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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

"I see," said Cyril. He did not see. How you could believe in world balance when there was always so much in balance? Even though throughout Valia's history periods of goodness had always been followed by periods of badness, they were hardly balanced and, until now, evil had never been on top of the battle. No, hers was an odd belief by Valian standards. She must have come from somewhere very far in the east, he thought, where standard Aliak influence was often sparce. In fact, before his father Lyram had joined the entire island together after his defeat of the old Shadow King, most of the very rural parts of the island had been completely segregated. He had never strayed far from the castle himself, but his books had informed him that certain old traditions and beliefs were still commonplace in some places. Some healthier than others.

Still, he could sympathise with her need for privacy. "I suppose I'm out here for a similar reason," he mused surprisingly softly, brushing off the last clinging twigs from his boots. Abruptly, it seemed that his aggrevation had died down, despite looking even redder and angrier as she took advantage of his weakened position. Something had struck a chord inside him. "Back in the castle, I used to spend most of my time alone. And even when I didn't, I still felt lonely. I never cared much for sentimentality, but the rooms were huge, and quite often bare due to my fathers distaste in flounting riches. I suppose I thought time away from the group would do me good too." He looked solemnly into the distance, mind now wondering back to the past.
Lapis nodded. "Though royalty or a high family class might seem great to others, it's not as appealing when you have lived there your whole life. Strict rules, ceremonies, high expectations, sometimes it is all to much." She said. "The only reason I escaped my family's rule of no girl shall ever hold a sword is that out family warrior was retiring after and injury and my brother had to take over the family. I was the last resort." She said.

Sighing, she fiddled with the hilt of her blade. "Normally, I wouldn't talk so much about my family, but you seem to understand a bit more than others do. They think my life was all fun and games." She said.
"Well yes, but we were meant to be in our positions of power," Cyril disagreed, "and although it were tedious at times I lived through it and reaped in the benefits. I had access to more information that probably anybody else in the entire kingdom. The latest delicacies any time I wanted them. A multitude of people willing to slave over me. I could have rung to have someone pick my nose and somebody would have bally well came and did." He let out a moaning chuckle, an almost painful laugh. He was still staring off into the distance, but it didn't seem like he was merely ruing the ruination of his wealthy lifestyle.

There was a sizeable pause, and when he spoke again, his voice was soft. Weak. "It was jolly ridiculous. But I knew it." He shifted uncomfortably on his toes. "And that's when I realised, that the world had to be this way. That was how it was destined to be. I was destined to be rich, spoilt maybe, whilst others lived simpler, perhaps happier lives in the countryside. That's the only way such inequality can rightfully exist. And that's why I lived with it. All of it so far, even this!" He threw his lanky arms into the air, a rebellious leaf's falling somewhat interrupting his self-reflection. He smiled wryly, but for once his expression was genuine. "Well, that's what I think anyway." He added, to not countermine her own beliefs. "Perhaps I'm just a jolly old fool. But I'll stand by it."

He laughed again, and shook his head. "Sorry old girl, it seems I don't understand quite like you thought I did."
Lapis felt a twinge of anger. "Old? I am sorry but for my family, 21 is not that old. Most lived into ripe old age." She said, her fingers resting on the hilt of her sword, her index finger twitching. She took a firm grasp of the farmiliar handle and took a deep breath, feeling the winds surround her with peace as she tried to calm down and avoid another outburst.

Finally regaining peace of her emotions, she opened her eyes, looking at him. "Any way, it's fine. It doesn't matter that you don't understand, it's the closest I have got." She said, giving a small sad smile. "I mean, everyone but my brother is dead, so what's the point anyway. I have to face the fact that my family heritage is dead."
Rusar settled in a shallower part of the pool heat still tingling on her skin from the searing deeper waters which made the surface waters feel cooler in comparison. Still it was much more enjoyable then previous baths. She remained submerged up to her shoulders. She could feel her hair hanging heavily in their braids and started to undo them running her fingers the shoulder length locks letting them fall in their natural soft waves. It honestly felt better, if it weren't for the fact that she spent most of her time hunting and in forest areas she would wear it loose more often. But twigs and leaves were always a pain to get out, she didn't know how Des could deal with it. "This beats a chilly river any day." she sighed smoothing her hair away from her face.
Ethan's body felt light as he floated in the heated pool. Every fiber in his hair seemed to spread as he looked up to the stars. The image of the night sky and the sound of the running waters reminded him of the dreams he had of Aurora. The wisp had kept close to the edge of the pool flying in and out of it like a fallen star. Not wanting to delay any further Ethan decided it was time to clean up attempting to not gauge his eyes upon the ladies. Taking a deep breath the young alchemist dove deep into the pool. The intense heat flushed his cheeks as he scrubbed his body clearing the dirt, sweat, and old wounds. Small cuts stung from the heat but the waters seem to sooth them shortly after.

The wisp floated above the water attempting to wait on its master. Though patient it finally followed him down illuminating the pools rocky walls. Ethan could see the massive dark edges of the rocks and the ever growing vegetation below. Still the source of the heat eluded him but this topic was not much of concern for him at this moment as he rose back up for air. His body extended a few feet as his hair fell to his neck like silken thread. It always seemed to naturally stay straight but now wet they stuck down to his skin as he pushed some behind his ear. Clearing his eyes he took a deep sigh.

The wisp floated back up watching him as he looked to the others enjoying themselves. It had been so long as they could relax and this gift from nature seemed like a thousand blessings. Still though this night was calm and enjoyable the ever growing sky reminded Ethan that the world was not going to stay like this forever. Soon they would have to face off with the darkness that infected this world, troubles that for now seem so distant. His only hope was they made it out together, as he swam to the edge of the pool crossing his hands upon the warm rock and rested his head. The wisp floated gently next time him keeping its pulse light and smooth as he drifted lightly his exhaustion finally catching up to him.
Rederik was hesitant at first as he watched Desiree and Rusar gladly partake in the heated pools. They were still quite an odd sight for him, and he still did not understand the science behind them. Desiree, however, began to strip, and he quickly turned his attentions to the other empty pools. Approaching one to the other end, he hovered his hand over the bubbling water to insure it was as safe as the others. Steam billowed over his skin at an acceptable and inviting temperature. It seemed welcoming enough, though he did not wish to soak all his clothing like Desiree.

He carefully removed the leather pieces of his armor and set them in a neat pile before removing his hood and shirt. Rederik's alabaster skin was almost luminescent in appearance and striking to the eye. The wound he had suffered from the fight not long ago had begun to heal over, the skin around it pink. His white hair fell over his face as he eased himself into the hot water. He sucked in air through his teeth quickly as the shock of heat hit him, though he exhaled it slowly as he settled into the pool. Bubbles rippled about his form as the water tingled. It was almost as if the pockets of air lifted the stress from his body.

Dunking his head into the water briefly, he finished his bath flush from the heat, but felt rejuvenated. The rest of the company had looked to have benefited from this wonderful find. Rederik found himself struggling to leave the warmth of the pool. Naraya had only just returned from her trip to the river. She licked her chops having just finished her meal in solitude. Rederik gave her a quick pat on her head as he exited the pool and slipped his shirt back over his head.

"That was enjoyable," he said as he stretched
Warren decided to join in the hot spring. Hell, decided? HE LOVED IT. What else to unwind the tense muscles in his body since their fight, unwinding as right now the perfect thing right now.

Warren took off all his clothing, though without ripping anything. It was clear this man was well endowed regardless where you looked. Well, except for his brain, but then he'd hope no one should have to see that. He preferred keeping his skull in one piece.

What however stood out the most was the scarring that riddled his body from the mixture of blows and injuries he received. This veteran body essentially made the ones of all the others look like those of a teenager against this. The muscle was densely knotted and felt like a brick wall on impact. Scarring both large and small were all over.

Where a sword had lodged in here, a spear pierced there, a dagger dug in there, several arrows sunk in there, it went on. His body was a walking trophy cabinet from the hell of war and fighting.

Weirdly enough for him, the scarring never felt sore for him. It was something he on the whole ignored looking into, as he never had wounds heal badly. For him, these were just marks he acquired from being alive.

Warren stepped and sunk into the water, though his height meant a large part of his upper body and upper abdominals were still exposed to the outside. He breathed a sigh of relief at his body loosening with the hot water, tickling his nerves. He sure as hell hoped he wouldn't need to move any time soon, or he'll punch them in the face. hard.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Refreshed, Skyre climbed from the water and scurried into the treeline. Quickly drying himself off with controlled wind magic, he dressed prompty and returned to the hot-springs. His muscles no longer felt like rocks, his bones no more like weights, and for the first time in months, he felt truly clean again. He made special note to cling to the feeling, as he knew it would be unlikely that he would have it again for a very long time. Dirt would inevitably win over cleanliness, no matter how many times somebody cleans, dirt always returns. Perhap's evil, darkness is like that too. A neverending cycle of dirt returning to clean. I'm not sure what I think of that idea.

"We need to find somewhere more sheltered to rest for the night," Skyre called to the others. He still couldn't shake the hunch that something was a little fishy about this particulat mountain; the hot springs had further cemented that feeling. He didn't believe that it could simply just be an old volcano, as there were no records of that anywhere. He wondered for a brief moment if they could afford to stick around on the mountain forever. But no, they had to find somewhere properly fortified to defend themselves and train. He had to keep them moving.

Doing a quick headcount, Skyre suddenly noticed that a couple of them were missing. "Cyril and Lapis dropped out on us..." he sighed to the group. "Rusar, do you mind going back and finding them? They were definitely with us before we went through the forest, so maybe they got lost in there. The rest of you, follow me when you're ready. We'll make sure to leave tracks for you to follow." Eager to get on, he nodded back to her, and waited for the others to dry themselves off and join him before leaving.


"I didn't mean old as in, you know, old!" Cyril flinched, face aghast. "It's a figure of speech, an honorific if anything, it was meant as the opposite of offence!" Thankfully she calmed down relatively quickly, but Cyril sighed and muttered indistinguishably under his breath. Silly old coot, doesn;t even recognise common language! We are as different as can be after all.

And yet so similar. He still found himself drawn to her, as like him, they had both been in the same position, and had both lost everything. He thought he had no sentimentality in regards to the event, but she had proved him wrong. He found himself wishing that he knew the words to counter and comfort her sad smile, but he was floundering, so instead he just returned the same gesture.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c049210b8_Desiree_Markup-Crop.jpg.652507a0e830a116192d130cc6f89077.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28806" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c049210b8_Desiree_Markup-Crop.jpg.652507a0e830a116192d130cc6f89077.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> From her perch along the edge of the hot spring, Desiree glanced over her fellow travelers. Each seemed to have their own reliefs as they took their turns and reveled in the small paradise that had been found for them. Discussions seemed to be mutually kept to a minimum – just the simple act of relaxing and unwinding in the heated pools was their only focus now.

Until Warren.

Chiseled like a small mountain, the man removed his clothing without care. Desiree marveled at the extent and number of the marks that cris-crossed his frame and wondered how anyone could have survived such a number of wounds. Overall, her opinion of the man was rather neutral – he had carried her when she had lost consciousness which was a good mark, but then his overbearing and somewhat boorish nature canceled it out. Still, Rusar liked Warren well enough and trusted the man, so Desiree had deferred to the huntress' opinion and gave Warren the benefit of doubt.

Desiree turned and blushed as Warren divested himself of his underclothes. It seemed that other parts of his anatomy were ... how could she say ... chiseled, too? She spared a glance at Skyre and hoped that he hadn't caught her looking before her own modesty turned her head away.

Perhaps we've become too relaxed, she thought to herself. It wasn't that Desiree was a prude by any stretch of the imagination. Rather, there were ... things ... that she didn't need to see and she mentally noted not to be near Warren for any future bathings.

She leaned back and grabbed fistfuls of hair as she tried to wring out the excess water. Desiree sincerely missed some of her more mundane items – her quarterstaff, comb, brush, cloak, and so on – and was almost despondent in the knowledge that they would probably never come across any place where she could replace her lost items.

Never is a long time, the voice inside chided her. Her bright blue eyes lifted and caught sight of Skyre across the way in another pool. Desiree hadn't really loved Deckard, but she had been intimate with him in a way that made such contact ... uncomfortable for her now. She sincerely liked Skyre and hoped some day to return his affections in such a way as to reward him for his patience and care for her. Besides, who could really love her once they learned her true past, her voluntary prostitution and subsequent murder of Deckard?

I have to tell him, Desiree thought and the light in her eyes dimmed a bit at the revelation. It's only fair that he know; then he can truly decide whether or not I am worthy of his attention.



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Rusar was content with lounging against the smooth rocks which lined the walls of the hot spring. She rested her head and closed her eyes enjoying the break from walking and traveling, he minds drifted with no real deep thoughts, something that she had been slipping into lately. Her stiff and sore muscles slowly relaxed and eased some lingering pains away. Her attention was draw to a rather rushed and frantic rustling and opened her eyes looking over to see Warren pulling off of his shirt. She blinked noticing the numerous scars which criss-crossed his body. Her last memory of him had him with a few scars along his arms and face. He had always been a brawler and got into multiple fights a day just because he could. There were times she had to pull him away from getting into a fight to make sure his wounds were properly tended to.

Now there wasn't an inch of skin that wasn't marked or scared in some way. It had been a long time where they never saw each other and it looked like he had seem many more fights during that time. To her it was a wonder he was still alive. Her eyes wandered over the marred skin part of her feeling guilty for not trying harder to find him after this village was attacked. Her thoughts were interrupted when she realized he wasn't stopping at just his shirt and quickly averted her eyes else where a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she slipped deeper int the water slightly.

She looked over to Sky as he spoke up and held back a heavy sigh. More traveling? She was tempted to argue to just stay near the spring for the evening before continuing to move but they did need to find some kind of shelter. Hopefully there was one close to the spring, or with in walking distance at least. She bit back a groan but sighed heavily not really ready to leave the pool. Still two missing members wasn't something that could just go ignored. The huntress nodded slightly before begrudgingly rising out of the heated water her clothes weighting heavily and clinging to her lithe form. She didn't bother much with wringing out her clothing instead letting her fire magic evaporate the water from her skin and clothing.
"Alright, bored now!" Warren stood back up, content with his body having 'healed' and was now bounding with energy again. Effectively jumping out, he wiped himself down with part of his shirt and then put everything back on, except his shirt as it was wet, so left to dry in a tree branch next to the spring. He still had the sleeveless shirt that didn't join up which usually went over the shirt on though.

Seeing as nothing else was happening right now, it seemed a reasonable idea to tag along with Rusar. After all, they hadn't been able to chat for a good while, with them occupied with eating or resting or walking. He preferred the first two usually. Still, this would give him something to do.

"I'll come with then." He stood beside Rusar ready to go, to look for the stragglers. He personally wasn't so concerned about the lost companions themselves since he never fully interacted with them though.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c049c7045_Desiree_Markup-Crop-50.jpg.8ee4cbefb3017bf83fcbb04bdb357443.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28818" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c049c7045_Desiree_Markup-Crop-50.jpg.8ee4cbefb3017bf83fcbb04bdb357443.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Desiree turned away in time when Warren stepped out of the pool. She stood and delicately made her way around the steam-slick rocks to where Rusar was gearing up to find the lost sheep.

"Mind if I tag along?" she asked sweetly. "I'm feeling a bit ... restless." Her statement wasn't entirely untrue. The performance from Warren had unnerved her a bit, and much like her element, Desiree felt flighty and she wanted to whisk herself away from the hot springs and her thoughts as they had slowly begun to turn toward Skyre.

When Warren arrived and offered his company, Desiree frowned. Her offer to Rusar still stood, but now with the hulking ... man ... Desiree realized that the object of her flight now wanted to accompany them.

"Um, that's ok," Desiree said. "I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up on still and I don't want to get in the way or anything."



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Rusar slipped on and started lacing her boots when Warren made his announcement of boredom then got out and started to dry off. She kept her attention on her laces making sure to tie them securely. She looked up as Desiree addressed it finding it odd that she would want to come with but not object to some company. It was nice. Before she could answer Warren came up already mostly dressed and asked the same. Ru nodded slightly. "Sure" She answered grabbing her cloak and pulling it on along with her quiver. She looked over to Des as she started to back down then glanced to warren. "You sure? I don't mind..." She asked pulling the bow over her shoulder and head so it rested across her chest.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c04a19f24_Desiree_Markup-Crop-50.jpg.6cf5c1fdd94ac81b31ad890771e6a7c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28829" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c04a19f24_Desiree_Markup-Crop-50.jpg.6cf5c1fdd94ac81b31ad890771e6a7c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Desiree shook her head. "Thanks, but I don't want to intrude," she replied and she gave Rusar what she hoped was an understanding smile.

She eased her way back across the rocks around the hot springs and gathered with the rest of the group. With a brief nod of her head to Skyre to indicate that she was ready, Desiree took a last, longing look at their miraculous find. It might be weeks, or longer, before she would have another hot bath, and already her heart was saddened at its loss.



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Warren shrugged to Desiree not tagging along, non-concerned if they came along either way. He supposed it meant some more superficial privacy, not that he could give two. It seemed settled that then they would go together into the forest to find their lost companions.

"Let's g-Ummmmm....which way did they go?"

He was as usual a complete dimwit when it came to anything that didn't involve hitting things. And that was in the physical, not the relationship sense. He cracked his knuckles as though ready for anything to pop out so he could punch it in the face. Never knew what hid in the woods after all.

Rusar watched as Des walked off wondering why the change of heart but didn't dwell on it. She shifted her attention to the forest "They probably haven't gotten very far from here. We could just back track and see if we spot any of shoot paths..." She suggested before starting to lead the way back to where they had originally settled. The soak in the hotspring had don the trick in terms easy her ach's and pains so walking again was easier. She kept a sharp eye out for any foot prtings which strayed off the path everyone else had taken.
"Well, after you." Warren decided to let the hunter do that tracking stuff and finding. He'll just hit hostiles if they pop up. He watched the various trees as they walked and decided to open up some conversation while they walked.

"So I ain't heard nout, what did ye actually do in the time away? Did ya just learn fire and how to shoot a bow? Then again, you liked using that makeshift bow when you were a kid." He was hearkened back to times as they were children and played together. Well, a mix of that and play fighting.
Rusar smiled slightly looking over to Warren. "I learned how to shoot before going to school. Went on a few hunts before I was sent off." she corrected softly. "But yeah, I did master fire magic while I was in school though. I learned a lot of different techniques and uses for my magic." She added. "But I practice Archery still while I was at the school.... learned how to use magic with it." She shrugged tempted to tell him about her secondary schooling. Warren would probably the more accepting of it, the other she just didn't know yet. "But yeah... I'm guessing you got into a hell of a lot of fights..."
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He remembered of times where Rusar tried shooting apples rested on places when they were children. She was actually not too bad at hitting them if considerate of her age at the time. One time she boasted having got a rabbit in a hunt, to which point Warren said that he would probably never manage that, but instead would outdo her by hunting larger animals.

He also noted just how more versatile her magic was. For Warren, most of his time was spent fighting and training himself, so he never got to fully expand his Earth magic. He supposed he couldn't be good at everything, so just stuck with what he is good at.

"I think that don't quite tell it me dear. I've been travelling for most of my time, ended up in some major battles and done stupid things like fight bears or small armies. But..."

He flexed his large arm and grinned "It ain't killed me yet! Some stray sword, mace, spear, arrow or claw ain't gonna kill me. Well, it hurts, don't get me wrong. But it ain't killed me!"

He showed off the various scars to the relevant weapons hitting him. Most of them were from swords or arrows, though the claw ones from wild animals were quite large in comparison.


Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
A small smile curved Rusars lips as she shook her head. He still was the same fight crazed fool from all those years ago that much was clear. "It's a miracle you haven't been killed my friend. I remember having to pull out away from a few fights to get your wounds treated. I'm guess that was a habit that never really stuck though, did it?" She chuckled softly before glancing out over the forest. "Still I'm glad you're still alive."

Warren laughed, her seeing right through him. Not that he didn't make clear to everyone what his intentions were anyhow.

"I was about to sock em one and you go and ruin the fun by pulling me away, even if I was going to win! But you know me, once I have a goal you can't stop be ramming straight to it."

He raised an eyebrow though at her last statement. It was a statement that could be taken in multiple ways, even with someone with a low brain capacity like him. "And the same with you. It's good to know that I still have a friend in this world."

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Rusar nodded slightly "Very true." She agreed softly. As annoying as he could be at times it was nice to know someone when nearly everyone else was dead or captured. Someone who was guaranteed to watch your back no mater what. She looked over to Warren with a slight smile "Though I prefer if you stayed alive so perhaps try not to jump into every possible fight you see going forward." She advised not really wanting to dwell on the thought of something actually happening to Warren. It brought up far to many unpleasant and down right painful emotions she would rather not have to deal with.
Ethan had drifted off an when he awoke he found the hot spring still surrounded him but the world seemed foggy almost surreal. It was then he took a breath realizing where he was. "Starting to get use to it are we?" as the lighted figured dove into the hot pool with Ethan. When she arose her hair was wet and her cheeks flushed. "mmm...how rare to find such a treasure like this." as she stretched the pool foggy and hiding her figure. Ethan kept quite as he was still upset with her but he knew it wasn't going to do any good when they shared each other's thoughts. "We need to talk about this partnership Aurora..." as the sky spread wide and the stars flowed like rain. The woman smiled and then stuck her tongue out for a moment in disagreement. "I still don't know what you are and why you are here..." he spoke once more as the fog turned quickly and Ethan found the pools had faded and he was clothed once more in the room of light. "Your still on about that?" as she appeared in front of him clothed in blue armor and wielding an ever growing staff.

She sighed then looked back to him "I don't know...I really don't...my first memory was being with you..." she paused as if the memory was a harsh one or one she didn't wish to bring up. Ethan was stern in his seeking of answers "...and what was that first memory...show me!" as she backed off as if afraid to reveal it "Not yet...your not ready for it Ethan...please trust me..." as she ran off fading into the light. Ethan attempted to chase but soon the room faded and he awoke to the sound of the group up and about. His eyes widened and nearly blinded when like an end of a wild monkey had appeared before him mooning him like an open night sky. Quickly turning away it was Warren dressing himself, his scarred body and unique physic left the alchemist a bit taken back. Still to be awoken to such a sight would take days to clear from his memory.

Skyre had sent off Rusar to search for Lapis and Cyril who had traveled away from the group. His wisp was beyond the range of the sprites and as such they must have traveled far beyond his normal range to track. Recalling Lapis previous capture and the prince's lacking skills of survival it was a bit worrying. Still as the huntress walked off with Warren joining her Ethan felt relaxed knowing they where in good care. Seeing Rederick was enjoying the waters and his wounds no longer looking serious as with the rest of the party was still a relief. Desiree's voice of wanting to join then declining felt disdained though it seemed a common pattern when she was near Warren and reminded Ethan of her fit with Cyril's servant as well. It was an interesting case but one that was of private matters, and for Ethan it wasn't something he wished to dig up as wounds of the soul couldn't be healed with magic or any tonic.

Following Skyre's lead he got out of the hot spring feeling the wind chill his skin as he dried off. Tighing up his coat in a roll upon his back and clasping his belts and satchel Ethan threw his hat on and smiled waving his preparation for travel was ready. Removing a bitter root from his bag he began to chew on it slightly enjoying the flavor as he felt his body rejuvenated from the rest.
"But if do the fight, then you don't have to!" He winked towards Rusar with a rough elbow nudge. It was true, he was like the ultimate friend who is a bruiser. If anything, Rusar had someone could call when they say they could get their 'big friend' to come and support them. They would probably run away at the sheer sight of Warren as he walked over with a grin and a crack of his knuckles.

The image of that had him laughing internally. He could see it happen, even if it did also happen in their childhood. Well, more along the lines of if Rusar was being picked on said bully would end up with a large kid pounding them down into the ground, their skull probably dented in. There weren't many kids who dared fight Warren it had to be said.

"Still, it's not like I got any other way to protect you though." he said with a chuckle.

He really did wonder if they would return the friendship they had when they were kids, dysfunctional as it was. It was certainly food for thought for a brain that probably can't do basic calculus.

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