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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

"Oh shut it. I'd never hurt him. He's too adorably cute," Aurora said giggling softly as she sat next to Ash. She smiled innocently and started tickling him again, laughing a bit herself. "Just be yourself. It's adorable," I said to the boy.
"Yeah, shes quite friendly thought a bit aggressive when it comes to helping people." He said with a chuckle. "I just met her today."


Ash frowned at the people, Why do they keep laughing at me? I'll show them. "Quit laughing at me! I'm not joking!" He said, almost whining as he stood to his full 4'5" with his hands on his hips before being tickled by Aurora. He squealed and giggled, trying to pull away. "Hey! Hahaha! Stooop! It's not funny!" He clamped his hands over his mouth to hold in his laughter.
"The brave little fighter." Akio said holding in a chuckle. "We have figured out your weakness so you best surrender."
Skylar chuckled quietly, "He will get to her, he is too cute not to.". Skylar watched the anticipated battle between her tail and his will to see who will win.


With an adorable growl, Ash lunged at Aurora's tail, pouncing on it quickly. "You guys underestimate me! Like I said, I'll kick all your butts!" He mewled, holding tight onto her tail.
Aurora laughs watching Ash pounce on her tail. She smirked snaking it around his torso and sat him up. She smiled bringing her tail back to her and laid it in her lap. "I'm Aurora," she said, looking at Ash. He couldn't have been more than 12 but he was adorable.
Skylar, trying to be quiet as not to disturb the ones playing, picked up his stuff. He looked to Akio, "Goodnight, I will hopefully see you in the morning." Skylar glanced at the two on the couch, but shyness overcame him. He began walking towards the door, hoping not to awaken anybody.
"Where are you going?" Aurora asked the boy leaving? She gave him a wide smile and flicked her tail. She looked over at him and gave a small wave.


"Pleasure to meet you, Aurora." Ash said, smiling at her again. "And sorry about Jack falling asleep in the living room and thinking I have to be watched." He pointed to lanky Jack, who was blissfully sleeping. "Like he said, he hasn't slept in a few days and e haven't been indoors for sleeping in even longer." He said with a chuckle. "It's been a journey!"
Skylar slowly turned around, he coughed, momentarily intimidated by this girl. I am a guest here too, this is my house now too. Skylar chuckled, "Well as you all have described it, I don't even know if I can find an empty room. Thought I might as well start looking." He gave the girl a wave of the tail and a smile. "I am sorry I never introduced myself to you, I am Skylar or Sly for short." He walked over to give her a handshake.
"It's no problem at all," Aurora said with a smile and blushed lightly as she added, "Just between us, I've fallen asleep on top of the fridge before." She laughed at the memory and sat back, laying her ears flat against her head. She looked over at Sly and smiled shaking his hand, "I'm Aurora."


"On a fridge?" Ash asked, raising an eyebrow. "How do you even get comfortable up there? It's so small!" He said, climbing onto Jack's back and sitting cross-legged. Jack only stirred for a moment to move so that Ash wouldn't hurt his back and fell back into his sleep.
"You find a way," she said laughing at his actions. She reached over and pet his head gently before bringing her hand back to her lap.
"You'd be surprised, ive slept in tree's, in parking lots, and on roofs, ive slept on places as slender as you." He said poking the boys forehead with a grin. "Ive learned to take what i can get and fridge sounds comfortable to some of those places."
"It's not as bad as it sounds," Aurora said, shooting Akio a soft smile. She sat back against the couch and curled her tail around her waist.


"That sounds unnecessary and lame." Ash said bluntly, looking up at the male with his big eyes. He wrapped his own tail and Jack's tail around him so he felt more at ease around these people. "I've been sleeping at the foot of some trees, because we're kinda broke right now." He said with a big yawn.
"Seems like you're still sleep. There's some upstairs rooms or basement rooms if you'd like to find one and sleep," Aurora said with a smile.
"Unnecessary possibly, but hey at least i can say i did it." He said taking no offense to the boys comment. He tail switched, the wolf tail bushier then any cat tail. "Yeah go sleep, or if you want you can stay with him." Gesturing at the passed out jack.

Ash & Jack

"I guess I should..." Ash murmured, struggling to keep his eyes open. "It's been a long day." He thought for a moment about which room he would want, pursing his lips. "I'll wake up Jack so he can go to a room. He'll complain about his back all day tomorrow if he doesn't sleep in a normal bed for once. He's an old fart." He explained, climbing down off of Jack's back and shaking his shoulders until he stirred.

Jack slowly sat up, stretching his back like a cat and ran his hands through his hair. Catching a glance at Aurora, his flirtatiousness kicked in. "I had a dream about the most beautiful angel," he began, looking at Ash, pretending as if he hadn't noticed the girl yet. "She was watching over me while I slept." He then looked up at her, his red-purple eyes smoldering, "Ah, so maybe it wasn't a dream." He smiled his charming smile, earning an eye roll and a grumble from Ash.
Aurora rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Upstairs or basement rooms. I'll be in the kitchen because there's food there," Aurora said before turning on her heel. She noticed Aphrodite and picked her up with a smile. She couldn't help but smirk as she walked out of the room and into the kitchen.
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Aoi flipped his ears up but in the back of his mind he still thought she saw him as a dog. No fox liked being called a dog, and though closely related to the opposite (the cat) they hated being called that either. They were sly creatures able to avoid most hunters and get past traps otherwise unnoticed by other animals. Of their species Aoi though not having nine tails and not a god had a lot of power. Having the ability to become a real boy when applicable. He thereof was much more able to get away from hunters.

"I guess," he answered and turned his head. Akahana had not come back as of yet. He got worried.



Akahana paced the counter not wanting to become human just to get herself some food. Finally she sat down and closed her soft blue eyes. Then she reopened them and took her human form. Sighing slightly she patted down her dress and got to work making a good lunch.

For her, a tall lanky girl she had a craving for something fish related and despite her craving to eat it raw like any normal cat would she decided to cook it with lemon and sage. She threw her long brown hair into a ponytail which made her feather hair pieces visible. She also had on a long black corset style dress and a pair of knew high socks in black. She lacked shoes though and wearing socks was a step for her. She hated to wear anything that covered her feet or numbed them from feeling where she walked.

The girls blue eyes went wide halfway through her meal when Aurora walked into the room. She whirled around freezing in place. Then afraid for her life took her cat form and raced into the pantry to hide.
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Aurora watched, barely catching the girl's transformation. She went quickly went to the pantry and wrapped her tail around her waist as she sat down. She slowly held her hands out and clicked her tongue a few times, "Come on, I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise." When she spoke, she spoke softly and gently. She gave a polite smile, catching another glimpse of the girl.
Ari looked at Aoi. "She'll be fine." Ari said, sitting up. She looked at him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Trust me, she knows how to handle herself." She said. She smiled and flicked one of her tails on one shoulder and another on the other. "She will be just fine." She said, gazing into Aoi's eyes.
Walking into the kitchen to get something to eat. She noticed Aurora and another girl he had not met yet. "Hello aurora," looks at the other girl. "I dont think we've been introduced. My name is akio its a pleasure to met you. What are you all doing besides the pantry? he said unable to hold back his curiosity.

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