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Fantasy The M-Files

Dr. Greis seethed at the treatment he just received, this after years of work for Seth's program. He'd devoted the best years of his career to fighting the mutant cause, hell bent on eradicating the world of them, so much so that he'd failed to question the flaws in the movement's leaders. Was a totalitarian like Seth worth standing behind, devoting his genius to? Why did he always subordinate himself to others when he was always the smartest man in the room?

He walked down the hallway to his office, laptop and cases of serum in tow, mumbling. He didn't hear the footsteps behind him until they were within 10 yards away. He saw two of Seth's personal security closing in, and began to run, before quickly being pinned down. The smaller of the two grabbed the laptop and cases from the floor, before opening the nearest, and inspecting the contents. Dr. Greis had been preparing the cocktail of chemicals for a young mutant they targeted in the raid. With horror he watched as the guard filled a syringe and laughed, telling him to "Just hold still. This will only hurt for a second. Or a lifetime." then jabbing it into the back of his thigh.
Scarlet Hawthorn

Hearing the gunshot, Scarlet rushed out back to the main room. She saw the guards dragging Vincent away, fresh blood seeping from their weapons engineer's shoulder. She glared at the remaining Resistance members in the room. Scarlet's squad needs to leave this place fast, take a mutant, and complete this mission ASAP. From the way the Resistance members are behaving, she makes the safe assumption that the enemy will take care of that gunshot. If this were any old situation, Scarlet would have commanded her members to retaliate and escape. Due to their wounds and Matt's current state, they would only get themselves killed if they fight... All Scarlet can do for now is roll with the punches and wait for the right moment.

Austin Zell

"Anna, you bi-" He was cut off when he attempted to stand up quickly, which only caused the frustrated male to stumble. He quickly grabbed the edge of a nearby table to balance himself up so he wouldn't fall. Betraying us, and then having the gut to shoot one of our members? Vincent was already injured in the first place, too. She's cold... He thought. Austin felt himself tremble in anger while he watched Anna get escorted out of the room. Whatever kind of respect or admiration he once held for Anna faded from his heart, and was instead replaced with feelings of rage and betrayal. He couldn't even do anything to stop the gunshot... Austin sighed where he stood, his shoulders sagging.

Matthew Hyde

"Vincent!" He shouted from behind Jackson's back. The gunshot made it obvious someone was shot, and Austin's comment allowed him to know who the shooter was. Matt only heard the sound of shuffling and footsteps afterwards, but he couldn't identify the overlapping sounds as well as earlier. Matt can only guess that the person in front of him was a Resistance member, so he mutters, "Please don't kill him..." Vincent was a member of his squad, and Matt would hate to lose another person...

"Who did this? The voice surprised Matt at first. He hadn't realized Scarlet came back to the main room. Austin was the one to respond. "Anna..." He answered, his voice full of fury and disdain. Matt then heard the sound of Scarlet's footsteps, she was most likely walking closer to the remaining Resistance members. Scarlet was back to her calm self again, Matt thought, as she started to speak in an even tone. "If it is allowed, I ask that you all please leave the room for now. My team members are tired, and..." She stops talking for a moment. Matt isn't sure why. She's probably doing something that he can't see. "Austin isn't taking the news about Anna well. I don't blame him, as I'm sure all of us were surprised..." She finished. Matt knew her too well from being on her squad for so long. Scarlet is trying to make the enemy leave so they could discuss the situation in better detail. Matt only backs away from Jackson after realizing he was too close to him, and only waits silently for a response. He wished he had his powers for this... Maybe Vincent wouldn't have had to be shot.
Ghost: "Fine. But Vincent needs to be watched. I know where he got the weapon from. No more hidden weapons. If need be, you will all be forced to change your clothing. for now, if you have any more weapons, they need to be handed over." i said, holding out my hand. Vincent tossed another knife to my feet, and spit at me. "We could hit you again." i heard Jasper say from the corner.

Jackson: "It's alright, kid. You're good." i said, keeping him behind me. "I want you to breathe. Just breathe, and focus. You'll get it all back." i said, reading into his power. "And no, you won't get a Mutant kid to take with you. Not with what just happened to Doctor Greis." i said, replaying the Audio of the radio, it telling them what Seth had done to him.

Guard: We smashed the rest of the doctor's things, including his computer, and threw him into the truck. We threw him out near the Resistance territory. "If you're so interested in the mutants, go and join them!" i yelled, kicking him in the face, and leaving him for dead.
Cherry was wandering around the densely packed forest, searching around for anything delectable. She had just come across a few blueberries, reaching out to pick them when she heard an engine purring not too far away. It came closer, causing her to panic and become invisible. Looking around the tree, she noticed an Organization truck had pulled in and dumped someone off. As they drove away laughing, she carefully made her way to the person that had been kicked directly in the face. Ow...

She stopped being invisible for a moment after letting her guard down, and investigated the man. Hmm... Was he apart of the Organization? Was he... Safe? Cherry took a step back. He looked injured and beaten though... Cherry decided to grab him, at least take him to a place of safety. She carefully grabs his foot, and takes him to a cave. There, she laid him down on some cotton she had found as a bed, and went to fetch some food for when he woke up.

Auntie: "You two. We have two that just entered our perimeter. One is a girl, a mutant. The other is a subject of interest. Bring them both back alive, and be gentle." I said.

Anthony: "Yes ma'am." i said, and took the other guard with me. We went out to the cave where they were hiding, and gently watched them. The only conscious one was the girl. We needed to be peaceful, show that we weren't the enemy. We would have to let our guard down with this one. I held my weapon high, so she could see it, while my partner pulled his side arm, and approached, watching our surroundings. "It's okay. We're the good guys." i said to the girl, placing my weapon in the dirt. She looked like she was just about to head off for food. But i couldn't tell.
Cherry heard a strong and authoritative voice behind her, making her flinch and freeze in place. She turned to face the man, where he had set his gun on the ground. Not like it mattered, because he could easily take her down. So she did what her mother would have down. Turn tail and RUN.

She ran the other way, trying not to use her powers if she could help it. But these guys scared her, and even if they said they were the good guys she didn't trust them. They scared her more than anything right now, so getting away took top priority.
Anthony: "Let her go. Take the doctor back to the base. We'll have a nice long conversation with him." i said, a truck coming out of the woods. "Do you want us to pursue?" they asked. "No. Let her run. She's running back towards Auntie's, anyways. Auntie will meet her outside." i said, moving to help them put Dr. Greis in the truck.

Auntie: I waited in a stretch of woods, watering some plants i had there. It was also the perfect place for her to run into me. An old lady, watering her plants, presenting no threat at all.
Cherry looked back a few times, running the other way. Then, she came upon this quaint house in the middle of no-where, stopping dead in her tracks. An old woman stood, watering her plants casually. Cherry, however, stayed right where she was. Cherry didn't know if she was just putting up a facade or what, but she didn't seem like some ordinary old person living in the woods... If you called that ordinary. And yet, Cherry tried going around the house, trying to avoid the old person to keep her out of the mess you were currently stuck in... Of course, Cherry did not want her to be involved in case she got hurt...
Dr. Greis lay there clutching his sides and eyeing his new captors. They wouldn't just let him die in peace. He was sure that before they got to interrogate him that the serum in his body would leave him as a cold, dead mass of tissue. He found some comfort in that, at least. They wouldn't get to pry information out of him to help their wretched cause.

"So Auntie sends losers like you to fetch me. I bet you feel important, don't you?" He muttered, his breath short. He coughed violently as they dragged him to the truck.
Scarlet Hawthorn

"Understood, Ghost. I don't have any weapons on my person, but Matt on the other hand..." Austin gave her a nod, agreeing with her judgement. Matt wasn't frisked as thoroughly as the other members by the medical team earlier, and Scarlet had her own reasons to believe why. She walked closer to the green haired mutant, and Matt automatically raised his arms so she could check. Scarlet removed the few weapons the boy did carry, although he rarely used any of them. It included a few knives, ammunition, a single pistol, and a small first aid kit. She checked to see if the safety on the pistol was turned on (it was always on when Matt carried it, but she had to make sure) before placing the equipment in Ghost's hand. Well, she placed as much as the guy could carry in one hand. Some of the knives and the first aid kit were placed on the ground near Ghost's feet.

"Vincent, no more outbursts, alright? We don't want anyone getting hurt any further." She added after his behavior and Jasper's comment. She gave him a cold glance to back up her proposal, but she truly worried for the other male's condition.

Matthew Hyde

Matt placed his arms back at his side once Scarlet was finished. He carried the equipment mostly for back up if the other members needed it, although that situation rarely arises. He then listened to the rest of what Jackson had to say.

"Ok..." The boy said to Jackson in response. He took a deep breath as instructed to calm himself down, but alas, none of his powers came back yet... They'll probably come back the next day like they always do, right? Matt silently tries to convince himself. Maybe his thought process showed on his face, because Scarlet starts to wrap her arm around his shoulders. Matt welcomed the attempt to comfort him, and he starts to become less tense.

After Jackson finished his second response (to Scarlet's thoughts), the boy gasps. How does he know their mission objective so easily? Someone must have thought it so Jackson could read their minds. He's trying to prevent them from taking a mutant back... Scarlet moves away after that, leaving Matt slightly disappointed. That didn't last long, though, because Matt starts thinking deeply to himself about the current situation. He starts to space out like he did earier this night...

Austin Zell

He wasn't carrying any weapons like Matt was, so Austin didn't bother coming closer to hand over any equipment. He did, however, manage to stand up straight without holding on to anything. Austin starts to wonder what Vincent was thinking right now, still trying to show disrespect despite his disadvantage. I thought he would have more common sense... Austin thought while he watched Scarlet frisk the youngest member on their squad. He kinda wished she didn't hand over the first aid kit, and she maybe could have kept at least one knife on the boy, but whatever.

After Jackson explained everything, and after he played the audio of Seth barking at Dr. Greis, Austin was left at a complete loss. What does he believe in anymore? At first, he didn't believe anything of what Jackson was saying, but the the audio he played sounded very convincing. If any of this was true, then what about the mission? Austin looked at Scarlet to see if he could read her expression, but as usual, she kept it blank throughout Jackson's explanation.
Dr. Greis clutched his sides, shivering in the back of the truck. He hated being reduced to this, having to cower around a bunch of mercenary fools. He just hoped death would come before he had to go face that trumped up camp counselor Auntie. These people disgusted him. They were genetic mistakes, and needed to be cleaned from the pool. The fact that some people wanted to treat them as equal to humans, both politically and morally was a mistake. People were too soft hearted, too swayed by cheap emotion. Give these people several generations to infect the human gene pool, and they'd all regret it. Not only were they not human, but some of them were outright dangerous. He lay there shivering, cursing at every bump the truck hit. He didn't notice the 2 lumps forming on both sides of his torso.
The driver of the truck

He yawned while driving Dr. Greis closer to the designated drop off spot. His commander just yelled to drop him off in the Resistance territory, and said nothing else. He sighed, and pressed the gas petal a little harder to speed up. He just wanted to get this over with... It was only him and Dr. Greis in the truck, his partner had to report back to the base for some reason he didn't bother to pay attention to. He hit a rather large bump in the road and decides to check on Dr. Greis just to make sure he didn't fall out the truck...

He stopped the truck and looked at Dr. Greis through the rear view mirror.
"Are you still alive back there-" He froze mid sentence and instead turned his head fully around. "What the hell?!" Dr. Greis had... globes... coming out of his chest. They even looked like... The Organization member stopped his thoughts there.
David Greis saw the man's prying eyes, and slinked to the corner. He hissed in a low, sinister voice "Get me away from here, you cretin. Your job isn't to pass judgement."

He curled up in intense pain, aware that the serum wasn't killing him, but doing something much, much worse. His veins burned with a venomous liquid, and his skin began to take on a pale, pallid shine. He looked at his hands in detached, almost amused, horror. It would end like this. Forgotten to the world for his genius, and dying as the thing he hated most. When he knew he was out of the driver's line of sight, he ran his cold hands over his body, feeling the globes forming on his chest, and the four vestigal arms pushing from his side. He couldn't even be one of those mutants that looked like everyone else. Those guards had to inject him with DNA from the freak show.
((Pretty sure he's already in Resistance custody, BTW.))

Resistance member: "Quick. Inject him with a sedative. Slow the mutations. We don't need him to suffer. That's not our job here, gentlemen." i said, and grabbed the vile. injecting him. "Relax. We won't hurt you. We're gonna take you back and reverse this mutation." i said.
He hissed and slashed at the fool who approached him.

"I don't want your help....what good is stopping this halfway, anyway? If I'm to be an abomination like one of you freaks, I want all of the power that's due to me."

He curled back into the corner, eyeing the crowd around him suspiciously. One of his loosening teeth finally fell out, and he spit it in the center of the floor at them.
Cherry heard another vehicle nearing, and jumped into some bushes by Auntie's house. She hid there for a moment, hearing the old lady continue to tend to her garden. Cherry wished she knew a way out, but that didn't seem possible. As the vehicle neared, she heard bickering voices and other strange noises... Hmm... She peeked her head over the bush, observing the situation.
Auntie: i continued watering my plants, The truck pulling in back, far out of site.

Anthony: "Restrain him!" i yelled, fighting him. Everyone was in back, fighting to get him sedated. He got some good shots in, but we seemed to be gaining the upper hand, including the insertion of the needle into his neck.
Dr. Greis kicked against his restraints, sputtering epithets towards everyone around him. His skin burned, which made the sensation of being held down even more grating. One of them jabbed a needle in his neck, and he froze. His limbs became numb and clumsy, and despite his desire to break loose, he could barely lift his assailant's arms. He hissed and bit at them, before submitting and gasping for breath on the floor.

"Just get me where we're going....You have no right to treat me like this."
Anthony: "Move. We don't have much time." i said, as we moved him out of the truck. "Check on that driver. The doctor got a round off out of a sidearm." i said, and we carried him into the infirmary, where the Doctors from the original Organization were there, helping to combat side effects of the Mutants. Now, they were combating it all together. They immediately sedated him, and put him under. "Alright. We need to move quick if we expect to save his life. Get to work." The doctor said, and injected a series of viles into him.
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Dr. Greis wrapped himself in his coat, shivering, but sedated now that the tranquilizers were kicking in. He wanted to hide what was happening from the world. He no longer had the will to live, and resented the attempts to save his life. He folded the 4 nascent arms across his chest, becoming more and more alarmed when they bumped against his slick, cold skin. He closed his eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.
Cherry peeked in through a window, wondering what the heck was happening. It seemed like... Oh no... Were th-those... Needles..? You start shaking, then fall backwards out of the bushes in a fit of fear. You curl up on the ground, not even thinking about turning invisible. You close your eyes, and begin trying to calm yourself down... But it didn't work very well. The image of the needle was stuck in your mind.

Jackson: "Keep doing that." i said, and helped Ghost clean up the mess of weapons. "Alright then. We'll have our medical team take a look at Vincent." Ghost said, and we all walked out of the room. "Jackson, Go help with the Doctor's team. They've capture Dr. Greis." Ghost said. "Yes sir." I replied, and went off to the infirmary.

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