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Fantasy The M-Files

@Captain Azulium

~Evie Nicholas~

As soon as she set foot outside the door, she pulled on her black scarf that acted as a mask that covered her mouth while her hood never left the top of her head. She resembled a wraith that wandered in the shadows while an even darker entity was sleeping inside her. She then slipped into the shade and followed the trail that Atlas left behind him. She immediately found him by the foot of the staircase. "You'll have to do better to slip past me," she cooed as she loosened her scarf.

~Calvin Ivanov~

He doesn't like it when people call him by his real name, therefore he goes by the name: Caliber, it also adds to effect of him being a gunman. He too was trailing the small Organization squad that had caught wind of the Resistance Transmission. Caliber doesn't really follow his orders and he left his sniping post to trail them. There were 5 members and his bloodlust was growing by the second. His rifle mutated into dual machine pistols and he slipped into the darkness from there.
There was a long silence on the squad's 'magic intermission' until one of the members let out a pained "Ngh!" A single loud gunshot rang throughout the area right after... "Report Bluethroat!" Barked their leader, well, in a hushed tone. She was right next to the base now...

"Oh my god guys, this bear almost bit my foot off!" A male voice screamed over the transmission. Matt immediately knew who it was; Bluethroat had a unique voice to say the least. "The bear is making me bleed pretty bad though..." The blue-haired male finished.

"So careless... Go back to White Wing's location. You won't be much help with a foot like that." Their leader sighed over the magic intermission. Matt and the other member reply with saying "Yes sir!" simultaneously. Looks like Matt is gonna be stuck with the injured guy... Bluethroat carefully starts to make his way back, making sure there isn't a bear following him this time.

Matt could sense the guy slowly but surely make his way back. That was going well, although Bluethroat still has a little ways to go. There was someone else out here besides them (@FadeAway for Calvin), Matt has been keeping the strange sense in the back of his mind. It hasn't done anything yet, but it can't hurt to be too careful.

~Calvin Ivanov~

He hasn't gotten a good kill in days and it was 'starving' him in a way which he didn't like experiencing.

Should I go ahead and kill them all? Perhaps they have better plans... He thought.

He was bored in the Resistance, not many things were happening and maybe if he acted as traitor, more events would come his way. If the Organization could offer him something more than the Resistance did, he would be willing to betray them for that. He snuck over to the small troop and climbed the tree just a few 8 meters away from the group to get a better view of their weapons and abilities.
Nightingale, Goldeneye, and Fox were many yards away from where Matt and Bluethroat (he finally found Matt again after the mutant had to constantly repeat where his location was) were stationed. The other 3 members successfully entered the Resistance's base and were now gaining as much information as possible, sticking to the shadows as they sneaked around. It was quite easier than expected, Matt thought, as he quickly and quietly gave the three members information about the enemies' positions. Back where Bluethroat and Matt were placed, there wasn't too much extra equipment lying around. Matt normally didn't carry many weapons on him in the first place (save a simple dagger and a pistol, although the green haired mutant dare not use the gun), but Bluethroat was armed to the teeth with various explosives. Matt could feel himself start to breathe harder, keeping up the communications and positions of multiple people at once beginning to take its toll on the young man.

"30 minutes... *wheeze* Make sure you are all out of there by then," Matt warned the rest of his squad; the boy still glowed his strange blue-green color. They responded each with their own independent "rogers", with Bluethroat only simply beginning to attend to his own wounds. Matt would normally heal an injury like that himself, but right now he needed to focus on these positions. Matt was only speaking to the other male now stationed with him, saying, "I don't think its anything serious, but there's a presence really close to us right now. I think it's just a bird, but still..." The other arrogant member interrupted Matt, saying "Pshh, let them come. I'll take them out no prob'!" Bluethroat hopped up back on his feet, but his balance was still slightly wobbly. Matt responded with a smaller voice, saying, "Y-yeah. Of course..." It really wasn't starting to feel right, Matt thought. The presence he felt now is staying too still.
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~Calvin Ivanov~

His dual pistols shifted into an intervention sniper rifle as he placed the gun on a stable branch. He attached a silencer and placed a bullet into it's chamber. Unstable or not, Caliber was still a Resistance member and he had to protect the base: which was his original mission in the first place. He aimed towards one that seemed injured and fired a warning shot towards it. The rifle round was no tracer bullet so they can't trace where it came from. The bullet landed near the injured one then ricocheted off and hit a lamp post.

"Even with a silencer, this gun packs a punch," he snickered to himself and removed the empty shell from its chamber.
"Ah!" Matt shouted, the surprise he felt from hearing the lamp post suddenly shatter forced him to lose concentration. Bluethroat wasn't easily as startled and instead took a defensive position, eyes scanning every nook and cranny in the area. "Hey, I need you to locate that 'bird' right now..." The blue-haired male muttered to Matt, then raised his voice so the hiding person could hear. "Piece of shit! Show yourself!" He held a rifle himself, prepared to shoot whatever he deemed was the enemy. Matt only nodded and tried to concentrate again, but it was hard to regain his previous level of strength. The boy was already tired...

The other 3 members out in the Resistance's base silently panic to themselves. Without Matt guiding them back out, they could get caught easily... Nightingale knew this and quickly made her way to find Fox and Goldeneye (they were separated while inside the base). Her movements were swift, each step she took she made sure to minimize sound as much as possible. With her skills, it was no surprise that the tall female was their leader. They need to get back to White Wing and Bluethroat ASAP.
~Calvin Ivanov~

He wasn't the type to fall in for the bait and he immediately entered another bullet into the chamber. He aimed for one of the radios just lying by the feet of the guy shouting. He shot it but he missed because the wind made the bullet steer towards the right and instead hit the little boulder by their feet. The boulder blew up in a million other pieces.

"Shit," Caliber growled as a branch his foot was one began to crack, a sign that it would break soon.
Ghost: "go." i said, as Jackson tackled the two, and then Anthony took a small unit and engaged the unit inside the compound. Unfortunatley, one of the boys that Jackson and i had captured continued to fight, and was shot by Caliber, who Jackson realized was hiding in a tree. " don't shoot the other one. He's a mutant." Jackson said to Caliber. "Take him hostage." i said. "What of the other three?" i ordered into my Radio. "One down, sir. Two to go." Anthony replied.
Dr. Greis jumped up and shouted into the radio "One hostage. I need at least one back alive and uninjured!"

His genetics work had gotten him closer to what he considered a final cure to this plague, but he needed live tests.
The boulder pieces luckily didn't hit either males; this time Matt could tell where that sniper is now. "8 meters away in a tree towards the north-" He started to give his information, but...

Another male that Matt mistook for a deer reading suddenly threw both the mutant and Bluethroat down. Matt managed to stand back up and move away from the assailant, but Bluethroat's injuries made the task difficult to fight back. He was still alive, glaring directly at the other male on top of him (@Nuitari for Jackson). " *cough* You aren't... taking... me alive!" The blue-haired male declared, then used the end of his rifle to force his enemy off of him.

Matt finished giving the sniper's position away, saying "In a tree northeast of you, Bluethroat think fast!" The blue-haired male on the ground couldn't get up, but he managed to aim his rifle at the sniper in the tree and shoot. The bullet only manages to hit the sniper in the arm, but that should be enough to keep him from shooting anymore. It was Matt's job to take down the other male here, but he stood still, frozen in his tracks... For as long as he did fight with the Organization, the boy has never killed someone before.

The two remaining members inside the base, Nightingale and Goldeneye, were putting up a valiant fight as they slowly start to retreat with a hostage. Fox was laying coldly on the ground, her wounds too major for her to move. "Just leave me here..." She said as loudly as she could, looking at her two squad members. "But..." Goldeneye's voice was full of distress, the black-haired male didn't want to leave a team mate behind. "At least one of us needs to get out of here alive. Fox... I'm sorry." Nightingale kept a blank expression on her face as she darted out of the enemy base. Goldeneye reluctantly followed while Fox slowly started to close her eyes... Nightingale managed to use the female hostage they captured as shield. She knew they wouldn't shoot her like this, anyway. She turned on radio communications again and spoke to the scientist (@tigereyes ). "Hostage secured. We are in the process of retreating, sir. We lost a member though..." The way her voice dropped it's volume made it obvious she regretted leaving the blond-haired member behind.
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He listened without betraying his emotions.

"We expected losses. It is good you've succeeded, though. Return back when you can, and secure that mutant."

He sent a notice to his staff to assemble. They'd need extra security to greet the returning party. If this mutant still had fight left, it would need to be pacified.
Ghost: "Don't fight us." i said, coming out of the woods. "You're the one we don't want to hurt." i said, as Jackson pulled his handgun, and wounded the other fighter, Bluethroat, i guess. "Don't kill him. Don't kill any of them." I said, lowering my handgun.

Anthony: "Don't kill. Just wound!" i shouted to my team, some of which were now waiting at their exit. A few more rounds down range, and we had wounded most of them, including the mutant child. "Keep them alive. There is no reason to kill these opponents." i said to my team, as we walked near the enemy. "Throw your weapons aside, now!" one of the resistance members shouted. "You will not be harmed. Surrender!" i shouted.

Jackson: "What are we doing?" he asked me. "They are skilled. And i feel like, none of them know what is really going on, why they are fighting us. Seth in his deception, got these people to come out and attack a heavily fortified base, protected by Auntie herself." i said out loud, the two able to hear me plain and clear. "Sir, we have one badly wounded. We are transporting her to the infirmary." Anthony said over the radio. "Make sure she lives." i replied. "Caliber, How are you doing?" I shouted up into the tree.
(I'm not gonna write my response yet, but I updated by minor characters! You can find them in the character sign up for anyone who wants to see them!)
~Calvin Ivanov~

He felt a bullet through and through his support arm and a string of immense pain followed in after. He then jumped down and watched as his rifle mutated into the MK14 semi-assault rifle which was easy for him to hold single-handedly. But he was ordered not to kill them which really isn't his style. He then followed in after Jackson and replied, "Nothing too serious, I was able to direct the bullet away from my nerves and pressure points. It should heal in a couple of hours."

He then looked towards Bluethroat and the other one, "We're keeping them both hostage, Jackson?"
Matt and Austin (Bluethroat's real name, I'll refer to him like that for now) listened to the transmission between the enemy, both confused. Why would they help them? Wouldn't it be easier to just kill them all? Both males could at least be grateful that they are helping a wounded ally, which could either be Anna (Fox) or Scarlet (Nightingale), they didn't know yet.

Austin was on the brink of death laying on the ground, yet he still spoke negatively, saying "BS! *gag* As if... you're telling..." He entered a coughing fit, blood endlessly leaving his wounds. Matt could sense the guy grow weaker, so the mutant rushed to his side to heal him up. Matt got down to his knees and hovered his hands over his teammate, a pure white light emitting from the boy this time. Unlike Austin, Matt believed what the Resistance members were saying. If they really wanted to kill them, Matt thought, his entire squad would have been dead by now.

"Thanks Matt..." Austin replied quietly, not realizing he said the kid's real name. Matt only gave him a smile in return, and then asked the Resistance members, "Uh, why are you s-sparing us?" So much for hiding his fear, Matt thought. It never works anyway... Ausin's wounds slowly start to heal while he spoke.

Back at the base, both Scarlet and Vincent (Goldeneye) were kneeling over from their wounds. If this keeps up, they are going to die... The hostage they took earlier managed to leave Scarlet's grasp and ran off. Vincent looks like he's ready to collapse, dropping his gun to the ground. Scarlet drops hers too, but it appears she has a bit more stamina left than her fellow marksman. She glares at the Resistance members, saying a simple "Why?" Vincent instead quietly informs Dr. Greis of there situation, speaking into the transceiver. "We've lost the hostage sir. The enemy has us down... We may not *cough* make it."

(If you guys haven't, check the OOC chat. This should be the last post where I control all of these characters)
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Anthony: "Get them to the Infirmary. Worry about restraining them there. Our orders are to save their lives. So move it!" i ordered, as my team went to work, and moved all of the wounded to the infirmary.

Ghost: I stepped forward so i could be seen more clearly. "We are sparing you because we feel that you should not be killed. You are formidable enemies, and don't deserve to die like this. Now, we are going to take you to our base, get you guys cleaned up, patched up, and fed. of course, you'll be under tight supervision." i said, helping up the one named Matt. "Matt, i am showing you the same mercy you showed my teammate." i said, walking him out of the woods, slightly restrained. He wasn't cuffed, but he also wasn't going anywhere without breaking his wrist. Jackson picked up Austin, and carried him out of the woods, with Caliber in tow.
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~Calvin Ivanov~

So I won't be fulfilling my bloodlust right now huh? Sad... Calvin thought as he had the morphing metal fly around him and served as a warning to the hostages. Guns weren't the only things that he could form with that metal.

"Tsk, why are we saving them..?" Calvin clicked his tongue.

He fumed, before measuring his words and responding to Scarlet.

"Without a hostage, you've wasted quite a bit of money and energy, haven't you? We provided you with all of the tools you said you needed to perform a very simple mission. Do your best to live, if you prefer. When you make it back we'll reassign you."

He desperately needed a mutant in his possession, and he wondered if these glorified mercenaries would ever be up to the job. He took his coat off and placed it on a chair, and dug in his desk for a pack of cigarettes. He walked down the corridor alone to the small rose garden behind the building and lit up. They say in some organizations the crap rolls downhill, but not here. It ran up, and ultimately he was responsible for their failures. He'd been given a robust budget and had nothing to show for it, not even a test subject. He'd have to answer for this, and with every wasted day he felt the noose tightening around his neck.
Austin struggled slightly in Jackson's arms, but eventually gave up with a sigh. Matt only healed the guy enough to where the bleeding would stop, but Austin still wasn't well enough to walk yet... Being carried back by the enemy like this rubbed the young man the wrong way, so he dropped his gaze to look at the ground. It's humiliating, he thought.

Matt was more compliant with the enemy than Austin, he didn't try to fight back like the other guy. He nodded at what the person retaining him said. "You heard him say my name? Well, uh, Bluethroat's real name is-" He was interrupted by Austin. "Don't," Came the sharp remark. The blue-haired male didn't trust these guys just yet, however he still stared at the ground while he spoke. He sounded kind of agitated, too. Austin still felt a bit sour after Matt's show of 'mercy.' "Um, ok... W-What are you guys's names then?" Matt instead asked, feeling awkward at how hostile his own teammate was. Matt understood the reason, though, and his shoulders sagged a bit at that thought. "I bet that sniper's name is Caliber," Austin's words were full of malice while he picked up his head to glare at the other guy. Also a mutant, he thought, seeing a piece of metal float around him.

Scarlet saw the emergency medical workers rush to take them to the infirmary, so she tries her best to squeeze as much information into her transceiver before they take it away. She spoke quietly so others couldn't hear her. "We will bring a mutant back, sir. For now though, I will be unable to communicate with you. Please contact the other-" They took her communication device there, leaving the message incomplete. She wanted to let the scientist know that the others could take calls too, preferably Vincent and Austin. She thought Anna and Matt may give him false information (they are very young after all), but she worried about Matt the most. If they are treating Matt the same way as they are handling herself and Vincent right now, the boy may defect to the other side...

Scarlet considered herself a loyal Organization member. As soon as she has the chance, she's getting a mutant out of here and bringing them back. For now, though, she'll play along.
Dr. Greis' process was brilliant in its simplicity. With the human genome finally mapped, he essentially designed a process to work backwards, and identify any genetic markers outside of a certain standard deviation. Once those identifiers were marked, ie once the specific type of mutation(s) were isolated, he'd administer a cocktail of cells containing "correct" genetic material. Though he cared very little about the fate of the subject mutant, it was possible that the corrective cells would return the subject back to what he considered proper humanity. It was just as likely that they'd be destabilized genetically, and end up a heap of raw meat on his table. Either way, one less mutant in the world to disrupt human progress.
Ghost: The guy carrying your friend is named Jackson. I am Ghost, leader of the Resistance. Welcome to our Headquarters." i said, as the little house finally came into view. "It's small on the outside, but it's large enough to house the entire resistance." i said, as i walked him inside, the walls seeming to get larger as we walked in.
~Calvin Ivanov~

Caliber watched them as they entered. A cloud of tension shrouded the new hostages as he hid his metal away into his pouch before the leaders yell at him for hosting malicious intentions within the base. It was then when he looked around and noticed that the usual bunch of people were gone, perhaps another mission? He was really itching for another face off with the Organization and he wanted it soon too.

"If they're not the only squad out to break into one of our bases, can I take care of them?" he cooed with a grin plastered across his face.
Break in? Matt thought, then he immediately realized Caliber might be talking about the other 3 members. He was taught to hide emotions when facing the enemy (It's mostly in order to keep the enemy from finding out what their intentions are or to prevent them from having any other type of advantage), but Matt could never control them... He looked visibly worried and then tried to search for his other teammates with his sense ability, but he exhausted his magic potential a little while ago. It only left the mutant with a headache, and now Matt felt completely blind. He couldn't sense what was close to him or far. The boy made a sound of discomfort and tripped over an obvious step. He didn't fall over, mostly thanks to Ghost's grip on him. "I can't sense anything anymore... I'm blind..." Matt looked horribly distressed after saying that comment.

Austin wouldn't dare say what mistake the boy made, he was certain Matt knew what he did wrong. All Austin can do is hope the enemy didn't connect the dots and realize they were one whole squad. They might use that information against them... Once Ghost finished talking, it turns out Austin was worried about nothing. In fact, the situation just got worse. Great... So they knew the other 3 members were part of their squad, and Matt can't locate anyone. Austin even flinched slightly when he saw the kid trip. Don't push yourself, the blue-haired male thought. "Hey, Jackson, right? Mind putting me down? I can walk now." Austin asked, although the guy was unsure himself if he really could. He wanted to get down mostly because being carried felt ridiculous, but part of him wanted to help Matt... Austin silently hopes they give him the permission to do so. After all, they are still enemies.
Jackson: i set him down, continuing to help him. "Yes. I know you are one huge unit. Yes, he does need to take it easy, and yes, you can help him. We arent savages. We dont kill for fun. We know about that moron of a doctor, and he'll get his when it finally gets around that way." i said, helping him keep his balance.
Ghost: "Caliber. Take a unit and eliminate the organization unit that was sent to clean up the mess." i said. "They are cleaning up. That unit will expect 4 to return. So wipe out the unit before they wipe out you." i continued to walk with Matt until we were in the infirmary, and got them seated. "That unit out there is supposed to kill you when you had left this place. Its Seth cleaning up loose ends." i said. "Do any of you know where the M-files are?" i asked.

Vincent: "what, so you can steal them again? You know who those belong to. You betrayed the Organization. You dont deserve to have it." i said.

Anthony: "wrong. Seth betrayed the Organization. He turned it against us. Cast us out. The Organization was meant to help Mutants, not kill them. Most of the main members of the Resistance once worked for, and led, the Organization." i said, tightening his bandage. "Ow, hey!" Vincent yelled. "Do you want to bleed out? Then get over it." i said. "Seth led a rebellion against us, and wiped out most of the original Organization, so he could take power and turn the Organization against the mutants. He stole the M-files from us, and made Mutants the enemy." Jackson said.
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