondered about her, "What else should know?"
"Ah," he started and wiped his own eyes. "I'm, sorry," he paused for a long time. The silence lingered in the room like that one black cloud in a bed of all white clouds. Finally the sound of his ears flicking broke the silence.

"I had a family... We had to scatter though because of my cousin's father destroyed our coven. We were all safe there- a mansion..." He was now in a trip to the past. "Much like this one, we lived in a mansion, we thrived off of one another some wild cats others lizards," he remembered Alichino as if the albino iguana was right in frot of him. "We had girls and guys with wings as large as a basketball player. We had everything you could have thought of... But we were all related in some way or another. I can't find anyone... Not since the fire," he finished taking in a deep breath. He was crying full on now unable to stop it. His tears were silent and his body was motionless. He held his ears close to his head weeping in utter silence.

His heart had felt like it did that day. It was absolutely impossible to mend that depth of a broken heart. Not when it was already broken before. In the essence of it all it was not truly with forcing him to try and be happy. He did try and hide it he did well but he had not many friends. None of his family did. They were always shunned and hurt by human hands and shunned and hurt by their own species hand. Here there was no way to win.


Aoi huffed slightly with his fur now on end. He absolutely hated the tension in the air. His body felt too tense to move let alone stay in this tree. He almost looked to Ari for advise.


Akahana smiled slightly and reached slowly for the milk. She realised as she brought the sweet treat to her lips that she was the one who had practically done all the talking. She blinked flicked her tail and jumped from the counter making no noise at all whilst performing this. She took herself and her cup towards the boy sitting acids from him.

Her black dress fluttered slightly when she moved along with her long tail which rested in her lap ready to get cleaned as soon as sew as finished with her milk. Being as small as she was she was incredibly flexible. So much so that she was capable of pulling her leg up to her chest resting her got at the edge of the chair watching the boy. "T- thanks for the m-milk," she stammered not wanting to be the one talking all the time.

"I, uh, love milk. I- I'm, a uh, um, I'm a tortoiseshell coloured Turkish angora," it was a cat and of course nervous Akahana could have said that but when she was nervous all she knew was how to complicate things. "What are you?" She managed to ask unsure of what he was.
Ari looked at the people on the ground. "I guess, it couldn't hurt." She said, slowly climbing down the tree.
Aurora listened intently in silence as she studied him. Without a word, she stood up and hugged him tightly, hoping it would at least help. She didn't know what to say, so she figured silence was the best option as of right now.
"Wait...? You'd like to help me...? That's sweet." She couldn't help but smile. "Oh... uh... That's about all you need to know..." She blushed again.
Fane froze when Aurora hugged him. He, incapable of making any sounds at all just stood there like a pole until he gave in and rested his arms around the girl hugging her in return.

His hugs were soft. His strength tender but strong. He rested on her listening to her beating heart for several moments in pure silence.



Aoi jumped when Ari slid down the tree then he took his human form. His body was still light in comparison to a normal boy his size and he was pretty tall. He dropped next to Ari placing his hand on her shoulder with his tail flashing back and forth in shear anger. He didn't like Skylar and nothing was going to change that opinion for him.
Tanami left his room and went to Aurora's. He knocked, then went in and saw Aurora and another boy hugging. He just stared for a moment, the turned and walked to the staircase, sitting on it. He didn't know what to think. He had been in his room for a few hours, and now this came?
"There's no need to thank me," she said softly after pulling away. "I just try to help," she decided to add as she sat back down and curled her tail tightly around her waist. She picked up the nearly sleeping kitten and sat her in her lap, petting her head gently.
(@KuroKami Ruler just satin Fane and Aurora are in her room,)

Fane found himself comforted by her hug and so crawled onto the sofa in front of Aurora. "So, err, uh, have you ever seen a fox howl at the moon?" He tried her so desperately hard to change the subject.
Hr growled something to himself before digging his claws into the wood of the stair he currently sat on. Now he knew how she felt. Was this... anger... jealousy...?
"Course I would help, but I am definitely not sweet. Speaking of that, you don't know me very well do you?" Hunter prompted the question.
Well I just met you, silly!" She smiled cutely and sat back down on the bed. "I sorta just met you." She yawned and stretched, the lied down. "Anything I need to know about you?"
"I haven't honestly, but I enjoy it quite a bit," Aurora admitted with a half smile. She was thankful that Fane had decided to try and change the subject. Now fixes howling at moons? This was about to get more interesting.
He stood up and huffed before deciding to go outside. When he stepped through the doors, a blast of heat hit him. "Lord, it's hot!" Tanami walked to the edge of the woods at stared at a big tree, planning his climb.
"Well I guess I should tell you I am a little bit of a flirt, but I think you know that." He chuckled, and she seemed to finally be relaxing. He layed back, "I don't know, guess I could tell you I am an early riser. So if I wake you I am sorry.".
She blushed and nodded. "You've been flirting with me since I got here." She giggled. "I am too, so it's fine." She blew at her face, trying to move the hair from her eyes. It wouldn't budge, and was starting to annoy her.
Skylar rolled his eyes, he pushed the hair from her face with a gesture of his tail. "You are quite the girl, you know that. Innocent and sweet, yet after a couple hours you feel comfortable enough to let me flirt?"
Her face got super red and she stammered. "N-No!" She crossed her arms and looked at his tail. He should've just used his hand... "Humph!"
"Well with that little lady I believe that's my note to sleep." He got under the cover and left his arm strewn across her side, "You can join me if you don't want go meet some of the other ones. His eyes were closed as we already trying to relax and drift asleep.
She looked at his arm and made a small yipping sound. "I-I'll s-stay here..." She moved a bit closer to him and closed her eyes as well.
He wouldn't accept a little closer, Skylar pulled her close, and settled in for the night. "I am happy to hear it, finally getting to share a room with a beautiful girl.".

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