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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Ethan couldn't help but feel the prince's words where half worth still an act of peace was better then nothing in his hopes. Simply nodding back his apology he decided it was best not to draw out the issue seeing as the prince had some agenda though he was a bit worried fearing the young man ate a bad mushroom from the forest.

Reluctantly the prince stayed almost yearning for conversation or at least one that concerned him. Annoyed at the thought Ethan simply put up a smile and thought the only topic that may be worth speaking about. "So not only are you privy to the knowledge of shadow warrior anatomy and construction but a cook as well? Do tell is there anything you nobles aren't gifted with?" though inside this was more a stab to the freedom the hierarchy received over those of more simple family it was at least a way to entertain this peace the prince brought.

His wisp pulsed slowly near his shoulder unresponsive simply giving off the faint glow as Ethan looked towards the prince hiding his bitterness well.
Warren chuckled, looks like she cared for him somewhat.

"I'll take the fishies then. I'm getting sick 'a rabbit."

Warren stood up and stretched and flexed his stiff body from sleeping. His body cracked as he put it back into gear and his muscle flexed.

Having done that, he was really wanting some food, a hearty breakfast. His mind was pretty much only occupied on that, having very much the one-track mind.

"So where's the salmon? I'm starving." Warren spoke as he grinned, awake now.
"Oh, multiple things, multiple things. It is unwise to think that just because of my fortunate upbringing I am a perfect being," Cyril retorted, "Although my knowledge is vast, I lack much experience in most fields. For example, I never experienced a working life like the rest of you, and whilst you may think it's easy to sit up there in the majestical castle doing bally-all, I can asure you it was most certainly not. Oh, the boredom of the cooped up life." He sighed as if to emphasise this, staring blankly at the cave wall. "What I would have done to at least experience the common life for a day or two. But I was cursed to passive regality. I never challenged, of course, because I understood father's authority, and as quickly as these rapid longings came to fruition, I accepted things and absorbed myself in one of my books." This is peculiar. I am spilling facts I've barely even considered myself to this silly hat man. What am I doing?
Rusar smiled slightly jabbing her thumb towards the exit of the cave "By the fire with everyone else." She said turning to head out of the cave "And surprisingly enough the Prince is the one who cooked most of it. It's really good." She added making her way back to the camp fire side. She saw Cyril and Ethan talking and the rest of the group looking in better spirits then they had been in the past few days and felt some bit of hope in getting through things. It had only been a few days but things were slowly falling into place and they were becoming more of a real group instead of a band of mismatched survivors just trying to get by. Her distrust of the group was giving way to a small but of hope that things would eventually work themselves out and she felt the need to run off less and less the more time she spent with them. She wasn't exactly sure if it was a good or bad thing but that was still left to be seen.
Skyre leant up against the cave wall, surveying the rest of the camp as they made conversation. Despite his state of mind, he found himself wearing a sincere smile; it seemed like everybody was truly gelling together at last. Even Cyril, who had made himself both a hero and a villain in Skyre's eyes through his taking over of cooking duties, was beginning to talk with the others, and by approaching Ethan he showed at least an interest in being polite and a higher purpose of helping the group out. He knew they could manage being a team, and their gleeful fruition into a group kept him curiously watching them enjoy themselves for a long moment.

Just outside the cave, he noticed Desiree in secret conversation once again, in similar circumstances to her encounter with Rederik earlier. At once, a pang of jealousy rushed through his blood, and he wondered why Desiree now seemed perfectly happy to share the 'dark secrets' she had alluded to before with others but not him, her signified friend. But the fresh morning light burnt away his unreasonable doubts, and trickled a stream of rationality into his tired mind. I'm not her keeper; she can do what she wants. Besides, she's probably worried what I'd do, what I'd say, to these things. Skyre smiled at the thought that she was considering things for his benefit. It was an unusual thing for him - he often treated the world merely as a goal. A winding path to an important destination, where he was an independant entity to the rest of humanity. Seeing himself through anothers eyes was new, exciting.

When conversations had died down a little, he rose to his feet and made the morning's formal announcement. "Good morning everybody. I hope you all slept well. Last night, as you all know, we reached the edge of the eastern mountains, and on the other side of them is the desert we intend to cross through. The desert is a treacherous, dangerous terrain that will be hard to traverse, but one that would also avoid the Shadow King's troops. Still, we want to spend the least time there as possible, and so I have a plan."

"Today, we're gonna travel north on the valley side of the mountains until we reach Aliak's mountain ring. Then, we will climb one of the desert mountains, a hand picked mount that, if my memory serves correctly, is the smallest of these mountains. That should take us up to evening, where we will rest atop the mountain, and tomorrow we will traverse the desert and arrive at our intended location. So, we should pack things away now and begin the journey."

Speech finished, Skyre turned to his pack and started helping the other campmates disassemble the fire and tidy away the breakfast materials. Whene everything was ready, he took the first steps outside, and began to lead the group away down the final green fields of Valia's south.
The satisfaction of finally exposing the mystery behind the dream found its way to her face and Ari inexplicably felt herself smiling at Desiree's story. The rules were strictly controlled, especially at their old university. Though Ari had regularly practiced her magic outside of class, she knew it was imperative to keep it secret. She understood Desiree's past self completely. The feeling of being trapped within her own potential at the university was no strange concept to either of the mages.

But Ari's smile dropped just as soon as Desiree's tone darkened. She was hiding something, it was easy to tell. Ari wasn't one to pry though. "Well, I can't say I've ever experienced anything quite as wild as that." She said, attempting to return to the lively tone of the story, "...but I'm sure you'd be glad to know that Hagen had to spend a good few days away from lessons after that." The minor detail brought itself from the depths of her peripheral memory as what she'd heard a few of her dorm neighbors saying after the incident.

Ari paused a moment, trying to recall another detail that was just out of reach. Something related to Hagen, something else the upperclassmen talked about. Maybe someone else? She wrinkled her brows in concentration, but the memory was simply not there. Hagen...the name seemed familiar beyond just a professor she'd never had. "Hey, did...uh, Professor Hagen. Did he have a kid or something that went to our school?"

From inside the cave, Skyre called the troop to motion. Ari turned her head back towards him, listening to his plan to head for the mountains. Skyre and the others began packing up their things in preparation for the move. She turned back to Desiree "Hm. I guess that'll have to wait then." Ari stood, glad to have had the chance to hear Desiree's story. However, she was slightly discontent about the questions she still had, especially while Des seemed to be hiding something. Ari supposed it was really none of her business if Desiree didn't want it to be and she didn't blame her if that was the case. It was only what Ari would have done in her place. A conversation for a different time indeed...
As usual, Skyre lead the group alone from the front, his narrow figure casting long shadows in the bright, fickle morning sunlight. He was happy to talk with whoever approached him, but focussed most of his energy on navigating. In his head, he held the near-perfect reconstruction of the area map that he had studied with such interest in his university days. Unlike with their settlements, Valian tradition meant that most of the landforms were unnamed. In his youth, Skyre had dreamt of leading expeditions to the mysterious corners of the island, charting land, naming features. Ah, faint memories, he smiled distantly. Now, feeling the landscape through the wind around him, he had his expedition. Though in much more sombre circumstances.

For the mornings journey, though, Skyre still found himself riddled by the niggling confusion. Every stray thought found its knot there, from remarks on shrubbery to even ponderings on what lunch would bring. They annoyed him greatly, but Skyre forced himself onwards. He had a task, and he had to focus. So instead, he (unsuccessfully) emersed himself in the countryside. They strolled down a bizarre bare ridge between fierce mounts and untamed forestry. They were far from the main track, and Skyre wondered whose footsteps they were following. We must be some of the only people to have ever traversed these fields.

Several hours in, an unfamiliar blue bird landed on a bone-like tree at the roadside, and as the others rested, Skyre took a moment to examine it. To his surprise, it hopped onto his hand, its tiny legs clawing at his smooth skin. He locked his deep emerald eyes with its tiny eyes. His feathered friend tweeted joyfully, its head twisting as it examined him back. You haven't the faintest idea what we've suffered, have you, bird? he wondered. He shook his head at the stupidity of even mentally talking with a bird, but found himself drawn to continue. One day we will be the same, you and I. When everything is fine, and there's no Shadow King to crush and control. Then we'll fly together over these glens, carefree, adventurers. I can write the maps and you... I'll help you set up a nice worm market. In perfect freedom, stupid ambitions won't matter. Chirping happily, the bird flapped off in a jolt and disappeared behind grey clouds.

A few hours later, they stopped for dinner. Meat as always, and whilst Cyril's self-appointed new role as camp chef helped to brighten the meal somewhat, Skyre couldn't help but wish for something a little more sweet, a change. Unusually, he found his mind wandering to old banquets in the great hall of the university of wind magic. Surrounded by friends, seniors, juniors, teachers, wind magicians of all ages. A buzz of chatter not unlike the chirps of an aviary. Where they gouged on breads, stews, fish dishes, drank cordials, broths, ciders...

"You've got your head rather stuck up in the clouds, haven't you old bean?" Skyre snapped back to reality and snapped back to an impatient looking Cyril. Balanced on his long arm, he held several plates, though they kept on slipping and he kept on having to nudge them back to balance.

"Apparently so," Skyre conceded with an apologetic smile, "though this rural world does provide a wide selection of food for thought."

"Yes, well, spare a thought for the food of the real world," Cyril indicated agitatedly to those at the fireside collecting up the dishes. "We were going to ask if there's time enough to try and find a river to clean this bally lot."

"Go ahead," Skyre nodded, mildly amused that they felt the need even to ask him that. Content, or as content as he was ever goung to be, Cyril turned to go when a question found its way to Skyre's tongue. "Oh, your highness, I've been meaning to ask. How did you learn to cook?"

An expression of both relief and pride washed over the prince's chiselled features, and curled his mouth into a fierce smile. "Dear Valia, I've been waiting for somebody to ask all morning! " Unloading his plated messily in a pile by the fire, Cyril sat beside him. To his surprise, the prince still smelt clean and regal. "Well, as you can imagine, one had a most boring lifestyle cooped up in the castle for all eternity. I had my books, which of course were facinating, but I needed something greater, something... more fulfilling." He clenched his fist passionately, and Skyre couldn't help but grin. "And thus I made it my ambition to devise an ingenious plan to escape my quarters."

Now in full story telling mode, the prince's voice carried the story with full vigor, breaking out into dramatic gesticulations with each piece of 'action' despite his tame story, and again Skyre couldn't help but chuckle. "Thus one fateful day, I finally succeeded, and upon reaching the main corridor, I was met with a most glorious scent. It was... entrancing, riveting... words cannot do it justice and so, possessed, I tracked it down. Presently, I arrived at the royal kitchen and began to observe our chefs in action. My route was foolproof, and I made it my routine to pay the kitchens a watchful visit, learning, observing. And thus, Cyril the caterpillar, he who slithered through meals with light, hollow compliments, was rebirthed as Cyril the majestic butterfly, cooking extraudinare." As his voice reached a cressendo, Skyre half expected the prince to bow. In his head, crowds cheered and wooped, called for encores. Skyre grinned.
Cyril's grand story wasn't easy to miss. Rederik gathered a few of the plates to be washed as he listened to the tale. Cyril was quite good at storytelling, but something more brought a smile to his lips. The young prince showed ambition. What Rederik did understand of the hierarchy was that cooks were considered far lower than noblemen. They never cooked for themselves, and that's just a part of their privilege. To know that a prince of all people sought out something more without care of its status was encouraging.

Rederik gathered as many dishes as he could carry and rose. "I believe there is a river not too far from here," he said to anyone helping out. Naraya followed him out into the woods. There were no worn paths like before in this area. The terrain was far less traversed and maneuvering through it called for a bit of strategy. Thick brush coiled upward toward the leafy canopy, sometimes climbing higher than he stood. Their twigs and branches wove together causing his course to take a turn.

Eventually, he came upon a modest river. The area was lovely and calm as the setting sun glistened colors onto the water. One by one, Rederik dipped the plates into the cold water letting it wash away the remnants of another fine meal. Naraya lapped up the water just upstream from him in heavy slurps, her ears occasionally perking about at all the sounds that caught her attention.
Ethan was without words for most of the day, the prince's eager need to tell his tale was of little amusement to him as such it was a joy to hear Skyre seek out their direction and goal for the day. Tipping his hat to Cyril, Ethan gathered his things and followed the pack. The journey was long and for the most part uneventful which for this group was a blessing considering the unnatural occurrences that had transpired. Ethan continued to gather what herbs her could find. Though as they traveled closer to the distant sands the land was changing. Ethan knew that they would carry plenty in water but for to not plan ahead was not something the young alchemist was going to slip away.

His satchel was filled with an assortment of leaves and flowers, but most importantly was a large handful of bitter roots. While the others never found the flavor appealing if something should cause them to lengthening their water supply sucking on the root would for awhile curb the thirst for the palpable life giving water and provide them the needed nutrients to warrant off fatigue and dehydration. Watching the group march through the paths that seemed never touched by man Ethan couldn't help but worry. His wisp slowly floated towards him as if to comfort his doubt as he turned his head back to the fading forest behind him. The journey now was further then he had ever traveled and the land he once called home. He

to keep his mind occupied though it wasn't easy letting go of everything while pressing forward to a world of unknowns.
Skyre finally stopped near the mid of the day where Cyril seemed to enjoy yet again showing off his talents. Though this time it would seem the young man found someone able to take his bait inquiring as to his talent with the fire. Ethan took a small smirk as he hid his face with his hat as he thought up Cyril in his mother's white dress cooking up and nagging like some of the woman of the fishing town. Like a gossiping roster he couldn't help but once again show off his feathers of talents offered to his boring life within the castle. Still the high sun was closing in and without drawing to much attention it felt best for Ethan to break from the fire to enjoy the solace of nature. He had traveled a little ways till he located a quite spot near a few trees. The area was still vibrant with wildlife and the sound of the critters seemed music compared to the peacock back at camp. The wisp floated towards his face and Ethan simply took a deep breath before checking to ensure no one was around.

Slowly he clasped his hands and closed his eyes before shortly the blue fog swirled around his feet rising like small tendrils wrapping him till reaching his eyes. As he opened them the blue glow spread illuminating the area around him. His body felt light and his breathing was calm. The wisp followed as the light made contact. "Why does he bother you so much Ethan?" the faint voice spoke through "I thought you where a part of me surely then you must know why..." he replied back almost sarcastically "I feel what you feel but I have no reason to know why I do..." the voice replied in a disappointed tone. Ethan sighed a moment then focused once more "It would be hard to explain Aurora and too long then I could keep this up anyways." in a humorous voice knowing the story would take far to long to ever tell between this new talent and his magic limitation. The wisp floated towards him before stopping nearly inches away "Then show me..." and before Ethan could speak his vision faded into white and his mind wandered to his past. It spun fast unable to take form before finally stopping, the world around him seemed dimmed and almost colorless, no sound or life within this vision. Slowly though as he recalled where he was the vision gained life and began to move.

The sound of the fire crackled as a spark flew up from the coals. Ethan could see his young self rising from the bed and rushing to catch it only to lose sight of the spark. "What is this...?" he spoke unable to understand why he could see himself as if separated from his body. "This is but your memory Ethan...like all mages who rest you can fall upon your past like pages to a book." as a soft hand fell to his shoulder. His heart skipped a moment in shock as he turned to see Aurora standing before him. "If that's true why have I not had one before...?" as the boy went through his corporeal body towards the kitchen. "Since we came to be our thoughts have always conflicted...it has prevented you from seeing your past and thus you had none since then." as she gave a worried look towards him before looking back to Ethan's memory. Ethan froze for a moment as the sound of a voice nearly brought him to tears. Rushing quickly to its source Ethan saw once more his mother standing near the millstone speaking harshly to his younger self to clean up. "Ethan..." Aurora attempted to speak but he ran to grab his mother unable to feel or touch her. His hands and arms simply moving through her as if made of air and nothing more. It was then Ethan realized how torturous this memory would be and with an angry jest he spoke out "I don't want to be here..." but Aurora stepped in front of him preventing him from leaving the room "You must show me...I must know why this anger stays within you Ethan..." as he looked at her stern face then took a deep breath. Staying silent he heard the knock of the old wooden door, his heart went heavy as two men in padded armor walked into the home.

"This be the Faust residence?" a quaint voice spoke out as a woman endowed in silk garments and frills came through. Removing a feathered fan she seemed immediately disgusted with the room as if it festered with something foul. The young Ethan ran to his mother who lowered her head "Yes my lady what can I do to honor a visit from you this day." The woman scuffed at the gesture and looked about the walls and patterns of cloth laying around the room. "My dear boy is in need of clothes for his day of birth celebration and I was told you could make the best is that correct?" as a young man ran past his pompous mother playing with his wooden horse as if in gallop. Ethan turned away as Aurora looked in confusion "Why is this your anger? It seems like your mother was getting a job with good pay no?" as Ethan gripped his hand into a fist. "...she was the duke's wife and that boy her heir...it was not the task but..." as the young Ethan ran past his mother in amazement of the other boy. "Oh hello! Want to play together? My father made me this soldier!" as the young Ethan showed off the craftsmanship and eagerness to enjoy another kids company.

The young duchess's child simply screamed in anger at the young Ethan who had touched him slightly. One of the guards kicked Ethan to the ground as the mother circled her child "Oh no dear snookcums don't cry what is the matter?" as the teary boy spoke in gasping voice "That....booy....he...he...tried to steal...my..my..toy!" as snot and tears filled the child's face. The mother outraged looked to Ethan's mother "Where do you get the gaw to raise a thief?" as she pampered her child. Ethan's mother stood up grabbing her son in protection "There be no thief in this family. He meant no harm and seeked only fun with your son mistress." as the guard stepped in between the two "Do you mean to say our lady's and his heir are speaking falsely?" as he placed his hand upon his hilt. Ethan's hand shook as Aurora watched feeling his heart race "No dear sir only that they may have been mistaken." his mother still guarding the young Ethan behind her. "How dare you think that my son would ever lie to me!" as the noble woman stood up and slapped Ethan's mother hard. The young Ethan could not see his mother's face as her hair concealed it, but a dark crimson drop fell upon the cobbled floor that left the boy worried and tearful. "I'll be sure that no upstanding citizen steps into your establishment ever again! You'll be left with patching fishermen nets when I am through with you!" as she stormed out of the cabin with her son. The guards following behind as one turned to the boy before leaving "This is the world boy, know your place in it." as the wooden door slammed.

The little boy attempted to try and help his mother but she simply told him to go to bed. The young Ethan's voice crying and attempting to figure what had happened echoed in the room as it slowly started to turn gray and lifeless. Soon the vision faded and Ethan was found once more in a room of white light. Aurora looked upon Ethan who's eyes where teary from the memory. "Oh Ethan..." as she watched him turn. "Since that day my mother had a scar upon her cheek..." as the light faded and his magic was loosing its focus "...she lost everything no one wanted to have her tailor another garb since then..." as Aurora's body faded back into a wisp and the surrounding area turned back to the forest they once where "...yet with all she lost she kept smiling telling me that it was just how the world was for some..." as he turned to the wisp "...how could she smile like that...why could she not be angry...why didn't she cry...or scream...why..." as the wisp slowly hovered near his shoulder "...I understand now...Ethan." the voice said lightly before his eyes faded back to his normal color. His body felt heavy both from the drain of his magic and the emotions that where brought up from his memory. He sat upon the grass letting the moment pass him as he felt blessed not being able to see such memories every night he sleeps. This drawn anger left a deep scar towards nobles seeing them demand privilege rights and all for what? cause they where lucky to be born with a name? The prince was in Ethan's eyes the very image of nobles, from the very first moment his demands and pompous attitude first appeared it brought back those painful moments and the scar that forever tarnished his mother's face. Still alone in this forest with the silence of the afternoon wind Ethan could only console to himself and question whether the prince would ever earn his trust.
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Lapis had been watching Ethan with a close eye. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts and trying to figure something out so she stayed away. She sighed to herself. She wished she could help out and help him, but she feared her opinion would do no good. After all, Ari seemed to know him better than she did. She looked up at the prince who was telling his story. It was ok to play along for a while, but his drastic stories were getting a bit annoying.

Lapis, not wanting to hurt anyone, kept to herself. She did that most of the time. She felt like she was the only one who had somewhat of a fortunate life. She mumbled a bit to herself, looking at the dirt. She felt out of place. Everyone had there special talents, yet all she had was a sword and some wind powers. She pulled the case and the sword from her hip, staring at the swirled blue engraving. It represented years of family history, yet she had not made a dent in it. And she was no closer to finding her lost brother. It seemed as if all of her family heritage and hard work had gone to waste over a stupid reason. She looked up, newfound will in her eyes to defeat the darkness and take back her family's honor. She slipped the sword back to her side, looking one last time over at Ethan before continuing on.
The prince's tale complete, Skyre found it appropriate to call the group, now well rested, up and ready to journey. Any quips about the variety of the food long forgotten, he held a full stomach and was ready to travel once more. And when everybody had collected together once more, Skyre lead off along the mountains once more.

Now afternoon, the survivors continued north, into noticably more treacherous territory. The once flat plain was now coursed with ragged dips and bumps, the trees of the great forest edge were darker in colouring and thicker in foliage. A blanket of thick dark cloud loomed in the near distance. The mountains seemed to grow taller each passing minute, ascending like a giant's staircase, and Skyre couldn't help but worry that he'd gravely mis-remembered the humble mountain he intended them to climb. Over the group's quiet social buzz, he heard the cry of some kind of eagle. Or maybe even a vulture. It's like the closer we get to Aliak, the heavier the tension becomes. Or maybe things have always been that way here?

Then suddenly, out of the blue, it hit him. Suddenly his confusion faded and he understood what had gripped him so coldly for the last few days.


Amid all their other troubles, Desiree's brief poor mood following their escape had unsettled him. And in the sickly morning light, he had found his mind wandering unhealthily. As much as he loved her, he had questioned why. And the answer was simple, but not pleasant. Because she kissed you. Oh, you gullible fool. But it was true. Had she not harmlessly (at least in intention, Skyre considered with a wry smile) planted her lips so tenderly on his cheek, he couldn't help but wonder if he'd have ever fallen for her at all.

Every intimacy starts with something similarly petty though. Some people plunge deep into love with only one glance at another. That didn't help to confort him though. He felt guilty that he could not honour Desiree with better intentions, with more of an explanation story for his feelings. Even in their last big conversation, she had been very kind to him, and very understanding. But only because I was nice to her first!

In hindsight though, he could think more logically. And whatever the cause, he loved her. Even the way her mood fluctuated, and even in spite of her shortcomings. Like everyone, she was an imperfect creature. An imperfection that made her unique, and in that individuality, beautiful. Out of the miseries caused by Pashan, and subsequently by his confusion, he could appreciate that better, and wash away any guilt. And she cared for him too, and that made him very excited.

Yet, it's still there. That's not the whole of it. Then what? Skyre frowned widely. Leading as always in solitude, nobody could witness the facial acrobatics show that accompanied his internal debate. My leadership. He smiled, face relaxing, half in relief, half in irony. His constant mental brawl over his feelings for Desiree had distracted him, consumed him perhaps. So much so that he flet he was neglecting his responcibilities as leader. Others put ideas forward, others made decisions and lead. He just sat back and watched. But now that I've sorted out my confusion, he realised, I don't need to worry about these things. I can go back to being focussed and organised. I can go back to being me.

You're certainly feeling perceptive today Skyre, he grinned to himself. Thank goodness for lonely afternoons.

At that precise moment, the lingering clouds began to fizz, and the heavens opened with a triumphant roar. Thick globules of liquid splattered rapidly on the dry, hungry earth. Behind him, Skyre heard a few screams and the sudden tramp of footsteps as others rushed for the cover of foliage. But Skyre simply grinned. Arms outstretched, he found himself laughing, head tilted back, as he accepted the rain. He let it pour over his body, and with it, he thought, it washed away his doubt.

Here's to the rain. And here's to us!
With the make-shift campsite broken down, Skyre led them along toward the mountains and the desert beyond. Desiree truly enjoyed the downtime and the moments that she was able to share with Ari and Rederick. It was about time that they all started trusting each other, despite her previous attempt when she basically poured out her soul to the group when she had lost her magic.

Lost her touch with her element was more precise. And now that Desiree had re-established and strengthened that relationship, she was confident that she would never lose it again. The voice inside concurred.

We are one and the same, it said and Desiree no longer tried to differentiate between it and her own internal thoughts. As one, her and her element were now inseparable and once she learned how to control her own mortal limitations with her talent there would be very few forces in this world that could stop her.

She considered that the air had chosen her because she had no lofty ambitions of power or fame; rather, Desiree enjoyed the more simple and mundane things that life had to offer. A pleasant laugh in good company, a well cooked steak with baked potatoes, a hot bath overflowing with soap bubbles ... such trivialities which now were luxuries were the only kinds of things that Desiree truly found satisfying.

What about love? the voice inquired, and she quickly dismissed it. It would take far more than anyone could offer her for her to even contemplate such a thing, especially in light of their current plight as they ran from the forces of the Shadow King. Deckard Hagen had soured her opinions of the fairer sex to the point that it would be extremely difficult for her to allow herself to be so vulnerable again.

Desiree sighed, raked her hair back from her face as they walked and put her best smile on. Bright blue eyes dazzled in the afternoon sun regardless of the oncoming clouds. She had her element, and it had her. Nothing else really mattered any longer.

As they walked along, some in terse but kind conversations, Desiree considered the group. Their varied talents cloyed in the air about them and she tasted them all. Even from the front of their small parade, Skyre's acrid taste was evident. Desiree discounted his thinking that it was more prevalent to her because they had become close and it was now easier for her to sense it in the air.

Surprisingly, however, in a similar fashion, Desiree had a stronger taste for both Ari and Rederick now. This puzzled her as she walked along being cognizant of the ever increasing pine tree roots that cris-crossed through their track toward the increasingly oppression of the nearby mountains. Without making any motion, Desiree directed a deft caress of wind across the girl lightning mage and tasted rosemary. She performed the same feat with Rederick and was rewarded with a heavy taste of cloves.

Her brow wrinkled as she thought about their differences. Desiree had thought that they both had an affinity for the same element, but she got two divergent tastes from them. She recalled, also, that Helia's magic tasted of honeysuckle which was completely different than Skyre's taste.

Desiree's frown dissipated and was replaced by a sly curl of her lip and a hint of mischief in her eyes. Keeping her concentration on each of them, she allowed her light touch of air to gently brush over the rest of the group as she sampled each of their tastes. That her action might have seemed rude or unethical to some never crossed her mind. Curiosity won out over caution.

She began near the front of their small, disjointed column. Skyre was already known to her, so Desiree sampled Warren and was not surprised to find the same stench of death and decay that seemed to follow every earth mage. Still, it was odd that every mage of that talent that she had encountered since she regained her magic all tasted the same whereas practitioners of similar elements, Skyre and Helia for example, were significantly different.

She pressed that puzzle to that section of her mind quartered off for just such things and continued her test. Rusar was next as she seldom strayed far from her earth-mage friend, and the fire mage tasted of cinnamon. Desiree found that fascinating as it most closely matched the woman's talent, even closer than any others she had tasted thus far.

Desiree had a difficult time containing her excitement with her experimenting as she lightly grazed across the others. Ethan returned a strong taste of peat; Cyril, roses (Well, there's a surprise, Desiree snorted in sarcasm to herself); and Lapis carried a light taste of pine.

It suddenly dawned on her that with this knowledge, Desiree would be able to tell any of them apart from the others by how they tasted on the air, the earth mages notwithstanding. This knowledge could be quite useful when encountering those of the Shadow King's ilk, and Desiree was disappointed to not have had this opportunity earlier with Pashan.

Spilled milk, the voice conceded and Desiree agreed. There was no use worrying about the scrawny, little man now. It would have to wait until their next confrontation – one Desiree was certain would happen in the near future.

Her little experiment concluded and didn't appear to have attracted anyone's attention, not even her fellow wind mages such was the level of her ability now. With an impish impulse, Desiree manipulated the air around Skyre and ruffled it through his fiery hair. She took a comical expression of denial when he looked her way, and then playfully stuck out her tongue at him and laughed.

Yes, she thought. Today is a good day to be alive. It was as she said to Ari in their conversation earlier: every morning that she woke up free to be with her element was a good day.

Later, when the rain had started and Skyre's laughter filled the small space around the group, Desiree crossed her arms in mock anger as her hair was quickly sodden and plastered on her head, over her shoulders and across the front of her overly large, borrowed shirt. However, her dancing eyes would not be diminished by the rain and her faux anger split into a wide grin before she joined their group's leader in his mirthful laughter.
The group pressed on after the meal and for the most part it was silent outside the occasional breeze that seemed to come back and forth their path. The terrain though was turning harsher and with the ever looming height of the mountain rising there was a little bit of worry for the range of this trek. The forest lines where darker and more thicker then before a sign of little change or effect from the world it grew from. Ethan's wisp flowed back and forth the path checking the terrain and keeping itself in sight of the each member.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves in some sense, Desiree throwing her hair back and teasing the would be leader Skyre, while Ari, Lapis, and Rusar seemed to be enjoying each other's company while Warren's large frame made Ethan worry if they should reach a narrow pass if he would be able to get through, though a small laugh at the thought he would tear the mountain if it was in his way left Ethan with a smile. Rederick and Naraya where nearly inseparable and from his reaction looked to have recovered from his injury well. Though Ethan's eye fell to Cyril and while he tried the best he could do was fair that least the young man was keeping up without complaining.

This band of adventures seemed to click and the thought of Helia's loss made Ethan feel blessed that everyone else had pulled through. His memory fell to his meeting of the young woman and her eagerness to push on and fight, the sudden disappearance during the battle, and the nightmarish return of her dominated by the King of Shadows. Even with all their efforts she fell to his whim and though they told Ethan she fought till the end it still left him bitter at the loss.

Ethan broke from his thought though as his wisp flew to below his hat as if seeking shelter. Then a sudden cool mist then down pour fell from the sky. The group seemed to each seek shelter or enjoy the down pour and as for Ethan he simply tightened his coat and adjusted his hat. The rain was a nice change but his worry was the risk of any of the group catching a cold from the cool rain. Looking to Skyre who seemed to be bathing in the rain Ethan figured for now it would be his call to press forward or break for shelter, with their constant rising on the mountain the weather while nice brought risk with it as well, with thinner air and colder harsher winds a simple rain could turn to a heavy fever quickly if not managed.
After a small drenching, and thinking of his health, Skyre joined the others in shelter. Huddled together underneath a large yet elderly looking oak, they stood in a mix of emotions as conversation was drowned out by the heavy pitter-patter of the rain around them. They remained there for a good ten minutes or so, but the rain was resiliant. "We'll have to try and brave it," Skyre announced, standing up, "Besides, I don't imagine we're too far from the mountain now."

With that, he lead the group once more onwards, though this time he stayed much closer to the main pack and happily, though most peoples moods had now been softened somewhat by the downpour, made conversation with anybody willing to do so. Taking it upon himself to try and help out, he created and upheld a small barrage of wind which acted as a buffer to the rain. It did a little, though rain continued to soak them. "Where's a good water magician when you need one?" he gave Desiree a friendly nudge. Even back in the days before the fall, water magicians were a rare commodity. Most of them had lived on the shoreline, using their magic to aid them with fishing. Actually, that's a strange thought. Though none of the, ever had need too, it's strange that not a single inquisitive water magician ever crossed the oceans.

Turning back to the group, his eyes fell on Desiree, and he smiled back at her. Through distrubances in the wind he had felt her playing around, testing her element, and imagined the rogue nature of the wind blasts would have alerted some of the more observant group members to her antics. She was certainly enjoying her element, and in the almost personal control she now had over it, he could sense that she had grown in power. He cast his mind back to their initial meeting, when he had flown the pair of them out of the burning hut. She had developed so much since then. In fact, all of them had. Yet he couldn't help but wonder if she was perhaps overestimating her newfound connection. After all, what she now proceeded to do was something that he had done, albeit a little more scrappily, many years before.

Shaking his speculation away with a shake of the head, he cast his eyes back up at the grey sky. The clouds were beginning to thin, and in the far distance another set of mountains were just coming into view. Not long now. We're almost at our destination.


A few hours later, Skyre looked down from grey cliffs over the intersecting valleys. Now closer, yet still miles away, Aliak's mountain crown was glowing in the early evening sunshine. Above, the clouds still lingered, but now they were tinted a friendly white. In fact, the clouds were almost within touching distance now. Spinning around, he observed the view behind them; their mountain, a tall, grey spire of crumbling stone. It's jagged tip just caressed the cloudline, and beneath it, several steep scree-slopes provided the area's natural decor. It was fortunate, he thought, that the path to half way up where they now stood had been a much more pedestrian climb. And besides, they needn't get much higher. They only needed to get round it.

As the group squashed up behind him, he turned with a smile. "This is as high as we need to go, but we need to try and find some place to shelter properly. We don't know what kind of wildlife live here, but I wouldn't be surprised if we've somthing not too pleasant in our company. If you find a good place to shelter then call, and try not to stray too far from here, for the sake of losing each other. There's no rush though; we've got all evening. As long as we're safe before sundown then we can take as long as we like."

Message relayed, Skyre sat back against a large, black rock and closed his eyes as the group scattered around him. The long day's journeying had taken its toll, and he was much more tired than he let on. He leant back against the rock face, and immediately drew his hands back. Tentatively, he poked the rock. It's hot. Interesting. Perhaps we've settled on a volcanic mount?
The days trip was long but the arduous trek was worth it as they more or less reached their destination. Rusar refrained from scouting ahead as she did before when traveling with the group, ever since the incident with Helia there was some kind of unspoken agreement that going off alone wasn't the best idea. So she stuck with the group but still kept an observant eye on the surroundings since the area was unfamiliar and there was no telling if or when any enemy would make its self known.

The rain which started to fall after lunch time didn't bother her much, most would assume a fire Mage would despise the rain but Ru had nothing against it. There was only the slight worry that the down poor plus cooler climate as they climbed the mountain would get some sick. Which would could end up lethal since medicine wasn't exactly

Readily available. When the cooler wind started to blow and temperature drop from the a sense of the sun and higher altitude then flame magician figured shed held to some extend and let her magic wrap around creating a small bubble of warmth around the small group. It wasn't anything intense but just enough to keep away the chills. It was a bit of a drain on her magic but worth it if it meant less complications going forward.

One thing she did notice while performing her small trick was she could sense the natural heat from the ground and rocks around them. It was a surprising but pleasant as it made her job a bit easier. Small gusts of chilled wind could still be felt every now and then. Sky was busy trying to buffer the rain which helped a bit. She glanced over to Desiree "Desiree could you keep away the gusts?" She asked softly figuring the small exercise would be a good test of the team work concept suggested earlier.

Thankfully the rain stopped after a short while and Rusar let the bubble dissipate. It wasn't too long before they reached their destination. Rusar sighed softly "Finally" she thought to herself as they came to a stop. She didn't mind the long treks but after a while it did become tiresome. Hopefully their arrival on the mountain mean they could set up camp for a short while. She looked around the area wondering what kind of game could be found in the area and finding a river would be good. So she figured shed try to do a bit of exploring.
Desiree was working on one of the many puzzles that had been filed away in her mind while she walked. Many more than were desired had piled up in the past week and she needed to start sorting some of them out to make room for new ones. Absently, she chewed on her bottom lip since she no longer had her trusty quarterstaff to use as a focus. Probably why so many riddles have gone unanswered, she thought when she considered her missing quarterstaff.

The air suddenly warmed and tasted of cinnamon. Desiree glanced toward Rusar, knowing that the fire mage was responsible for this new comfort while they walked. She nodded toward her and then returned to her puzzle-sorting task.

Her attention to her puzzles was interrupted by Rusar's request. For a moment, Desiree stared at the woman, perplexed that Rusar had actually addressed her. Desiree shook the surprise of the moment away and smiled sincerely to her. "Certainly," she replied sweetly and without any obvious movement or motion, the air around and within the enclosure of warmth shifted and swirled around the edges of Rusar's dome of heat. Gusts from the storm struck in vain against Desiree's wind.

"Good thinking," she said to Rusar, "and thanks for the warmth." It amazed her that what should be gradually seeping her strength was of no effort while she performed the simple task. Perhaps it was because the wind was of a natural origin and not some gross manipulation of a wind mage that made the effort so simple? Desiree growled in mock exasperation and raked her wet, blonde hair out of her eyes as she had found yet another puzzle to add to the ever growing pile in the corner of her mind.
The boar skin coat kept most the moisture out from the trample rain that fell, his hat leaving small trails of flowing water to one side as it pooled. The wind buff and warm shell of heat coming from the group seemed to help ease the tension and for the most part allowed Ethan to relax without worrying of people catching colds from the storm. His wisp continued to go back and forth checking up on each individual before returning to Ethan always repeating this method every few minutes to gauge the groups health and fatigue.

Hours passed and we finally stopped near the brim of the mountain. The storm seem to settle and the rain was but speckles of spit as the clouds turned to their natural white. They where lucky the trek up had been easy going and the air though thin seemed refreshing. Still when the group was able to finally relax Ethan could feel the heaviness of his legs set in. Skyre's orders where spread and to ensure no one got lost Ethan looked to the wisp which split up into small sprite like balls. Each little bobble of light floated to the shoulder of one of the group members its faint glow calm and relaxed. "If you find anything use the sprites they'll relay like echo's back to us all so long as you don't venture too far." his voice spoke from the small orbs. Though he could not visually see it would help in their communication and location so not to have a repeat of Helia's abduction occur.

Patting Warren's shoulder Ethan checked on each of them handing them a small leaf wrapped item. As he reached Skyre "Here chew on these while we get a shelter and prepare a fire." The small packed item was no bigger then a copper coin but inside was crushed seeds and honey sickle to hide the bitter herbs. The nutrients would provide a preventive measure for anyone from the rain before and with the higher elevation promote an easier acclimatization to the altitude. It was a small token but least it provided some benefit as the risk of sickness was more prevalent due to the lack of medicine they could muster, and with the increase in elevation their bodies would have more difficulty in digesting. Sure their was Cyril's magic but not wanting to risk anything Ethan figured best to plan ahead and with the bounty of the forest as they passed it made ample time for him to prepare.

After finishing passing out the packed herbs Ethan sat down to keep his focus on the orbs so that the hunters and more experienced scouts of the party could search for proper shelter and game. The small orb near Ethan's shoulder was slightly bigger and hummed lightly as he began to chew on the herb pack letting its sweet and bitter flavor flow. He looked over the group with the passing hours and was happy to see they where all looking accustomed to the travel, while they where swore or tired no one seem to complain and instead seek to find a role to fill. Lapis, however seemed to be distant since her rescue and while she has settled down compared to their first encounter she seemed to be lost in thought.

Recalling Helia's separation and her change of attitude Ethan felt it best to try and ensure that no one would fall under that state of mind again. He worried Ari would be similar due to the shock but instead she seemed more vibrant and ready as if preparing to not repeat that horror before. It amazed him how the two held up during the situation and for a moment it reminded him of the room of girls they had found before. Saying a silent pray once more to their memory Ethan was glad that pale faced man would never be able to mock his collection again and the girls spirits could be put to rest. The small orb near Lapis glowed lightly as Ethan spoke from his to her. "How have you been fairing Lapis?" as he adjusted his hat to signal her.
Luna watched as the clouds turned gray. She took a whiff of the air, smelling fresh rain. She smiled. Rain had never been a problem for her. She loved the rain. She watched and listened, feeling the rain draw closer until she felt the sweet drops touch her head. She looked up, the rain hitting her face. She grinned, looking to the sky to feel the cold drops slide down her face. She smiled looking down.

Her attention was caught by Ethan. She smiled, looking at him. "I have been fairing well, I am fairing better now that the rain is here. There is something about fresh rain that is soothing. It's like nature's way off letting out tears." She said, looking at him. She was always enforced to believe in Yin and Yang at her house, but she did believe them. She believed in balance, which is why this darkness would not win.
As the storm abated, and the clouds began to break, Desiree was able to view the valleys below them with wonder. They had climbed higher than she had realized and the panorama before her seemed surreal, like a painting in one of the history tomes at the university. A small distance below them, close to the edge of their moutain, hawks circled as they searched for unsuspecting prey. Desiree could feel the updrafts in the currents upon which the birds hung lazily as they allowed the air to do the work of keeping them aloft with the least amount of effort on their part.

Desiree paled slightly as she recalled her short flight with Skyre. The urgency of their escape justified the action, but once airborne, Desiree felt completely out of control even wrapped in her element as she was.

But that was then – before she lost and then regained her contact with the air. Now, she wondered if the experience would feel the same with her recently formed symbiosis with her element. The thought both thrilled and terrified her. The current of air that played along the edge of the cliffs whirled lightly around her as it sensed her curiosity and tried to entice her to join with it.

Had she completed her fourth and final year at the university, Desiree was certain that she would have easily mastered flight. Why not? Everything else with her element had come so naturally to her, learning to support herself in the air should have been a simple task.

The wind teased her as it continued to beckon her to step off of the cliff and join it with its merry dance, but Desiree was undeterred. I am not yet ready, she thought to the air. She smiled as she considered that she was beginning to truly know and trust in her own limitations.

Later, when Skyre had halted their ascent, Desiree was mildly surprised by the sudden appearance of one of Ethan's light-orbs. She marveled at his ability to speak through the miniature wisp of light and nodded her acknowledgement of his suggestion.

Before she made any plans to explore, she wanted to talk with their leader. She wanted to ensure that he wasn't overtaxing himself with his role. Desiree approached Skyre where he rested against some black rocks. "I'd offer a coin for your thoughts," she said sweetly while ringing the rain water from her tangled, soaked blonde hair, "but I haven't one to give."
Rusar looked out into the depths of the wilderness wondering which direction to search in first when a familiar ball of light appeared by her shoulder. She smiled slightly having gotten used to the ever presents watchful light of the Mystic magician. At first it did bother her knowing that she was being watch but now considered it more helpful than oppressive. It did also mean that She could wander a bit further with out too much worry. The huntress shifted her gaze to her surroundings once more before deciding to explore further up the mountain just in case. "I'll scout out further up ahead" She called over, mostly so they knew where she was going in case anything came up. She left her bag at the make shift camp taking only her quiver and bow before starting to explore.

There wasn't much of a path since it looked like barely anyone traveled this far however it was a good thing. This whole area was one of the very few left that wasn't touched some how by the shadow's taint. The natural heat of the area also helped made her feel a little more at home. She still wasn't sure if the mountain they had been climbing was some sort of volcano but it wasn't a possibility. Rusar carefully scanned the forest as she walked alone at a slow pace keeping watch for any kind of prey along the way.
Ethan continue to sit focused on the sprites that followed the group. Though he could not visually see them it did provide a means to communicate and get a general sense of their location. Desiree and Skyre seemed to be still relaxing while Lapis was enjoying the cooled air from the rain before. Rusar seemed to be one of the few who ventured out for game a bit of a smirk as he thought how well adapted she was in hunting and bringing back a good catch. His only real concern though was the terrain, with the ever increasing night approaching he worried if the cold chilled air would cause problems for their trek. It was strange though as the ground felt warmer for such a high local even the stones that should be like ice seemed bathed in heat.

Ethan couldn't figure what it was but assumed that perhaps the sun's rays where more focused on this face of the mountain. The small wisp kept close to him pulsing lightly as he pondered keeping himself situated between a patch of thin grass and stone. The group seemed to be in a state of relaxed venture and he was glad to know so far their journey has gone without incident, though that left him to wonder how long would that last. The thought of the looming desert and the unknown fort that Skyre is leading them to. What maps or lore he foresaw this trek on and how best he navigated us by memory alone amazed the alchemist as he gazed on the long stretched horizon.
"And I've no will to accept one," he smiled back at her, budging up slightly to allow her a place beside him on the rock face. "You'd be wasting your money anyway; I was merely admiring the landscape." He nodded over her shoulder to the other, much larger mountains that stood like giant rocky soldiers lined up into the horizon. "For somebody used to the green, rolling hills of the south west, these kind of bleak mountains are a wonder. That, and," he grinned, "the long day's journey has eaten away at my legs."

He considered for a brief second whether to tell her about the internal conflict he had finally resolved in the rain, but decided against it. It's irrelevant now anyway seeing as I've dispelled them. Besides, she should tell from my body language and whatnot that I've slain my demons. If she wants to ask me about it then I can tell her, but no need to worry her. Instead, he continued being trivial.

"These rocks," he explained, prodding them inquisitively once more, "are warm. Curious, huh? Seems like this may have been a volcano once, or maybe something else instead." Softening his tone a little, he asked, more caringly. "How are you feeling?"
Desiree sat next to Skyre, drew her legs up and circled them with her arms as she followed his gaze out toward the tall, rocky crags. The hike had taken its toll on her as well; the ease of life at the university had kept her soft. She briefly frowned at the realization and determined that she would make more effort to get into better shape.

She placed her hand on the rock next to his and sampled its warmth. Indeed, it was curious. Admittedly, Desiree knew little of volcanoes or other such things, that being more the purview of the earth mages. She snorted derisively and said, "Ask Ethan. He's an earth mage, no? Perhaps he might know more?" Her nose wrinkled for a moment as she recalled how terrible earth mages tasted to her. It was a sensation that she didn't care to sample often.

Desiree returned her arms around her knees again and looked sideways at Skyre when he asked about her. She smiled. The frowns and other negative expressions vanished. Bright blue eyes sparkled with life. "Never better, actually," she replied in all sincerity. "I thank you for asking and appreciate your concern. You seem in exceptionally higher spirits of late, though." Desiree twisted her head to toss the wet, straggling blonde hair back over her shoulder. She looked at Skyre with a sly grin and asked, "Any particular reason?"
"Ethan's a mystic magician, I think," Skyre began to rebuke her with a grin, but then realised that he had never actually asked the alchemist what his chosen element was. He had just presumed from the peculiarity of Ethan's arts that it was so. Theoretically though he could have been an earth ,age, but Skyre soon decided against it. After all, Desiree hated earth magic, and would likely have been grimacing and frowning everytime the wisp floated alongside her.

That's one major difference the way that we utilise our magic, he smiled, turning to face the mountains in distant thought once more. She likes to leave her element running free and wild, like her examination of our scent's earlier. Whereas I carefully control the wind for my own benefit. He smiled. Even at that moment, he had set up passive wind magic around his legs to make the journey less on his weak muscles. He was constantly listening through the wind and feeling the presense of others. It was a little draining, true, but due to its passive nature it left very little wear on him; fire mages would be able to use the same senses with temperature, for example.

She had asked him, and he needed to reply. Still clinging onto the enigma he so loved, his gaze fell vacantly on her as he tried to avert his mind from her beauty, to no avail. "Well, let's say I laid to rest some unnecessary doubts. And in doing do I've freed up my spirits once more. Like releasing caged wind from an ancient tunnel." He grinned back at her.
Desiree playfully knocked herself on her head with the palm of her hand. "Mystic, of course," she said with a grin. "I misspoke. I apologize for not being perfect." She snickered at her own jest so that Skyre would know that she was not being insulting. "Still, my main point was valid: we should ask someone who knows that element better than either you or I."

She turned her head and her focus to the nearby floating wisp. "Apologies," she said to it not knowing if it mattered. It had been a long, arduous day and minor lapses were not unexpected. Internally, Desiree chided herself for the error, but didn't dwell on it. Like the ever fleeting wind, it had passed and was gone.

Desiree returned her attention to Skyre as he answered her question. Her smile lit up her face at his revelation; she was truly glad that he had become more at ease with whatever it was that had been troubling him. She placed a warm hand on his arm. "That's great, Skyre," she said lightly. "I'm happy for you." Then, "If I can help with the rest of your ... unnecessary doubts, as you put them, then please let me know. It's the least that I could do, ok?"

She retrieved her hand and placed both of her arms straight above her head as she also extended her legs before her. With a deep breath, she stretched and slowly exhaled as she brought her arms down. "Mmmmmm....." she moaned with the pleasure of the motion. "I could really do with a hot bath and a warm supper, you know? Mulled wine would be especially nice to top it all off." She sighed in disappointment. "I guess we're a long way from any of those luxuries now, aren't we?"

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