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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

Akio walked upstairs to his room trying to decide what to do, she said she liked music and he had his instruments but what song would be good. When he walked upstairs he saw the guy from earlier being let in, he wondered who that guy was. He slipped into his room. However having saw the guy walk in he decided he would not go right away, instead he walked outside to be treated to the sight of a girl in a tree. "Um hi."
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"Well I guess that's good," said Fane trotting into the room and stopping right by the sofa taking his human form. He rested his elbows on the hand of the couch and rested his chin on on his hands and flicked his silver tail slowly back and forth. He blinked.

His huge brown eyes almost stated at her as if to be begging for something. Though he would use his huge puppy dog eyes for purposes of getting what he wanted he didn't have a say in when this gaze took effect.


Aoi raced past the tree Ari was in hollering at the top of his lungs. No sooner had his green-black body flashed by Ari did two huge Rottweiler dogs come pounding after him.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed bloody murder. "HEEEELP MEEEEEE!!!!!" He squealed looping back around the tree and then in one bountiful adrenalin induced jump scaled the tree landing straight on top of Ari. The dogs pawed up the tree wining and barking at him.


"Uhhhh," Akahana realised her statement was mistook for her name. "My name is actually Akahana but-" she swallowed flicking her ears as she tied the feather back to the string it hung from. "Most people all me Ana," she blinked ahoy she was able to get a statement out without being all stammered and fighting her fear. She smiled at last.

"I, uh- y- yeah, sure..." She trailed off not knowing why she said yes- she hated orange juice she was a cat for gods sake the only time she used any kind of citrus was to either cook or play with like it was a yarn ball. "What am I thinking? she wondered silently shivering more visibly now. Her feet fumbled and twitched as well as her hands playing with her feather still.
Ari shook her head. "Wha-" She stopped speaking after she saw Aoi's face strait in her chest. "Aoi, kindly move yourself before I do it for you." She said, her aura growing dark.
"Ehhh yah, Aoi jumped off her onto a higher branch just above her. "I'm so sorry," he said staring straight at her with a look of pure horror on his face. "I was trying to escape those demons," he flipped out his paw to the two dogs jumping on the ground trying to get at him.

In all his chaos with the dogs he still wondered if he had screwed something up with Ari. "Y- your not mad at me are you?" He couldn't help but inquire.
Akio could only blink as a boy and two large dogs ran past him and around the tree where the girl he was looking at was sitting. In a surprising show of agility the boy scaled the tree in a instant and left the dogs in the dust. While the girl talked to Aoi, akio let out a low growl and the dogs suddenly stopped and looked at him, one whimpered pitifully. While akio was part wolf not part dog they were related closely enough and not many dogs would disobey him, his father had enough control to actually own a wolf at one point. The dogs came and sat beside him while he gazed up the tree at the two.
Giving a small smile, she pulled out a journal and a pen as she spoke. "I'm Aurora," she said, her voice soft and gently but with a hint of confidence. She liked her name despite all the Sleeping Beauty jokes she got. After writing down something, she quickly closed the book and tucked it safely under the sofa.

Sitting back up, she looked at Fane and raised a light brown eyebrow. "Having fun?" she asked him. A small smile was playing and dancing across her face as she tried to hide it. Her blue eyes stared a hole into his brown ones as her tail flicked every now and then. One of her ears perked up, but the other stayed squared against her head.
Fane blinked unaware of what was going on. He swallowed and flicked his ears. "Um?" He questioned. "With what?" He questioned turning his whole head and dropping an ear keeping the other one perked. He was mimicking her at this point. "I'm Fane, and I think Aurora is a magical name," he felt instantly stupid but played off as he was not completely and utterly horrified with what he had said.


"In all honestly I didn't know you were up here, I mean my only focus was not getting my tail bit off and no hunters coming at me. This forest is littered with those creeps..." He whispered and then noticed the boy.

"Hey, thanks man, could you perhaps also work your magic on making them put their owner off the trail... I ain't never seen rotties as hunters... Their more guard dogs if you know what I mean. But that guy's got a huge rifle..."
Skylar left the house and approached Akio and his dogs. "So, you pinning people in trees now?" He smiled and looked at the two in the tree.
He looked at skylar and looked in the woods. "He claims they belong to a hunter, but what are they doing out here? i heard this place was relatively safe."
Aoi let out a distressed growl towards Skylar and sniffed slightly. He was happy to be with Ari. Even a little territorial over her since she bumped her head but he wasn't ready to admit that. After all in the end he had only known Ari for a few hours.

He thought though that it was almost his parent mentality that caused him to do that.
"My name is Akahana but-" the girl paused, tethering the feather back on its string. "Most people call me Ana." She smiled in relief. She finished an entire sentence without stammering. Kolbe wanted to clap for her, but he didn't think his applause would be taken too kindly. Do- Ana might think I'm mocking her. Wait, she's still speaking. Listen to her, you insensitive clout!

"y-yeah, sure..." The girl was drawing back within herself, and the stammering was back. Was she offended by his clapping? No way, he hadn't actually clapped, or even said anything. Kolbe thought for a moment. The juice. My offer of a glass of juice earlier, she accepted it. "Sure, I'll pour you some orange-flavored orange juice." Shut up. He walked over to the refrigerator with an empty glass. Opening the door, he glanced briefly at Ana, noticing that she seemed rather agitated again. Her whole body was shivering and she fumbled with her feather.

Had he said something wrong? Or...Kolbe turned back to the refrigerator and his frustrated glance fell upon the carton of milk. Perhaps...He turned and looked at the girl's ears, which were flicking furiously back and forth. Maybe...He faced the refrigerator again, studying the tap-dancing cow on the milk carton. She wants milk? Those were cat ears right? Cats liked milk, right? But if she isn't a cat, she'll be offended. What if she really is a dog? I'd be labeling her as her own worst enemy. Kolbe furrowed his brow, wishing the little two-step cow could tell him what to do.
Skylar talked to the ones in the tree with a gentle voice, "These aren't our dogs, we aren't hunters. Akio can you do something with those dogs?"
"Well thank you," Aurora said in reference to the compliment. "And I asked because you were staring at me," she added as she laid her other ear down. She couldn't help but laugh slightly and propped her feet up beside her as Aphrodite jumped up beside her, giving a high pitched "meow" before yawning.
Clicks his tongue and lets out another growl and the two dogs ran off. "They wont be coming back unless i order them, my family has always had good control with dogs.
"Ah superb skills, going to come down now!?" The ones in tree seemed afraid of Skylar and Akio more then the dogs, he sighed. "This is going to be a hard cookie to crack."
Akahana blinked silently watching Kolbe. "Something wrong?" She wondered swallowing slightly nervous still. She had not had any time to cope with the fact she just now talked to a stranger at least seven times. He had to be safe and yet she wondered if it was him that scared her into accepting orange juice- of all the drinks in the world a fruit based one. She thought she was going completely mad.

She also had no time to wonder what poor Kolbe was thinking, what if he was blaming himself for her stammering like a Baka. "I'm sorry. I am uh? Not all that social?" She was asking a lot of questions now instead of being able to punctuate her sentences.

{guess we walked into a grammar class, my bad. xD }


Aoi blinked his greenish yellow eyes and then they went wide. Had she heard what he was thinking? His nine tailed mother was a god and could do that did that mean that this nine tail fox could as well, did she tap into his innermost thoughts. He shoo his head unaware of what to say and chose to change the subject.

"Your family would love Coyoty, she's queen over wolves and dogs. She can command them to do whatever she wants." Explained Aoi remembering the half wolf girl. She also had bird in her and various other things but he did not think she would be accepted here not that she even wanted to stay. She was too free for that. And too fifteen to enjoy the place. She most likely would never find anyone to settle down with for the fact she absolutely loved her control over dogs and wolves for the sheer fact that she enjoyed the company they gave to her.

"You would love her too Ari. Her mum is a medical personal for our species and could help you with all your problems. Just wondering, this place has a medical wing... Right?"

{kinda want to add her now... She is probably too OP though. She is for most RP}


Fane blinked and straightened himself up standing at last. He was in a black button up and an open vest with a pair of black slacks on. "Sorry." He breathed and traced his finger over the cats head slowly as to not frighten it.

"It's cute," he said smiling at the cat. "What's its name?" He wondered blinking nervously this time. He was sure to excentuate it as terminology since he did not know the cats gender.

"Oh... And your welcome. Has anyone told you your eyes are pretty...?"
"They haven't so thank you once again. And her name is Aphrodite," she said with a wide smile on her face. She wasn't used to getting compliments, so she was completely unaware of the light pink blush that had swept across her face.
"Speaking of which i should introduce myself, my name is akio and this is skylar. And you are?"
"Ari." Ari said with confidence. She stood up and looked at them. "If you have any intention of hurting me, you have another thing coming!" She yelled.
Skylar shot a smug look at Akio, "Us hurt someone as strong as you, that's impossible. Promise not to hurt us before coming down, miss Ari."

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