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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Desiree snickered, giggled and laughed freely with Skyre and his antics. Things between them no longer had any barriers and she felt that with his acceptance of her friendship a weight that she hadn't thought existed had been removed.

She took his hand when he grasped hers and gave it a comfortable squeeze. "Of course," she said in answer to his query. She then removed her hand from his and put her arm around his shoulders as she grasped his wrist and placed it around her, but well above her small waist. "This, too, unless it makes you uncomfortable?"

Desiree continued in a lower voice near his ear as she directed them back toward the camp. "Skyre, I know that a lot has passed between us in these past few days. I just need some time to get comfortable with ... well, whatever I've become since my magic returned and I also need to get my head on straight." She paused for a few steps and then continued. "I don't want things to go so far with us that I might push you away, and then I would lose you as a dear friend. Let's just take things one step at a time, ok?"

She smiled prettily at him and tucked some loose strands of hair behind her ear with her other hand. Her blue eyes radiated in the day's sunlight and Skyre could see someone who was comfortable as she walked with their arms around each other.
And in one simple sentence Desiree had once again swiped away any doubts he might have had. Gladly taking up the positions she presented him with, he found himself with another stupid smile of pure happiness, and the feeling of being extremely lucky. And perhaps the entire exchange changed Skyre a lot more than anything had that past year, the great fall included. He found himself filled with a new kind of confidence and internal power, one of the many gifts she had given him. "It's all fine unless you don't want it," he replied, slotting him arm around her waist as they began their stroll back up the shallow incline to camp.

Skyre nodded along to her words. "Of course," he agreed truthfully, "I understand you've got more of a special bond with your element than most, and obvious with the other things it's best to take our time." Part of him, however, screamed: You haven't got much time! The Shadow King could strike and kill you at any minute! Well tough luck, the rest of him replied, We're going to enjoy whatever happens at the pace it happens. You're the one who takes things as they come, so do so now. Her smile reminded him once again how lucky he was to be able to share such a close friendship with somebody as beautiful as Desiree.

Soon they were back in camp, arms still around each-other and Skyre still aware that he was wearing that grin over rose red cheeks. "Well, you have no idea how amazing that conversation was," he admitted quietly in her ear. "Thank you so much for everything, and I hope I can keep things at the right pace." The fire smoked happily as the fish were almost done, and regrettably Skyre knew he would have to break away and help to serve up the meal once more.
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Ari stopped at Cyril's remark. It took her a moment to register that he'd misinterpreted her words, but she had a response for him nonetheless. "Well, perhaps you'd have better luck seeing the fish if you were closer to the river." Ari kept her back turned, speaking nonchalantly. "But you're welcome to join me on my fishing trip, unless you'd rather stay and see what they taste like for yourself." Out of context, it seemed like a harmless enough statement, but there was no doubt in Ari's mind that Cyril wouldn't take it as such. The offer to join her was sincere enough, however. But she hoped and prayed that he wouldn't accept it, that he would prefer to stay and eat. Ari continued walking without waiting for a response, nodding to acknowledge Skyre and Desiree's arrival. With any luck, the lovebirds wouldn't detect hostility in the few words they caught. She didn't need to be reminded that everyone was supposed to be getting along.
Ethan was reaching the camp when Ari had crossed his path. The smell of fish was vibrant and his stomach rumbled a bit from the approaching meal. Still Ethan noted the young short haired woman seemed annoyed though considering who she was accompanying it would not have surprised him if the prince had in some way offended her. Still her chance to learn from a light mage should make her eager he thought. A small chuckle at the thought of the prince being slapped by this tight spark of a woman. Shrugging it off Ethan simply continued to the camp bowing his hat down towards Ari as he passed her. Feeling it best to let her gain some solace then be dragged out into an uncomfortable confrontation.

Back at the campfire the young prince look to be brewing over his emotions but since losing his servant his temperament was more settled and not as potent as they first met. Rusar had finished with the fish and the rest of the group look to be gathering again. The sight of the two love struck wind mages from the lower end of the camp returning left Ethan a bit humored thinking how simple they are to enjoy their moments in these dark times. With a few sticks Ethan put up the mushrooms to slowly roast them knowing it would not take long while they served the fish. Grabbing a berry he tossed one into his mouth, he showed a small bitter look as the sweet flavor saturated his tongue, though not bitter it was better then nothing as he awaited for the rest to begin their serving.

Turning to the prince Ethan simply looked him over and spoke calmly no longer seeking annoyance but answers. He did not feel the need to consort the prince's loss feeling the boy's pride would never allow such an easy apology. "Your skills are impressive and though it pains to admit without your friend and your skills we would not have left that town so easily." as the words felt like coal down his throat. Still Ethan was honest to the point that this was indeed a fact. Offering a cup of tea and a leaf with berries towards the prince Ethan felt it was best to accept what had happen and move on. There was just one last thing that needed to be done though. Setting the cup and berries near the prince Ethan reached into his satchel removing one of the sealed vials. The flames of the fire reflected off the glass as he looked serious towards the boy "...but don't I must ask how did you come to know this solvent would have an effect on those soldiers?...I doubt that is something taught or learned within the university..." as his stern eyes left a clear understanding that there was something more the prince had known that he was not telling them. Whatever Cyril spoke would decide to Ethan whether to trust his companions lives in this boy's hands.

The wisp kept itself close to Ethan's shoulder hovering slightly as he awaited for an answer.
Desiree genuinely smiled at Skyre's words. "That's great, Skyre," she said. "I'm so glad that we are able to work this out." She indicated her still dampened clothes. "All that I have left now is what I'm wearing and my talent ... and you. I couldn't feel any richer than I do right now."

She disentangled their arms from around each other and gave Skyre's hand a fond, gentle squeeze. "You'll know what feels right," she said as her joyful, blue eyes locked with his. "Trust in yourself. I know that I do."

She smiled warmly at him. "So," she said with a short sigh as she looked over their meager campsite, "shall we feed our troops, then?"
Rusar overhear the small conversation between the Prince and Ari and just quirked a brow taking note of the tension. She could understand why why it was there, first impression of the prince and all of his pompus nature could be grating but she wasn't going to fault him for it either. Especially after they had to leave Gregor behind. She looked over as Desiree and Sky rejoined the camp before shifting her gaze back to the food making sure they were cooked through. She heard another approaching and over heard Ethand question one she was curious about as well but the food would start to burn if left nuch longer. "The food is pretty much done, better to eat it now than wait for it to get cold." She said pulling the food away from the fire carefully handing them to the others.
Suddenly realising that he had misunderstood, Cyril scowled to himself and let Ari stalk off. Never mind. There'll be plenty of other opportunities to make people pay for their insolence. As she disappeared from view, the redheaded leader returned with his arm around the woman who had been especially snarky to him earlier, and he sighed and tutted to himself. Well, Mr Smitten has clearly got his priorities right. In an odd way, he found himself jealous of whatever bond the pair had forged, in spite of all that had happened. That, and the fact that Desiree was undeniably stunning, even to the effect that cold, independant Cyril noticed it.

Then the hat-wearing man who had been so very rude to him earlier made an appearance, and the prince couldn't believe his ears as the man offered up an apology! Come to realise the facts, eh? He smirked somewhat self-righteously towards Ethan, a slightly aggressive tint in his eyes. The man's comments against him earlier were unforgettable and felt a little unforgivable, but Gregor'a death made Cyril think, perhaps for the first time, what somebody else would have wanted for him. Gregor never used to like my pressings on about regal importance. He never said, but I knew him enough to tell. I suppose I can do his respect by acting as he would want for a little bit.

"Well, I don't need reminding about me own skill," he retorted, "after all, I was given the best education in the field. However, the escape was a group effort, so I shan't take your... surprisingly sudden praise..." He was completely milking Ethan's clear awkwardness in regards to what he was saying. Well, at least the poor chap had the decency to do what he's done. More courteously, he nodded respectfully as he took the tea and took a hearty sip. It had been a long time since he had drunk the drink, and the refreshing taste filled his mouth, so much so that he closed his eyes for a briefly want as he took it in.

When Ethan elaborated, the prince answered casually: "Through research of my own, actually. As you know, I am a light magician, probably one of the best ever, actually. But obviously living in the castle where the only thing one might ever need to heal is a grazed knee or the like, my magic was gravely unneeded. Thus I turned to research and furthering my general knowledge, and some of that involved potion study. When reading up on that particular potion, I realised that it held many of the same chemical properties as ELM, or Extreme Light Magic, a master level light technique that I shan't bore you with now. And thus I soon figured out it would be able to destroy dark matter. With my knowledge it was fairly simple, but obviously I wasn't expecting a full scale stack of people made of said substance, and thus I never had time to spread the word." He looked down and caught his breath for a moment. "You seem fairly resourceful with these bottles and whatnot, so I suppose this comes as something of a 'you haven't been a jolly stupid fellow' to you." He managed a half-smile at his own jest. I hope you used me as you wanted.

Looking around with a comedic expression at the other campmates as they finally broke away from each other, Skyre continued to grin. "If we must!" With a light tap of dismissal on her back, he leapt with newfound energy over to Rusar's side and relieved her of several fish. "Thank you, that's wonderful!" he sung, before quickly handing out the rest of the food to the other campmates, carrying a joyous playfulness to his manner. He gracefully span and jumped his way between the campmates until his duty was done, and then took his place on the circle, chowing down quickly. Looking at him, nobody would expect that only a few hours previously he was exhausted, mournful, sad.
Warren nodded thanks to Rusar and munched on his food. He saw the two lovebirds at it.

Tch, no surprise there. Next time though you can carry her instead of me, or she'll be real disappointed at you.

There was an odd hodge-podge of tensions bouncing around the camp. He swore though if the prince didn't stop instigating more trouble he might 'accidentally' snap his neck or something. His pompousness was really grating because he actually expected people to praise him and lick his feet. You don't wait for people to do it, you just do the job and prove it.

Then he was mock bouncing around and grabbing food, only to bounce away again. He muttered to himself, though purposefully in earshot of Rusar "Weird kid. I'll never understand rich people. If he just stopped prattling on about himself like how his colour shoes are the best, I'd be happy with him. His incessant need for appraisal is just wearing me thin though."
Rusar Looked over to Eathan and the Cyril seeing that at least they were talking instead of growling at each other this time. The tidbit about the potion was interesting though. With some luck they could make more. She couldn't help a small smirk as Skyre bounced around the camp dispersing the food, it made her job easier. She took a bite from her portion not minding that it was still searing hot. She looked over to Warren as he grumbled to himself and just smirked slightly. "It's hard to over come something you've grown up with, Warren. Telling him to stop thinking so highly of him self is like telling you to... well to actually have tact when conversing. or not shake someone when their having a panic attack" She teased with a slight shrug. "He admitted the escape was a group effort so that alone shows he's not all bad." She pointed out.
Ethan tried to hold back his anger towards the smug child and the amusing thought of mixing delmis root into his meal for a fun midnight experience of cleansing passed by quickly through Ethan. Still the explanation wasn't what was expected the issue here wasn't the fact he studied these types of effects but that he had access to even understand what these soldiers where made of. Information that was not privy to the people, thoughts of his teacher and his talks of the capital being a land of knowledge freely given seemed to far fetch when such information like this was left to the pompous arses of nobles.

Still with Cyril's explanation Ethan showed no emotion simply bowing his hat "That's all I needed." as he left the prince to his meal. Grabbing a small portion for two, some of the shrooms, and pouring some of the tea into a skin bag Ethan turned to Rusar "Thank you for the meal, I'll find Rederick and Ari to give them some." As he left Skyre and Desiree to their sentimental moments. Nodding to Warren with a smile Ethan looked to Skyre knowing he always seemed to take the small cuts of the camp's food but with his current health and stress it was best he ate what he could. As such with the two servings Ethan skipped enjoying the fish as he removed one of the cooked shrooms to enjoy instead. Its earthly flavor was rich and left his mouth watering from its grainy texture.

Walking not far from the camp he noted Rederick who looked to be enjoying the comfort of a tree with his feline companion, it was good to see them both relaxing and together again. His wisp floated above Naraya as Ethan reached the two offering some of the fish on the make shift leaf plate. "Eat up friend, you'll need your strength if you want that rib to fully heal" as he removed the skin bag pouring a cup and set it next to him. Knowing from Rederick's previous expressions since their travel it was easy to tell that though the pain was probably uncomfortable it looked to be healing naturally and he didn't feel to press on the matter. "Apologies though as I tend to the others who have yet to eaten." as he bowed his hat and departed the two to their privacy.

Ethan was unsure how far Ari had gone but knew she was heading towards the river. Guessing from their paths that crossed Ethan retraced sending his wisp to search. Placing another shroom into his mouth Ethan wrapped the fish gently before placing it into his satchel. The wisp swayed back and forth several feet ahead of him as it searched. While following the path she took Ethan simply recalled everything that happened trying to think of any possible solution that could have prevented their previous mistakes. The wisp's pulses grew as he was slowly locating the short haired woman, the thought that both her and Lapis where alive still brought him a calming relief.

"Girl's can't wield swords!"

"Go back to where you came from!"

"Monster! Monster!"

"Shrine scum."

Lapis shrank back into the corner as the four boys surrounded her. She started shaking, looking at the boys. They had been taunting her for years, shoving her down, bossing her around. Lapis shrank even farther into the corner. She tried to appear small, to disappear into the panels of the playground. She looked as if she was about to cry. "Just go away!" Lapis cried. She shrunk even father, on her knees. She put her hands over her head as they started hitting her. "Look at the demon cry!" They screamed, laughing at her. Lapis started crying as they continued to hit her. She shut her eyes, trying to block out the insults.

~Real Life~

Lapis curled up a bit as her dream occurred. She opened her eyes, rubbing them with her hand. "Ugnn." She muttered sitting up.

(Gahhh! So much to read! I'm so sorry! :( )
As the food was passed around and the group settled down to their meal, Desiree's blue eyes slowly passed over them all while she ate. Varying degrees of fatigue were quite evident on those present and she could easily assume that the others by the river were likewise near exhaustion. It had been one of those many puzzles that she constantly worked on in her head, but now started to come together.

They were a team now, as was evidenced by their heroic efforts to rescue Ari and Lapis. Despite Gregor's sacrifice, they had found it within themselves to do what was needed to the benefit of everyone in the party. There were no self-serving interests – even the spoiled prince had shared in their peril and escape.

But even so, the experience showed Desiree that they simply were not ready to take on any of the Shadow King's forces, especially if they continued to nag at the hem of his royal robes. Eventually, he would tire of their interference and would bring all nine hells down upon them.

They needed a plan, Desiree thought, and order. It wasn't enough that Skyre was managing the group as their de facto leader. He was young, still, but seemed to be able to shoulder the responsibility with surprising maturity. But that would not be enough.

They needed resources. They needed security. They needed a safe place to plan. They needed ... We need an army, she concluded.

Desiree looked into the fire as she chewed and considered her puzzle. In order to form an army, they would need to be where they could not be discovered for any organized resistance would be immediately quashed. She didn't know enough about the land around them and cursed herself for not paying better attention to the maps and atlases in Professor Milton's cartography course. Hindsight, she chided and discarded her anger at her lack of attention since it wouldn't serve her now.

Rather, Desiree thought about the present. Things were too fragile, too tenuous right now to even start to think about the future. Her gaze passed over to where Skyre was talking with some of the group. A future with the young red-headed mage was something that couldn't now be considered as they couldn't even say that they would be alive this time tomorrow.

She shook her head and returned to the problem at hand. Several thoughts tumbled, some filed and others discarded. Finally, Desiree felt that she had pieced together as much of her puzzle as she was able.

"I've been thinking," Desiree said as she spoke up above the din of the rest of the conversations. She waited for the group's attention before she continued. "I've been thinking about ... all of us ... and what we're doing. I have no doubt that fate has conspired to bring us all together at this time, this place and this moment. We all have a shared destiny, and I firmly believe that to be to topple the Shadow King and restore balance to our land."

She paused a moment to let her words sink in. Then, "But we cannot do this with so few of us. We need an army." Desiree put up a hand to stay any discussion or argument. "Please, allow me to finish," she said. "We need an army, but we cannot field one as we dash from camp to camp with the forces allied against us constantly at our heels. Before we can even begin to think about survival on a level that does not include simply running for our lives on a daily basis, we need to find a secure place. We need a ... well, a base of operations of sorts. Somewhere that can be hidden and defensible."

Desiree continued, "We would then need resources: food, water, and probably some kind of forge so that we can begin to make weapons. Some of us might need to forage out farther from this base of operations in search of other survivors that we could recruit to our cause – I simply cannot believe that we are the only ones."

"I don't know much about the lay of the land around here," she admitted, "and I'm no leader or whatever so I don't know if my points have merit. They are just what I think we need to do if we want to increase our chances of survival."

"As much as I appreciate all of you," she concluded, "I cannot keep running like this every day. Something has to change."
Rusar looked over to Desiree as she spoke. Most of what she said made sense. There was only so many times they could luck out of tight situations. "It's not a bad idea..." she spoke up after a moment of silence. "The larger our group gets the harder it is to keep hidden... and get food for. And running is exhausting we barely have time to rest so we can fight when needed. We've had good luck so far but luck wont always be on our side... " she sighed softly " I wouldnt mind finding a secure lovation for a base... Only issue is finding some place that is defendable but won't box us in. The other problem is finding a location that has resources but isn't already taken over. But the work is worth it if we have an acual safe place to rest. I mean this is nice an all but we're out in the open of anyone to see.."
Ari arrived at the river with the sudden realization that she'd never caught a fish in her entire life. But how hard could it be? The water here was clear enough to spot the fish moving beneath the rippling current. She stared at the river for a bit, squinting as sunlight glinted off its undulating surface. A shadow moved from its resting spot, bouncing sunlight irregularly as it swam against the current. Well, she'd found a fish without any trouble. Now it was just a matter of catching it.

She looked backward in case Cyril had followed. Thankfully, he'd stayed behind. He wouldn't witness this moment of inexperience, nor would anyone else. Ari turned her attention back towards the fish, wondering how Rusar always managed to catch some. Of course, Rusar probably used her bow, and Ari's knives would hardly be of much use in this situation. She could try a throwing knife...but her aim was not precise enough to hit a fish through the water. The fish swam a bit further out into the river, mocking her for not having caught it yet.

"Okay, fine. That's how you want to play it?" Ari hissed at the fish. It turned to face her side of the river, as if it were waiting, amused, to see what she'd do next. Ari placed her hand in the water, gently so as not to scare the fish away. "Maybe it's a bit unorthodox, but I refuse to be outsmarted by a fish." she muttered. She sent a weak spark of lightning through the water. Her magic was eager to traverse the river with its energy, but Ari kept it centered around her hand, intent on stunning the stupid fish. Sure enough, the creature stopped moving and rose to the surface, along with a few other shocked minnows. She withdrew her hand and her magic, flicking off a few drops of water and some sparks. But her prize was steadily being carried out by the current to the center of the river. Ari reached for it, but it floated past her fingertips. "Nooooo come back," She whimpered, retreating further down the bank to wait for the current to carry her prize to her. Again, she reached for it, but it was just beyond her grasp. The fish moved its tail weakly, mocking her even in its stunned state. "Damn you!" Ari snapped. "Just a little bit further..." she stretched her fingertips.

Ari's eyes widened as her fingers closed around the slimy creature and she fell face-first into the river with a violent SPLOOSH and a surprised yelp. She spit water from her mouth as her head broke the surface. "Why didn't I say I was going hunting in the forest?" She muttered, plopping herself back onto shore. Ari climbed out of the river, once again soaked with its chilled water. She stared at the fish as it flopped weakly in her hand. All that effort and it wasn't even a very big fish. "I hate you," She hissed, "I'm never going fishing again." She dropped it on the ground in front of her and sat down next to it, once again thankful that nobody had witnessed that epic failure.

At least the sun was warm and bright enough to dry her off a bit before she headed back. The sunlight seemed to brighten a bit in front of her. She shielded her face as it retreated curiously. Ari's eyes followed the bright light, realizing that it must be Ethan's wisp. It returned to him as he approached and Ari laughed a little bit, realizing how silly she must look all soaked in water with a single fish flopping around beside her. She found some comfort in the thought that Ethan probably wouldn't tease her about it too much. Ari raised her head to greet him, squinting against the sunlight. "The water's a bit chilly for a swim." She joked, wiping droplets off her face.
Sounds an awful lot like one of those plans which are good on paper but burn to shreds in action, frowned Cyril, the world's ever-present vindicator of optimism. Where would we find an army though? Are we going to dig up the dead and get them to fight for us? And surely such a fortress would have been destroyed by the Shadow King anyway? Cyril shook his head rather unsubtly, but didn't speak. Why am I getting so jolly worked up over it? I couldn't care the slightest: we're going to die whatever happens.

Skyre meanwhile, nodded along with the start of the argument, eager to find she shared his hopes. He too though was a little confused by talks of an army. Indeed, they certainly could have done with a larger group of warriors, but it was highly unlikely that they would suddenly find so many newcomers. Having said that, Skyre was instantly reminded of the circumstances in which the majority of them had met two days previously, and it made him consider that the idea wasn't impossible.

Where she was right for sure was finding a definitive safe haven. However, Skyre did notice a few flaws in it idea. "Those sound like points of merit to me," he flicked his thin eyebrows up at her, still in his joyous mood, "though there's a few logistics we'd need to iron out. Not sure about the rest of you, but I've noticed the Shadow King seems to have a constant track on those his crones have encountered. If you think about it, how else would Pashan have tracked us down, or how else would we have found ourselves constantly pursued by beasts and all sorts of hideous creatures? If my theories are correct then we'll need to find a way to stop the Shadow King from tracking us before we set up a definite camp, otherwise he'd probably just launch a full scale assault and obliterate us."

An idea was beginning to form in his head, but smiling, Skyre decided to allow some of the others to voice opinions before he presented his own plan.
Lapis sat up, still a bit dazed. She looked around the camp and noticed a new face. The stranger had snow white hair and was very pale. He had a dignified aura around him and he seemed kind of frail. She folded her legs underneath her body, sitting cross legged. She looked him up and down, smirking a bit. He obviously held himself high and above the rest. "Who's the prince charming." Lapis said, smirking.
Desiree listened to Skyre and allowed him to finish before speaking. She maintained her simple, lovable, darling self and seemed to have taken no offense to his analysis of her idea.

"I'm inclined to disagree," she said plainly. "That Pashan found us is no mystery. Our group doesn't make itself too difficult to find, which is part of my point. We need to disappear and find a safer haven. As for the rest of the cronies that find us? Well, my experience since leaving the university has been that they're everywhere and once they have found our track, or maybe even our scent, they just keep coming."

She raked her blonde hair back with both hands. "I'm not saying that they aren't tracking us; rather, I find it less plausible. At any rate, we need some kind of plan that doesn't entail us running for our lives on a daily basis."

Desiree surveyed the rest seated amongst them. "This is why I brought it up," she said, "so that we could all weigh in and try to find some course of action that, I hope, would benefit us all."

She shrugged as she went back to her meal and waited for other responses.
Some people looked at Warren, waiting for an answer from him as his opinion. He looked around, still mid-eating.

"What, are my scars that ugly?"

He ate the rest of the food and sat up.

"Well I like the idea, but we would need to be well darned hidden for them not to just bring a hammer of doom on us with THEIR army. I don't mind having somewhere where I can actually rest though..."

Warren was by no means the sharpest tool in the box. In fact, he's more like a pestle than anything else. He thought about what Skyre said.

"I thought they found us because we near fell on 'em on a cliff face. If that didn't happen, we'd have never met him!"

His sluggish mind only really honed for punching and dodging attacks worked away.

"Beats me. Both ways have reasons. From what I got, one way we hide like sewer rats, the other way we're constantly movin', which'll be harder with a bigger group."
The wisp had flown back to Ethan as the sound of the river broke over the tall grass. As Ethan broke from the edge he noted the short haired girl looking almost out of breath. He clothes where soaked and the beads of water from her hair seemed to flow like the river itself down her cheeks. Her comment left him with a light smile as he removed his hat and cloak offering it to her till she dried. "Perhaps your right..." trying to not to note the flopping fish beside her.

Wrapping the boar skin cloak around her Ethan sat down beside her removing the skin bag and leaf packed cooked fish. He didn't have anymore cups so offered her the skin bag to drink straight from as he unfolded the cook fish, a light char smell still fresh from Rusar's cooking. "Guess while you dry off it'll be best to eat." as he felt the sun kiss his skin and the reflecting river bounce around their feet. Eating another shroom Ethan looked to Ari with a warm smile "I take it your meeting a light mage was a blessing and a curse?" as he tossed a few pebbles unto the river scaring a few fish.
"And that's fair enough," Skyre nodded to her. "As you've said, we're a team, so naturally we should feel free to chip in and disagree. I certainly don't want to encourage a tyrant-like lead of this group, so feel free to disagree with me." He smiled back to her and the others, although inside he was still sure that theye were being tracked somewhat, even if his example had been admittedly poor. After all, I did a fairly good job of hiding myself after that doomed raid on the Castle of Light, and time and time again I found myself hunted, on the run. It was my being attacked that caused everybody else to notice we were all near eachother after all, though that makes me wonder if others had been a lot luckier.

Cyril blinked absently as Lapis awoke. "Prince Cyril, actually, not Prince Charming," he corrected, with a hint of pompour humour as his smiled imwardly at the irony of her statement. "Though of course I accept both titles." Skyre set upwards, eyes widening with relief and slight surprise, and he got up and went to the girl. "Ah, you're finally awake. Are you ok? We were worried for you!" Skyre suddenly realised that he had never directly addressed her, but none the less felt overwhelming relief for her safety. In fact, she's been asleep the entire time. She probably doesn't have a clue what happened! With a friendly smile, he tapped her shoulders twice and then rose to full height. Nobody else had provided an opinion to Desiree's ideas, so Skyre thought it an appropriate time to reveal his own idea.

"Well, if we all agree on that goal, then I think I can help us a bit," he stated, "I'm sure you all know of the ring of mountains that surrounds Aliak, and that also continues around the eastern desert. When we were at the university of wind magic, I was very interested in the history of the region, seeing as to public knowledge the desert was uninhabited for all of our past. Except, there are mysterious pyramids scattered throughout the sands, pyramids supposedly created by a great, ancient tribe of earth magicians."

"Now, the desert is a harsh terrain, and likely unsuitable for any of our other needs bar secrecy; no doubt we'd be difficult to reach there. But legend tells of a secret fort on the side of one of Aliak's surrounding mountains, a fort built by these notoriously secrative magicians. It sounds like quite a desperate idea, but I strongly believe that it is there, somewhere. If it is, then we'd have eveything we need in terms of facilities, a hiding place, mountain wildlife for food. And even if it isn't, the fact that the region is uninhabited would make it more unlikely for us to encounter the Shadow King's goons."

He turned to the horizon thoughfully, then back to the group. "What does everybody think?"
Ari scoffed, wrapping the warm cloak around her shoulders. "I thought it was. A blessing, I mean. Turns out it's more the latter." She stared into the river. Ari held the unwrapped cooked fish in her hands, not feeling particularly hungry. "I know him, Ethan. Cyril. Not personally, I mean. I guess you could say I know of him. Almost everyone in Aliak did. He never seemed to be...a good person. I suppose I can only blame him so much, living a sheltered life in a castle. Of course I'm not the nicest person either, but even I never wanted anything to do with him." She turned to face Ethan. "I still don't. I don't even want him to know about my light magic. I just..." Ari sighed, leaving the thought unfinished. She removed Ethan's cloak from around her shoulders. It was warm enough to no longer need it now. "He's a blessing for the group, that's certain. And I'm glad for it. But at the same time, it's a personal curse in the worst of ways." Ari handed Ethan's cloak back to him. "Thank you for this." She smiled gratefully, "...and for listening to my ramble." She added after a moment's pause.

Ari's stomach rumbled as her hunger caught up with her. She unwrapped the fish, feeling the warmth from the recently roasted meal. "God, I haven't eaten in...actually I'm not sure." Ari wrinkled her eyebrows, taking a bite out of the fish. Time was still difficult to track since her capture, but it would all pass soon.
Ethan laid the cloak upon a branch as the sun dried it off. Ethan couldn't help but smile a little at her comments. His outbursts towards the would be prince probably would have lead him to a dungeon back in the day but to him any royal was hard to get to like due to their privy attitude. "Not at all Ari, just glad to know your holding up well." as the wisp flew pass them across the river playing with the fish as it danced on the waters. "You may not wish for him to know about your magic but sooner or later he'll find out." looking towards his wisp then back to her "...I am sure in time and maybe a good slap he'll come around. He may even be able to show you some of my father's teachings in the journal."

Ethan wasn't warming up to the prince anytime soon but he least knew to tolerate him for now. He took a swig of the tea letting the herbal mixture coat his mouth before swallowing. Clearing his throat he turned to the direction of the campsite then back to Ari clenching his fist a little "At least look on the bright side no more green pastes and bandages to have to fiddle with..." as he hid his eyes a bit while biting his lower lip "...still he's not a prince any longer just another one of us outcasts in a broken kingdom. Eventually he'll have to take note of that and till then I'll be there to peg his royal highness arse with my boot." as he laughed a bit showing his simple smile.

The sun was passing mid-day as Ethan stood up dusting his pants off and throwing his cloak around him. Looking to Ari he gave a calm and demean look to the damp short haired maiden "I am glad to see your well and had you the chance you would have fried that rat bastard I am sure Ari..." as he placed his hat on her head to shield from the sun while turning his face away to hide his expression. A sincere smile broke from his stern face "...but I promise you this won't happen again..." as his wisp floated back to him. His hand gripping his satchel "...I won't let it happen again. We'll get stronger I am sure of this." Soon they would both need to return to the camp but till then Ethan enjoyed the silent company of the short haired spark of a girl and the peace of the river.
Rederik rose as Ethan approached him, his breath catching with a brief pain. Naraya mirrored the motion as she stood quickly, her eyes on her pale companion. Her pink nose lifted as she caught the potent scent of cooked fish, her head bobbing with each inhale as her eyes squinted. Ethan offered Rederik a fish before moving on, and he inclined his head in thanks.

He slowly brought himself back to a sit in the shade while Naraya licked her lips. Rederik glanced over to his feline friend before taking a bite knowing full well what Naraya was begging for. She sat at first, then restlessly scooted her way closer to him until she was practically leaning against him fully. Her large furry head turned each time Rederik brought the fish to his lips for a bite, which eventually turned into her attempting to guide his hand to her with the coercion of a massive paw. While her strength was greater, he still managed to slip his hand away from her unscathed.

It wasn't that she hadn't eaten or that she could not hunt a fish herself, but that she adored cooked fish. Rederik wanted to eat it all himself, but Naraya eventually won him over. He offered the final half to his companion and scratched her behind a thick ear lovingly.

It was then Desiree spoke and offered her plan. An army sounded like a wonderful idea to him, not just because it would offer a fighting chance agains the Shadow King, but because that would mean far more people than themselves had survived. But the plan would take years of time. Did they even have that much time left? Rederik felt something more was needed for their fight, and his thoughts reflected on what had transpired only a few hours ago.

"In your studies," Rederik spoke up to no one in particular, "did any of you ever read anything that could perhaps focus your magic more powerfully? Surely you saw how the enemy fell to your magics. If we could find a way to magnify each one of you, perhaps with a potion Ethan could make, or perhaps something just as well, we could have a better chance. Is this at all a possibility?"
Desiree blushed slightly at Rederick's question. She muted a small laugh as her mind had thought back to her time at the university. Study? Who needed to study when you were shacking up with the professor's licentious son? She shook her head which caused some of the now dry strands of her blonde hair to fall across her eyes.

With a casual motion, Desiree tucked the offending hair back behind her ear. "I have had no such study or experience," she offered Rederick with a cheery voice and bright blue eyes. "I was always a sort of ... well, enigma to the university and as such was treated differently than the other wind mages of my class. I can't say whether or not any potion would help."

Desiree seriously doubted it, as her communion with the air was so dramatically different than anything the university had experienced before. What worried her was how powerful she could become if she openly accepted the whole of her element and would she then be able to control the results.

Control. She spat the word with malice in her mind. Professor Hagen drilled the importance of control in to her lessons over and over again until it had made her sick of the word. How one could be so arrogant as to believe one could control the will of the wind was something that continued to elude her. The wind moved as it desired, and she was just a mere conduit for its manifestation.

Was that truly it? She pondered as yet another puzzle formed in her head. Perhaps I've been mis-interpreting my relationship with my element? Could it be using me instead of the other way around?

Desiree contemplated the idea for a moment and then relegated it to that puzzle-corner in her mind for further analysis. She had been responding to Rederick and seemed to have left the conversation open-ended.

"Sorry," she said with a dismissive wave. "I lost my train of thought for a moment there. Rederick, your idea has merit and I support us looking further into any such advantage we can get against these enemies." She shrugged her shoulders and placed her hands in her lap. "I'm just not sure that I would be a good candidate."
Rederik didn't seem to understand the full meaning behind Desiree's words. His brow knit together in both pain and confusion as he stood. What he had witnessed of her abilities as a mage made her a fantastic candidate for the concept. Any one of them were fit for such an endeavor. He looked around hoping Ethan would return for his opinion. He was a well educated man who would likely know if such an idea were possible and if the mages could handle it.

"Do not dismiss yourself so easily," he said to the wind mage. "Even doubling your magic would be an extraordinary display. My blades are useless against the Shadow King's army. Man made weapons will not save us."

Slowly, he walked to the center of the campsite. His comfort in present company was evident in his confidence, though likely not apparent since no one knew him before the fall. To him, it was a rare even in which he would draw such attention to himself. This was a matter which had pressed his mind since the day before. Their ragtag group of mages and hunters have survived quite an ordeal and with minimal casualties, and it was all thanks to the ones that wielded the elements.

"I urge any of you to consider this possibility," Rederik continued. "Please think upon your studies. I am not a learned man. My knowledge is not in magic or anything surrounding it. But consider the possibilities if there could be a way for you to perhaps wield more magic for a longer duration. We may find other survivors, but we still should consider how to survive with the numbers we have. The stronger we are as we are now, the more likely survivors will join us."

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