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Fantasy The M-Files

~Calvin Ivanov~

Finally, music to my ears. He thought as Ghost ordered him to get a couple of people and kill the other unit.

"With pleasure," Caliber smirked as he got into one of the rooms where the other members of the Resistance usually stayed. A couple of them caught his eye. "Kou, Aleks, and Kuri. You four come with me. We received a mission to make sure the Organization unit does not catch wind of their members being taken hostage. If you cannot stomach blood, you can choose to stay but if you're bored, let's have some fun" Caliber smirked and awaited their answer.

(Hopefully you guys are still in the game :D @Newtype )
((It's just some measly unit, sent by Seth. I thought they were going to be secondary characters. No reason to kill off any main characters.))
((I mean, we can. This isn't the only fight we'll have. I just don't want to kill of any mains.))
(Possible long post alert? :P I'm gonna start separating my paragraphs by character... Hopefully it will look nice and flow well like you guys do.)

Austin Zell

How'd that bastard know? He thought to himself. Jackson even knew about Dr. Greis... Another mutant power, Austin starts to assume. Or maybe he's just a great guesser, he thought looking at the dull green-haired guy. Austin is snapped back into the real world when his feet touch the ground, pain automatically shooting sharp impulses along his leg and stomach when Jackson allowed him to stand. They messed me up good, Austin silently admitted to himself. The only signs of pain he did show was through gritting his teeth or limp ever so slightly, but other than that, he seemed to walk along fine. While they traveled, Austin kept an eye on Matt by glancing every few moments. He seemed to be fairing well, uh, aside from all of the missteps...

Matthew Hyde

It took all of Matt's strength to keep himself from breaking down right then and there, losing his sense ability drove the teenager insane. He was grateful once Ghost sat him down in a chair, at least he wouldn't have to worry about tripping anymore (he tripped over multiple things on the way here...) He could hear the sound of his team members greet each other once again, so that definitely calmed him down. They all shared their health conditions between themselves, with Austin exaggerating things as usual. "Uh, Bluethroat, from what I sensed earlier, that bear was't very large..." Matt added once the guy was done with his report. Austin mutters some sort of profanity under his breath (Matt makes a safe assumption that Austin was insulting him), but all of the members fall silent once Jackson and Ghost start to explain their situation. Matt quietly wondered to himself where Anna was, she's the only squad member missing...

Scarlet Hawthorn

Once the squad was reunited (well, mostly, Anna still wasn't present), Scarlet had to contain her emotions to meet her members again. She was overjoyed, really, but she kept her mannerisms professional when the enemy was still around. Scarlet listened carefully to what Ghost, Jackson, and the masked man had to say (she was informed of their names by Matt).

After the two finished their piece, Austin immediately turns his head to Scarlet, while Matt simply hung his head low. She carefully instructed her squad to allow the tall female herself to handle any kind of communication with the enemy first before anyone else did. They followed her directions (all but Vincent; she'll have to get him for that later), but Scarlet could tell Matt took the Resistance's words to heart. Herself on the other hand... Their explanations made no sense.
Send a squad to kill them? As if... The mission objective was to bring a mutant back for an experiment, so why reward a skilled team with death when they were worth so much more? The bit where Seth forced the Resistance out of the Organization sounded a little more believable. Mutants were unnatural, and are a threat to the humans (or at least Scarlet believed). From the sounds of it, the only thing all of the three males did here was explain that Seth was the true rebellion while the place they are held here now is the original... Seth has the right idea (although it was extreme), and Scarlet isn't going to change her mind about it. All of these thoughts only took a moment for the experienced commander to process, and she spoke after considering all of her theories keeping her expression blank.

"You are all quite trusting of us in order to provide so much information to my squad, and even taking care of our wounds... For that, you have my thanks." She stated, then gave a faint smile. "Although we cannot return that confidence into someone we once considered the enemy only a few moments ago." She paused for a moment to let her smile fade, and then said, "You called us 'skilled' moments before, yes? So we must be of some value to you... I ask that you let my team stay here for a few days until Matt regains his strength and our wounds heal, then we'll be gone. Keep our weapons even so we won't be a threat." Scarlet finished, keeping a calm demeanor throughout.

Matt looked lost in thought throughout the whole answer, so when his name was mentioned, he straightened up where he sat and responded with an automatic

At this point, nearly everyone in the squad wondered what went through that boy's head.
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Ghost: "Sounds fair. Take as many days as you require. We don't slaughter skilled opponents. When you decide to leave, you may take your weapons and any food you may require. But you will not get your radio's back. The Doctor needs to know that we mean business." i said, allowing them to eat and heal. "Your other friend, Anna, she's okay. She's in very bad shape. It will take her more time to heal than you think." Jackson said, reading their minds. "And yes, Vincent. I am an asshole this often." he said, while Vincent was taken aback, amazed. "Stay out of my mind." he said.

Squad Leader: "Alright. Follow your orders. Once they return with the mutant, we eliminate them. Seth has given us the order." i said, as my team got into position. "Sir, we have 4 moving this way. It looks like the team." the Communications officer said. "Good. Let them get here first, and then we'll kill them." i said, and loaded my rifle.
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~Calvin Ivanov~

Calvin, without wasting another second, barged out the door and pulled on his hood. Suddenly the weather shifted as snow dusted the ground with a soft yet slippery white surface. It made slight sounds each time he took a step and it soon got on his nerves. But soon enough, he reached the area where he and Jackson had found the two Organization members.

And right on cue, a small group of four, made their way towards the area.

Calvin was able to pick up their conversation from the place he was stationed. His piece of metal that floated around him transformed into a semi-automatic sniper rifle as he buried himself underneath some snow to throw off his own heat signature from heat sensing devices. Although, it does not completely mask his heat signature, it makes him appear colder than most living beings.

He aimed down his scope and looked surveyed their own actions however Calvin was not so patient. He aimed towards the farthest one and shot him through and through his heart.
Squad Leader: "Ambush!" a unit screamed. "Return fire!" i yelled, firing down range towards where the shot came from.

Jackson: "The fighting is underway." i told Ghost. "Alright. We just restarted the war, gentlemen." Ghost said, and the guards went and grabbed their rifles. "None of Seth's good people will come into this area. He knows now what we do to people who come onto Auntie's property." Ghost said, and i loaded my rifle. "Make the announcement. We are now at war with the Organization." I said to the Communications Officer.
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Scarlet Hawthorn

The team captain nodded, half expecting the answer she received of allowing them to stay. She felt disappointed at how her radio to contact base was taken away (as well from everyone else, she assumed), but Scarlet could find a way around it. She always did, although, the bit where Jackson could accurately guess what was on Vincent's mind made her feel uneasy... Scarlet then asked one of the lower-in-command Resistance members where her unit is allowed to rest. The member told them directions, although he was glaring and frowning the entire time he spoke. Scarlet understood his mean attitude. After all, they are letting 'the enemy' stay in their base. She gave him a small smile in return and muttered a simple, "Thank you." The lower ranking Resistance member replied with a confused look before walking away. There's no point to show any hostility right now, it will only make matters worse... She thought while she led the way, following the directions told to her. She left the room before Jackson reporting to Ghost about the war. Scarlet expects her members to follow her while she continues without looking back. Walking again reminded Scarlet of her wounds. She clenched her right shoulder occasionally as she continued the trek. It was rather dark out too, she thought, looking out of a window. It's been a very long night...

Austin Zell

Seeing the commander abruptly leave like that was strange. Heck, she didn't even signal us or anything, Austin thought. Maybe the stress? Nonetheless, Austin stands up with some slight difficulty from the injuries earlier today and tells his squad mates, "Hey, we should probably get going now..." He tests how well he can walk without any support. The pain hit him in sudden sharp pangs, and the guy winces. Harsh, but he can manage. He glanced at Matt while the boy himself stood up, but Matt didn't move after that. "Goldeneye. If you don't mind, could you guide Matt back? I can barely keep myself up here." Austin said, looking rather disappointed himself. Normally, Anna or Scarlet would handle the only mutant of the group when he had issues like these. Since both of those girls are gone, its left to either him or Vincent. He simply hopes Vincent can deal with the task while Austin began to follow Scarlet out of the room. He too missed Jackson's report...

The walk back was silent, aside from the occasional sound of either Scarlet or Austin shuffling their feet on the floor when they limped. Scarlet broke the silence, saying without looking back,
"Where is Vincent and Matt?" She asked. "On the way. It might take them a while, y'know." Came Austin's reply. Since there weren't too many Resistance members around, the two felt comfortable speaking casually to each other. Another moment of silence passed before Scarlet spoke up again, this time stopping to face Austin properly. "Tell me honestly... What do you think about the mutants, Austin?" The blue-haired male looked up slightly to meet Scarlet's gaze, although the question took him completely off guard. Truthfully, he didn't know what to think... "Well, uh... I think they're ok?" Austin replied uncertainly. He then bit his lip and looked away from Scarlet. "I mean, the only mutant I know is Matt, and he's pretty weird." Austin finished. Scarlet looked as if she was... glaring at him? Maybe Austin imagined it, because now she smiled instead and said, "Yeah, the kid is something else." She then turned around and kept walking... Austin didn't think too much of it, so he once again started to follow her. He's probably just tired.

Matthew Hyde

"U-um, Vincent, please..."
Matt muttered quietly, not sure if Vincent can even hear him like that. Wasn't he supposed to call him Goldeneye, though? That isn't important to the mutant now, as he starts to feel himself shiver. Without his sense ability, Matt could feel himself slowly descend to the point where he will start to panic. Matt was the least injured of all of his squad members, yet he still couldn't take care of himself. The thought makes the boy feel worse than he already is, and he starts to put his hands to his face. He silently wishes his sister was here; she always knew what to do... Unlike Austin and Scarlet, Matt and Vincent stayed behind long enough to hear Jackson's comment about war. It didn't mean much to Matt at the time, as he wasn't paying too much attention to Jackson in his current state.
Vincent: "Great. Another war." i said, and walked with Matt to the room which they allowed us to use.

Jackson: I sensed that the young boy needed help. "
Relax, kid. Just relax. It will come back to you. It always does. If you need help, just ask." I thought to Matt. He thought he was weak. But he was stronger than all of his friends. He was working for the darkness, but his heart is full of light. And i felt the same with Vincent and Austin. They were full of light. Even Scarlett had some light. But she was going to be very headstrong about it.

Anna: i woke up to Ghost standing over me. "Hows it goin, kid?" he asked. "Good." i said. "So, tell me about your friends, sis." he said, sitting on the edge of my bed. My deep cover in the Organization was finally at an end. I was back with the good guys. Having been with the Organization since the rebellion, i decided to better assist my brother by working with the enemy. I quickly got rid of my little kid attitude. I no longer needed it. I explained my colleagues to him, and why i believed they would work for the real good guys.
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~Calvin Ivanov~

A grin grew across his face as he watched the men scramble helplessly, bursts of snow were exploding around him as the bullets buzzed away from his position. He removed the bullet from the chamber and aimed down sight again. Since he was alone, he could pick off the units before he can finally toy around with the leader. He took a shot towards another one of them, then the next. Until he got up and eyed the leader from afar. "Looks like we get to have fun before you die, Leader. How do you want to die?" he ordered the piece of metal to hover above his hand and had it transform into different types of weaponry.
Leader: "how about like this?" i said, pulling the pin on my grenade, and running at him. We all knew the risk. The job was to either kill them all, or don't return.
~Calvin Ivanov~

He sighed as his metal mutated into a single shot revolver. As the leader came about 3 meters away from him, Calvin shot his legs and watched the kneecap fly off. "Well, even if your grenade did go off, it ain't that easy to kill a mutant." Calvin cooed as he started walking back.
(Only putting Matt's response for this one. I'll hint what the others are doing through him c:)

Matthew Hyde

Matt was led silently by Vincent, but that was broken when the kid gasped. Someone talked to him through his mind? When he listened close enough, he could tell it was Jackson's voice. It was... reassuring to hear the other mutant 'say' that. He wondered briefly to himself if Jackson had the same problems, or even the same powers as he did. But for now, Matt replied with his own "Thanks," smiling even. Did part of his powers come back, too? Matt realized he responded telepathically like Jackson did. Matt could only 'talk' like this when people were close enough. Earlier his squad was spread out pretty far, so he had to speak out loud when trying to reach their minds. But to know what others were thinking, though? Matt couldn't do that...

Once they finally reached the area where they can stay, Matt tries his best to guess how large the area is and where certain objects are placed. Without his sense ability, all he could do was work off of sound only, making the task difficult. Knowing about Austin's injuries, he would most likely find a place to sit as soon as he walks in. Matt could hear the other male say, "Whoa, you alright there Anna? That doesn't look too good..." And that was followed with the sound of either a bed or couch creaking. Yep, he sat down, but Anna? Matt hopes the other girl was ok. She was always kind to him, after all.

Matt heard another set of harsh footsteps that stopped a quite a bit of ways ahead of him. It was Scarlet, and Matt was certain she was closely checking Anna's condition. Someone was standing next to her too, but Matt couldn't tell if it was either Ghost or Jackson (he didn't learn their footstep pattern yet). Anna was trying to say something, so all members of the squad fell silent to listen.

After she finished her piece, Matt was taken off guard by it. Who knew she was undercover this whole time? But aside from that, the way she spoke about the Resistance only caused Matt to like the other team more and more. They embrace the idea of having mutants and wanted peace between them and the humans... For as bad as Matt wanted to voice his opinion, he remained silent. His expression showed his thoughts though, and Matt was smiling throughout Anna's explanation. Austin murmured something under his breath Matt couldn't catch, but it ended with the blue-haired male saying "Damn." It sounded muffled, so Matt guessed Austin was trying to cover his mouth.

To Matt's own surprise, Scarlet made no comment. But for some reason, Matt felt a cold presence come from their team leader. It didn't feel right at all, and heck, Matt's sense ability hadn't come back yet. What's going on with her...?
Anna: "I'm sorry for being so deceptive.It was the only way to gain information for my Brother. I have been part of the Organization since it's birth. I intentionally set up this mission with the doctor because i needed to come this way, to warn of Seth's intentions on our old friend, Annalyssa. Although, it appears as though she had already been released, or escaped, from the Organization hell called our prison." i said, sitting up. "Easy. Take it slow." Jackson said, walking into the room.

Ghost: "Well, It's good to have you back." I said, rubbing her hair. "Hey! you know i hate that." she said, smiling.

((the squad is dead. You can head back to base.))
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((Replying for Starlights :) ))

Seth: I barged into Dr. Greis' office. "What the hell were you thinking? You sent one of my best units into Auntie's territory. And then the clean up unit you sent was wiped out. You're lucky i'm not dragging you off to be executed." i yelled, throwing his computer off of his desk. "you work for me. Don't forget that."

Jasper: I got up and looked over at my twin. "hey, I'm going to be right back." i said as i left the room. "Okay." she replied, and i went down the hallway, looking for Ghost. I soon found them down at the end of the hall, with a group of people. "Hello." i said, walking into the room, leaning against the wall.
Nuitari said:
((Replying for Starlights :) ))
Seth: I barged into Dr. Greis' office. "What the hell were you thinking? You sent one of my best units into Auntie's territory. And then the clean up unit you sent was wiped out. You're lucky i'm not dragging you off to be executed." i yelled, throwing his computer off of his desk. "you work for me. Don't forget that."
"Yes sir. But you should know, our intelligence was good. Any venture into Auntie's territory is going to be very risky. We expect heavy attrition. It's baked into the assault, but sir.....the reward. Can you imagine the progress we can make it we get a live mutant to experiment on?"

He adjusted his glasses and tried to hide his nerves. His show of strength to his employer was risky, but he had to stand up for his program or he was as good as dead anyway. Seth wasn't one to accept failure.
Seth: "You should have come to me first. Auntie's Territory is out of bounds. She has the power to kill us all as soon as we set foot there. She is more powerful than any mutant. So we need to stay as far away from her as possible." i said, frustrated. "Don't defy me again. Or it will be worse. Go steal some mutants off of the street. You are done with your work here until i say otherwise." i said, my men picking him up. "Take him around the city. I don't want to see him until i say." i said, walking off to the lab.
He seethed at the response, and let Seth see his displeasure. He grabbed his laptop off of the floor and two of his serum cases. This program would be nothing more than a glorified vigilante force if it wasn't for him. There was more glory in the respectable sciences, yet he chose to be here. And for what? To be treated like a common laborer? To have his life threatened on a whim? He was sick of working like this, sick of being weak and helpless next to bullies like Seth.

"I think you need to realize that I chose to be here, and I choose to stay. Your money can't buy everything Seth. This place would collapse without me."
Scarlet Hawthorn

Scarlet... was conflicted with her own feelings at the moment. She was betrayed by Anna for one, but the older female was still worried about her comrade's condition. Part of her wanted to yell at the younger girl; the other part wanted to let Anna rest and recover. The contradicting thoughts clashed within Scarlet's head and the taller female ends up standing there, stiffly. She eventually shook her head and backed up, saying, "I-I'm sorry, just... Give me some space." She sped walked (or practically flew, to anyone else) across the room to find the bathroom. She shuts the door abruptly once she enters to see a distraught looking face glare back at her. It was her own reflection... Scarlet sighs. She really let her emotions get the best of her, despite trying her best to block them all out. Sure, she was an experienced commander and all, but this was her first time dealing with a spy. Scarlet calms herself down and starts thinking of ways to deal with Anna, or how Seth could chew her and her entire squad out for not identifying a spy. She'd normally have no trouble gathering her thoughts, but now, the simple task was proving itself difficult... Scarlet placed her hands on either side of the sink placing nearly all of her weight on her hands. She made sure to not re-injure her shoulder in the process.

Austin Zell

Watching the commander storm off like that was ultra strange. What happened to that calm demeanor from earlier? He couldn't blame her, because knowing a team member of yours who betrayed you all this time hurt... "I don't think you're gonna be forgiven any time soon... Anna? If that's even your real name. Who knows anymore." Austin spat, glaring at the 'former member.' "With all of those injuries, too. Making us worry, and then..." Austin loses eye contact with Anna, trailing off his words and instead decides to look at the floor like he did before. He didn't look angry like he did just moments ago and instead only looks disappointed, frowning. He didn't move from where he sat throughout his retort.

Matthew Hyde

The other members are falling apart here, although Matt couldn't bring himself to dislike Anna like everyone else did. Even if she was for the Resistance the entire time, it didn't change the way she treated her comrades. Anna was always kind to them, Resistance member or not. "Umm, guys... Don't do this now." Matt stated, his voice quiet like usual. Austin was about to say something back to Matt, but he suddenly stopped. Matt was confused at the sudden pause, but after hearing the 'Hello,' it made sense. It didn't sound familiar at all. A new person maybe? A few seconds passed before Austin spoke up again, saying "You look familiar..." It must have been directed to the new person who entered the room, Matt thought. It was better than putting pressure on Anna for now, so Matt waits for the stranger's response.
Ghost: "This is a friend of mine. Jasper. We broke out his twin sister yesterday. He is an ally to the resistance, and a close friend." i said, as Vincent stood up. "So, you were a traitor this whole time?" he said, walking towards her. Quickly, Jackson and i raised our weapons. "Back up. We did not get you here to kill one another." i said. "Vincent, Don't do that. He won't hesitate to shoot you." Anna said.

Jasper: "Well this is exciting." i said, raising my rifle. "Knife." i said, and Ghost nodded, seeing it in his hand as well. "Drop the weapon. Only warning." I shouted.

Vincent: I hesitated, but stood my ground.
Austin Zell

The younger man was still upset, but he had some sense. "Back off from her man, you won't win like that anyway." Austin said, stating the obvious. He only looked at Vincent from where he sat, his injuries preventing the guy from standing up quickly. Vincent had injuries of his own after all. There was splotches of blood on the other male's chest, suggesting that he must have had a deep gash there. Austin glared at Vincent to hint his seriousness behind the words. Actually, how did Vincent manage to sneak in the knife? Austin was certain all of their weapons were confiscated after the medical team was done with them... That knife looked familiar though, and Austin quickly glances at Matt, and then back at Vincent. If they shoot Vincent here... Austin is unsure of what to do if that happens.

Matthew Hyde

Matt feels around his own pockets that lined his jacket, and then eventually the ones that were on his pants. Yep, missing a knife... "He took my knife, didn't he?" Matt said a bit louder than his usual tone, and Austin only makes a tiny "Hmph," of agreement. The knife was especially designed for Matt, too. The blade was dull, making others to believe the knife was useless. However, there is a certain button that is located on the handle of the blade that is difficult to spot with one's eyes (It's easy for Matt, as all he does is feel for the button). When pressed, the knife releases smaller, sharper blades that surround the main duller one, each tiny blade laced with poison. All the poison does is paralyze its victims for a few hours, so it won't kill. Matt wonders if Vincent knows about the knife's release button... Nonetheless, Matt decides he should at least try to stop any more violence from happening. The boy speaks up once more trying his best not to stutter, saying "I know we're all mad at Anna right now, but this won't solve anything..." Matt unknowingly started to walk towards Vincent while relaying the words, and Matt ends up running into the back of one of the Resistance members (@Nuitari you can pick who he walks into I guess lol).
~Calvin Ivanov~

Alright, looks like things are pretty dull here too.

He thought as he looked at the bodies lying on the cold ground. They didn't put up a good fight like an Org officer would have. Calvin sighed as he got back and arrived at HQ in no time.

It seems that interrogation has started.

A chuckle escaped him as he decided to take a sneak peak behind the scenes and watched Ghost and Jasper from afar.

~Evie Nicholas~

Oh, Seth's back?

She sensed his presence from afar as she rattled a bottle of 4 pills around. At least someone stayed back at base to guard in case some people got through.

Maybe I'll go ask for more pills later...
Jackson: i reached behind me, holding Matt there.

Anna: i reached forward, and pulled Ghost's side-arm from its holster, and shot Vincent in the shoulder. He immiediatley dropped the knife, and Ghost ran up and hit him in the face e, knocking him down, as they cuffed him.

Ghost: "Bad move." i said, hitting him again. Two of the guards grabbed and restrained him, and then Jasper went over, and helped Anna up. "Come on, Kid. Lets get you to a different room." he said, as 2 more guards, hearing the comotion, came in and took her to a room.
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