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Fantasy The M-Files


New Member
Years ago, a group of people created the M-Files to keep track of known mutants everywhere. The M-Files contains the names, powers, and most known facts about any mutant that is alive. A few years ago, a human named Seth started The Organization, a group of humans and traitorous mutants whose only goal is to make mutants extinct and make humans the master race, once again. They are the ones that have the M-Files at this moment. My twin brother and I are part of another group called The Resistance, a group of people dedicated to taking The Organization down and making this world safe for humans and mutants alike. This is a plea from The Resistance for help. We need more people to team up with to obtain The M-Files and stop The Organization from wiping us out completely. This is a dangerous request as Seth is a ruthless killer and willing to do anything to make sure that humans are the only people alive. But we can't do this alone. Thank you in advance.

~The Resistance
Jasper: i sighed as i looked behind me, back at my twin. "would you hurry up Annie? we need to get back to HQ." i said as i slowed down so she could catch up. Just a week ago, I had busted into The Organization's headquarters to rescue Annalyssa. when i finally got to her, she was just barely hanging on to life and had no memory of anything. i was so scared that i was going to lose her. She is basically all i have, well, besides the rest of the Resistance. I tried explaining as much as I could, but I couldnt say much more until we got to Aunties house.

Annalyssa: I looked up at my brother and shook my head. "I'm trying, Jasper. how much longer until we get there?" i asked as i caught up to him. I was so tired, both mentally and Physically. I remember waking up in my brothers arms as he carried me out of a building, and before that, nothing.

Jasper: "just a few more miles, i swear. then you can have an actual meal and a bed to sleep in." i said as i pushed her ahead of me, trying to stay alert.

Seth: I grabbed the mutant by the throat and slammed him against the wall. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT THEY GOT AWAY FROM YOU?!" I yelled, my voice echoing throughout the room. I had sent a group of mutants and humans to track down the twins and to drag them back here. Just now, I was told that the twins had manages to evade them and that the group had lost them. I felt the mutant start to shake under my grasp as i cutnoff his breathing. i felt him go limp and counted to 10 before i dropped him. "If you want a job done right, you need to do it yourself."
Ghost: Jackson and I, along with a few others, moved quietly through the woods. We had a rendevous point just a couple of clicks north, where we were going to meet the twins, and get them back to the HQ. We were moving at a good pace, but emeny chatter was high. The twins had escaped, and soon, we would have them back home.

Jackson: "Alright. Lets move. Seth himself is looking for the twins. If you get a shot at him, take it." i said, my rifle trained ahead of me.
Marionette-- "i hope the twins are okay..." i said as me and Colton followed the others. my brother has shoved his black cloak on me and refused to give me any weapons. honestly? it was more then a little annoying. why does he always treat me like a kid, its just us , by that meaning me him and the people in the organization. we couldnt afford for him to coddle me. if he never gives me a weapon how will i know how to use one to protect myself?

Colton-- "if i see seth i will gladly take a shot at him or two if i can..." i replied as i held a handgun in one hand and a pocket knife in the other that i had brought with meit was somewhat bright when we had set out and was slowly getting darker as the time passed, the darker it got the more alert we had to be. less relying on our eyesight and more so on our other senses as we moved through the trees.
Atlas • Despite all the chaos occurring outside, I was half asleep on a pallet of crates with a cup of ice in one hand and a walky-talky in the other. I remained quiet, waiting for the walky-talky or the radio to say something out of the ordinary.
Jackson: "Keep moving. Don't stop." i said, as we neared the Rendezvous Point. Ghost took the lead, sweeping left and right, watching for enemies.
Jasper: "stay close." I whispered as I came up to the rendezvous point and glanced around "ghost? Jackson?" I asked as I walked up, looking around incase there were enemies.

Seth: I took two of the strongest mutants I had and a team of 15 heavily armed humans and set out to look for the twins, or any members of the resistance.
By the headquarters of the Organization, Evie sat there restlessly. It's been weeks since she was ordered to execute some missions and now she was bored. There were no members bickering at the moment and she's pretty sure that she's gotten everyone figured out. As her leg slipped up a bit, her bottle of pills came rolling away from her. She only had two pills left and that was bad. The Organization had developed a medication to help her suppress her bipolar personality. She jumped down and headed towards other members, looking for Seth, 'Hmm, who else can I go to for a re-supply..?' she thought to herself.


Calvin on the other hand had been picking off on some stragglers. He was watching Jasper reach the rendezvous point earlier than his other team mates did. He was leaning on a perfect and isolated rock for sniping as the metallic rods hanging around his belt shifted into different types of rifles to suit his situation better.
Ghost: "get down!" i shouted, tossing them down, and firing behind them. "Let's go! we're not safe here!" i shouted, sending them towards the vehicles. "All units, pull back. I repeat, pull back." i ordered into the Walkie Talkie, and escorted them out towards the vehicles. "Jackson, plant some mines!" i said, and he stopped and planted a claymore on our path.
Atlas • Atlas jumped up after the radio crackled to life after almost an hour of silence. He listened carefully still unsure what's going on. 'Maybe I should go ask Evie to do a radar check?' He thought to himself. Still hesitant, he decided to stay and listen a little more to the small radio.
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~Evie Nicholas~

The name Atlas came to mind as Evie made her way towards the communications room. He was usually there and she was right, he was sitting at the edge of his seat and was listening to the tiny radio. All she heard was static but then again, she wasn't trying to eavesdrop.

I should stop spying on people, then again....Oh well, no one else is here.... She thought to herself.

"What's the news?" she whispered eerily and loud enough for Atlas to hear. The door wasn't fully open but her amethyst eyes could be seen thought the cracks of the door frame.
Atlas • Atlas was was startled at first to hear her voice break the silence, making sure he did a good job at hidding "well, it nice to hear your voice after all this time."Atlas suddenly realized now was not the time for small-talk. "I've heard nothing but static for the past ten minutes." He said awaiting a response. @FadeAway
Ghost: I fired several rounds behind me, and we climbed into the vehicle. "Let's go. All units, get into your vehicles." i said, starting up the armored truck.
~Evie Nicholas~

She leaned against the door frame and opened the door slightly with her finger. "Need someone to check it out?" she followed after a while of thinking over it. She only had 3 pills left and with the slight change of emotion, Lily could come out at any time. "Where are the others tho?"

@Captain Azulium
~• Atlas •~

"I wouldn't advise going out into that chaos to anyone" Atlas gave himself a bit of time to answer the next question. "Others like who?" Said puzzled by the question. @FadeAway
~Evie Nicholas~

"Others..? Well everyone else..." Evie whistled as she walked in, examining the radio. He was right, all she heard was static and she felt the time ticking away. She then clicked her tongue at Atlas and looked out the door, "Well, can't be that bad."
~Atlas Dike~

He sighed "If your going...I'm coming with, just let me get my water canteen" he said before grabbing his canteen that allowed him to use cryokinesis where ever his is. "Wait how are going to get there" he asked curiously.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Gerber-Bear-Grylls-Canteen-Water-Bottle-1.jpg.b2a6bd38c97c5b5c25108c634fd59b03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78494" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Gerber-Bear-Grylls-Canteen-Water-Bottle-1.jpg.b2a6bd38c97c5b5c25108c634fd59b03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Gerber-Bear-Grylls-Canteen-Water-Bottle-1.jpg
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~Evie Nicholas~

"Walking would be easier, vehicles are too noisy and attract attention..." Evie rubbed her chin as she pointed out the window, "It should look like a tall tower with red lights and dozens of wires right? I don't have the map going to it....." She sighed and rattled her bottle of pills, "Maybe after this, I can get a refill before she comes out..."
~Atlas Dike~

Thought for a second "yeah,your right..." He said before looking in the direction of her out stretched arm, only to see a tall building in the distance. He then looked at the almost-empty container in her hand. "Sure...But we should probably head out before the parties over" he said already heading for the door
Anthony: I made an all-call on the radio. "All audio listeners. The Resistance has succeeded in saving a member from the Organization. We will not try to sell it to you. This war is violent. The propaganda from the Organization is just trying to make us the bad guys. They are murdering Mutants. Their cold-blooded tactics are only responsible for murder. We are the real side. We want to make a difference. If you want to join, you'll know where to find us." i said on each and every frequency within a 25 mile radius of Aunties. I switched off the antennae, and went out to meet the vehicles as they crossed into the property. Bullet ridden and steaming, they had made it home once again. "Alright. Let's go. Get them out and to safety." i said to the medical team standing by.

Seth, are you busy? We have a test set up this afternoon that I think you'd like to be present for. My team has found an appropriate delivery system, we believe, and we intend to attempt it on one of our subjects.
~Evie Nicholas~

"Lead the way," she muttered as she popped a pill into her mouth and tucked the container away into her pocket again. She strode beside Atlas and looked around, "It seems too quiet...." she pulled out her knives. Can't be too sure.
(Ehh, I'll just join lol. If the host comes back and rejects me, I'll leave then xD )

Matthew's squad was barely in range for the transmission one of the Resistance members made. The leader of his small team of 5, a rather tall female with short black hair, already began telling the team orders. "How foolish of them to give their position away like that... Anyway, commence operation." She finished. Right after that, the entire team shut down their communication devices so the enemy can't find them. Everyone nods but Matthew, who was still thinking about what the transmission said. "If I want to join, huh..." The young male thought to himself. If only it was that easy to leave the Organization. The boy only did this because he was forced to, because he knew his sister wanted him to live... He was snapped out of his thoughts when one male member tapped his shoulder. "Got your head in the clouds? C'mon, man!" Matthew jumped slightly at the contact, responding with a hesitant "Yes sir!" The other guy muttered something under his breath Matthew couldn't catch... Nonetheless, Matthew speaks up again, saying "You only have an hour guys... Make it quick." The members all make a sound of agreement before heading out, leaving the green haired mutant behind. Matt crouches behind a tree with his back facing the trunk and starts preparing himself.

He's just discovered how to use this technique; Matthew concentrates until he starts emitting a strange blue-green color from his hands. He holds them together and closes his eyes. Matthew can tell he casted the spell correctly, because he could sense far off presences. He picks up multiple ones, all in one place. It must be the Resistance's base; they've finally found it... "Nightingale, you're close to their base. It's 100 yards ahead. Multiple guards are stationed there, take caution." Matthew said coldly, seemingly talking out loud to no one. In truth, the young male was speaking to their squad leader. "Roger. Inform the others of their position related to the base." Came the quiet and quick response from his leader. They were instructed to gain as much information from the enemy as they can without directly engaging them. If possible, they were also tasked with taking the hostage back. It was only a team of 5 in the first place... Matthew started to grow tired trying to keep up with everyone in the squad, this spell uses a ton of his energy.

(Putting this here mostly for myself lol. These are codenames for this Organization squad: Nightingale, White Wing, Fox, Bluethroat, Goldeneye. If you're wondering, these are all bird species xD

Also, all characters I have but Matt can be killed off, so yeah... They are all minor anyway.)
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Ghost: "The enemy approaches." Auntie said, waking into the infirmary. "I guess Seth didn't tell his men that Auntie's house was off limits. "Let's go." I said to Jackson and Anthony. We went out, quietly, in order to sneak up on the enemy, Jackson disguising our signature as animals. "watch out. They have a mutant. I'll disguise our trace in his mind." he said, continuing with us. "set some mines." Anthony said, and we set some up. "Wait. only kill 4. The green haired boy, he is skeptical of the side he is on. Don't kill him. Kill the others." Jackson said. "Who's the leader?" i asked. "A female. Tall, and Lean." He thought, the enemy approaching. "Don't kill her either. I want information." I thought, as they both nodded their heads.
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