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Fantasy The Mansion of Neko

"I see. I play some music, my father made sure i had a variety of talents. He said it was the only way for our kind to survive in this world was to be talented at something that others had a hard time doing, he was right." What kind of music do you plan?" He said his ear twitching once at mention of his father, almost like displacing some annoyance.
"Just about anything depending on my mood. Mainly rock though," she said with a smile as she looked up at him. "I pretty much stick to piano, guitar, and singing even though I have terrible stage fright," she admitted looking down as if embarrassed.
"Piano.... Yeah thats one of my instruments. And i guess singing apparently, my father said i had a good voice for it." He was surprised hearing she had stage fright. "Why would you be afraid to perform, especially if you know how?"
"I don't like being judged, and that's basically all it is," she said looking back up before adding, "but that's another story for when I trust you completely." She looked at him noticing he still had his things. "I'm waiting on you," she said leaning against the wall.
She barely waited for him to finish speaking before grabbing his wrist and pulling him downstairs then outside. She smiled panting softly as they reached the sidewalk, and she slowed down.
The second she had grabbed him he was shocked that he actually stumbled the first few steps. He then managed to right himself and then he seemed to keep up easily, despite being thinner his body was incredibly fit. However when she slowed even he was panting softly. "Well, that was quite the walk." he remarked smoothly.
Aurora couldn't help but laugh as she caught her breath. She looked around briefly before speaking, "You need some more stuff. How does the mall sound?"
"So you dragged me out to shop..... Alright then." He sounded quite amused. "I do hope your not intending to buy stuff for me however, it would be rude for a girl to pay for me. I do have some of my own money."
She sighed softly as she gave her tail a slight flick. "Fine. If you say so. And not just shop for you. I needed some things too," she said shrugging her shoulders. She looked around at all the buildings and sped up a bit. When got arrived at their destination, she went inside and looked around. "Where to?" she asked timidly.
"So im the excuse to come here." His amusement seemed to be rising along with his sly grin. He allowed himself to be taken as well till they were in front of the mall. When she asked where should they shop first he seemed to think for awhile. "Electronics, i need a phone."
"Not an excuse. I could have come here alone if I wanted to," she said and pulled him into one of the closest shops. "The choice is yours," she said, grinning widely and flicked her ear slightly. She looked up at him, having to resist the urge to wink before walking around.
"But still you have to admit im a convenient reason to rush." He said looking around at the phones. Eventually he select one and was looking at it till a sale's woman walked over. "Hello i see your interested in that phone, you see that phone is good for a first time buyer it has-" Before she could finish Akio said. "On screen touch pad but with a slidable keyboard, 2 inch screen" names off the rest of the specs before the woman can even finish. Her face is surprised but she manages to regain her composer barley. "Ah are you a tech kind of guy?" Akio smirks. "No ive just seen a lot of commercials, ill take it please." The woman looks flabbergasted by after a short purchase order he buys the phone.
Aurora laughed and unknowingly grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the shop. "I don't know what that was about and it's probably too complicated for me to understand," she said still giggling. "Where to next?" she asked smiling as she looked around. She looked down, realizing she was grasping his hand, and quickly let go blushing bright pink. "Sorry," she said softly and grabbed her tail tightly.
Jack & Ash

"Wow, this place is bigger than I expected." Jack murmured to himself as he stared at the mansion before him. He adjusted Ash's body that was hanging on his back, passed out. Jeez, he sleeps like he was the one carrying him all this way. Jack thought to himself with a slight chuckle. Before going any farther, he took Ash off his back and stood him up. "Hey, Ash, wake up. We made it to the place I was telling you about." He said, softly shaking Ash to wake him up. A smile lit up Jack's face as he looked at Ash, who was clearly still very sleepy.

"Huh, whaa?" grumbled Ash, whose ears and tail were all droopy from sleeping. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked up at Jack, and frowned. "You didn't have to wake me up, you stupid dumb idiot. Why didn't you just carry me in?" He crossed his arms over his chest and put his ears flat against his head. Jack only ruffled his black hair and handed him a small backpack to carry, deciding to ignore the grumpy little one.
"That was just me being complicated, i just like flabbergasting people like that, i find it amusing." He said not being able to help but laugh as her giggling got to him. He watched her suddenly realize she was holding his hand and let go blushing. 'Well now.. So thats something.' He thought to himself. "Hey getting shy after dragging me half across town by just a little hand holding." He flicked her ear, he knew neko's ears were sensitive, even more sensitive then his own and the few neko's he had been able to do that too always gave him interesting reactions when he did that, while the flick was sharp it wasent painful. "Your not allowed to be shy after that." he said with a grin as he stood near her before moving away as suddenly as he closed the distance. "I think its food next, i havent eaten in awhile."
Aurora quickly laid her ears flat against her head. She didn't hate it when people did that to her, but she didn't particularly enjoy it. Smiling, but staying silent, she walked to the food court. Choosing the mini subway, she walked over and ordered her sub.
After they got to the food court Akio quickly ordered his sub, it was true he hadent eaten in awhile so he was quite hungry, within a couple minutes he had eaten a whole full sized sandwich and was now sipping a half empty coke. "Ah that was good!" He said leaning back content.
Aurora laughed and finished her sandwich before standing up. She downed the rest of her drink and looked at Akio, "Where to now?" she couldn't help but laugh slightly at the repetitive question as she waited for the answer.
"You sound like a child on her way to a amusement park, 'are we there yet!'," He said amused before saying. "Lets shop for you at the moment, i got 2 things that i wanted anyways." He went and payed for the food.
"Ehhh!?" Demanded the green fox jumping straight on top of Ari. "Like... A DOG!?" He paused then sat down and squared his ears Do I look like a dog to you?" He asked with a small wine to his voice.
She smiled widely at the comment, and she decided to take it as a compliment. "Thank you," she said before running into Hot Topic. She looked around, acting like a kid in a candy store.
"Heh and now the real attitude comes out, your just dying to try on a dozen things huh." he said with a smile as he watched her look around so excitingly. "Well dont wait up for me, i got enough cloths so i can wait where you want me too."

Jack & Ash

Walking up to the front door, Jack listened to Ash's grumbling about how he should've been left alone to sleep and being called names. "Aw, is someone a little grumpy?" Jack teased, leaning down so that his red-purple hair went into Ash's face. "OW! HEY QUIT THAT!" Jack growled as Ash pulled him by his hair to the ground.

"What are you going to do about it, you purple freak!?" Ash snapped back, thinking that Jack would just play it off and get him back later. Without warning, Jack grabbed Ash and sat on his stomach to pin him down while he used his tail to tickle him. "HEY, NOT FAIR!" Ash whined and giggled, trying to squeeze out. "C'mon, please let me up! I won't do it again, or call you a purple freak!"

Standing back up to his full height, Jack tossed a bit of hair out of his face. "You're getting off easy this time. Only because I haven't gotten to sleep for a couple of nights." He explained, pulling the Ash up from the ground and dusting off his clothes. "Now come on, let's go see if anyone's home." He said, taking Ash's hand before walking up to the door and knocking loudly.

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