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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

"Yeah, you purple freak!" Ash, trying to flick Jack's ear but had both of his hands grabbed and held down. He fussed, trying to pull up from Jack's grasp but he definitely wasn't getting out of it.

Jack grinned at Aurora apologetically, "Sorry about him, he's still grumpy." He said,clamping a hand over Ash's mouth to shut him up. "Good morning everyone, sorry for falling asleep on the couch." He said, only slightly struggling to keep Ash down. "Would one of you mind showing us the basement rooms?"
I walked out of the room, motioning for them to follow. I opened the trap door to the basements and climbed down the ladder, skipping the last five rungs. Once she landed on the ground, she started walking down a hallway to some empty rooms.
Jack and Ash followed Aurora, Ash being kept silent by the hand still clamped over his mouth. "Wow, seems comfy down here." He chuckled, tossing his hair.

Ash pulled Jack's hand from his mouth, his violet eyes wide as he looked around him. "Are there any spiders down here?!" He asked excitedly, earning an eye roll from Jack.

"He loves spiders." He explained, shuddering at the thought.
Aurora froze momentarily and shook her head. "No there's not, but if you find any, keep them away from me," she said, a hint of seriousness lacing her voice. She stopped at an empty room and smiled, "Here."
Victoria left Abu's room and gently closed the door behind her she creep across the hallway to her room and tried to open it " Dang it why is locked "she said to herself as she growled and tried to kick the door down " Ugh !" She yelled and pushed her long blonde hair out her crystal green eyes and sat against her door humming a soft tune with her eyes closed.
Hikaru glanced up at the man named Skylar, then back to Ash and Jack. "Hello," she stated simply, her stuttering only happened once in a while, nervousness usually caused it. She purred softly, periwinkle tail finally letting go of her waist and resting behind her stuffed rabbit.
"Thanks, darling." Jack said with a wink and his charming smile. "I'm going to put him in bed here so he can actually get some sleep." He chuckled at how much Ash was pouting. "Mind if I take the room next to his?"

"Why do I have to go to bed? Why don't you go to bed?" Ash whined, not struggling much as he got into the bed.
Aurora shrugged her shoulders slightly. "I don't care. It's a laid back place. Hardly any rules so do whatcha want," she said with a slight smirk. She turned around and started to walk away as her tail swayed gently with her movement.
Jack pulled the blanket over Ash and ruffled his hair, "I'll be upstairs, take a nap and met me up there." He said, going towards the door. "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." He chuckled as he left the room and went back upstairs.

"There's bugs in here?!" Ash squealed after him, pulling the blankets over his head. "You know I don't like bugs, that's not funny!"
Tanami sighed and walked back to his room, going straight to his bed. He lied down and put his music on, closing his eyes and thumping his hand on the side of the bed.
Standing outside on the front porch, Kolbe wondered if he should knock on the door first, or just walk in uninvited. Taking a few steps back and gazing up at the impressively large building, he realized there was a balcony room on the upper-right side of the mansion. Pulling his hood down over his face, he grinned to himself.

Change of plans: he was gonna crawl in through the window.
Jack made his way into the kitchen and began to search for food. He hadn't had anything but snack recently. Apparently small children eat ridiculous amounts of food. He searched through the fridge, looking for some kind of breakfast food he could eat.
Aurora came inside after a much needed long walk around town. She went into the kitchen without a word and climbed onto the counter so she could reach the top shelf of the cabinet. Settling on a bag of chips, she climbed on top of the fridge and crossed her legs as she are in silence.
Finally settling on bacon and eggs, Jack pulled them out as he noticed Aurora climb on top of the stove. "So you do like the top of the stove." He chuckled to himself as he prepared to cook. He would've liked to have something already prepared, but he did like his own food sometimes. "Something wrong, or are you seeking alone time?" He asked, tossing his hair with a grin.
"I'm fine," Aurora said softly, her voice almost a whisper. Stuffing her hands in her lap, she looked down, training her eyes on her tail that was draped across her lap. Her ears laid lopsided on her head.
"You don't seem very fine." Jack said, finishing his food and putting it on a plate. "A girl as pretty as yourself shouldn't be sitting alone on a fridge." He chuckled as he sat himself on the counter and began to shovel food into his mouth. "Bacon always makes me feel better. Want a piece?" He asked, waving a piece of bacon in his hand with a smile.
"I don't eat bacon often," she said, refusing to make eye contact with him. "And flirting will get you nowhere," she decided to add while she was speaking. She kept eating, chip by chip, in silence, she let her tail drape over the edge of the fridge and sway softly and nonchantly.
Finally, Kolbe thought as he sauntered down the hallway. He'd gotten in and left his bag in the balcony room, in search of something to eat. The smell of bacon was wafting up from the next floor down, and his stomach growled in response. Breakfast time.
Walks into the kitchen having gone upstairs to tune his guitar. He looked at Aurora and was about to head over but paused when he saw her act so differently from her usual self. He walked over and said to jack and her. "Hey." Though he kept his eyes on aurora
Hikaru didn't feel to comfortable being out of the basement, so she waved and went back down. She decided she'd go check out that room she'd peeked in earlier, seeing if the boy was still there. She hugged the stuffed animal close to her small torso, walking to the mysterious boy's room. She pushed it open slowly, it made a creaking sound while she pushed it a little further before stepping inside. Her periwinkle tail was clung onto her left leg, twirled around it, while her ears flicked in a calm state. "H-He-Hello?" Hikaru called to the boy in a soft, shy voice, wondering how he'd react.


"Didn't mean any harm by it," Jack said, sticking up his hands in defense. "Sorry I can't change my personality." He mumbled as he stuffed the piece of bacon into his mouth. He finished off the rest of his food and put his plate in the sink. When the other male approached he smiled at him, "Hullo there. We met last night, right?" He asked, not really caring that he seemed more interested in Aurora.


Ash groggily put his head up at the sound of someone in his room, and rubbed his eyes. He felt like he just fell asleep, but he had no idea what time it was. "Huh?" He grumbled, still trying to wake himself up. "Who is it?" He asked as he slowly sat up, his eyes only half open. Once he realized it was a girl, they went wide. "Um, hi." Was all he could stammer out as he looked at the girl in his room.
Fane walked slowly up to the house enjoying the sunshine. He had been out all day skimming the gardens and the neighbourhood. At this point he was ready to get home and just go into his room. He lived in the basement and loved it. Yawning he opened the door to the house. His tail flipped back and forth until he came into the living room. He froze.

"Hey..." He trailed off and flipped his silver tail once before drooping it. "What is everyone doing all cramped in here?" He turned his head catching a glimpse of people in the kitchen as well. He whistled at the amount of people.
"S-Sorry to wake you! Th-Th-This must be the wrong room," she stuttered, throwing her hands up in defense, shaking them slowly. This mansion is too big, I can't even remember the room of the blonde headed boy, she quickly thought, peering over at the boy's room she'd intruded. "Sorry," she repeated again, rubbing her left arm nervously.
"Yes jack am i correct." He said politely though he could tell the majority of his attention was Aurora. He felt a twinge of jealousy for a moment before shoving it down. He had nothing to be jealous about, he barely knew the girl right? A voice in his head said he's known her even for a shorter time but he buried that down too. The only outside scene of his internal struggle was the twitching on his ears and glance at jack.
The first thing he noticed, walking into the kitchen, was the stack of empty plates in the sink. There was no food on the table, though there were plenty of people. Shaking his head, Kolbe thought, this just won't do. Nobody's cooking and there's a girl on top of the refrigerator.

Muttering to himself, he began searching the cupboards for a frying pan.

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