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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

"Yes, it was," he smiled back softly, enjoying her jest. "So by my reckoning that leaves Warren, who, no offence, would probably not be too much use either." He chuckled as visions of the muscle-man trying to provide an intelligent explanation flickered through his brain. "It's not too important anyway, to get too engrossed in," he pointed out, more for his own benefit than hers, "We should only be here for one day anyway, if plans stand up." That reminded him, the others were scouting out. He wondered when he'd hear a cry for shelter.

Skyre followed her gaze to the wisp, silently watching over them as always. He knew that Ethan had summoned it for their over-arching safety, but its constant presense unnerved him slightly. He felt like it was eating away at his privacy a little, that it was restricting him a little. Having such a peculiar object as an ever-present ear unsettled Skyre's natural introvert. And the worse part was that it was silent, and you could forget it so easily. He would have to have a word with Ethan about it.

Not that you should have much to hide, he reminded himself as he turned his attention back to Desiree, whose arm was now nestling pleasantly on his. He was glad that she was so genuinely joygul at seeing him happier, and it made him feel a little uneasy about avoiding specifics even now with her. But, he thought, she probably understands how I like my privacy now. Understands and respects it.

He smiled distantly as she began to talk of luxuries. Bar his occasional longings for university feasts, Skyre was normally religiously strict in avoiding lusting after ungainable things. "Hey, another fried rabbit fits one of those bills," he teased, "and if you want a hot bath I'm sure Rusar will be willing to provide." The conversation lapsed briefly after his laughter, and, turning away, Skyre decided to speak his mind.

"About my unnessary doubts," he began, a little strained. "I had been overthinking things, the way you do when you're... you know. I was doubting the honor in the way I came to like you. And doubting my leadership priorities. But," he stretched his legs out, adjusting position, "I realised there was no point in those doubts, and that all I had to do was look a little wider to solve them. Thus, here I am!" He raised his arms up into the air and met her gaze again, his grin returning. "An unrestricted man!"
Ethan was relaxing having his aching legs and back stretch amongst the limited grass. The warm stone was almost soothing to his sore muscles. He would have fell to slumber if not for wanting to keep his focus till shelter and food was scavenged. A small snicker echoed into his head and for a moment he looked to Lapis who seemed to be lost in thought. When it was not her voice and Desiree further up near Skyre, Ethan simply shook his head. Turning from the group for a moment he hid his face with his hat as his eyes glowed lightly. "Something amuse you Aurora?" as his thoughts spread through the small wisp. The pulse stopped as it bounced a bit as if to tease "...oh nothing but lets say your a real down to earth individual Ethan." as the wisp circled then landed on the tip of his hat.

Ethan couldn't understand her statement but before he could ask he noted a slight silent whisper coming from the inner parts of the wisp. At first the voices where light and almost inaudible, it was not till he focused that he had accidentally connected to one of the sprites for a moment able to hear the conversations of the group as they where separated. Quickly he backed out of the connection then flustered spoke out to his wisp "Where you eaves dropping on them Aurora?" his tone a bit stressed, the wisp slowly hiding on the rim of his hat as it poked lightly into his vision "....well..." but before she could speak Ethan's eyes glowed bright as he spoke out "How could you! That wasn't it's purpose!" though as he spoke out he was shocked to realize his voice was louder then intended, quickly faking a laugh before hiding himself with his hat once more. His thoughts rushing "Aurora..." as the wisp started to pulse back...silent...and unmoving.

His eyes returned to their natural color and his connection to the voice faded as if forced away, his mind wandered on the issue and if his idea could risk trust with the group.
Rusar wandered deeper into the forest not catching much in terms of game but it was quiet and peaceful. The sun filtered through the tree tops adding to the natural warmth of the mountain. Overall she enjoyed this place more than the others she had been to since the fall, she wasn’t sure if it was the natural warmth of the mountain or the fact that this place was mostly untouched by man but it was probably the best place to hold up if only for a short while.

It didn’t take too long before the huntress heard the sound of water causing her to smile slightly because water usually meant fish. A welcomed changed to the usual rabbit and small game. She made her way towards the rushing water, making mental notes on the trail to get back and forth should the stream prove to be a good source of fish. She broke away from the shrubbery to where a large river gushed, snaking it’s way down the mountain. It wasn’t exactly the calmest of streams but nothing too dangerous either. She neared the water to see if there were any sort of fish but to her surprise there wasn’t signs to much of any life in the river. Even more strange there was a heat around the river which stood out from the rest of the forest. She knelt next to the river and let the water run over her hand curious as to if it was the rocks or the water generating the heat. Being a fire magician she was used to extreme heat so the water was more of a comforting heat than scalding hot.

“Odd….” Rusar muttered shaking the water off her hand as she stood then looked further upstream where the trees seamed to give way around a larger clearing. Curious she made her way a little ways up stream paying more attention to the river and the heat around her than any source of food at this point. She had a few guesses as to what could generate so much heat especially being in a possibly volcanic area. Her assumptions were proven right as she reached a large clearing which held several small connecting pools of water which flowed into one another before spilling out into the river. The area around the pools was mostly stone causing it to stand out a bit among the green forest around it. She neared the closest pool and saw the water bubbling with heat and smiled slightly looking over to the floating ball of light that had been floating near her shoulder the whole time. “Hey. It seems we’ve settled close to a natural hot spring.”
Overthinking things wasn't the problem. Having too many puzzles to solve, however, was an entirely different matter. Still, Desiree could empathize with Skyre. They had all looked to him for leadership which might have been a role that he was unwilling to accept but did so anyway. That, coupled with his continuing feelings for her, helped Desiree more fully understand his situation.

She spun around and faced him as she knelt, sat on her heels and placed her hands in her lap. Bright, blue eyes regarded him with a sense of concern. "Hey, look, I"m sorry," she started. "For my part, on behalf of the rest if I could be so bold, it wasn't fair to have put you in such a position of responsibility. We shouldn't have burdened you with this leadership role without asking. If it is any consolation, I believe that you have done a great job under incredible circumstances."

Desiree sighed before she continued. She smiled sweetly at him. "As for your honor, I can't think of anything you've shown toward me that would give you reason to doubt," she said. Her expression took a more somber, darker look as she cast her eyes to her hands in her lap where she fidgeted and entwined her fingers. "It's me who is full of doubt," she said in a softer, quieter voice. Her mind reeled as she recalled her time at the university with Deckard. "The last person who said that he loved me ...", Desiree paused and briefly shuddered, " ... he died horribly and the image of it still burns in my memory."

Desiree looked up, but instead of tears or sadness in her eyes, their blue depths radiated a calm resolve. She may not have fully accepted Deckard's fate, but her eyes said that she had learned to live with it. "I'm just not ready to get that close to someone again, is all," she said. "Not yet, anyway. In time, I'm sure, but Deckard's death is still too raw."

Quickly, Desiree looked away. She had said his name. In all of the time since his death, she had been so careful, so cautious to not speak it. Now, it was out there and she couldn't un-say it. Inside, her emotions at Deckard's memory and what she had done to him surfaced and she struggled to keep the vileness of it from outwardly affecting her. She looked up to the clouds and tried to regain her composure.
Lapis, pulling herself out of her thoughts, looked around. The rest of the group seemed to be absorbed in there own thoughts, and some of them absorbed in others, so she decided to follow Rusar into the forest. She slowly got to her feet, the kimono rustling as she stood from the ground. She calmly walked off into the distance, brushing Cyril a bit with the sleeve of her kimono. She ignored it, the small piece of fabric probably wouldn't do much in the way of alerting him of her disappearance. She continued on, hoping she hadn't caused everyone to be aware of her leaving.

Lapis trudged though the forest, her sword in hand. It proved useful when there was a branch in her way, cutting it off was no problem. She yet to run across with a monster, but just in case, she kept it clutched in her hand. She couldn't pick up where Rusar when, so at this point, she was just kind of wandering and enjoying the peace and quiet of the forest.
"I wouldn't go as far to praise my leadership," Skyre smiled back, "but thank you. Please don't feel like you've burdened me at all though. I honestly don't mind being at the forefront of the group, and I've a sneaking suspician I'd be taking up just the same roles even if I hadn't been declared leader a while back. At any rate, we're a dependable bunch, and it's not like leadership has given me much else extra to do other than, well, lead us in travel, which I'd probably have done, and make a few speeches." He chuckled for an instant. "Besides, as I say those doubts are laid to rest now anyway, so if there was any burden, it's definitely off of my mind now."

Then Desiree began to change again, to the state of uncertainty that she had lapsed into a couple of times before. Skyre winced, aware that even in advertantly mentioning his feelings he'd brought to the surface painful ones for her. He'd done so several times now; he had to be more careful to keep their friendship strictly as a friendship, even in passing mention. A weak smile crept onto his round face. The irony of it all; the emotion that gives me joy seems to give her nothing but pain.

He was about to apologise for bringing up the topic in the first place, but then something interesting slipped her tongue. "Deckard's death is still to raw." Quite suddenly, memories of the boy flooded into his mind. Skyre had been very barely acquainted with him, but amongst his female friends he had been a frequent subject of discussion. He couldn't remember the specifics of these encounters now, as they had been unimportant.

What hadn't left him, though, was the news of Deckard's sudden death, and the dubious rumours surrounding it. For a student, none less the son of a professor, to meet such a fate was a shocking and unavoidable event, and as such the whole university had lit up in discussion over it. He hadn't misheard; she'd definitely allured to a connection with him, and perhaps even being the cause of his death. This was curious to him, but whilst it would not taint his perception of her, it was clearly affecting her badly, and he wouldn't press on with the subject.

"Look," he began, calm and caring, "we don't have to forcibly dwell on that, especially if it's painful for you. We promised each other that we'd be friends and nothing more, and I'd never ask you for anything else at the moment." He placed a hand on her shoulder, still a little unsure of what to say. It's very hard to solve a problem when you don't know the specifics.

At that moment, Rusar's voice rung loud and clear through the wisp behind them. The sudden, slightly distorted voice made him leap from the rock in shock, his arms flailing wildly for a brief moment. Allowing his heartbeat to return to normal with an unstoppable grin, he let the words sink in. "Sounds like you can have your hot bath after all." He chirped to Desiree, kneeling beside her. "Come along. You can wash your thoughts of him there." He gave her a sweet smile. Clearly her problem was deep rooted, and he couldn't just tell her to forget them, or forgive herself of them as she'd just tell him how much they scarred her, how it wasn't that easy. He just hoped he'd listen to her, and not make herself think too hard on past events.
Ethan was silent since that moment trying not to think about Aurora or the issues that tore his character. He would occasionally look towards the wisp but no reaction came from the orb. What had occurred worried Ethan and while his dreams and recent discovery of her left him doubtful he wouldn't risk informing the group for fear of them thinking he was being controlled by the shadow king like others before. A part of him felt trusting of her as the connection he had experienced was so familiar. He tried hard to remember why it felt this way but it eluded him. Unable to talk to others about it and now the ever growing presence she brought worried the young alchemist.

For if she could control the orbs what prevents her from taking over completely? This question brought a chill to Ethan and would have left him still filling his head in thoughts if not for a sudden break of sound to distract them. The small sprites lit up as Rusar's voice reached everyone from the orbs “Hey. It seems we’ve settled close to a natural hot spring.” the voice echoed as it was repeated across each of the balls of light. Looking up to the others the realization of a good warm bath seemed perfect to ease not only the body but the mind as well. Rising up Ethan dusted his hat off before looking over for Lapis who had wandered off and Ari who seemed preoccupied. Tipping his hat a bit to bid his travel as it seemed Skyre was thinking the same, this was a blessing in disguise. "Good news indeed to hear Rusar. A warm soak will do a lot of us good." he spoke softly as to not have the orbs shout in echoing unison.

Ethan began his trek attempting to gauge her location with the sprite that followed her. His mind only thinking about a distraction from the worries before.
Lapis continued walking, the silence of the forest calming her nerves. She took a deep breath, the smell of fresh rain still hung in the air around her. She smiled, continuing her walk. She started to hum a tune she had heard her family play a long time ago. It was supposed to be a spiritual song that was highly regarded and a close family secret, but none of that mattered now. Besides, who could hear her out here.

She smiled and lifted her feet off the ground, flying up to a branch. She smiled and closed her eyes, letting the wind move her hair gently. She was starting to forget about the prince, who had barged into there group, which for some reason didn't bother her as much as the being stolen part. She remembered waking moments of that event, all of which haunted her every time she closed her eyes. But all of that was gone when she was alone. Just her in the wind.

Desiree sighed at Skyre's gentle touch. She continued looking to the clouds, but she laid her hand on top of his and gave a squeeze. She turned back to him. "Thanks," she said and her blue eyes had regained their usual sparkle.

She knew that she was double-blessed. Desiree had re-discovered her element in a new and exciting way, and she had what was becoming a true friendship with Skyre. She knew that he was trying his best to accept her terms to their relationship as it stood now even though his eyes still showed a deeper care for her when she looked into them.

It is possible to love again, the voice within said as it surfaced to distract her thoughts. Mentally, Desiree snorted. Well, of course anything is possible, she argued. What's your point? But the other voice became silent. It didn't need to respond; she already knew the answer.

The news from Rusar broke her inner tension and she grinned happily at the thought of a hot spring bath. Skyre's suggestion that it might wash away her thoughts and memories of Deckard was a nice gesture, but she knew that it would take a lot more than that. The memory of his mutilated body almost beyond recognition and the knowledge that she had caused Deckard's excruciatingly painful death with her raw rage and anger scared Desiree into keeping any future paramours at bay.

Still, she managed to keep her cheery expression as they stood up together. Desiree quickly embraced Skyre in a affectionate, warm hug that lingered for a few heartbeats. "Thanks," she repeated in a soft whisper. "I couldn't have asked for a better friend." As she stepped back, she lightly brushed his cheek with a kiss. She smiled sweetly and added, "A reward for you. I apologize that it is all that I have to give." Desiree looked down at her attire: the worn and ragged pants, overly large linen shirt, mangled cloak and mostly serviceable leather boots. "I seem to have lost just about everything else I owned."
Rederik's eyes fluttered open. The warm rock below him had coaxed him into much needed rest. He had not allowed himself to sleep well, and it was odd to fall so quickly asleep on top of a rock. But his choice in bedding had taken its toll. As he rose slowly to a sit, he winced in pain where his neck and back had gone stiff. His damp clothes clung to his skin from when they had been traveling through the rain, and the heat of the rock only made it lay more uncomfortably on his skin.

He noticed Naraya looking into the woods where Ethan began to trek further away. The light of his wisp made it easier for Rederik to track, and he stood with growing curiosity. Everyone had vacated the premise, but what for? Rederik followed Ethan with quiet footsteps, and Naraya followed suit. There was something quite inviting with land less traveled. It felt to him more adventurous and offered a view of life like nowhere else. There was a misty air about, almost humid as the moisture rose up with each step with an earthy aroma. The heat in the air rose the closer he came to Ethan, followed by an effervescent cadence of water.

Naraya trotted over to Ethan, her sights back to the orb of light that constantly followed him. Rederik placed his hand on her head hoping to convey to her that she should not try anything. The sight of the hot spring was odd to him. He had never seen anything quite like it, and his gaze moved from the river to the bubbling pools. Steam rose into the air, and the heat was nearly palpable the closer he came to them.

"What is this?" he asked curiously.
Rusar heard Ethans soft voice echo from the ball of light as she scouted out the surrounding area around the springs to make sure there wasn't anyone else in the area. As tempting as it was to just jump in and enjoy the heated springs she was still weary of the area. Rusar new it was unlikely that there would be someone out this far with out leaving some kind of trace but given everything that had happened lately she just wanted to make sure. Deming the area safe enough she started back to camp.

The path back wasn't very far so she didn't get very far when she saw Ethan following his whisp towards the spring with the others not to far behind. She looked over to Rederik as he questioned the natural wonder they stumbled upon. "It's a hot spring. Pools of water over some kind of intense heat, usually formed by volcanic activity." She replied with a slight smile.
He looked over at Rusar and nodded, a smile spreading on his lips. It was the first time she had ever acknowledged him directly, and it was pleasant to gain such interactions. While he wished to know more, he did not wish to press his luck further, and took to exploring the hot springs himself. Carefully, he brought his hand over the water to feel the heat rise and caress his skin. It wasn't a searing heat, and he edged his hand closer to the water until he dipped his fingertips into it.

His hand quickly retracted. It was hot, yet still at an inviting temperature. He had never felt water so warm before, and it was all the more fascinating due to the nature of the spring. Rederik's eyes trailed up to look at the surrounding area. At one point he took a couple of steps back to study the springs as a whole. His brow furrowed ever so slightly in his mental study of the land, his white hair beginning to stick to his forehead as his skin became dewy.

"The heat from the volcano causes the water to boil," he stated, "but it does not feel as hot."
Skyre blushed slightly as he returned the embrace, though perhaps not as noticibly as before; although he still relished his tender moments with Desiree, he had became accustomed to the thrill. Still, as much as he enjoyed such moments, he almost wished that she wouldn't give them to him. They were an almost painful glimpse of what he couldn't currently have, like seeing hidden riches encased in glass.

She was looking down at herself, and made a comment on her belongings. Skyre smiled, and placed his hand on her shoulder once again. "You have us now," he smiled, emerald eyes shining gloriously, "and unlike clothes and belongings, friendships and bonds last a lifetime."

Realising they were now the only ones left, he smiled sheepishly and tapped her on the shoulder. "We should probably head off with the others now, before we get completely left behind." Ethan's orb flickered once as if agreeing with them, still hovering in front of them as if offering to lead them. Stretching out his arm, Skyre slotted his hand against the small of her back like she had shown him before, and began to lead them off after the wisp.


Cyril sighed loudly. Around him, the others were either heading off to explore, or talking amongst themselves. Denying their pains and tiredness. But Cyril was absolutely exhausted. His legs felt like trembling branches in a hurricane, his lungs heavy as the entire royal riches. He lay on the unconfortable rocks half-hating the others for being stronger than him. He knew full well that he probably could have healed himself using his light magic, yet today the prince had decided to test himself. He would take the hike naturally, and see how he compared to the others. The results had been extremely dissatisfactory.

Then, to his surprise, everybody began to rise as a voice from silly-hat-man's ball-thing informed them of the discovery of hot springs. Cyril was horrified. Certainly, the warm waters would help to soother and relax his aching muscles. But sharing a warm bath with a large group of others? Cyril had learnt to accept them, but that was definitely pushing his boundaries. Yet bugrudgingly, he forced himself to join everybody else as not to conjure up any more disliking and distrust for himself.

Thankfully, he soon found his escape. A little way into the journey, his restless eyes caught sight of a girl disappearing off into the forest. It was Lapis, one of the girls they had rescued from the hidden village. Though they had never really spoke, Cyril had got a good impression from her. Indeed, she held a certain regal air that he respected, one that many of the groups wild ruffians did not. None of that mattered though, as he now had a good excuse to sneak off and avoid suspician; he could hide behind her story.

Slowly, he tailed off from the back of the group, and when he was sure that nobody else was looking, began to head off in the direction he had seen her disappear.
Lapis felt joy run though her veins, the thought of being alone for once since she got to this mountain exhilarating. She normally would have been depressed, but she felt like she could be who she truly was when there was no one watching. She continued to sing the song her mother had taught her. She got up onto her feet, doing a small sword dance on the branch she was sitting on before.

She felt as if she was closer to her family now, being the founding member of girl samurai's in her family, and also being one of the last members of her family left alive. She sighed, seething her sword before looking out. She sighed, the wind ruffling her hair a she began to sing a song. She sighed, closing her eyes and letting all her senses go besides hearing and touch. She sighed, breathing in the air, her nose being hit with a wall of smells, mostly rain or earth, but a hint of something different that she couldn't pinpoint. She sighed sitting on the branch.
Desiree smiled warmly at Skyre's talk of friendship. She never had many friends growing up as her talent kept many parents from allowing their children near her. Few were brave enough and Desiree cherished her time with the small contingent of peers she had then, but they were more acquaintances than actual, true friends.

Once she had started at the university, much of that changed. Almost everyone was in their own private cliques and they looked down on Desiree in her first term. Later, however, when she had become Deckard's ... conquest ... her social circle greatly expanded although those with whom she interacted did so more to be closer to Deckard than to her.

Skyre's friendship was completely different. To her, his sentiments were more sincere, more pure. He truly seemed to not only want to be her friend, but wanted her to be his as well. That he loved her was an additional bonus to their relationship and one that she honestly would not jeopardize or abuse. Desiree had meant as much when she had said so.

You see? It is possible to love someone, the voice said and she mentally scowled at it. Though, perhaps therein lied the problem: she had never really known love and therefore didn't know how to love someone. Her two-term dalliance with Deckard was purely one of necessity and for him it was all physical. Deckard never loved her even though at times when he was particularly emotional with too much wine he said that he did. Desiree knew the truth of the matter, but smiled and said that she loved him too even though she knew that both of their words rang hollow.

But where does one begin to love? Desiree asked her internal voice. And, how does one do so without being emotionally scarred like so many of the other girls were at the university?

The voice inside was silent in response. Yeah, that's what I figured, she thought to it.

Desiree accepted Skyre's arm around her back. She placed her arm casually over his shoulder and walked with him as they started off toward Ethan and the promised hot spring. "It's good that we'll be last," she said mirthfully, "as it will give everyone else time to enjoy the hot spring before I arrive and use up all of the hot water!"

The thought of a hot bath sent a wave of emotion and ecstacy through her. With everything that she had endured over the past few weeks – the expulsion from the university, the Fall, the loss of her brother, her flight from the shadow wolves and subsequent discovery of Skrye and the others and so on – she really needed a good, long, cleansing soak. It was the first step toward putting things back to normal in an abnormal time. Sure, it was a small token in the larger scheme of things, and even after they left the spring they would still be at the mercy and whim of the Shadow King's pursuers, but it would at least remind them of the reasons that they had all come together and why they continued to remain as a group in defiance of the evil that currently ran amuck across their land.

As they walked, Desiree held Skyre a bit tighter with her arm around his shoulder as she smiled at him. Her bright blue eyes seemingly knew no boundaries as they were completely free and filled with contentment. She had her element and her new, best friend. Even devoid of any other substantial possessions Desiree felt richer than she had in years.
Ethan journeyed further before meeting up with Rusar, Rederick and Araya where not far behind and seemed intrigued with the heated spring. For Ethan as well it was not something easily discovered and one's he did know about where usually controlled by the wealthy. His question was valid especially with so many of them use to cold rivers or well water. Even Ethan rarely enjoyed warmed baths like those spoken of in the university. His wisp met up with the sprite from Rederick's and Rusars absorbing them and growing slowly. With the distance locked it was best not to pry further on their privacy especially considering this particular local. Ethan would call up the rest once the group finished gathering, Lapis and the prince though seemed off trek but not seeking to persuade them he felt it best to leave them to whatever they where seeking alone while keeping the sprites close just in case.

Looking over the several pools Ethan was happy to see a light blue moss growing from the edge of the rocks. Quickly using a vial he slathered some up capping it before looking to Rusar and Rederick. "Well no point in just looking dont you agree?" as he hung his bag, hat, and cloak upon a branch. He slowly stripped till he was in but his shorts before finally dropping into one of the spring pools. The heat was intense at first and his body's aches only worsened till his body finally adjusted. The wisp floated above his head providing him a dim light as he rested in the heated pools. "mmm...now this beats any herbs any day...if I could Rusar I would offer you up a king's ransom for this discovery." as he felt his thoughts drift.
Rusar watched as the whisps of light merged with one another back into its original before noticing Ethan collecting up some moss. She chuckled softly noting how he was always collecting something of use. As a hunter she knew the wonder that was nature and how even in the wilderness it could provide the basics to survive, how ever her specialty lefter with knowledge of survival and only basics of first aid. While Ethan seemed to find a use for nearly any plant they came a cross, it was a wonder sometimes who different skill sets could see the same ingredient and have different purposes for them or find a use for something that was once nothing. She looked off to where another stream fed into the first few pools briefly wondering where the water originated before hearing Ethans comment about enjoying the water instead of simply staring at it.

He had a point, this was a rare and miraculous find and part of her had wanted to jump into the water the minute she discovered it. With her worries of safety more or less calmed she could indulge in her inner thermophile and enjoy the heated waters. However her uneasiness about danger eased another surfaced originating more of social awkwardness than anything. The huntress had managed to get past a few inner barriers while being with in a group but many still remained. She wasn't worried that Ethan or Rederick would do anything to her but some sense of shy awkwardness still lingered keeping her from jumping into one of the pools. Rusar was pulled from her inner worries by Ethans comment and smiled softly. "I think it was just luck that I found the stream these pools feed into."
Skyre laughed at Desiree's jest, feeling his ever-present smile widen. Beside her, he could feel the warmth of happiness eminating from her cheeks. He was happy to be able to provide her with happiness; that was, after all, his role as a friend. He noted, briefly, how standard it might have looked, two friends walking through a forest together, smiling. Taken out of context, it would be easy to assume that the world was as normal, that they were simply carefree youngsters, enjoying the summer sunshine. This could have made him feel guilty about not respecting the situation, but instead, he relished it. Despite the bloodshed, the massacre, despite the kingdoms greatest tragedy, human goodness still prevailed. They could spend time together as a group of companions, woking together instead of constantly trying to maul and steal from each other.

If we are the last survivors, Skyre realised, then we are the last carriers of human spirit. And as long as we live, that is something that the Shadow King will never be able to conquer.

Strolling on through the bleak forest, he began to chat lightly with Desiree. Nothing serious, just small talk and jest. In spite of the dark, barren rocks, trees and gorse were thriving as far as the eye could see. Life in the dark, thought Skyre. As they got nearer to the springs, he began to feel the temperature rise slightly. This has to be an old volcano or something. But no, that has to be wrong. In all the geography I studied, never once was this mountain put down as volcanic.

Soon, they arrived, and the sight seemed almost like a mirage to him. Pure water flowing down the mountainside into several wide pools, a list steam rising gently to the evening sky. He grinned, noticing a lot of the others still out of the water. "Well then, what are we waiting for?"
Lapis looked around, the world seemingly still. She sighed, feeling a bit lonely. True, she could be herself when she was alone, but she really didn't even know what herself was like. She had spent all of her time following the orders from her elders, being an obedient child. She sighed, fiddling with the strings of her kimono. She kicked her feet softly. No wonder she felt different than everyone. She had no idea who she truly was.

Suddenly, Lapis heard the bushes rustle. She jumped onto the branch and looked around, pulling out her knife. She squinted at the bushes, her senses on high alert. Someone was there. She wasn't sure if they where friend or foe, but if they where a friend, she would just tell them she was not in the mood.
All jesting and small talk with Skyre abruptly ended when they espied the hot springs. Desiree simply stopped and gaped at the scene before them. Like a child filled with wonder, her bright blue eyes widened with excitement and a enthusiastic grin spread across her face.

"It's ... a dream?" she asked in a hushed voice, afraid that her words might somehow cause the vision to vanish from her sight. When the illusion didn't disperse, Desiree bit her lower lip. Puzzling out how and where these springs originated would wait until later. That they were here was enough for now.

At Skyre's imploring, Desiree extracted herself from his arm and lightly made her way to the edge of one of the pools. The steam that arose from it immediately condensed on her smooth, fair skin and she smiled at the sensation and the promise of the heated water. She squatted down and deftly removed her worn, leather boots and then eased herself into the hot spring, clothes and all.

The hot water immediately assaulted her and Desiree sucked in her breath at the intensiveness of the heat; however, the wind mage would not be denied her hot, soaking bath! Desiree continued to descend into the depth of the pool until it covered her to her shoulders. Sopping wet, long blonde hair spilled out around her as it absorbed the water. She leaned her head back to allow the hair on the top of her head to share in the joy of the hot spring, and as she did so her chest raised out of the water. The overlarge, loose linen shirt that she had borrowed plastered itself to her form and left little to nothing to the imagination of those who looked upon her. Desiree paid her situation no mind as she completely reveled in the nearly searing hot water.

As she brought her head back up, Desiree sank back to shoulder depth once again. She splashed water on her face and viciously scrubbed in an effort to remove the week's worth of dust, mud, tears, and whatever else had stained her otherwise radiant visage. With the grime washed away, Desiree appeared as the beautiful, blonde wind mage that she was meant to be. Her blue eyes only enhanced the vision as they complimented her clean, rosy face and warm smile. With her looks, it would surprise no one to see how easy it would be for Desiree to smile and get almost anything that she wanted, such was the height of her beauty.

Unconcerned for the others around her, and being mostly submerged in the water, Desiree divested herself of both her shirt and her trousers. She scrubbed them together as she made her best attempt to eradicate as much staining and dirt from them as possible. Once done, she casually tossed them toward some of the hot rocks along the water's edge, where they landed in a heap, and then completely dunked herself under the surface.

Desiree scrubbed her hair and scalp while submerged and then broke the surface of the water with an exhilarating sigh. "I will never leave this pool," she decreed. She spent a small eternity enjoying her luxury, before her cheeks blushed as she suddenly realized her predicament.

"Um," she said tentatively. "Would someone toss me back my clothes?"
Rusar looked over as Sky and Desiree arrived at the spring, oddly enough having Dess there made her feel a little more at ease. She wasn't really surprised by the blondes actions as she bolted for the closest spring, she had nearly done the same thing. the huntress smiled slightly and shook her head before setting aside her bow and quiver figuring it best to enjoy the small mirical while it was still there. Her cloak was set aside soon after before she started to unlace her boots.

By the time she was done and looked back up towards the spring Des was caught up in her own moment enjoying the heated spring for all it was worth discarding her clothes off to the side. A hint of mischief glimmered in Rusars eyes as she wondered how long it would take before she air magus would realize that she wasn't quite as alone as she thought she was. Realizations came and Ru suppressed a small chuckle while nearing the spring gathering up the soaked clothing into a bundle before giving a moments pause. Her mischievous side was tempted to let Des flounder a bit for being so impulsive but gave into reason and tossing it the clothing back to their owner. A slight smirk still playing on her lips.

With the awkwardness broken Rusars gave into her bodies wants and got into the hot spring, calmly slipping into the searing water but keeping her shirt and shorts on still. It took no time for her body to adjust to the water hot baths were the one thing she really engulfed in back at the academy. The hotter the better. A content sigh escaped her as she sunk completely under the water diving to he deeper part of the pool where it was hottest relishing the heat. Part of her wish she didn't have to surface to take a breath. Still she was only human and so she held out as long as she could before surfacing with a soft gasp her dark honey hair sticking to her face and neck but she didn't mind so much for once.
Skyre smiled gently as the others all began to feel their way into the water. There were gasps all round as alien warmth hit skin, and Skyre was suddenly thankful that the Shadow King hadn't attacked over Winter. They'd surely have perished a long time ago with no extra cloaks, alone in the chilled wilds. That would've been a good tactic, allowing nature to eat the scraps of his dirtywork. But the Shadow King hadn't intended for there to be survivors.

Aware that he was now the only one out of the water, Skyre felt a sudden pressure to climb in. Despite being comfortable with the others, and hardly a shy figure, he was still highly insecure about his body. Although he was nowhere near as skinny as he though he was, he was still weak. The passive magic he constantly used did a good job of hiding it, but that was the point: he felt the need to hide it. And as a leader, he didn't want the others to see his insecurity, to notice his weakness. Just as they were likely about to do if he hesitated too long.

Still, he recognised that he needed to get in. Whilst he could waft away any over-bearing odor with the wind, he was still dirty, and the opportuniy of a warm bath was something he couldn't afford to turn down. Even Rusar, Ari, some of the more distanced survivors, had climbed in. And he was going to have to do so too.

Thankfully, the pools of hotsprings were decently expansive, and he strode around the edge of the pools to find one a little further away than the others. Sure, he was still in sight, and in fact still connected to the others, but he could hide himself better. Tentatively, he stripped off his cloak and shirt, electing to keep his trousers on, and poked a foot into the pool. He grimasced at the heat, but quickly adjusted, daring to dip both legs in. Sat on the side, he began to slither slowly in decent, but quite suddenly lost his balance and toppled in with a loud splash.

Soon he re-emerged with a wry smile, his fire-styled hair flopping in mis-matched strands across his scalp. Somehow he looked several years younger, his wide, emerald eyes and round baby face aging him as a mid-teenager. It was easy to forget at times for his focus and calm presense, but compared to some of the others, Skyre was still a boy. Even Skyre himself forgot at times, though in the age of the sparce, age was unimportant.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Skyre turned and admired the entire company. There was a pleasing aura in the air, and a quiet buzz of friendly chatter and laughter emitting from the group. There was a loud splash from the other side of area, and Skyre saw Desiree, vibrant hair splayed around her, emerge from the water. He found himself blushing when he realised that, by the side of the pool, lay her clothes. Fortunately for him, she was facing away from him - he didn't wish to pervade in her honour. Still, she was as beautiful as anything - he couldn't help imagining her as a mermaid of some other kind of mystical creature.

But I mustn't become entranced, Skyre reminded himself, forcing himself away. I have a duty to fulfil as both a leader and a friend. And thus, with a distant smile, he dived down under the waters once more to wash himself properly.
"Thank you, Rusar," Desiree said sweetly as she accepted her clothes. She pulled the shirt over her head and after popping her arms through the sleeves, Desiree reached behind and pulled her clean, but soaking wet blonde hair out and allowed it to spill around her.

Putting her wet pants back on, while staying relatively submerged was a more difficult endeavor. Desiree twisted, pulled, lost her balance more than once and grimaced until at last she had succeeded. With a sincere, light laugh at her own antics Desiree worked her way over to one of the sides of the hot spring and sat up on one of the warm rocks.

The cooler air immediately impressed upon her body as her soaked shirt made prominently known to everyone. Desiree glanced down and flushed as she wrapped her arms around her chest. Still, the warmth of the rocks and the incredible feeling of being clean could not dismiss the contented smile that continued to play along her lips. Sure, she had a nice body, but she still had some modesty after all.

She loosed one hand to rake her hair back out of her face and sighed. With her bath complete, all she wanted now was a well-cooked meal and a soft bed on which to sleep. Desiree chuckled in spite of herself. Such luxuries would never come to pass, not until the threat of the Shadow King had finally ended.
Cyril cursed, politely of course, shaking another twig from his shoe. He had wanted privacy, certainly, but the bally girl who he'd decided to follow didn't have to have gone so far off of the road! He found himself surrounded in foliage. Bushes, bushes, everywhere! And even the ground seemed to hate him; every little niggling branch and twig seemes to clutch onto his boots. His trousers, which were so muddied that he'd long since given up hope of having them fine and dandy like before, were beginning to tear. But he had found her, not that that was much of a positive; he didn't know why he hadn't just given up and found somewhere a lot less bush infested to retreat to.

Rather ungracefully, Prince Cyril emerged from the bushes, suitably muddied, a comically indignant look of repulsiveness etched onto his face. Several twigs still remained clinging at his heels, much to his annoyance. At the tree in front of him, the girl, Lapis, was stanced ready for combat. "It's only me," he said with a smile that held only anger, "not some kind of bush monster." She was stood on top off a branch, for Valia's sake; how was he supposed to have a reasonable conversation with somebody way up there? Nevertheless, he persevered. He was a regal man; he would not give up so easily! "What are you doing way out here?" he called up.
Lapis relaxed, sheathing her sword. "Cyril. Looks like the bushes had it out for you." She said, a small smile of amusement appearing for a second before she let it drop from her face. He was very aggravated, his entire posture screaming irritation. She smiled a bit and jumped gracefully down from the branch, coming to stand in front of him. "And I would not expect there to be a bush monster, it makes no logical sense and I could have taken it down in one swing." She said, tapping her sword lightly. She smiled a bit, dusting off her long sleeves and making sure the fabric was in tact for now.

"As for what I am doing here, well, I saw Rusar go off into the forest, but I decided to take a different path, seeing as I rarely get time away from the group." She said, looking up. A soft breeze came in, moving around her strands of hair. "I wanted to escape the noise and come back to nature, where my powers originate and where my family's old beliefs lie." She said. "We you to believe in world balance, every reaction having an opposing reaction. And that some day, the world would find a way to get back at you. But now, everything is gone." she said, looking down. "So I though I could escape and live in nature for a while, and reconnect with the wind." She said.

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