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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

Aurora smiled politely at Akio and hopped off the fridge. She landed on the floor with a soft tap before standing up straight and brushing herself off. She finished her chips and threw the bag away . She made her way into the living room, but she froze at all the people and quickly turned around. She moved into the foyer and sat down on the staircase, humming softly.
He glanced at the new guy who came in who seemed to be finding cooking materials. Was he planning to cook for everyone or just himself, was their even a cooking system in this house? Aurora while smiling politely at him was just that, polite. From the way she avoided the living room it was obvious she was avoiding people. A few moments after she left the kitchen he followed silently making him hard to notice till he sat next to her. "Hey."
"Umm hey," Aurora managed to say as she brought her knees to her chest nervously. Wrapping her tail around her waist, she laid her ears lopsided against her head.
Oh, great. The guy left too. Nobody here likes to cook, I see. But at least now, with the girl gone, he could open the refrigerator. Eggs, half-eaten package of bacon, a loaf of bread, ketchup bottle, broccoli...ew...orange juice, hot dogs, bell peppers, tomatoes, bagels, yogurt, a carton of milk... ...The kitchen is well stocked.

Grabbing an armful of ingredients, Kolbe nudged the refrigerator door closed, and dumped his bounty on the counter.
"Hey whats wrong, you seem overly nervous today." He said a bit worried, he knew he didnt have much right to make assumptions about her personality already but she just seemed so off. It worried him more then he care'd to admit even to himself.
Fane- finding himself with no response to his question shoved his hands in his pockets and walked back into the foyer. There he saw a girl sitting on the stairs and another person right beside her. He was bored and so he took his silver black with hints of brown and gold fox self and walked up to Aurora and the stranger.

His legs were long comparatively speaking to his thin lanky overly furred body. He blinked his large brown eyes and watched the two converse. He curled into a sit flipping his tail around his paws like a cat- it's what he got for having all those cat influences on his life.


Shrugging, Jack put his hands in his pockets and walked out of the kitchen so that he might explore the house. "Well East coast girls are hip, I really dig the styles they wear. And the Southern girls with they way they talk, they knock me out when I'm down there." He sang in a voice that imitated the Beach Boys rather well. "The Mid-West farmer's daughters really make you feel alright. And the Northern girls with the way they kiss, they keep their boyfriends warm at night." He loved this song, it was as if the Beach Boys had read his mind while writing it. "I wish they all could be California girls." Just then, he passed by Aurora and Akio. He shot Aurora a wink and his charming grin before skipping off, still singing his song.


"No, it's okay. I didn't mean to frighten you, I just..." Ash trailed off, hearing Jack's singing above him and sighed. "I'm just not used to seeing girls." He admitted quietly as he crawled out of the bed to turn of the light. He went over to her and smiled nervously. "My name's Ash. I'm here with Jack, the weird tall guy." He chuckled, tossing hair out of his eyes. "What's your name, miss?"
"It's nothing. I'm fine," she lied, looking away. "Just needed a walk," she said simply as she turned her gaze down. She was glad he cared, but it was nothing for anyone to be worried about.
Flipping the toast in the frying pan, Kolbe glanced briefly into the foyer. The girl and the boy, a couple, he thought, were sitting on the stairs, talking quietly to each other. And then a fox-boy walked up to them and sat down, openly listening to the pair's conversation.

Tossing the slice of egg-fried bread onto a paper plate, Kolbe wondered at the confusing relationships the other nekos seemed to have.
Hikaru shifted her footing, calming down a bit. "Hikaru Sora Yuri, but please call me Usagi or Sora." Good, the stuttering's gone. She moved some light blue-white hair from her eyes, loosening her tail grip and clasp on her rabbit. "I saw you two asleep on the couch," she giggled, remembering the sight.
His eyes narrowed. "Its not nothing, if a walk was all you needed you'd be fine by now, i heard you left earlier." His voice wasent accusing just pointing out. He sighed and his face softened. "Just tell me what going on, i know something is wrong, even i can tell that."
"I was just thinking about...things," she said. She didn't know him well enough to trust him with her life story yet, so she steered clear of the topic altogether, letting out a soft sigh, she tightened her tail around her torso and flattened her ears against her head.
"If you want I can take you for a walk," offered Fane with a strange foxish smile. He twitched his ears and waited for the girl to take his offer. She looked like she needed air and though severely flirtatious as Fane was he recognised when people did not want to be flirted with. He blinked and turned his head the other way reaching out his paw at the girl faking pawing at her- also something a cat would do. Or more like a dog that wanted to have his paw shaken. Whatever he looked like. He hoped he looked cute enough to sway her to him just so he could get her out of this stuffy house. That's why he had the basement.
Foxy's making a move. Are the couple not officially together? Or maybe Foxy's a flirt. Chewing thoughtfully, Kolbe watched the events in the foyer unfold. This toast needs more salt.
"Whatcha looking at?" Akahana asked flipping her long brown hair back. She was seated on the counter at least a foot or two away from the boy as he watched the people in the foyer.

"You know eavesdropping could get you into a lot of trouble," continued the girl playing now with her feather hair piece. She was having a near anxiety attack sitting there in the open like that but she was told by Aoi to make friends. Anyone would be willing to talk to her, Aurora was nice to talk to, her hands were also soft upon her silky fur. She almost felt jealous of the other people getting to talk to her. She wanted to be the one to comfort her. But she knew that would look wrong. Even if she was a cat. These people had heightened senses, they could practically smell her gender.

"Umm I'm fine," Aurora said to the stranger after noticing Jack wink at her. "Just give me time," she added and stood up abruptly. She ran upstairs and to her room, closing the door. She sat on her couch next to Aphrodite and started strumming her guitar quietly as she thought about her past.
Akio turned and looked at Fane with a confused face. Was he trying to flirt with her? Now of all times, seriously..... He was trying to help her and this guy was doing what? He just gave him a look of really now as Aurora ran off.
A voice popped up to his left. Kolbe turned mid-chew to look at the neko sitting on the counter. She flipped her long, brown hair back.

"You know eavesdropping could get you into a lot of trouble." Now she fiddled with her hair piece, looking almost expectantly at him. Kolbe sipped his orange juice, and wondered how he should respond. Is that a real feather?

"Is that a real feather?" Shoot. I said that aloud, didn't I? Great conversation, Kolbe. She probably thinks you're an idiot.

(@CZDoubleU )
"Eh?" Akahana let the feather go by accident and fumbled nervously to pick it back up. "Err, ah, yeah, it's real. It was my first kill," [italics] Schizta, Did I really just say that?![/italics] she wondered to herself. "I'm... Yh. Dog-" she paused throwing her hand over her mouth and flipping her ears forward still shaking. Her semi-long furred tail flashed back and forth lashing with fear. "Uhh, is that real orange juice?" [italics]Brilliant! I'm so ingenious[/italics] she thought again beating herself up silently



Fane's eyes went wide. [italics] "Crap,"[/italics] "Um hi there. I am not some sort of creeper, don't look at me like that." The boy sneered at the other narrowing his eyes. "And if I was flirting with her I would not be pawing at her like some sort of DOG!" He growled and raced up the stairs after Aurora's scent.

He paused at a few doors still sniffing the girl out. Finally he came to a door where a soft tune was coming from the room. He stopped sat and scratched at the door.
Aurora stopped and sighed internally. She sat her guitar down an picked up the purring kitten. She got up making her way to the door and opened it, revealing the stranger on the other side. Petting Aphrodite's head, she took a deep breath but stayed silent.
"I'm sorry," Fane started standing and taking a step back. "I couldn't leave you like that. I'm too much of a caring person to just leave you in this kind of way. I know you know nothing about me or anything. I'm practically the monster under your bed for all you know. But in the end I'm genuinely worried about you," he pulled his ears back squaring them against his head and looking down. He was actually afraid for once of making the girl hate him. Too many people saw him as an impersonal creep but he tried not to. All he wanted was one friend besides his sister.

He sighed and tried to think what to do, should he follow. Nothing had happened recently so it had to have something to do with her past, his past wasent happy but neither were many others, especially here. He touched the guitar on his back thoughtfully.
Aurora put the kitten down and stepped aside, letting him in. She gave a small, polite smile and closed the door behind him. She sat back down on the couch, her tail trapping across her lap. She pet it softly as she said, "You don't look like the monster under my bed."
Ari looked around. She wasn't sure where Aoi was but she wanted to know. She started wandering around, looking for him, her tails bouncing everywhere. She looked around but couldn't find him. She walked outside and found a tree and climbed it. She sighed, her tails flopping all over the place as she sat.
"err, ah, yeah, it's real. It was my first kill," She stammered, dropping the feathered clip and trying unsuccessfully to pick it back up. Oh? She kills birds? Great, we'll be good friends. Before Kolbe could respond, the girl blurted her name. "I'm...Yh. Dog-" Her tail swished back and forth in agitation. Kolbe took a sip from his glass, waiting for her to speak again. She was trying to say something.

"Uhh, is that real orange juice?" The girl seemed to cringe at her own question. Am I scaring her? Maybe she's nervous, but why? I'm just a stranger in a hoodie, eating in her kitchen and...oh. Yeah, I'm probably scaring her.

"This is orange juice. Yup. It tastes like oranges. Want a glass, Dog?" Orange juice tastes like oranges. Of course it does, you stupid buffon! Kolbe decided he should probably just shut up and give the girl some breakfast. Maybe she was hungry.


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