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Realistic or Modern The Lost

Isabel giggled. "Well at least you'll look like your having fun." She flashed a smile at Milo, and then jogged up to Rick. "Okay, does anyone know where this lake or river is?" She looked at Rick, hoping he would have an idea, if not Jake (it's not Jack) or Aden.

Rick chuckled. This will be fun Rick always loved to swim. He helped clear his head, plus all the bikinis wear a bonus. He heard Isabel, and shrugged. "Not a clue. But I can hear something. I can hear water." It sounded dumb, but he could hear water moving slowly.
Aden followed Rick down to whatever river he was going to. He tried bumming another cigarette off of him, since his attempt at bumming some bud, didn't work so well. "Hey, uh, Rick, you got anymore of those cigarettes?" he asked. Aden saw the river, but stood behind Rick hoping to not get lost.. already, 'Seriously, A, what's with all of these thoughts of getting lost?! That doesn't actually happen.'
Rick glanced at Aden. "Oh yeah. Seems that your getting into the mood of things. Bud, smoking... what's next?" Rick grabbed his pack of cigarettes, which he always had with him, and handed one to Aden. Then he grabbed his lighter and passed it to him as well. "Hey after give my the lighter so I can light this sucker up." He said, as he placed a cigarette in his mouth. Aden started to turn out to be not a half bad of a guy. Maybe even a good one.

Isabel starred at the packet of cigarettes. Curiosity was getting to her. Okay, no smoking. But maybe later some beer might help loosen you up She thought to herself. She stretched her arms, and saw some water. "Hey! I think we found it!" She squealed.
Aden lit the cigarette up, and inhaled deeply. He tossed the lighter back to Rick. Puffing away, he looked over at Isabel, he caught up with her. "So, what's new?" Aden asked.. kinda goofily. He tried to exhale the smoke away from her, not knowing her personal preference to cigarettes.
"Ugh, finally, I thought I was going to melt if we had to walk much longer in this heat" Jasmine smiled, already stripping out of her shorts and kicking off her flip flops. "Good ears Rick, couldn't have found it without ya" she commented, clapping him on the shoulder as she passed him in a mock manly gesture, making a b-line for the water.

Milo heaved a sigh of relief at the sight of the river and dropped off his monstrous pack that he'd lugged with him.
Rick grinned as Jasmine congratulated him and ran for the river. "No problem." He whispered to himself. Rick walked to the river, unlike most of the rest, and stood at the shore. He stepped into the water, and it circled around his feet. "So, you don't know how to swim?" He asked Milo, without even looking at him. "Have you ever tried?" Rick starred at his feet, knowing that Milo was somewhere behind him. Rick loved to swim. It was like a divide between life a death. Water brought life. You can't live without it. People do so many things with water. But you could die from water. You could drown, be electrocuted because of it. Water was a fascinating element. Rick guessed that's why he loved it so much. Water was graceful and beautiful, but also deadly. The water sparkled as the sun stood above it.

Rick lifted his head, and watched as everyone was swimming. Well, most everyone. Rick turned around to look at Milo, and waited for a reply.

Isabel ran to the river. Her face lit up immediately when she saw the river. She reached the river, and walked into it until it reached her hips. "Hm?" She asked, realizing Aden was talking to her. "New? Well, this river." She giggled, as she touched the cool water with her fingers. "But for real? Um, nothing much really." She glanced at all the new people, including Jack. "He's new." Isabel jerked her thumb at Jack. Then she twirled around until she was facing Aden. "What do you mean by new?" She raised her eyebrows. New as in... what? I mean, this camping trip was odd. She had no idea who set it up, or who's idea it was. Mystery. Isabel walked up closer to Aden, so she could hear him when he answered back.
A touch of fear entering his eyes when he looked at the water, Milo blinked quickly and looked elsewhere at Rick's inquiry, shrugging a bit in feigned nonchalance as he answered. "Deep water and I haven't been on very good terms since since I was seven, when my Father decided that the best way to teach me how to swim was to chuck me in the deep end of a pool without warning," he explained, pushing up his glasses. "Apparently nerds don't float very well" he tried to joke, sitting down on the grass, content to just watch everyone.

Jasmine suddenly halted right at the edge of the river bank. Lifting a leg, she ever so slowly dipped her toes in the water, before yanking them back out with a small hiss. "Colder then it looks" she muttered, rolling her shoulders as she prepared to just jump in and immerse herself. She paused when she heard someone coming up behind her and glanced over to see Aden's brother, Jake, approaching. She'd never met him face to to face before, though she had seen him around school. She took one fiendishly delightful moment to rake her gaze up and down his body, mentally rating him. 'Very nice form, and nicely toned to,' she thought with a smirk before her gaze returned to his face. Saluting him with a innocent grin on her face, she dove into the water, and came back up squealing at the chill.
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Rick chuckled. "Nah. Your problem is is that you're not thinking like a swimmer." Rick turned back to the water and looked on the horizon. "You're thinking like a drowner." He looked at Jasmine who was swimming, Isabel who was talking to Aden, and Jack who was standing there. Rick turned back around and walked towards Milo. "Are you willing to try to swim? I can teach you if you want." Rick flashed a smile, and stood next to Milo. "But I won't force it on you." Rick crossed his arms, and starred at his feet. The sand was soft, with a mix of some pebbles. It didn't hurt his feet, but his feet were practically calluses. He would walk around the streets bare feet a lot as a kid. Now his feet were hard. Rick blinked, bringing himself back to reality.

Isabel cupped water into her hands and poured some onto her head. She didn't want to go swimming yet, because of she was talking to Aden. But she did want to cool off a bit. Isabel heard a shriek, and she whipped around. What was that? Isabel looked around, and finally spotted Jasmine. "Oh." She spoke, and waved to Jasmine. "I thought you wanted to cool off!" She teased.
Jake walked rib deep in the river and dove in. He loved swimming. He felt like he was at home when he was in the water. But while normally the water cleared his mind, all the could do was think of why Jasmine wouldn't talk to him. When he ran up she looked and him and dove in. It was driving him nuts.

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Aden jumped in the water. Coldness, usually, never bothered him. It was like a feat of amazement. 'I should be on one of those.. superhuman shows. That'd get me attention' he mused to himself. Aden looked over to Isabel, and back to Rick, and then dove under the water, swimming around, not paying attention to where he was going.
Isabel shrugged as she saw Aden started swimming. "Whatever." She sighed, and then submersed herself into the water. She did the normal stroke, kicking her legs, and pushing her arms into the water and pulling them back out. She swam deeper, and twirled around. The water was a peaceful place for her, for everyone. Isabel floated back to the surface, and lay on her back. She floated, her eyes closed. The water tickled her back as she floated around, breathing slowly. "I wonder if there are fish in this water." She whispered to herself, hoping there was none, and if there was, they were small.
Aden kept on swimming, running out of breath, coming up for air, and swimming again. Repeating the cycle until it was almost second nature. He looked around, in the water, saw random things, but nothing of interest. He saw a few legs here and there, assumed who it was, and tried to avoid them. 'No use in running into people. They'll think I'm some sort of perv if they know I'm seeing them from this angle.' he smiled to himself.
Isabel surfaced the water. She took in a deep breathe and opened her eyes. "Isn't this fun!" She smiled. She saw Rick in the corner of her eyes, and she saw him nod. She smiled again, and looked down at the sparkling water. "Anyone want to do a game in the water?" She asked, and saw a figure in the water. She went underwater and recognized the figure. Aden. " She swam back up and then doggy paddled over to the Aden. She poked him, and waited for him to resurface.
Milo couldn't-and didn't bother trying to-hide his surprise when he looked up at Rick from his place on the ground. "You'd be willing teach me how to swim?" he asked, his tone a bit disbelieving. He had to wonder if it wasn't some ploy to get him in the water and then leave him there to drown. Somewhere inside, he knew that was irrational and unlikely, but so was being offered swimming lessons by one of the toughest kids in school, so he had good reason to be suspicious.

Jasmine wiped water out of her face and playfully stuck her tongue out at Isabel. "Yeah I wanted to cool off, not be turned into a river popsicle" she laughed, kicking up her legs in order to float on her back, letting her skin adjust to the chilly water. Glancing over to the bank, she looked for Jake but didn't see him. 'Pity, and here I thought he was going to talk to me' she mused, closing her eyes and letting the slow current carry her passed a few people. She was just floating past Isabel when she heard her say something about a game. "What kind of game?" she asked lazily, her hands swirling lightly in water.
Jake swam around for a while. But with the whole Jasmine thing bothering him, he decided he would go talk to her. He scanned the river. After he found her he swam towards her. "Hey, It's Jasmine right?" He said.

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Rick nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I love to swim and teaching someone else to enjoy swimming is cool." Rick wondered how he would do this. He'd never taught anyone how to swim, but he guessed it would be easy. Easy as pie He thought to himself, although he was never a good baker. "Come on, I'll teach you how to float first." He said, as he started toward the river. "You need to learn to relax during swimming. If you tense your muscles, you'll most likely drown. So by floating, your relaxing." Rick walked into the water up to his waist. "But before you start to float, you need to get into the water." He said, motioning Milo over. Rick saw Jake in the corner of his eye. Something about the guy made Rick's stomach twist. And it wasn't a good feeling.

Isabel laughed. "Oh well my bad." She teased back, and then looked at the sky. No clouds. What does that mean again? Bad weather? Good weather? Isabel had token a class before on weather, but she'd forgotten most of it. 'What kind of game?' Isabel jumped when she heard those words. She turned around to see Jasmine floating by her, asking a question. "Oh my god!" Isabel squealed. "You scared the crap out of me!" Isabel was scared easily, and her heart was racing. "Jesus." She whispered, and calmed herself down. "A game?" She breathed. "Oh yeah, a game." She said in a more sure voice. "Maybe like tag or something? I don't know many pool games." Then Isabel saw Jack come over. She raised her eyebrow. Did he like Jasmine? She asked herself.
Aden resurfaced from the water after being poked. "What. How did you see me?!" he asked shocked. He dorkily said hi-ya, and then instantly turned red. 'Dammit! Hi-ya?! Fucking really?!' he thought to himself quietly. "Anyway, why was I poked??"
Isabel giggled at Aden's hello. "I called you up to see if you had any cool pool games." Isabel smiled. "I don't know any except for like, tag." Isabel shrugged. Tag would be fun, but they'd have to swim around a bunch, and it's hard to see under water. Isabel did a 360, to see everyone who was there. Milo, Rick, Me, Aden, Jasmine, and Jack. That's six. "We have six people, so we can do a game that requires up to six people... or something." Isabel blushed, feeling that the information she just gave was useless.
Aden got confused. Why did everyone always think he had something up his sleeve. "No.. not really. I just thought it'd be fun to get wet. Not like that! Dammit!" he cursed himself. "Sorry.. bad mind." he grinned. He walked closer to Isabel, who was somewhat close to him. 'How did I get all the way over here?' Aden asked himself.

(I want to have one night of partying, fun, ETC, and then after that we can get lost. I'm just thinking, that's how all the cliche movies go, so we'll follow that same path)
Milo sucked in a quick breath, his eyes wide. "We're going to start now?!" he squeaked, already on the verge of panicking, and he wasn't even in the water yet! Forcing himself to take another breath, this time slower, and deeper, he told himself not to be such a wimp. It was just water, so what if he'd nearly drowned once. If he learned now, he wouldn't have to worry about it ever again. After his mental pep talk, he got to his feet and slowly followed Rick to the edge of the river where he stopped, remembering at the last moment that he was still fully clothed. Returning to his bag, he kicked off his pants and left them there, leaving him in his t-shirt and boxers. "So, you want me to just, walk in?" he asked once he was back on the bank, staring warily at the water.

Jasmine opened her eyes when she heard a voice above her, and stared up at Jake's face. "That's what all my friends and teachers call me so I guess it must be so" she answered, a lazy smile on her face. "And you're Jake right, Aden big brother" she stated, glancing over to Isabel as she thought of pool games. "There's always marco polo, and also chicken fights" she offered her before returning her attention to Jake.

(sorry my replies are slow, busy busy)
"Yep, that's me." Said Jake. He was glad they were talking. He hoped that he wasn't being obvious about his feelings towards Jasmine. "I'm down for chicken fights, but we're down two until Rick finishes helping Milo out." Jake said obviously.

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Jasmine looked over at Rick and Milo and smiled. "That's so cute how he's trying to teach Milo, and he's always such a harda** at school" she mused, moving so that she stood upright once more. "So anyway, do you know any other pool games?" she asked.
"Not really, unless you count floating beer pong, but we're missing everything for that. But for now." He says to the other 3. "Me and Jasmine against Aden and Isabel for a chicken fight?" He asked.

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