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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Watching her jet of flame arch back on her, Helia sent out a blast of air to interrupt the flow while also using a microburst to dodge backwards, putting herself nearer to the treeline she'd been demolishing for tinder.

This was getting ridiculous. Obviously magic against magic wasn't working like she wanted it to. Gripping the hilt of her whip, Helia lashed the ground furiously and decided to let them make the next move.

In the mean time Sasha took position at Helia's one o'clock, ready to whatever would come next.
"Shut it, right now I don't care." His manner was blunt and honest to Desiree. His next move was basically what they'd been waiting for.

It looks like she was aggravated and Helia was swinging the whip in retaliation to the distracting assault. Perfect. Looks like it was time for him to go gung-ho while she went mad.

Covering his side with rock, he charged/shoulderbarged straight towards Helia at high speed with his hulkish strength and weight. Dust kicked up behind him as he slammed his leg down to bring a forward momentum and charged. Regardless of how successful it was, he would go for a beatdown once he finished. She may have good magic, but Warren wanted to see how she could handle raw power.
Warren's tone and demeanor was no surprise to Desiree; after all, he was an earth mage and seemed no different now than any other she had met. Coarse, blunt and without regard, he was everything that Deckard had been, too.

As he took off after Helia, Desiree crouched and peered around the mound of earth Warren had erected. It, too, reeked of death and decay and she had to cover her nose and mouth with the sleeve on her arm.

Helia had gone on the defensive. Desiree watched as the others in the group sprang to action against her. They had some sort of plan of which she was unaware, but that was what she had hoped for when she diverted Helia's attention from them. I did my part, she thought. Now the rest is up to them.

Desiree could still sense their movements in the air currents around the encounter. They were working to surround their adversary, but to what end she couldn't say. Still, Helia was not alone in her defense as a third remaining leaper defiantly stood at her side.

Desiree's brow furrowed as she considered this creature. Her focus shifted away from Helia and centered on it as she prepared to decapitate it like the one that had earlier set its eyes on Ari. The element around her accepted her control – at which her lips curled in an ironic smirk – and was released toward the leaper. Dual blades of ultra-sharp air sliced down across its neck ...

... and dissipated.

Desiree felt her control on the air instantly ripped from her just before the moment of impact of her attack on the beast. Whether or not she had attracted its attention from the failed strike, Desiree did not know. One thing was certain: the last leaper was not entirely what it appeared.
The feeling of air warping around Sasha briefly interrupted Helia's mind as the foggy side took action to stop whatever attack was happening. This, though, drew her attention from those in the camp, and by the time she turned around again, a rock encrusted Warren was practically right on top of her.

Channeling her magic, she smashed a burst of wind straight down on the man, but only seemed to crack his earthen armour with the rushed attack. Following up her initial attack, Helia dodged sideways and swung out her lash, wrapping the whip and embedding the blades in the earth surrounding Warren.

Knowing that there was a good chance he would continue to power forward, Helia readied a macroburst that she had full intentions on using to throw this man into the sky.

(So yeah, she's been distracted for like, a fourth time now. So I figured I'd put Helia into a position where at best she could throw Warren somewhere, but since I don't intend on having Warren thrown anywhere, this seems like the perfect opportunity to bunny Helia and enact that plan. And yeah, feel free to bunny Helia to get the band off, but Sasha is be programmed to insistently protect her, especially if she falls unconscious[Which would prolly be best to move things til my next post where I can wake her up].)
Ethan noted the initial attack of Warren and with her now squarely attempting to defend herself and the shadow mutt distracted he spoke out to Cyril and Skyre "Now!" as the two wisps went at blazing speed following side ways then rushing towards her back. With his eyes now fully embedded into a blue hue he let out full force on the two wisps who twisted and turn together forming back into one wisp but twice the size. The burst would push Helia from behind forcing her back into Warren's direction knowing full well the man of stone would send his fist a blazing with the chance. With these two forces on her it was the perfect moment to blind her and send Skyre and Rederick for the band. His only hope was she didn't have some other surprise force to prevent this with Rusar's fire and Ari's lightning to back them up this was there only chance as his body fell limp from the extreme drain of his magic his vision nearly fading.
Ari struck Ethan's wisp with as much power as she dared to use in such close proximity. The combined light exploded in a blinding fury. Even from her distance, Ari had to avert her eyes from its brightness. There was no way Helia could have avoided it. Now it was up to the others to take care of that damned headpiece.

As she turned her face away, Ari's eyes caught Ethan collapsing from the extreme effort he'd put forth. "Oh, God! Ethan!" She quickly knelt next to him, diverting her attention from the immediate repercussions of the blinding attack. "Are you okay?" Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew it was a stupid question. Of course he wasn't okay! All the same, Ari felt the need to try and elicit a response from him. She glanced up hastily to make sure they weren't in any immediate danger. There was no way she would leave Ethan alone in his state. The others could handle Helia without her, she was sure of it.
Ethan felt his body held up as his vision blurred. He could tell from the voice who it was and the shear crackling of the lightning and heat of the air left him with a bit smile though he was winded and exhausted. "Yeah but I used too much is all." as he attempted to hear the fight from behind trying to sit up or stand "...I thank you for your concern Ari..." as he tried to focus his eyes to see but the strain of his practice by the river and the force of magic used now left him grasping for strength he could not muster. "...did we...get...her?" his body felt heavy as he fell to his exhaustion loosing conscience. Though he was not injured his body was forced to retreat his mind in order to recover. His last vision was the outline of Ari and the sound of the elements clashing behind them. A faint voice whispered as the world faded to black "Rest Ethan..." as the world went black and he slipped away from reality.
As soon as Ethan gave the command, Rederick bolted from behind the tree. The brilliant display of light did not alter his course as he closed his eyes and kept running forward. He used his other senses to compensate in that fraction of a moment along with his memory of the terrain he now ran through. His breath was calculated and his heart steady in its rise. He did not feel the sting of his injury.

Naraya was right next to him, her quadrupedal gait like a drum next to his own rhythm. She only veered slightly to the right away from him as they neared Helia. The feline had her sights on the other tree hound.

As Naraya collided with the back of the remaining hound, Rederick quickly grabbed the circlet from Helia's head with ease. His body stopped and turned around still at her back as he moved to aid his companion in the fight against the creature. He still held no desire to fight the girl that was once part of their group.
Lapis had watched the entire thing unfold. The entire fight was unnecessary and she felt it didn't make sense. But she keep her nose out of there business. Unless she hit her, she would stay out of the way. She sat under a tree to avoid her wrath. Just in case, she created a shield of wind around her so her peace wouldn't be disturbed. She sighed and watched them fight. She hated fighting, but it was her job. And wielding the wind is what she liked. The wind can be calm, or they can be rough. They can be gentle, or harsh. She sighed again, watching them fight.
Desiree watched as the other set into action. She had no knowledge of their plan but fervently hoped that it would work. With Helia's odd counter-control of Desiree's element, the blonde wind mage was unsure how much more she could affect their adversary.

From her peripheral vision, she was Ethan slump to the ground as Ari ran to assist him. Desiree knew that there was nothing more that she could do against Helia and the leaper, so she wrapped Ethan and Ari inside a bubble of wind in the hope of protecting them from any attack that might come from Helia due to their compromised and weakened position.

The effort to shield them took virtually no strength at all as the air around her seemed relieved to be working for her rather than be twisted and warped by Helia. She smiled at its touch as her element swirled and danced merrily around her and the two she protected – Desiree was in joyous harmony with the air and the elated feeling helped to drive away the discontent that their flight over the last several days had laid on her spirit.
((Okay noone has said nope to it))

"Stop bouncing around like a ping pong ball!" He shouted as she bounced around. It was difficult at the force he was going at to change direction.

Luckily somehow from outside influence she was pushed back into of fire....err...hitting straight. Into. His. Shoulder.


The full impact of his entire weight and frame didn't sound pleasant. He tackled her down with his shoulder into the ground and then pounded her in the stomach into the ground.

If it appeared as though that had little effect, he would just keep her pinned to the ground and continuously slug her. On the contrary, if it appeared as though any more punches will break her spine or similarly fatal, he'd simply slam earth onto her wrists so she can't move.

((Not much to write about as it very much depends on how she acts and what state she is in after))
SkyGinge updated ~The Lords of the Magistone~ with a new update entry:

Objective 4: The Sweet Air of Freedom

And finally we reach the point of another objective! Like the second objective, this objective is supposed to be a little more peaceful than most, so we won't be having any of the shenanigans of Pashan's lair last objective.
Objective 4 will feature four major events. Coming out of the time-skip, the group find themselves at the foot of a mountain at the edge of the eastern desert. Deciding to climb it, they plan to head for the mountain Skyre decribed on the other side. Along the way they may...
Read the rest of this update entry... 

Objective 4: The Sweet Air of Freedom

(continuing the journey)

~In an unknown location~

A compact chamber, dimly lit. Suddenly, an azure mass of swirling thin clouds broke the darkness.

"Is everybody present, nyes?" a squeaky voice echoed into the chamber.

"Present and reporting for duty, sah!" came a harsh shout. Then followed an awkward pause, as if they were waiting for somebody.

"Strange, oh my, it would appear that Vernain is absent, indeedy!" Pashan's frown could be heard through his trembling voice.

"We'd have heard her by now," Marek smirked, cynical. "She'd have attempted something witty and derogitory at some point. Have you messed up the communications again, Pashan?"

"Oh, nonononononono! Nonononono!" Pashan spluttered. "I sent a portal to her, I did, I did, I dididid! Just... apparently she's not where she was supposed to be. Nyes. That's it. She's been a naughty girlie again, nyes, and explored out on her lonesome!"

Listen to them. My subjects, bickering like infants. "That's enough nonsense from the pair of you," A new voice, from inside the chamber. Lifeless and cold. "I didn't organise this meeting for a chat. No, I wanted to announce a change in our arrangements. Marek?"

"Yes, my leige?"

"Return from the west at once. Dispose of the equipment and lead your men back north." A surprised silence.

"Does that mean you found it?" Marek replied, voice tinged with unusual excitement. "Does that mean you found the-"

"You'll discover when we get north," the unseen man snapped. "We've only got so much time before Pashan runs out of energy, so we must be efficient. Pashan, those survivors that you failed to kill. I want them alive. Keep trying to contact Vernain and update her. Leave their capture to her and you too head north. Dismissed."

A brief chorus of 'ayes', and then the portal whispered away.


~Evening, One Day Later~

A bone-coloured moon hung high in the skin, its light so dim it barely coursed the forest borders. Skyre sat alone at the fireside, staring as always into the dancing flames. Behind him, the rest of their surviving bunch lay asleep in a small cave. Everybody had been shattered from a couple of days of walking, and everybody had thought he was just being selfless and responcible when he offered to keep watch. But Skyre knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

At Midday the previous day, Helia had returned, and with her brought a new wave of emotion to Skyre. Finding himself completely powerless, he felt guilty at being unable to lead, jealous that some people seemed to be able to use the wind and he couldn't. He felt useless. And so he could only watch from the sidelines as the group finally stopped her enslaught. Feeling the wind return to him, he finally felt able to control himself, and as the girl was finally knocked unconcious, he spoke for everybody with a simple. "Let's go." The sudden mutiny had plunged all morale from the cliff of hope, and everybody suddenly looked a mixture of dazed, confused, and scared. The darkness of the forest floor would allow them privacy to gather their thoughts properly.

They had travelled largely in silence, everybody lost in emotion. Warren carried the unconcious girl over one shoulder, nobody that sure what to do with her. Everybody's immediate reaction was to try and pry the ominous tiara from her head, but not even the strong man himself could manage. It was stuck firm as if somebody had welded it on. Skyre suspected that 'somebody' was probably the Shadow King, or one of his compatriots. And that made him even less hopeful.

After the morning's chaos, they didn't manage to travel long, and soon the group settled down for the evening. By the time a fire was lit, everybody had gradually began to grow cheerier. Cyril attempted to use light magic to stop the tiara, but still nothing worked. She showed no signs of waking up either, which worried Skyre. But soon everybody was asleep, and dreams had replaced realities problems.

When it was Skyre's turn once more to keep watch, he soon made a startling discovery. In the mask of night, Helia had disappeared. Frowning, his tired mind began to panic a little, and Skyre quietly crept into the surrounding forest. The lack of light made it almost impossible to see, but feeling the wind around him, Skyre closed his eyes and formed a mental picture of his surroundings. Pressing on, he scoured the nearby forest. Clinging onto the final hope as ever, he was desperate to find her, no matter what state she was in.

Soon, he found her. The tiara lay on the dusty earth, shattered in two down the middle, it's darkness faded. Nearby, a small body lay in the shrubbery, completely covered in a dark goop. Around it, the leaves had began to die away, and a pile of sickly twigs piled up on her body, like the bones of a songbird. She tried to fight it, Skyre realised. Even to the end, she was defiant. And the Shadow King punished her for it.

There was an air of unnatural hope around camp the following morning, even as Skyre broke the solemn news to them. When they went to seethe body, there was no nothing left bar the two shattered halves of the tiara. "She must have found her will and broken his toy," he had mused, sadly. "But as one tool was destroyed, another one fell too."

They had journeyed safely for the rest of that day, morale surprisingly high in spite of events. For some reason, it felt as if they were safe; the air lacked its customary reek of death. Skyre reckoned it had something to do with Helia's final effort; perhaps it had reversed the Shadow King's tracking, or something. Theory correct or not, they progressed well and without incident and had finally reached the edge of the desert mountains. Now, they were only a day or two away from their goal.

Yet as the sun had faded, and the hopeful moon had risen, the image of Helia's black-coated courpse lying in the darkness scarred his memory and made everything pessimistic. And so, as the camp slept on, Skyre thought back on life before the fall, and wet the cracked earth with fresh tears.
Losing Helia during the night had soured her mood. Desiree was quite upset at whomever was on watch when Helia disappeared, but soon let it go as the discovery of the shattered tiara fairly well closed that chapter in their small group's life. She was sad to see her gone, and held the knife that Helia had given her with a bit more reverence than before.

As Skyre led them along, Desiree's spirits were never higher. She was in constant contact with her element, now that it no longer was twisted by the Shadow King's taint, and it seemed to revel in her presence. Light wisps danced and played with the ends of her straight, blonde hair and she frequently giggled at its frolicsome touch.

Desiree noticed Skyre's somewhat dour demeanor, as if he was shouldering responsibility for Helia's fall. She brushed her air gently across his cheek and winked with a smile at him whenever his attention turned to her. It seemed to help sometimes, but other times he slid into silent brooding.

After supper, and everyone had bedded down for the night, Desiree tried again to pull Skyre out of his doldrums. He smiled and said nice things, but she could tell that his heart was still heavy. With nothing else for it, she lightly kissed his cheek and told him that he shouldn't feel so responsible for Helia. With that, she found a spot nearby and slipped into sleep.

----- A Dream -----

It was another dream of her time at the university. She stood in a dark, mahogany study room which contained a few bookshelves, several desks and chairs, a lectern and a teacher's desk. Situated on the desk was an emerald and blue ceramic globe about a foot in diameter, cradled in a dark, cherry wood stand.

The ceramic globe hovered a foot above its wood stand. Desiree had enveloped it with the air in the room that she had summoned and now gracefully toyed with it as she cast it around the room in a lazy, circular pattern.

Her time at the university had developed into such a bore. In her first term, everything was so exciting and new, but now well into her third term the professors had become monotonous, the studies tiresome and the exams dreadfully easy.

And today, Professor Hagen was going to test her on her control ... again.

She despised the little man, with his octagonal spectacles which were secured around his neck with a thin, silver chain. He would place them on the end of his nose and stare over them at her with his sunken, dark eyes that hid beneath bushy, grey eyebrows. His thin, nasally voice was not helped by the pressure of the spectacles on his nose and it grated on her every time he spoke.

Which seemed to be all of the time. Desiree wondered if his incessant nattering at her while she worked her craft wasn't just another test – a test to see if she could focus amidst his simply irritating voice.

From the distance, the university clock struck the third hour. Desiree grimaced and whirled the ceramic globe faster around the perimeter of the room before deftly alighting it back on its stand. Prompt as always, as the orb touched down and was released by her air, the ashen wood door swung open quietly on hinges recently greased by some first term student. Professor Hagen stood in his grey linen teacher's outfit and penetrated the distance between him and Desiree with those very eyes she had learned to detest. His silken, azure stole that hung loose from his neck swirled at its ends as the vestiges of Desiree's wind playfully tugged at them.

"Again with your parlor tricks, Miss Tanner," Professor Hagen stated with disapproval. "You of all third term students should know that working your talents without the supervision of a qualified instructor is against university rules."

University rules, she mimicked in her mind with resentment. Desiree's eyes rolled to the ceiling as she blew a few strands of hair from her face. "Yes, Professor Hagen."

The man, who stood a few inches shorter than his pupil, entered the room and gently closed the door. He crossed to the lectern while shaking his head in disapproval. "You could be so much more, Miss Tanner," he said in his nasally voice, "if you showed more responsibility."

"Yes, Professor Hagen."

"To that end," he continued over her answer, "today we will practice ... your control exercises."

Desiree groaned and let out a depressed sigh. Control practice was her most hated lesson. It was so boring to work on control; she preferred to firmly grasp the wind, bend it to her will and unleash it. To her, the air wanted to be unleashed and she felt it unfair to constrain it with control.

"Now, then," Professor Hagen said. With no overt movement, he summoned the air in the room around the ceramic globe and gently lifted it from the stand. "Catch," he commanded and hurled the orb across the room at Desiree.

She raised her hand, palm outstretched at the object and caused the air to halt it in its flight a few feet from her. The task was completed with almost no effort. She looked toward her teacher and raised an eyebrow as if to say, is that all you wanted?

Expressionless as always, Professor Hagen used his command of the air to rip Desiree's hold on the ceramic globe. The green and blue sphere instantly tumbled to the floor. Desiree immediately returned her attention and halted its descent just before it could crash onto the hard wood floor.

The move had caught her by surprise, but now the challenge had been made. With a smirk, Desiree lifted the globe back to its previous height and slowly caused it to spin in place. She looked past the rotating sphere at her instructor who was unimpressed as he cleaned his spectacles with a white, cotton cloth.

Suddenly, an over-stuffed leather chair that had been situated near the far corner window lifted, took flight and soared toward Desiree. The student held her grip of air on the sphere, turned her head to the new missile, and lashed out with her other hand in a back-handed, sweeping motion. The chair was tossed aside by the impact of the extra turbulence, crashed down across a desk and tumbled upside-down against the wall near the door.

Desiree whipped her head back just as the professor launched a scroll casing at her. Acting more on instinct than practice, she also swatted the object with a sweep of her hand and caused it, too, to tumble chaotically across the room until it dropped to the floor.

The red and blue sphere fell a half a foot before she regained control of it and returned it to its original height; however, with the game now on she no longer expended any energy to spin it.

"Sloppy," Professor Hagen spat with reproach. "Even my worst second term student could evade such simple attacks and not leave the items in such a haphazard fashion. You need to not only capture the item, but control it and bring it to rest in a calm manner."

She had heard this lecture before. What did it matter the condition of the object, so long as I avoided it? It was just a stupid chair and an empty scroll case.

"Again," he commanded. Desiree focused her attention on the ceramic globe and then used her connection to the air in the room to sense the currents in effort to determine the direction of the next attack. This was a more advanced method of air magic and one she had only recently begun to manage.

Her efforts did not go unrewarded. From directly behind her, the currents swirled and suddenly became violent. Desiree turned completely around to face the new object while keeping her grasp on the ceramic globe. She had learned this trick before as Professor Hagen had bested her by causing an airborne object to sail past her and shatter the globe. Part of that lesson was to know not only how to avoid and deflect items, but also to be aware of the items that you intended to protect.

It was scroll cases again, this time four of them launched from the table near the bookshelf at the other end of the room. Desiree had time as the distance was more than enough for her to gather her focus. As one, the cases were drawn together by her will over the air and she dutifully stacked them on the table to her right.

The ceramic globe shattered behind her.

Desiree turned and found Professor Hagen a mere few steps in front of her, the shattered pieces of the globe at his feet.

"But you didn't use any wind," she protested. "I would have felt it."

Professor Hagen stared at her across the tops of his spectacles with disappointment. "You should have expected it," he lectured. "You should have known that I would simply walk up here and smash the globe."

Desiree crossed her arms in front of her. "That's not fair, professor..."

He cut her off, "Not fair?" he said as his voice raised above hers. "Not fair? Is that your excuse, Miss Tanner? It wasn't fair?"

Deflated, Desiree sighed and looked down at the shattered globe.

Professor Hagen turned on his heel and strode back to the lectern. "Again," he commanded.

The lesson continued for a half hour. Desiree's control improved, but only slightly and only because she intended to make a point to her instructor that she knew control and didn't need the stupid control lesson. What she hadn't realized was that Professor Hagen was also testing the limits of her endurance. Time after time, he sent various objects around the room at her, and more often than not she stopped them or blocked them aside. Some of her efforts did show control: the table was set on its legs, the tomes from the bookshelf were stacked nearby, although not in a perfect stack, and so on.

However, the lesson wasn't without its pains. Desiree had been slashed across her palm by a letter opener, scalded by the wax from a lit candle, tripped multiple times by low flying objects and she sported more bruises and contusions than she cared to count. Overall, the lesson was tiresome and utterly frustrating.

In an act of defiance, Desiree began re-directing objects that assaulted her toward her instructor. Without visible effort, Professor Hagan deftly plucked items from the air just before they struck him and either laid them gently around himself or hurled them back at his pupil. His arrogance in his ability infuriated her, and Desiree finally lost control.

She dropped all of the items that she had suspended around the room, thrust both open palms toward Professor Hagen and blasted him with a strong gust of wind. Her effort used every last bit of her remaining energy as she summoned all of the air in the room to her will. Professor Hagen had not anticipated the attack and he brought his arms up to create his own wall of air; but Desiree had already commandeered all of the element in the room and he had no air with which to conjure his defense.

The impact threw the professor against the wall behind him, but the torrent of air would not be denied – it pressed against the dark mahogany with such force that both professor and a large portion of the wall ruptured into the next room flinging him, splinters and other debris onto the students who were involved in their own lesson.

Desiree slumped to her knees. Her wind swept hair was a wild, unruly mess about her head. "I got you, you bastard," she screamed as she smiled in victory. The exertion proved too much and the blonde wind mage student lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.
Ari could pretend to lament the loss, but she hadn't known Helia well at all. It had no real effect on her except to cement what she'd figured all along -- the futility of fighting the Shadow King's forces. It was at the back of everyone's mind, and she knew it. But it would do no use to bring such a thing up after that rattling experience. Nobody needed to hear it.

She laid down for a while, unable to sleep as the others dropped off one by one. Perhaps the restlessness had something to do with the day's circumstance. Or the thought that when she'd last awoken, she was underground in chains. Or the lingering darkness she saw in her memory of Helia's tiara. Or maybe it was a more distant memory that Helia's death had recalled. There was a kind of familiar hollowness that followed Skyre's grim news, sort of a reminder of her moment of weakness at the river. Maybe a combination of these thoughts inhibited her sleep as they tipped from left to right in Ari's head.

Someone snored softly on the other side of the dying campfire. Ari gazed into the embers vacantly, watching the wind try to cull some response from the faintly glowing coals. It was pointless, though; the wind alone could not reignite the flames, no matter how warmly the coals wanted to glow. Ari's eyes grew tired from staring into the steady orange light. Slowly, as the last sparks of the embers dulled, she drifted off.


Ari dreamt of a different time that night, almost akin to a different her. Her long hair was braided in a casual plait and she sat at the back of the class. The professor droned on and on about magic theory, how magical energy was related to control and expenditure and natural energy. Ari yawned, wondering why this course was even required for first-years. She couldn't wait to begin learning actual magic. Sadly, this was where she and all other first-years had to start. Magical theory. She yawned again, her head dropping towards the desk.

"Aurelia Wren!" A voice broke through the thin veneer of Ari's dazed state. Her head snapped up from the short nap that almost occurred. The professor had stopped the lesson to call her out. Surrounding classmates snickered at the sound of her formal name, which they knew she detested. Professor Blake held her ground at the front of the class and spoke sternly: "Perhaps you would prefer to learn outside in the hall? Or in your dorm room, where you could at least sleep if you got bored by the material?". Ari shook her head sleepily. Seemingly satisfied with the giggles she'd generated from the class, Professor Blake turned her attention back to the lesson.

No professor, I'd prefer to learn by doing, Ari thought. She kept her mouth shut, however, not wishing to draw more attention to herself. You don't learn magic through magical theory, she mentally declared to the professor. You don't learn anything through magical theory.

A thump from the adjacent room interrupted Ari's thoughts. She looked around, but either nobody had heard it or they were simply ignoring it. Ari decided it was advisable for her to ignore it too, lest Professor Blake call her out again. She tried to refocus on the pointless lesson.

Though she honestly attempted to pay attention, Ari's concentration was repeatedly challenged by her tendency to doze and the periodic crashes and thumps coming from the room next door. The noises next door grew more frequent and louder; other students were beginning to take notice as well. They looked around, at the wall, at each other, wondering what could be making all the ruckus. Professor Blake appeared to be unaware of the sounds in the interest of continuing the lesson, but even she would halt sometimes after a particularly loud crash.

Finally, the professor couldn't take it anymore. She started towards the door at the back of the class, no doubt to check on the adjacent room. And just in time too -- as soon as Blake laid a hand on the doorknob, the wall where she'd been teaching blasted apart. Splinters, dust, and a professor fell upon the first row of students, scattering them like roaches away from the blast. Ari felt loose strands of hair fly out of her face as the wind retreated into the room. A student struggled to rise, trapped comically underneath the professor who'd blown through the wall in a forceful gust of wind magic.

"Pr-Professor Hagen?!" Blake stuttered as she ran to help her coworker up. The students, now recovered from the initial shock, displayed a variety of reactions. One or two students attempted to help the unexpected class guest while others began running towards the newly formed doorway to see what had caused the explosion. Others still sat in their seats and laughed stupidly at Hagen's situation (he was not the most popular, as professors go). In the midst of it all, Ari sat calmly in her seat. She had not moved one bit since the interruption. Rather, she stared intently at the source, trying to figure out exactly who that was in the clearing dust.

Ari caught a glimpse of striking blonde hair that danced in victory around a figure. The caster was a woman! Whoever it was fell to her knees, shouting something inaudible over the commotion. The girl fell forward as Professor Blake threw up a barrier of ice to impede her students from heading to the other classroom.

Who was that girl? Ari needed to know. She stood, being the closest one to the door as everyone else was still trying to get past the ice wall at the front of the class. She was a few paces away when the door slammed open.

What seemed like every professor in the hallway tried to enter the room through the narrow doorway, demanding to know what had happened. Students behind them jumped about for a better view at the scene. Ari tried to force her way through, but the onslaught of people attempting to enter the room at the same time barred her exit. She glanced back at the translucent ice barrier. Behind it, two figures dragged the unconscious wind mage out of the room.


Ari's eyes fluttered awake into the light dusk of an impending dawn. For a lingering second, she felt what her past self had in the dream she'd long forgotten about. There was a brief spell of anxiousness and anguish from not being able to know who that girl was, curiosity, wonder. The memory became less and less accessible the more Ari tried to recall it. Who was that blonde-haired girl...or was it honey-colored? Or perhaps light brown? Or dark blonde? Ari could no longer see the memory as she had in her dream. She sighed, resigned to the fact that she would just never know.

Though she didn't feel quite as well-rested as she wanted, Ari sat up. It was much too late (or was it too early?) to return to sleep. The unpleasantness that generally sits in poorly rested limbs fell away as Ari turned to face the first rays of sun that were so reminiscent of the mystery mage from her faded dream. She would watch the dawn break until the others woke, perhaps as much as a few hours later. But heaven knew, as did Ari, that they all needed the rest.
Rusar laid awake with in the cave they had taken shelter in unable to really much sleep. The fight with Helia, and the news of what happened to her after, had been taxing but more so on her spirits and confidence than her body. The battle had gone well with very little injuries to be had but she couldn’t help but feel she could do more. The corrupted wind mage could have easily been grounded if she used her dark magic, allowing everyone else to do as they needed. However, she held back not wanting the other to find out about her knowledge of the dark arts. This time was lucky but in the future such hesitance could be the difference between victory and injury. She had no doubts of her talents with fire, it had always comes easy to her but it had its advantages and disadvantages, especially in group combat. She decided to use all of her magical talents but be careful in how she implemented them, especially with Mystic and Light Magicians within the group. Rusar sighed heavily as she rolled over on her side attempting to find some sleep.


The forest was thick and dark with the moon barely visible high in the sky. Rusar knew she would get in trouble if she was caught however she needed some time away from the academy. Time to relax and just breathe, instead of putting up her usual front of cold indifference. Though she was starting to wonder if it was just a front any more or if being around such… interesting… people was starting to have an effect on her. In the fire academy she knew there were those who used their abilities for their own gain and those who used it to help others. She wasn’t so naïve to think the world was good and everyone in it used their magic to make it a better place. However she hadn’t seen the darker side of humanity until she started classes in the dark arts. Some of the tricks and uses for the magic was just down right cruel and frightening. What surprised her more was the fact that she didn’t even struggle with the technics. Manipulating and controlling shadows came just as natural to her as using fire. It made her second guess her decision to apply.

Shaking such thoughts from her head the magician decided to practice a bit of magic that had been absent from her life for nearly six months. She closed her eyes and held her hands out in front of her forming two balls of fire with in her hand but didn’t fire them simply manipulated and moved them forming different shapes with the flame giving it life in the form of serpents and large firey birds. She smiled enjoying the warmth of her own flames feeling it flow through her like an old friend that had hidden away.

The sound of voices broke her concentration and she quickly put out her fire hoping no one else saw it. She scrambled to a nearby tree her small frame easily blending into the shadows. Everything was still and silent a moment longer before a pained yelped echoed in the woods behind her. Rusar debated whether or not to investigate or just pretend as if she never heard anything her conscious won out and she silently made her way in the direction of the sound. As she drew closer she could hear voices, she made sure to be as silent as possible.

“Ack! Stop, please!”

“Awe what was that? Can live up to all your big talk now can you?”

“I swear he’s more pathetic than we thought.”

Rusar peeked around one of the trees spying two older students, most likely upper classman, looming over a younger student, someone who didn’t even looked like he was part of the dark arts school. He was wrapped up in thick binds made of shadows constricting his body much akin to how a snake squeezes the life out of his prey. There was a sickening crack followed by an agonized scream from the boy Both of the upper classmen just chuckled. The boy slowly clenching his fist causing the shadows to react.
“Ooo I think that one was a rib! How much longer do you think He’ll last before he passes out.”

“I dono, he’s looking pretty out of it already.” The girl chuckled leaning down to grab a hand full of the trapped boys hair “Not going to go mouthing off about how you can take on those better than you now, right?” She scolded in a teasing manner.

“No! no I won’t ever again!” The boy cried.

“You better not. Cause next time we won’t stop at a few broken ribs.” The older boy hissed giving his hand one last squeezed earning another pain full screech before passing out from the pain.

Rusar stifled a gasp as she watched from her hidden spot not really sure what to do other than watch as the two older student admired their work.

“Great now we have to carry him back.” The boy scoffed.

“Just leave him, staff will find him eventually if not he’ll make his way back on his own.” The girl replied uncaringly.

Rusar bit her lip lightly as she started to creep away from her hidden spot making as little sound as possible, unfortunately as she tried to sneak away her arm brushed against something thin and stringy. She held back a yelp and stumbled backwards away from the spiders web aware this area did have some that were poisonous. In her stumbling she ended up crashing into a prickly bush causing quite a bite of noise. The huntress cursed softly and pulled herself from the bush tearing a bit of her uniform as she attempted to escape not even waiting to see if she had been heard. She took off into the forest back to the school weaving between trees as quickly as possible. She reached the clearing where she had originally been practicing able to see one of the towers poking out from the canopy and pushed herself faster.

The next thing she knew something had caught on her foot causing her to lad face first into the dirt. Ru managed to get to her hands and knees and glanced back her heart dropping at the sight of the same shadowy binds now wrapped around her leg.

“Well, Well looks like we caught our selves another youngling." The girls voice chuckled as she entered the clearing her fist gaining a mute aura. She pulled her arm back and Rusar was dragged back towards the two students. She gritted her teeth glaring up at them.

“Let me go.”
She demanded.

“Ooo a bossy one at that.” The girl smirked. “I don’t think you’re in any position to be making any demands.”

Rusar suppressed a whimper as the shadows around her leg constricted painfully. She channeled the pain into anger instead.
“I said let me go!” She yelled fist bursting into flames as she swung her arm in front of her releasing a large burst of fire. The girl screamed releasing her hold over Rusars leg and she wasted no time in scrambling to her feet. Unfortunately she had forgotten to account for the other student and found both of her legs bound to the ground before she could even turn to run. A second later a second bond wrapped around torso pinning her arms to her side followed by a hard slap which nearly knocked her to the ground.

“Bitch! She burned me!” The girls hissed in anger clenching her fight rightly, the skin above it already blistering red from the fire. Rusar grit her teeth as her bonds started to constrict around her. “You’re going to be so sorry you even stepped foot into this forest!” She hissed the binds getting even tighter to the point it was difficult to even breath.

“Let’s make this quick, we’ve been gone a while as it is. Kill or maim?” The boy asked glancing at how high the moon had gotten.

“You take all the fun out of this.” The girl complained

Rusar panicked as she felt the constricting only tightening around her body her ribs already starting to strain against the pressure . There was a dark glint in the girls eyes which gave no indication to Ru that she would survive this encounter by any sort of mercy or sudden change of heart. Any kind of fire would just injure or distract them, not enough to get her free though. Instead she fought back with their own methods. She focused on the shadows just behind the two tormentors pulling them under her control she flicked her wrists and a two bands lashed out tiring themselves one around each of their necks.

Unlike the two sadistic students, she was a huntress, someone who wasted no time in taking down her prey, or in this case opponent. The two older student were immediately taken off guard as they were strangled by some force they couldn’t see. Her own binds tightened for a moment before the control started to waiver as the two students panicked and focused their attention on trying to free themselves. Rusar only smirked slightly seeing the two struggle and writhe on the ground. She could have stopped once she was released but she didn’t instead she just squeezed tighter
“Not so much fun when the tables are turned, is it?” she taunted a sense of satisfaction growing in her as their movements slowed and after a few seconds stopped.

The huntress released the shadows staring down at the two unconscious bodies when a realization hit her of what she’d just done and dread twisted up in her stomach. She’d just murdered two other students.


Rusar gasped awake to a dark cave a familiar uneasy feeling twisting in her gut, echos of a memory she’d honestly tried to forget. But with so many encounters with the shadow kings forces it just brought up more unpleasant memories. The only solace she had from that event was she had stopped just shy of actually killing them. She had run off without even checking, she only heard rumors of the two being pulled out of the school. Supposedly both suffered some mental side effects from having the blood cut off to their brains for several minutes. She never feared any kind of retaliation from the two, no the dread she felt was not even over the fact she had killed them but more so over getting in trouble for doing it. She never felt an ounce of guilt for what she did what unnerved her most was the fact that on some level she enjoyed it.

Shaking off the memories and feeling of the past Rusar got up and moved towards the entrance of the cave. She noticed the sky outside the cave starting to lighten as dawn approached for a new day. Her decisions to use both kinds of magic waivered more now. Once the invasion took over she swore off using dark magic. Fire was all she needed to survive, but it seemed things were changing. Just surviving wasn’t going to be enough.
Warren never got to really know Helia, so never developed any special bond with her. So for him the loss hit him like water does a rock. Which isn't that much at all.

Warren was tired beyond all other things. From the entire group, he probably did the most work. He killed and beat down many warriors, with or without the aid of the potion at times, withstood and beat down Helia and then carried Helia all the distance.

He was shattered and needed his beauty sleep.

The large man was lying in the cave on his back with his hands on his stomach, snoring soundly and frankly, rather obnoxiously loud. His body welcomed sleep so badly, he could have slept on a spiked rock. His smile was peaceful with finally resting and his aches wore away.

Now unlike the rest of his comrades, Warren was a simple man when it came to his brain. So instead of having flashbacks or similarly brooding or pensive thoughts, his dreams were much simpler.


In fact for most of the time as they slept he dreamt about steak. In his dream, he was his spirit animal, a lion. Big, prideful and strong. The king beyond all.

Ahhhh steak.

So juicy.

So moist.

The mademoiselle of my stomach.

You fill me with your vigour.

You nourish me with your love.

Nothing compares to your sensual texture as you rub the inner walls of my body.

As you fill me inside with the perfectly crafted mixture of nutrition.

My mouth longs for more.

Warren began drooling in his sleep with his tongue slightly out. This dream was really getting to him it appeared and it kept him in his deep sleep.
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~~~~Dream State~~~~

Ethan found himself in the forest the crisp leaves breaking from below his feet as the sun's rays broke through the canopy of tree's above. He felt himself back in familiar surroundings as the faint smell of bitter root and crushed herbs filled the air. Soon the cottage of his teacher was in sight and the smoke rising from the chimney gave Ethan a warm feeling of comfort. As he opened the door his adult form had shortened and he was but a young teen once more. His cracking voice spoke out into the homey room filled with a mix of herbs, oils, and wax from the experiments his teacher was performing. The old man turned his head giving off his smile as he adjusted his glasses watching the reaction of the mixture carefully. "Welcome back dear boy." as he directed little Ethan to sit "Did you get what I asked for?" as the elder man brought his reach out towards the boy. "Yes Master like you asked I found the moss growing near a river." his changing voice cracked and rasped as the child spoke out pulling from his pockets handfuls of a gray moss. The old man let out a small snicker at the boy's muddy fingers and took the moss tossing it into the bowl. A faint greenish brown smoke emerged before it settled causing the mixture to turn a light blue.

Ethan watched carefully his eyes widen in anticipation as the old man rustled the boy's hair. "Do you know what this is Ethan?" as he took a moment to let the mixture relax "Yes sir, an anti-toxin for Miss Darlene's bite she got yesterday." as Ethan watched the bowl in anticipation his curious nature drawn to the color as he waited "Correct and do you know why we wait now?" as the boy laughed knowing the teacher was only teasing him "Cause if we don't it'll be poisonous and your stomach will be upset" as the old man laughed hard slamming the table "...Er foresure dear boy more then that it'll clear you of your breakfast, lunch, and supper. I bet not to pleasantly either!" as the mixture slowly started to bubble and the color turned green. Ethan smiled ecstatically as he motioned to his master "It's Done! It's Done!" as the teacher picked up the bowl examining it carefully "Yes this'll do nicely!" pouring it slowly into a vial and corking it tightly.

Ethan grabbed his master's satchel as he struggled with the clasp. The old man smiled assisting the boy and setting the vial carefully into the holds then with a quirk idea put the bag around the boy's chest and shoulder letting it rest around his waist. "REALLY!?" Ethan's eyes filled with a shocking energy as he held the bag "Yes I think your ready to carry it now but remember to be gentle with it!" as Ethan's head bobbed back and forth in agreement to his teacher's demands. The door was quickly rustled open as the boy ran out and down the path "Mind yourself Ethan be sure to get there before sunset!" as his teacher waived the boy off. Ethan ecstatically ran with feet light as the wind darting through while guarding the bag carefully. Soon though this memory would warp as the path stretched farther and farther and the forest slowly faded away. The young boys feet became heavy as the sound of water splashed below.

The boy found himself surrounded in a sea and endless sky as a voice broke from the darkness "Enjoying your dream Ethan?" as a figure of light broke from the horizon. As its light reached Ethan his body slowly grew back to his former self, the memory fading with a bitter smile left on his face. "Fret not Ethan..." the figure spoke once more as it approached. This dream was too vivid then the previous ones no longer needing to wait and attempting to gauge this reality Ethan simply peered directly at this light "Who are you?" as the figure stopped but a few feet from him. Both stared at each other Ethan unable to see it's details at first but then slowly it stepped out of the light. First a booted foot sending light waves across the still waters, then a hand, and finally blue eyes like his when illuminated emerged staring at him faintly. "I am and have always been part of you Ethan. Since the time of my birth I knew not but you and you alone." as the light receded and a tall white haired woman stood before him. She held an oak staff that emitted wisp like light, her hair long and flowing like the endless sky above, and her eyes constant and like stars. "I am Aurora."

Ethan's heart was racing unsure if this was a dream anymore or something more. He was unable to speak or move his mouth but her words came not from her lips but from his mind, like an echo it rang into his core. The world around them warped to the night of his last mystic lesson, his vision of his teacher and words unspoken, of the wisp that followed him since that day and his teacher's cautious approach to his magical lessons. Ethan could not piece what he saw together only that it was now displayed to him "I was created by you and part of you, I mean no harm only your protection Ethan." the woman's voice spoke again as the world started to fade into white. Ethan knew from his dreams before he would awake soon quickly he turned to her "Who..." but his lips where silenced as she placed her fingers upon them. "With this moment we are now getting closer, I will always be near you Ethan we will find what you are seeking together." as the woman turned to light fading with the room but filling Ethan was a warmth. "Its time to wake now..." as the voice faded and Ethan eye's opened to the sound of a loud roar like sound.


Ethan was startled when in his sight was a gaping mouth and a loud strong heated breath towards him. With quick movements and not so graceful leap from his position Ethan's back hit the side of the cave before noting the beast was Warren. His heart was racing a moment as he tried to look over his surroundings. Unsure how long he was out Ethan could not do much but try to recall the previous events. His first was the sight of Helia and whether she had been stopped, but with no sign of her and the rest of the group looking to be alive he could only assume for the best she was thwarted. Quietly he reached for his hat which was being drooled on by Warren who took it for some delectable hamhock or meal. A bit disgusted using a rag to dry the rim of his hat he slowly moved around the cave avoiding the others so not to wake them as he reached the entrance.

Sky looked to be quietly observant of the area and seemed to be almost lost in deep thought. The tension around him felt thick enough that nothing could brake through it. Feeling it best to leave him to his thoughts Ethan stepped out feeling the cool break of the morning air, the sun was still kissing the night sky and the sound of the world around them still felt silent and peaceful. Ethan took this time to gauge his surroundings and figure where they had gone, the clearing no longer visible he could only assume they had been traveling for several days for how far though it was beyond him at this time.

Putting his hat on a rock to dry some more Ethan relaxed feeling the restful sleep he had to be something that was much needed. Looking back to the cave the others seemed to need it just as much and it was a blessing to see they where all safe. The only real concern though was this foreboding feeling that not all was peaceful, the thought that Helia was not a part of the group left him worried that she had escaped or worse they could not have saved her. The thought gave Ethan a painful tug in his heart realizing that the Shadow King could manipulate anyone of them so easily and worse corrupt them in such a way that what was once allies would turn so easily as enemies. The faint fear of this power the King of Shadows possessed left Ethan lost in thought as the faint light flickered and his wisp slowly emerged from nothing hovering slowly above him as if to keep watch of the young man.

~A Dream~

A golden sun nestles behind the crown of mountains. Its tender light glistens on the six cornerstone building of Aliak; the five universities of magic and the caslt of light. The capitol's lively streets are beginning to quieten down; merchants and villagers hustle goods into packs and carts, happy children are beckoned home. The castle bells toll for nine o'clock. A faint, summer haze surrounds the town, though Skyre is unsure if that is because he is in a dream or not.

The young magician, clad in casual village cloaks, finds himself in a small yet bustling building, filled with similar students. He sits at a bar on the far side of the room, talking to two friends. At the far corner of the room is a raised stage, on which several folk musicians are providing music, music to which several students are dancing in the centre, mostly in pairs.

It is not a place that Skyre would usually attend; the noise is too loud, the room is too busy, and the presense of a fair few drunkards makes him uneasy. But nevertheless, he wears his constant smile, admiring the rhythmic sounds from his position at the bar.

His conversation, unimportant, fades, and Skyre watches his two friends fade off into the crowd of dancers. As the disappear, a familiar girl steps forwards, and he grins. "Hello there, Liza!"

"Hey," her voice is remarkably soft and subtle; the kind of voice that could send even an angry toddler to sleep. She is fairly short and average looking; her straight blonder hair falls just past her shoulders, and her blue eyes seem much smaller than her large button nose. She seems constantly uneasy, shy. "I didn't think this was your kind of place."

"You thought right," Skyre continues to grin, "but I was drawn in by the music. See that guy?" He points towards the band of musicians, who have just began a high octane ditty.

"The one with the mustache?" They are pointing to an awkward, impish looking man with a wild mane of dark hair, a man who is undeniably the best musician - he plays spectacularly fast tunes on a rustic woodwind instrument.

"Yep. Just listen to that. He's amazing?"

"Looks like somebody's got a little bit of a man crush," Liza teases, clearly more confident around him than the crowds behind them.

"Hey, woah," Skyre raises a jovial eyebrow, "As much as you jest, I actually do go for women rather than men."

"'Tend to'?"

"Oh come on, Liza. You know I'm as manly as can be." At this, they both break into an awkward chuckle. Then a pause.

"Well, prove it," Liza challenges, nervously. "Come dance with me."

Skyre eyes her for a moment. "Liza, you know I can't dance."

"No I don't."

"I've seen grandads dance better than me!" he protests, weakly. "Grandads! Some which only had one leg!"

"Oh, quit complaining," Liza smirks, snatching his hand and dragging him to the dance floor. When she lets go, he simply remains still, smiling wryly as he looks for an escape. Liza gesticulates at him to dance, and, sighing, he suddenly leaps into some kind of crazy folk dance. Now in histerics, she joins him as the song continues...


The bells ring out for midnight, and now the venue is shutting down for the night. The mustached musician is the last one out, scrambling through a mess of keys to lock up. An owl is perched watchfully on the building-top. Leaning against the wall, wearing tired smiles, Skyre and Liza watch the man finally succeed. He winks at them, and then waddles away into the main street.

"Hey Skyre, wasn't that your mustached man?" she nudges him playfully. Above, bright stars flirt with a half-moon.

"Shush, you," he returns her bashfulness, before sighing. "You know, that was surprisingly enjoyable."

"So you'll come again?" she asks quickly, hopeful.

"I think not. As much as making a fool of yourself is, and as a professional, I know that full well, I'd prefer to save it for special occasions."

"Oh, well, fair enough," Liza sounds disappointed. Another pause, and she turns to him, more hopeful. "Skyre, thanks for tonight."

Skyre is still lost in the stars. "The pleasure was all mine; it was your idea to come here," he grins, shuffling from the wall to stretch. She does likewise. "Well," he says reluctantly after another silence, "I suppose we aught to head back. You know, essays to write, magic to learn, the usual."



But neither of them move, nervous eyes finally locked together. Skyre feels his hands clench and unclench, as the world around him seems to freeze, impatiently focussing on the pair of them. Eyes trembling a little, he watched her lean forwards, and relieved, does likewise. Their lips lock together briefly, and their cheeks glow red in unison, like butterflies wings extending from a cocoon.

Pulling away, she smiles and whispers. "At least you didn't embarress yourself here, hey."

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Desiree woke from her dream and a small grin of satisfaction played across her lips. Not only had she bested her instructor, she had surpassed him and his pitiful ability to manipulate the air. Look at me now, you wind mage hack, she thought.

She glanced around the early morning camp and watched as several of her companions began to rouse themselves from sheep. Desiree spied Skyre several feet away and sent a thin tendril of air over to lightly brush some hair from where it had fallen across his closed eyes. Without any outward sign, she controlled the fingers of air with ease as she deftly lifted his hair with such a light touch so as not to wake the red-haired lad.

Desiree smiled sweetly as she thought about his declarations toward her. She liked him well enough – quite well, actually – but after her experiences with Deckard, Desiree wasn't ready to become involved with anyone soon.

She withdrew her wind from Skyre as she stood and stretched the night's kinks from her spine. Desiree ran her fingers through her hair in a half-serious effort to pull the tangles free. What she really needed was a real bath in a real tub with real soap and finally a real comb. Desiree sighed as she knew that such luxuries were now a thing of the past with their continual flight from the forces arrayed against them.

The dream puzzled her, though, as it was yet another memory of her time at the university. Granted, this dream was more pleasant than the one she had had with Deckard, but there was something nagging her mind about the two dreams. There was a method or a pattern to them that Desiree just couldn't see, so she relegated the thoughts to that corner of her mind where they sat with the other puzzles that she had yet to solve.

The day was breaking and promised a sky full of sun as the light, thin white clouds drifted lazily from west to east. Desiree knew that things would get a lot hotter if they indeed set out into the desert and no amount of control of the arid, heated wind there would cool them.

At least we're all together now, she thought, and that has to count for something, right?
A pleasant morning glow bathed the mountain edge. Skyre could feel it illuminating his eyelids as he lay, just waking, in the cave entrance. His mind flitted between the familiar sound of camp life - early morning rustling and Warren's overpowering snores, and the warm memory of his dream. As the light brightened, he felt himself drifting back to reality, but he desperately clutched onto the world of his dreams. A perfect world, set in a familair cycle where nothing unexpected would ever happen. A world where the mists of irrelavency cut off the Shadow King and his ideas. A world where he would no longer have to worry about anything.

Yet, a distant world, and Skyre stirred slowly, his eyes opening blankly as he stared into the oblivion of the cave wall. He sat perfectly still, lost in a daydream, his slender chest rising and falling like the tide. After a long moment, he blinked twice, and stumbled to his feet. Steadying himself on the smooth rocks, he surveyed the camp, still quiet. His face lit up when he saw that Desiree was awake. Well, that's something for this world's worth.

Lively birdsong erupted outside, and Skyre tiptoed over to his friend, nodding politely. "Sleep well?" he inquired, making to sit beside her. However, in his tiredness, he slipped, emerald eyes widening comically for a moment as his legs wheeled wildly beneath him. But it was no use; his balance had failed him, and head first he fell to the ground. Just as he was about to make contact, he suddenly remembered - of course, wind magic! - and stretching out his arms, a small buffet of air cushioned him just inches from the ground.

He sighed in relief, before realising just how stupid he looked, and climbing to his feet with a wry smile. "Like my parlour trick?" he asked, covering his tracks as his smile grew to a cheeky grin. "I was practising them last night, just for you. Somebody has to play camp jester, and it would appear gravity has chosen me." He finally found his seat next to her, and this time sat properly.
Desiree giggled playfully at Skyre's expense, her blue eyes sparkled with mirth in the morning sun. "I slept well enough," she replied, "although a proper bed in a proper castle with proper servants to pamper me would be preferable; however, since this small encampment is all that I have been given then it has to suffice." She flipped her golden, blonde hair over her shoulder and reached high in the air as she stretched her back, the posture making no secrets to the body hidden within her clothes.

"How about you?" she asked him as she settled back into a more typical stance.
Lapis stayed awake a while, sitting alone. She preferred the company of the wind rather than people. The cave was dark and cold, but she didn't mind. Of course, she eventually fell asleep.


Lapis awoke to her old bedroom. She looked around the blank space where she used to sleep. She stood up, the heavy futon slipping off her silky kimono. She shuffled to the awaiting hair tie at the foot of her bed and put it on, the long strands hanging off to the side. She sighed and looked up at the blank wall, her back strait and firm. She remembered this day well, it was her initiation as warrior of the family. She stood, getting off her knees. She walked to the door and opened it, walking to the back of there house. She stepped down and stood in front of the dojo. She took a breath and slid the door open, revealing the shrine and the current family warrior. She kneeled and bowed in front of him before he passed the sword to her. The case was sturdy and painted with swirls. Inside the case was a sturdy blade that could cut bone. The sword was wrapped in a blue cloth and the sword master gave a few chants before he stood and wrapped a headband around her forehead. The band had the family crest on it. She stood and bowed before unsheathing her sword and holding it in her grasp. She did a few moves on an air target and sheathed it again before bowing and leaving.


Lapis woke up to the sun rising. She was near the back so people weren't close to her. She got up, her back stiff, and stretched her hand to the sky. She saw Desiree talking to Skyre and left them alone. They seemed to have a thing for each other, which was plainly obvious. She sighed, trying to remember the last time she loved someone, but she could only think of her brother. She clenched her fist and sat back down, looking at the sky. She tied her hair back again, the strands trailing down her back as she set her ponytail down. That Cyril guy was kind of interesting, but he seemed a bit full of himself. Being a warrior meant following your family's honor. When warriors lost a battle, they were so overcome by grief that they would commit Hara Kiri, or self suicide by blade. It was the worst part of family honor, but it was her duty and pleasure. She sat strait, glad that she had the chance to see things other than the way of the warrior, because now she was a bit more enlightened.

(Holy cow, that was a lot of typing 0.0)
"Hmm," Skyre mumbled, vacant. "I don't really know. My mind's still stuck between a dream and a hard place, I think, but as the day goes on I should be able to distinguish between the two a little better." He adjusted himself slightly on the rocky ground, crossing his legs. "On the bright side, looks like we weren't attacked last night. I suppose we'd better rise and find some breakfast for everybody."

At that moment, a tall shadow appeared in the cave entrance, and Skyre reached instinctively for his sword hilt. Upon seeing what caused it however, his fear turned to confusion. Standing in the cave mouth stood Prince Cyril, an excitedly smug expression on his slightly muddied features. His robes were now a little torn, his trousers smeared with dirt, but in his outstretched arms were a pair of rabbits, one in each hand.

"Ah, Skyre, Desiree, you're both up!" he exclaimed rather loudly, like a primitive alarm clock. "I was the first awake, you see, and so I took it upon myself to be the gallant bringer of breakfast. The blighters put up quite a fight, but they knew their date with destiny was going to be in our stomachs, and triumphantly, I struck them down!" With an eccentric chuckle, he leapt to the fireside and begun to try and light a fire, fairly unsuccessfully. "You can take my autograph later."

Raising an eyebrow, Skyre turned to Desiree and shrugged wildly. Since joining the group in a baptism of fire, Cyril had largely remained quiet and distant. This may well have been because Skyre noticed most of the survivors tried to avoid him, for fear of setting him off 0n a tantrum again, or maybe just feeling unconfortable about his self-proclaimed importance. What little he had said had been either witty retorts, or accustomary manners. He's been thinking hard. I wonder if he's finally come to terms with this new world's equality? In any case, it appeared like he was now fully embracing the wild lifestyle.
The cave smelled musty in the morning air. It was still cool within the mouth, the sun unable to penetrate through the thick earth that sheltered them. It was the safest Rederik had felt in days. Sleep still eluded him, but only due to most recent events involving Helia.

It felt like the Shadow King's power was just too strong. Before it felt like their will to survive was stronger than his will to dominate, but all it took was a jeweled circlet and some dark magic to sway a strong mind. Hopelessness scratched at the edge of Rederik's mind an begged him to give in. The hollow of the cave echoed in his ears and mimicked the emptiness he began to feel.

Beside him, Naraya slept peacefully, her back pressed up against Rederik's side. His own sleep came intermittently throughout the night, though sparingly. He never dreamed vividly, and events were impressionable on his mind and affected his dreaming. At times he would get up and scout the perimeter just to occupy his mind with something new. The surrounding woods still gave no hint to the ominous presence of evil in Valia.

As people began to stir, he made his way back out into the open in search for firewood and kindling. The morning was cool for the time of the year, to which he welcomed. It wouldn't stay that nice for long. Song birds heralded the rising sun with mirth-like trills and whistles as Rederik and Naraya moved through the forest quietly. As he gathered wood he noticed the young prince carrying dead rabbits in his hands. A small smile tugged at his lips. Actions such as his rekindled his hope.

Upon returning to the cave, Rederik immediately set to work on rekindling the fire. He looked over at Cyril and nodded his head to him in greeting as the flames began to dance upwards once again. He noticed the boy was quiet and hadn't touched the rabbits past killing them.

"Would you like for me to skin them?" Rederik asked.
Lapis heard what Cyril said and covered her mouth to conceal a laugh. She was busy in the corner, half laughing and trying to cover it. She snickered and even a small snort was heard. She stopped laughing after a while but she smiled. She hadn't laughed in years. In fact, ever since she had aspired to be a warrior, she had not laughed once. Not even at the family jester. She had long forgotten how to laugh, but it felt great. Her stomach felt like it had tiny butterflies in them. She smiled at the fire before joining the rest of them.

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