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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

"No I just need to see if they have a pair of jeans I've been dying to get," I said as I headed to the jeans section. I look through them frantically and pull out a pair of black skinny jeans with a red stitch pattern. Without a word, she took them to the cashier and paid. As she walked back up to him, she asked, "Do you need anything else?"
"Not immediately. Im surprised you just bought those without trying them on, what if they didnt fit." He couldnt help but think he missed quite the opportunity.
She sighed softly and went in the dressing room. After changing into them, she smiled looking in the mirror before walking out. She spun around once and giggled putting her hands on her hips. "They fit," she said, her smile not faltering.
The second she walked away he followed and was soon in front of the dressing room. as he sat and waited. He intended to remain cool and controlled, he had been with several girls while trying on cloths threw out his life. When she came out though he couldnt help but sit a bit straighter. "Damn... Yeah they fit." He eye roamed over her. "Definitely fits, compliments the outfit too." Says in a voice that was a bit rough from trying to keep it mostly normal.
Aurora blushed lightly and rolled her eyes as she went back in, closing the door behind her. She changed back and walked out. "I can usually tell what fits me and what doesn't," she said with a half smile.
"Nope. I'm happy," she said with a wide smile. She walked out of the store and looked back, waiting on Akio.
"Alright lets go." He said now calm again as they left. "Think anyone else will be awake now?"

Jack & Ash

Jack sat on the porch, leaning against the doorway with his eyes closed while Ash laid curled up in his lap, using both of their tails to keep him warm. "Can't we just go in Jack?" Ash whined sleepily, holding onto Jack's tail tightly. "I just wanna sleep inside for once." Jack pet Ash's head, rubbing his sweet-spot behind the ears.

"I don't feel comfortable going in without being invited." Jack cooed, being warmed by Ash's body. "You know how I am a stickler for common courtesy." He murmured back, hoping someone would arrive soon, so the two of them wouldn't have to sleep on the porch.
"If not, I have no problem waking them up," she said with a slight laugh. She made her way out and started walking back down the sidewalk, the way they came.
"That would be interesting, though youve been plenty of company for me." He said with a smile at her while he thought' Why does she make me feel so at ease..'
"Good to know," she said before growing quiet. Once they arrived back, she noticed two strangers sitting on the porch. "Oh..hey," she said as she went up to the door. Opening it, she turned back to them, "You didn't have to wait out here. You can come and go as you please." She smiled and walked inside p, going straight up to her room to put the jeans up.
The taxi sped away as Skylar closed the trunk and banged twice, alerting the cab driver to go. The bag was light, really only a couple set of clothes and some books. The real weight was within the guitar case slung around his shoulder. Skylar looked for the entrance and saw two men in the doorway. They seemed confused on whether to enter or not, and with that Skylar realized coming this late of night he might be in the same predicament. I hope some of the other people arrive soon.
"Greetings, im new here too but you will get used to it pretty soon. The people here are nice enough." He said walking up towards his room. "Hey im gonna be right back i need my guitar." He said taking a few steps at a time till he grabbed it and slung it over his shoulder.
Skylar watched as the two were let inside, he casually approached. "Hey, mind letting me in while you are at it?"

Jack & Ash

Jack was awoken by the two people who had just returned, and he gently shook Ash's shoulder to wake him up. "Heh, thanks." Jack said as he helped Ash to his feet. "I just don't feel right walking into a house without being invited." He smiled as he looked around the huge foyer and whistled. "Jeez, it's even nicer inside. Check it out Ash!"

"Huh? Yeah, cool." Ash murmured, not liking that he had been woken up again, but decided not to repeat the troubles of last time. He yawned and rubbed his dark, violet eyes, "How many people live here? Is it just you guys?"
"Quite a few, but I don't know where they are," Aurora said as she descended the staircase rather quickly. She wrapped her tail around her waist once more, lovin how it felt like a hug.
Akio had already come down and looked at the new comers. "Im still a bit new but ive heard thiers over a dozen like us here." looks at the newer newcomer. "Feel free to come in too."

Jack & Ash

"My name's Jackson, by the way," said the taller of the two, swishing his long tail behind him to nudge Ash forward. He wore a tight fitting, black collared shirt with black jeans and a pair of red converse that kind of matched his hair and fur. "This little one is Ash. He's a little tired right now." He introduced the little one that wore a dark blue sweater that was clearly too big, black jeans and blue converse. Going towards the couch, Jack yawned and stretched before sprawling out on the couch, his legs hanging off the end. "Would you mind watching him and making sure he doesn't get himself in trouble? Thanks guys, it's been a few days since I've slept." He purred, not waiting for an answer.

Ash looked at the others in the room with his big eyes, his nose twitching once. He glanced at Jack, who was already passed out, and back at the people, his black tail swishing behind him. "Like he said, my name's Ash." He began, crossing his arms over his chest with pursed lips. "And just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't kick your butt if you act stupid. Kay?" He tried to come off as a tough guy, but his small exterior just made him appear even cuter.
Not really knowing where to put himself, Skylar addressed the man who let him in. "Uhm, I am Skylar. It is wonderful to meet you."
Aurora couldn't help but laugh lightly at Ash. He was just too cute. She stood beside the couch and silently let her tail snake over to his small exterior. I wonder.... Once her tail was close enough, she kept a straight face as she started tickling him with her tail.

Ash squealed, letting out a single giggle before batting the tail away ad bouncing out of reach. His lips curled into a small pout as he crossed his arms. "You better be careful, or I might have to..." He paused, trying to think of something scary. "Or I'll find a ton of spiders and put them in your bed!" He growled, still trying to pull a tough guy act.
"Welcome all my name is akio." Looks at the Ash and smirks. "I wouldnt try to cross her, shes got impressive strength she managed to pull me across the entire town." Standing at full height of almost 6 foot with a smirk.
Skylar laughed at Ash's tough guy performance, but looked carefully at Akio. No doubt him and the girl have something going on. "Nice to meet you Akio, so who's this girl that showed you the town?" Skylar smiled at Akio, immediately wanting to see what these people have going on, he was eager to make some friends.

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