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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Rusar frowned slightly at the sound of this fabled fort not really liking the idea of risking such a trek for something that might not exist. Then again the area was high up and easy and all else fails they could build a for of their own. She shifted her gaze from the fire over to Skyre "Never heard of such a structure... however it's worth a shot. All else fails we would at least have somewhere to build from that has some height advantage." She replied before finishing the last of her her meal.

She shifted her attention Rederick as he spoke up thinking back to her studies. There were a number of methods to focus and intensify her flames into a dangerous force however the nature of her magic meant it would be draining as well as pose a risk to allies who may be close to her target. Still there was one thing they hadn't tried yet. They came together as a team to some extent before to some benefit as it was perhaps they could take it a step further. "I know of a few ways to intensify my flames however its very draining and can only be done for a short time. But perhaps there's a way we can use our magic to compliment each other to make a more powerful attack." Rusar spoke up looking around the camp. "We've done it to some extent when we took on the small group of shadow worriers which attacked the camp. But instead of simply attacking independently we work in tandem, combining our efforts to strength the impact. It would requite some practice and testing but it's possible."
"Sounds good." Lapis said. She stretched a bit, warning off all the sleepiness that tried to take over her body. She looked over at Cyril and smirked. "Well Cyril, nice to meet you." She said. She stretched again, yawning. She had little idea what had happened the entire time she was asleep, but she knew it was enough to give her nightmares. She got up and walked around a bit, placing her hand over the sword at her hip. She would make sure from now on to never have it leave her sight. She shuffled, her long sleeves hanging down as she did so. She sighed and sat back down, relaxing her muscles.
Ari nodded slowly as Ethan spoke, munching the last of her fish and tossing the remains into the river with a splash. He was surprisingly level-headed. That was good; their group needed a few people with that kind of balance. Though he did seem worried about becoming obsolete with the newest addition, Ethan needed to know that healing wasn't his only value to the group.

But Ari said nothing for fear of sounding insincere. There was always that fear that she'd say something wrong, make it worse. It was easier to stay quiet and stare wistfully at the river's meandering current. She thought about his words -- 'We'll get stronger.' he'd said. There was really no choice at this point. Get stronger or die trying. But Ethan seemed optimistic about it. Or at least he sounded optimistic, even if he thought otherwise. And that was another reason he was still important, at least in her opinion. That hopeful outlook. Ari needed to be reminded sometimes that --contrary to her pessimism-- there was a chance. Even the slightest, most meager chance was enough for him.

However much she wanted to tell Ethan her thoughts, Ari said nothing still. Nothing about strength or hope, not while she was still unsure about her own capacity for either of those things. It was ridiculous, but she felt weak even with her magic and dignity returned to her. And after believing for so long that she could survive all on her own, Ari realized that even the strongest beliefs and hopes can fall hard. It was easier not to hope, just as it was easier not to speak.

The warmth from the sun receded a bit as a passing cloud obscured its light. But that was okay; Ari was pretty much dry anyways. She took a deep breath in, preparing to speak finally. To tell Ethan he was important; to say that was beginning to share in his hope; trusted him even, trusted everyone else, maybe even Cyril...well, perhaps not Cyril yet. But she should at least be honest about all her other thoughts. Ari glanced up at the sky, where the mid-day sun was reemerging in all its warmth and light. Now was as good a time as any.

"Ethan..." Ari began, standing but still having to look up to meet his eyes, "...we should probably get back to the others now." She bent and retrieved the fish she'd caught earlier. It struggled tiredly as Ari began the trek back to camp, cursing herself for being a coward again.
Ethan nodded agreeing to her suggestion. The trek back to the camp was quite but there was a pleasant feeling to the air that left Ethan feeling more light hearted. The campfire was breaking when Ethan could see the others busy in what looked to be a serious discussion. A small smile and sigh of relief to see that Lapis was moving about again as well. He feared the sleeping effect was more potent on her then on Ari but seeing she had no life threatening signs to see her up and about was great to witness. Turning to Ari his wisp lit up as he clasped his cloak "I may be optimistic but I think there is a way we can improve and I think I am not the only one with the same idea." as he thought of the hunters who where privy to survival.

Rederick and Rusar where keen observers and though Warren may not be the brightest he is not dull to the thought of what works. If anything the ones who truley would need to change their way of thinking would be the students of the capital. Ethan recalled how his teacher would explain the lessons of the city and how they differed, how it was inner improvement but never really focused to combining. Like alchemy no potion can be made with just a single ingredient. Whether they could pull it off though was a different matter and a discussion for later when they reach the group.
Desiree nodded in agreement as Rusar spoke. The woman's idea had merit. When she had finished speaking, Desiree chimed in. "That's a fine idea," she said with a hopeful and cheery voice as her blue eyes sought Rusar's. "I'd be willing to try matching talents. I would think that injecting air into fire would significantly increase its intensity at a lower cost to the mages who are working together."

She passed her gaze across the rest of the assembled group to gauge their reaction to Rusar's suggestion and her own volunteering. When her eyes met Rederick's, she smiled sweetly and added, "It would certainly be less of a risk for me than using a potion. I'm just not confident that I could control enough of my element if it were ... artificially enhanced ... and I would hate to put any of you at risk."
For a long moment, Skyre seemed to drift off inside himself, staring absently into the fire as he did in the evenings. Of course, this meant he was deep in thought, though so deep he was that it was impossible to judge what he was considering. A wry smile found its way to his features all of a sudden, as if he had finally grasped something.

"I agree with Desiree," he said out of nowhere, eyes unmoving from the flickering flames. "Teaming up and using our different abilities in tandem would almost certainly make them more destructive, and the combined density of magic energy would make it hard to counter, never mind how crazy we make the attacks. How much effect that would have on the man who similtaniously controls every destructive being in the kingdom though, I don't know." He paused for another moment, then turned to Rederik.

"There are potions that would boost magic energy, but to my knowledge none that would make it incredibly overpowered. Though of co. urse, Ethan is the expert." He nodded politely to the alchemist, before continuing, "For example, the magic potions we use to replenish magic energy. When we got here I discovered that Gregor had used my last remaining potion in his almighty martyristic display. Again, I'm not sure though how much effect these things would have on the Shadow King."

"You are right though," Skyre rose, "We need to find a way to boost our power, and there must be a way; the Shadow King is living proof of that. We just need to find out how."
Rederik nodded his head thoughtfully as he pondered the points presented. It was somewhat disappointing that there was no definitive method of effectively enhancing their magical capabilities, but it was also something he should have expected. Working together could prove just as useful and bring them closer together if not just for the sake of surviving until they reach a safe haven.

"I believe we should still make for the desert," Rederik said, now somewhat more quietly. "The trek will be long, and in that time we can learn to better work together. We may not be able to gather enough survivors for an army, but that does not mean we cannot find a way to survive, yes? At least until the odds are in our favor."

He looked over at Ethan, offering him a small bow of his head. "Your alchemy will prove quite useful," he said to him. "If you ever need aid in gathering your materials, I will be more than willing to help. Anything that can sustain our mages during a fight is better than nothing at all."

His eyes turned back to the others. "I can teach you all how to travel without leaving a noticeable trail. I do not know how we are being tracked, but I do know we have been leaving apparent tracks. I have not concerned myself with it until now, for I felt it would be a good way for other survivors to find us. But as was pointed out, undesirables have used our trail to find and take our own. If they are using traditional means, I can help us reduce our trail. Just know it could take more time in travel due to planning and backtracking."

Rederik looked back to his leader for affirmation. While his suggestion was open for debate and discussion, it was ultimately up to their appointed leader in how they proceed. Skyre held a keen sense in planning on-the-go more than ahead, but regardless of any flaws they were alive due to his leadership and quick thinking. Rederik would never oppose his final word.
Attention controlled the world, whether one was wise to it or not. Anyone can claim to be king, but unless they hold the right kind of attention from the right kind of people, their words or actions would mean little to nothing.

And just like with everything and every one else, attention ruled everything in Helia's life as well. When it first started, when she first learned that attention was the true lord of the land, it was because she was small, frail. A little girl, smaller than the rest. For her, attention was something she avoided like the plague, knowing that at any moment the wrong attention would spell an end to her life on the streets, and that she would quickly find herself behind bars.

But it was different know. Now, with the power she had, attention was a messenger. Now she could use the attention to her advantage. She was still small, but much more powerful, and power was the second thing that ruled the lands, the queen to the king that was attention.

She would have both, and show them that the Shadow King was not playing games, that he would command their attention and prove his power. That he would subjugate them. And he would do this through her.

Falling through the air, Helia grinned as the wind whipped through her hair and the camp grew closer. Drawing in her power, the woman slammed a macroburst down into the ground with a resounding boom.

This was both her power and attention. This was meant to let them all, Ethan, Desiree, Skyre, Rederick, Ari and every other survivor know that she had just arrived at the edge of their camp.

As the dust settled and the air cleared she looked about the 'camp' of survivors that she had left as Sasha and the other two tree hounds leap out of the trees behind her, padding up to her side. Grinning wickedly, Helia locked her eyes onto Skyre and laughed.

"So, it seems you bumbling buffoons managed to survive. I'm actually surprised, I expected at least a few of you dead. I must say, taking on Pashan alone? You're lucky his guard detail didn't destroy you, granted I did kill a few of them myself. Anyway, I advise you either align yourselves with me, or fall on your own blades and save me the clean up work. After all, I'd hate to make a mess you lot."

As she finished her eyes fell upon someone new. He had a pompous air about him, as if he saw himself better than everyone else. He also looked like he was the most displeased with the amount of dust and dirt thrown everywhere by her return. With a snide smirk, Helia regarded him as she would any nobleman whinging about dirt on his shoe and quickly let her eyes rove about, checking who was and wasn't there, and cataloging who she classified as the largest threats.

If there was a fight, taking down Ethan or Rederick seemed to be the more prudent options, followed by everyone else, save that one earth mage. He fell into line second to last, as his physical based attacks, even when using magic, worried her little. Coming up last on her roster was Desiree. From the last she could pull from her foggy mind, the woman was magicless with nothing but a simple dagger to protect her.

Overall, their rating as a threat was minimal. Never the less Helia drew the shard-bladed whip from her waist and readied herself for any form of trouble should they be foolish enough to challenge her.
Ethan reached the camp with Ari when they over heard the conversation between the rest of the members of the party. As suspected everyone was looking into possible options for strengthening their abilities and improve their survival. Rederick had mentioned potions while others had similar idea's about mixing their skills to max their combination without loss of energy. Removing his cloak and folding it unto a log Ethan removed the two vials still slowly mixing. "It is true there are potions and elixirs that can energize or rejuvenate a mage's body..." as he removed what empty vials he had left counting them then turning to the others "...but the issue with any alchemy is time and ingredients, not to mention there are side effects of forcing your body to over exert beyond its natural flow." Showing them the two vials "Thanks to the former prince we have a method to use direct attacks to shadow based creatures but while the ingredients are not difficult to find it takes ten days just to purify then another two to strain for its most potent form." as he put the vial back into his satchel then displayed the six empty vials "The other issue is my supplies, even if I had all the ingredients I am limited to what I can make so less we come across more vials and glass bottles whatever I make will need to be set." as he placed them back into his satchel as well letting the clasp lock before his fingers traced his teachers insignia.

The wisp floated near his shoulder as he smiled then looked towards the group and the direction that Skyre was discussing about. The terrain was harsh and with Rederick's method of hiding a trail it was going to be a long one. Worse was the desert limited the supplies and herbs he could find. There where a few desert flowers and some roots but whatever they planned it would need to be found in the forest and mountains before they reach the sands. Looking to Rederick "I'll write up a list of the most valued foliage and roots to help in the gathering." as he poured himself some more of the dark green tea. His wisp floated over the others as it frolicked around the camp "As for combinations of our skills I agree with you all, like the basics of alchemy combinations can make for amazing reactions." as he pulled a parchment drawing the elements in a circle.

"Like you said Desiree your wind and Rusar's fire would ignite a blaze that would normally take Rusar twice or even five times the effort alone..." as he drew the combinations "Another could be like Ari's lightning and Warren's earth, we see this in the natural rocks off the northern moutains, it creates a force that attracts metallic objects or even rejects them." as he finished the circle then looked to Skyre "Though all this is moot till we attempt to practice and learn how much of each magic is needed to control this type of force." as he handed the parchment to Skyre. Taking another drink to clear his throat Ethan was optimistic but knew that without their would be leader none of this would come to light and they needed a goal to keep their minds from wandering on the unknown. He was about to speak again before the wind started to pick up, his wisp rushing to his shoulder pulsing fast as if to warn him.

Turning towards the source a sudden burst erupted when a familiar face had appeared. Helia had returned but while a part of him felt joyed to see a fellow companion back there was an off putting aura around her, a soft voice seemed to whisper "...careful." its source unknown but echoed in Ethan's head. The three dark hound-like leepers gave Ethan a cautious fearful awareness of the whisper's warning. His instinct must have improved for sure enough her words where like daggers as she threatened the camp and spoke as if she was allied with the Shadow King. Gripping his fists his wisp glowed in fury as he stood up, without the need to channel his eyes went blue as the wisp split into two of equal size and hummed fast. "Helia...tell me you speak in tongues and not of your own accord...tell me the woman who I bandaged has not forsaken herself and demands the life of her comrade's." as the blue glow from his eyes peered directly at her sternly. Ethan wasn't prepared to repeat his mistake with Pashan's kidnapping, if her words rang true he would without pause force her sanity or quickly end this confrontation for the sake of his friends.
A gust of wind whipped his white hair back and clapped through the air as Helia made her entrance. The sight of her caused a brief smile of relief to etch his lips. It had been some time since they had seen Helia, and he was glad to see her return. But the smile began to fade as confusion set in. The small girl's demeanor was visibly different from what he could recall. Strange beasts emerged from the forest and stopped at her side.

Naraya quickly ran over to Rederik, a guttural grumble lowly escaping through parted lips as she paced in front of him. He let his fingers brush against her back as she passed in an attempt to calm her, but her eyes were steady on the hounds. Rederik kept his gaze to Helia as he tried to understand what exactly was going on. Those creatures were not native to this land. As she spoke, it became clear to him that she was not herself at all. Were the hounds to blame? His hands hovered hesitantly over the hilts of his blades. If there was to be a fight, he would go for the beasts just to be sure.
Skyre nodded thankfully to Rederik, eyes glowing. He was more than glad to have somebody in near definite agreement of his plans, and the wild-man's respect for him was evident. "Your selflessness is admirable," he breathed, "Any help with covering tracks will be greatly appreciated, and I'm sure you know much more efficient ways than the precise wind magic I've used on occasion so far." Then Ethan made his suggestions, and Skyre listened carefully. "We could certainly do with more supplies, not just for potions, but other essentials too," he mused, "however, I'm not sure we can risk another village given our reent experiences and now that we're closer to Aliak. Even if we were to find an unoccupied settlement, the chances are that we'd find nothing in the wreckage. Still, the desert would definitely inhibit finding anything, so we'll need to do somethign about that. As for teaming up..." He exhaled with a distant smile. "There are so many different possibilities. But as you say, they'd all need testing, and so we'd be better off doing that when we're somewhere safe, like this fortress of mine."

Rising, the leader was about to make a closing statement when he heard something alien in the wind, like the sound of a thousand highspeed birds crashing down to earth. Then something did crash down, landing right next to them in a cloud of grass and dirt. When it cleared, Skyre was surprised to see Helia, the short woman who he now realised he had forgotten all about. A rush of confusion flooded into his head, confusion that was worsened by her foreign tone. How does she know about Pashan? I don't remember seeing her in the village, so she must have disappeared before that. But why? Then it dawned on him as Ethan approached; she had probably encountered the Shadow King in some form. That's a Shadow King-esque tactic, using friends against eachother. The question is, how do we solve this?
Desiree felt the abrupt change in the air seconds before Helia's entrance. Desiree stood and regarded Helia and her ... pets ... and scowled. What, she's now allied with these things that attacked her? It made no sense – until Helia issued her ultimatum.

She thinks she's a wind mage? Desiree thought indignantly. I'll show her a thing or two about wind!

Desiree opened herself to her element and prepared to dash Helia across the dale, but as she summoned the wind to her, a voice inside cautioned, Wait. Not yet.

With no outward sign of her communion with the air, Desiree harkened to the voice. This time, she knew it wasn't her own thoughts or her own conscience. This was the wind speaking to her and imploring her to listen.

Desiree turned her focus from Helia to that inner voice. It was familiar to her and in a way calming because she realized that it had always been there. She had never truly listened before now.

What or who are you? She asked, but no response came. Desiree still felt the air around her and the camp and she could also sense Helia grasping at it in her effort to bend it to her will. She sensed the agony of the element as it was tied and warped to Helia's bidding, with the taste of honeysuckle strong in Desiree's mouth. It was almost painful to Desiree to feel how the woman was ... tainting the air?

Nothing about the situation made sense. Helia certainly didn't act this way before; Hells, she had given Desiree one of her small daggers in an act of friendship and concern for her safety. Now, she stood before them and dared them to try their crafts against her newly assumed power.

Let the others handle her, Desiree thought (or was it the Voice?). I know how to kill the leapers. Focus on them to protect the others so that they can focus on Helia. Her blue eyes narrowed and sought the vulnerable place along the leapers' necks as her lips slightly curled in a sinister sneer.
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Helia's logic watched with contempt as the survivors of the camp 'readied' themselves for a fight against her. It was, logically, a fool move. Her high speed landing was, in of itself, a show of power that no others here could muster. In fact, a show of power seemed like the best thing to do.

In one fell swoop Helia shattered a dry tree, tore up chunks of the earth with brutally powerful wind bursts and began funneling a waterspout. Slamming these chunks of earth down behind her prey she formed a small, yet point driving wall. Seconds later she had the waterspout leading from the river dissipate, soaking the wall of earth. Running the wind over it, she smoothed out the outside of the 'wall' into a slick muddy exterior. Then, gathering thousands of dried splinters of wood, Helia began rubbing them together at high speeds whilst feeding oxygenated air into the mix. Almost immediately the chips burst into flame, and Helia funneled the fire across the muddy exterior of the wal, heating it into on hardened structure, about four metres across and two metres high.

Satisfied with the work that took her less than five minutes to complete, Helia seriously eyed her targets before throwing the rest of the splinters at Ethan, since he was obviously the one feeling the most cocky.

She also felt how... rebellious... the wind seemed to be in her hold, and realised that it got stronger in the air around Desiree. Her attention stolen from Ethan, she didn't even bother to see if her attack struck him. Instead she locked eyes with the female wind mage.

"You seem like you have something to say about me, girl. But I have given my ultimatum. There will be no more words!"

With the final words an unearthly roar in an entirely foreign and masculine voice Helia began wrenching the air from everywhere she could and sent a massive burst at Desiree's feet, intending to knock her into the air and slam her into the wall behind her. As she did so her tiara's jewel glowed as it tried to compensate for the amount of power Helia was forcing herself to use.
Ari tackled Ethan and knocked him away from Helia's rogue attack. She didn't remember Helia being this strong. In fact, Ari didn't recall her ever being hostile towards the group. What had gotten into her?

Ari stood deftly, muttering a rushed "Sorry!" to Ethan for knocking him down. She took a defensive stance and drew her knives, but Helia had turned her attention and her magic towards Desiree. Ari's eyes caught onto Helia's headpiece. It glowed brightly, yet menacingly. Ari felt a wave of panic and fear, just as she had in Pashan's dungeon. She turned her head away from the glowing jewel to break its influence over her, not realizing what it meant.

As she averted her gaze, Ari's eyes met with a wall of black for a split second. She hit the ground, forcing her breath out of her lungs as a sharp set of teeth snapped at her neck. Ari fought to keep the tree hound's teeth out of her face. Her knives were all but useless in the struggle, pressing against the beast's chest in an effort to stay alive. She gave a sharp yell, blasting the creature backwards in a blaze of lightning. It landed a few meters away, dissolving as it hit the ground.

The other hound turned its attention towards her, locking onto Ari as a prime target for killing its friend. But Helia focused all her magic on Desiree, on the other side of camp. Grimacing, Ari decided she would have to deal with her own attacker first. Desiree could hold out long enough for this. Ari prepared for the remaining tree hound to charge at her.
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Desiree stood firm against Helia's taunt. She felt the air sickeningly twist against its very fiber just before Helia directed her assault at Desiree. The blast came, stronger than Desiree had imagined and at the last, possible moment, the element around her warped and lunged at the attack as it sought to counter it.

But the blast from Helia was much too strong as it was augmented by some other force. The honeysuckle taste of the woman's magic was masking another's; however, in that split second Desiree had no time to truly sense it.

The burst of air that Helia had directed at Desiree was partially deflected by her element and she was spun around and flung back several feet where she landed roughly with a thud. Blue eyes flared in passionate fury as she tossed her head to clear her golden blonde hair from her face. It was stronger than any wind power she had experienced, but Desiree was confident that her symbiotic relationship with her element would ultimately prevail.

But at what cost? the voice inside warned. I could hurl magic at Helia all afternoon long and the most we would accomplish would be the destruction of the immediate area – and everyone within it.

Desiree had to do something. She brought herself up to her knees and tasted blood. The impact on the ground had caused Desiree to bite her tongue. A small rivulet of red eased from the corner of her mouth and slowly edged its way to her chin.

The blonde wind mage stood and faced Helia. She wiped the blood from her chin with the back of her hand without care. "Is that all that your new master has taught you?" Desiree goaded her with a sweet voice. "Cheap parlor tricks and verbal incantations? You are no true wind mage."

Without taking her gaze from Helia, Desiree sensed the currents around her. She knew the exact location of each combatant. She made no movement or any somatic gesture as she tweaked just a fraction of the air and directed it at the other leaper playing with Ari. With her blazing blue eyes focused on Helia, the summoned wind formed into two, thin but sharp currents and like a pair of katana swords, scissored across the neck of the shadow beast and decapitated it. The leaper exploded in a black, ichorous POP!

I have to hold her attention, she thought, as I am the only one here who even has a chance to withstand it. Desiree understood the risk and knew that such a plan would injure her greatly, but if she were able to keep their attacker's focus then the rest of the group might come up with some plan to nullify her.

Desiree drew the dagger that Helia had given her. She casually released it and allowed her element to suspend it in front of her. "Remember this?" she inquired. "Well, I shan't be needing it any more, so you can have it back."

Again, without any outward sign or voice, the air wrapped itself around the dagger at Desiree's command and hurled it like a shot from a cannon, point first directly at Helia. Professor Hagen would have been duly impressed with the level of patience and control that Desiree was showing. She didn't expect that the dagger would strike; rather Desiree hoped that it would keep Helia's attention on her and away from the others.

Their lives depended on it.
The sudden attack came flying by quickly and before Ethan could react Ari had toppled him to the side. Landing hard on the ground it took a moment for Ethan to focus. Hearing her voice apologies he was about to respond when suddenly she was taking on one of the leaper like creatures. With one down the other came verging its way to Ari but once more a surprise attack of bladed winds hit the hound exploding it into a dark mist.

Ethan kept his focus attempting to gauge on everything that happen. The two wisps where still floating near his shoulders as he observed the fight between the two wind mages. It wasn't till her attack on Desiree that he noted something a miss and from Ari's reaction before she must have noticed as well. With each strong force the band upon her head which was not with her before would react glowing and forcing magic around Helia. Unsure of its craft and material Ethan knew at the very least this must be the conduit of her source but how to remove it was another matter entirely.

Desiree was strong for sure but the best she could do was provide a deterrence to this fierce power raging inside of the lost companion. His eye's regained their glow as a thought came to him but whether it would work and if Desiree could hold out was another matter. He knew from being near the other wind mages that its ability gave them increase awareness, agility, and a fierce wall of wind for their bidding, but how far could this conduit push her before it needed to rest or break to recharge. One of the wisps broke from his shoulder flying low to Skyre, Rederick, Warren, Cyril and Rusar. Pulling Ari close he kept his eyes focused on Helia's hound who remained by her side.

Unlike the other two it seemed to keep close to her and reacted similar to Naraya, if it was indeed brighter then the previous then this could be their ticket in his theory, but being wrong would cost them. With a soft whisper from his wisps so not to use the wind of his breath to carry he spoke to the group "Time to test that mixing of magic Skyre." as he motioned his hands from his back "I don't know if she is controlled or has willing joined but while Desiree holds her attention our best option will be to counter Helia between a fierce attack." as the wisp near Ethan floated to Ari's hands "I'll push the pulse of my wisps to their max, Ari will form her lightning in front of my bursts in which I will push forward, the combined thrust and heat should be enough to counter the air and create a wind tunnel from the pressure."

The wisp near Skyre floated to Rusar "It is then we will need you to shoot your strongest flame between the two pulses, Skyre will take his wind to ignite the vacuumed pressure to fuel the fire." as it floated to Warren "With the combined force as a distraction Helia will have no choice but to face two forces from us and Desiree. When she does you will armor up charge forward with Cyril behind you." as his eyes began to glow brighter, the wisp's pulses speeding "And Cyril..." his voice a bit stern "...I need you to create the brightest sheer of light just as she bursts our attacks. The resulting light should force her companion to react to defend." as Ethan threw his hat off "...if we pull it off then that opening is where Rederick and Narya will go in to grab that band." as he removed his satchel and held his dagger close "Lapis if your able I'll need you to stand back and counter should Rederick fail to get the band." as his eyes kept focused towards the two wind mages facing each other off.

Ethan looked to Ari with a smile then back to the group awaiting for their agreement. Time was not a luxury but if they where going to get out of this now there was no time to wait and Ethan needed to teach this young girl that ignoring him would be a grave error, he only hoped with their combined hastened team work that it would pull off, once they agreed the only thing left was to time their attack with Helia's reaction to Desiree's insult.
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Helia was quick to note that she had, in fact, been wrong about Desiree being the weakest. It showed clearly that the woman had gained her magic back, and then some. The brief lull in her mind caused by the logic pressing the fog for any information left her open, something Sasha seemed to notice.

The tree hound leapt between the unnoticed incoming dagger, and in that moment the fogged part of her mind cleared and the tiara gem glowed brightly in protest. Still, Helia vaulted atop Sasha's back and expertly twisted her whip through the air, knocking the incoming blade into a vicious spin that sent it arcing uselessly back towards Desiree. And the blade itself unsettled the fogged mind. It was one of hers, how did this woman get it?

It was a thought for another time, though, as there was a fight to be had. Smashing another set of trees, Helia formed a pair of flaming twisters at her back and readied herself for further combat.
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Quite suddenly, the earth began to shake and Skyre steadied himself as Helia began to rip apart the elements around them and forming some kind of small wall aloft on the middle of the camp. What had once been a beautiful valley was fast becoming a desecrated crater as the rivers path was jerked away, and all destructive elements worked together in perfect, cataclysmic harmony to form nothing more than a showpiece. Skyre was dumbstruck; never before had he seen such a show of power. And what was worse was that he had absolutely no idea of how to stop her. But Skyre would never lose hope.

Thinking quickly, he thought he would at least try to counter Helia's powerful blast, the blast that arced towards Desiree. He extended both his hands, but to his surprise, found himself able to do nothing. Air scraped past his fingers like a swarm of wasps. He could hear its angry buzz. She's controlling all of the wind around here. How? To his relief though, Desiree somehow found a way to return her attack, although the small trickle of blood that ambled its way down her perfect face made him feel guilty for being so powerless to help. When we first escape that hut, she complimented my control of the wind, saying I was a better wind magician than here. But she has something truly special here. A bond that defies living knowledge of magic.

Strangely, Skyre's flame-styled hair began to sink for the first time; even in the most intense of situations so far, it had remained rigid and still. Flopping down over his emerald eyes, it now fell lazily around his ears and made him look a lot less impressive; he now just looked like a bewildered child, having lost the edge that even the enigma of his impossible hair had given him.

A dim light appeared at his shoulder; Ethan's wisp. The alchemist had a plan, and an admirable one at that, especially given their current situation. However, it only served to make Skyre feel even worse. Shouldn't he be making the plans? Shouldn't he be organising and leading the group?

"Sounds good," Skyre replied, noticeably weakly, "but I can't use my wind magic. She's jamming it somehow, so we'll need to change something. Desiree seems unaffected though, so try and make we take my place. Meanwhile, I'll act as a scapegoat. Just make it quick."
Rusar remained silent but glared over at the arrogant new comer. She vaguely remembered her from the travels before the kidnapping incident. She listened to Ethans plan and nodded slightly. "Alright" She muttered taking advantage of the flames scattered about the camp making it much easier to manipulate the flames rather than create them. She was sorely tempted to tear apart the flaming tornadoes and bend them to her own will but refrained from doing so since Ethans plan required Heilia to be detracted. She focused on the flames pulling them to her while intensifying their heat causing the fire to go from red to blue to nearly white.
Eyeing around, it was easy to see those who were planning attacks, and those who 'seemed' to be cowering.

The thing that was truly troubling Helia, though, was Desiree's continued use of the air around her, despite her forced control over the element. That made her the largest threat.

Bending the air to he will, and pulling the gases of the air from all around to further fuel her next move, Helia twisted the venting tops of her tornados towards Desiree and forced the flames out at a terrifying speed. The result was twin jets of vicious, blisteringly hot flame ripping through the space between herself and Desiree.

The attack, coupled with the fact that Desiree still had her back to the wall, meant that she could only escape to either side or to the sky. To prevent such an act from happening Helia forced 'walls' of heat thickened air around the sides of the earthen barrier around Desiree's back.

There would be no escape on her own.

(Cue a way to enter @PicaPirate [Keep in mind Helia is obscenely OP at the mo{I'm saying saving the day here by, say, busting through the back wall would work}])
Warren was honestly a bit stunned at this whole situation. He had barely known the lass, yet suddenly she was throwing around power like a child did coins when they were bored. It almost frightened him. Almost.

If there was one thing Warren was good at though, it was a fight. And this was one helluva fight. However before he dared any sort of slugfest with someone who was basically tossing tornadoes, it seemed up to him to rescue comrades. After all, it was, once again, his duty to rescue a woman. Funny too, as it was the same one again. He was amazed he didn't demand any sort of obligation for it.

The action was carried out in a split second. Certainly an advantage of a simple mind, it meant he did decisions fast. No matter how stupid they were.

Warren ran behind Desiree and 'punched the wall behind her. The material moulded around his fist with his magic as he chopped down, making it disappear behind her. With his arm now covered in this stone, he slammed it into the ground in front of them both, causing a huge protective mound planted to the ground, acting as a rudimentary shield.

With the other arm, he yanked Desiree away. No means gentle, but the situation demanded much otherwise. Warren brought her behind him and the protective mound to keep her away from the attack and hoped the combination of the rudimentary protection and him covered in the rock he just brought over him would protect him from Helia's onslaught. If he survived it, his next idea was to charge forward into her with more rock onto him. After all, if no one else was going to do anything, it would have to be him to do it.
Rusar saw the two streams of fire jetting towards Desiree and growled under her breath releasing her control over the white flames. She saw Warren crash through the wall and protect the wind mage, she smirked slightly using the protection to her advantage. She concentrated on the two flaming cyclones and the streams of fire manipulating the continuous streams letting the heat build and intensify as the two columns spiraled up merging into one long twisting serpent of angry fire surrounding the attacking wind mage. Rusar fed the flames so they burned brightly before manipulating the head of the serpent quickly turned and dived towards Helia flames roaring as it zeroed in on its prey.
Ethan noted Skyre's issue and was worried now with the constant control of her element increasing that it even extends beyond comprehension. Still with each force the band on her head was glowing. Like Ari had noted this was the source of her power and removing it was key. Though the plan had slightly changed Rusar had became the distraction using the roaring fire of Helia's attack as her source and with Warren now earthly clad in his armor it time to move quickly.

"I understand in that case be ready while Rusar distracts her and Warren charges in I'll use my wisps to force a wave behind you. If Cyril prepares to blind her you and Rederick will attempt to get the band off her." as his wisps began to pulse faster and faster "It may be a bit forceful as its not as agile as your wind but the speed of the push should be something your accustom to." as the wisps began to roar faster with Ethan's eyes glowed bright blue. All that was needed now was the moment Warren charged and Helia attention drawn to the fiery serpent.
The team around her moved into some offensive action, seemingly coordinated by someone else. Desiree kept her attention on Helia and continued to draw as much of her element from her as she was able. She figured that the less air the mage had available would weaken her assaults; however, Desiree had not factored in the overlying "other" power at the woman's command.

Desiree felt Helia twist and pervert her element as the twin cyclones of ultra-heated air were driven in her direction. Oh, she thought, this is gonna hurt. Desiree steeled herself and sent a pleading request to her inner voice to do ... something, anything!

She felt the air around her focus in an attempt to divert one of the jets of air into the other and thus alter their trajectory. Her blue eyes flared as she ....

... lost her view to a suddenly appearing wall of earth. The sour scent of death and decay wafted furiously over her and she fought the urge to vomit as Warren's vice-like grip on her arm yanked her clear of Helia's attack and practically smothered her under him.

"What in the Hells?" Desiree choked as she wrested herself away from her rescuer. With infuriated eyes she sternly spoke as her voice was tempered with contempt for their attacker, "I can manage one mis-guided wind mage, thank you very much."
As soon as Helia began her first brilliant display of power, Rederick and Naraya ran into the woods close by. He was not about to allow himself to be trapped within the wall she was making, and she looked rather distracted in her creation. The wind whipped through the trees causing them to groan in protest, a few splintering and breaking in the torrent. He had to move quickly and cautiously if he wished to flank the small wind mage unnoticed. He used the more sturdy structures in the surrounding environment to his advantage along with the chaos of her display. It was an adaptive trick that appeared to work in his favor so far. Desiree's own power was also an excellent distraction for him.

Ethan's plan carried to him expertly. Her source of power and corruption was not the beasts, but a diadem. Rederik did not reach for his daggers as he rounded through the woods and placed himself quietly behind a thick tree. Leaves rustled in the gusting wind in its canopy, but the trunk was sturdy and would not budge. He risked a peek around the edge and saw Helia's back before quickly hiding once again. He was a good distance, but he could sprint to her in time to get the piece resting upon her head. There was no other structure to hide behind from this point on, and he waited for the proper opening.

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