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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Ari found herself at the river again. Well, there really wouldn't be much perimeter checking to do from this point on. She was a tad downstream from the camp, judging by the surrounding forest. At least she had kept an equal distance from the camp in her check.

As she began to head upstream, Ari spotted something in the water. Too small to be a body, which was good; Ari was in no mood for another rescue swim. She paused, waiting for the object.

"A kettle?" She remarked as it drifted near. And indeed it was, but not just any kettle. Ari recognized it as Ethan's resettled. He'll be wanting this back, she thought as she scooped it from the river, wondering why he had lost it in the first place.

Having accomplished a second river rescue that day, Ari continued to the camp.
Ein listened intently to the pale red eyes mans knowledge of hunting, as they made their trek through the woods. He watched as the nan, and even the albino cat checked out the habbitats of all the smaller animals in the forest.

He stayed quiet for the most part, except for the sound of ecstasy when he tasted the delicious red berries the man found. It had been so long since he'd eaten anything nearly as sweet and sugary.

As he began collecting the berries and placing some in his pack, hoping they would not get squat in the move back to camp something occured to him to ask his hunting companion. " Does the name Red bother you? " Ein had noticed the momentary looks of despair the man had each time he had used this name.
Helia paused over the 'corpse' of the creature that had just attacked her. It shared many qualities with the shadow hounds that hunted the survivors. The difference was this seemed to have a legitimate, albeit translucent, skin and bone structure, most likely to handle the pressure put on it when climbing and swinging through trees.

Giving it one final once over, Helia used microbursts of air to launch herself backward into a tree before throwing a knife into the the thing. The skin popped, and shadows rushed out before the skin and bone dissolved into nothingness.

'Hmm, interesting. I suppose the Shadow King deals with a lot of people in trees...' she thought before idly feeling at the orb like bulge in her side pack, 'Or he really wants this.'

Hearing noises, Helia looked up from her perch in the tree to see eight of the shadow leapers swinging through the trees towards her. Just as she prepared to keep running, something slammed into her back. It didn't take a genius for Helia to realise that a few more of them must have been behind her, and that one had leapt on her back.

Now falling towards the ground, surrounded by shadow leapers intent on killing her, Helia did the only thing she could.

Enacting an overpowered macro-burst of air, the girl launched herself and the shadow leaper on her back into the sky, soaring quickly away from the ground, and the spot she had just been in.

Now, there were many things Helia had learned in her time practising her air magicks, namely that while she could move large distances very quickly, she could not properly land from the height she was at with the shadow leaper still scrabbling and trying to kill her through her thick leather cloak. She also knew that it was going to take a lot out of her to land even if the leaper wasn't on her back.

Remembering how they popped when punctured, Helia used two concentrated micro bursts to break free from its grip and spin around. This only partly worked, as the creature had held onto her cloak with its hind legs.

Reaching forward, the shadow leaper wrapped one claw into the shoulder of her cloak before scoring two successive strikes on Helia's upper right arm and above her right eye.

Wincing in pain, Helia channeled a final macroburst of magic in between herself and the shadow creature. Using microbursts, she protected herself from the harm that should have happened while the ape was thrown straight down, its bones torso powdered into fine dust.

As the shadow ape raced toward the ground, a wave of fatigue and nausea from her strain swept through Helia. Her vision dimmed somewhat, but she knew that she still couldn't let herself pass out yet. Forcing herself to concentrate, Helia powered out as many microbursts as she could to slow herself before gravity slammed her into the corpse of the shadow ape that she'd just thrown off.

Rolling to the side, Helia realised that she was now floating in shallow water, her heels dragging against the fine sand that made the bed of the stream. Floundering about as best as she could in her exhausted state, Helia finally made it to the shore and forced herself to stand up. Limping to a nearby tree, the woman forced herself to climb, ignoring the burn in her muscles or spikes of pain in her right arm and forehead.

Helia settled about four metres up from the ground before closing her eyes to rest on a bough.

'Note to self. Throwing yourself around about a mile in any direction through the air? Stupid exit strategy...'

(OOC: Fixed a few of the things. Helia also landed probably about fifteen to twenty minutes walk from the group. Whether her descent or landing was seen or heard, respectively, by anyone is up to you lot. Also, she lost the leapers, so they won't be showing up. Granted there's a dead one in the stream that hasn't been popped.)
The raspberries began to pile on Rederik's piece of cloth, and he decided it was enough. As he tied the corners together and placed it in a small pouch secured to his belt, Ein posed his question. In the moment of silence between them, he took the opportunity to scan the area for potential game. They were in a good position to be hidden from the immediate line of sight of any woodland creatures allowing the surrounding area to come across as safe. Naraya had gone off on her own to hunt on the other side of the hill, and her chase could be heard echoing through the trees as a flock of birds fluttered upward in the distance.

"Yes. There are memories attached to the name," he stated in a quiet whisper. Aside from his lips and eyes, the rest of him was completely still. He watched the hill for anything Naraya might have scared their way. "But it is just the name that bothers me, not your use of it." He spared a glance over at Ein to gauge the man's demeanor. If he was too emotional he would find hunting to be more difficult. Rederik pointed to his eyes and then directed out to the hill where there was a flutter and rustle of leaves. As if on cue, a turkey waddled up over the hill and down it, its head bobbing slightly as it cautiously looked about. Its current path would send it walking right in front of the two crouched at the raspberry bushes. One turkey would be an excellent meal for a large group of survivors, likely even providing enough meat for a second.

"Keep in mind the range of your abilities," Rederik guided, his voice still in a whisper. "Turkeys are fast and can easily run away. The coldsnap you spoke of would do well. Aim to kill it around the neck so that there is more meat undisturbed." Patience would be needed. The turkey slowed its pace as it felt it was out of the path of danger and now a fair bit away from Naraya. At one point it completely stopped for a time at the base of the hill before continuing on its way, its path only veering slightly to bring it further from the pair.
The day was getting hot even though the sun was just barely hanging in the sky. Still, the looming orb beat down on Magnus's skin like a fire eagerly licking at him with invisible flames. Ahead of him by some distance, Clara seemed unaffected by this heat as she prowled happily with her bow in hand and feet light. Magnus was jealous of her youth, his heavy footed walk would surely have alerted all beasts to his presence long ago. If it hadn't been for his circle of manipulation he'd have been the death of them both, Shadow Dogs had splendid hearing like all hounds after all. Sometimes it was just by pure luck that he was alive, it had been luck that had gotten him a spot in the Northern Plaza of secondary magic.

While on the topic of secondary magic, it seemed her mystery survivors were approaching quickly. "Clara, stay close." He called out to the girl, watching as she paused and looked back at him over her shoulder. She wasn't a beautiful girl but to him she was still the most charming thing in the world. She was so much like his wife, her grandmother, that sometimes his heart stung looking at her. The only difference was her hair, the brown hair had been cut short the minute they had escaped the capitol. It's silk brown curtain-like appearance had at once become short and unruly within seconds. Clara's charming, elegant look had also changed to a more wild one that matched her bold eyes. He wondered how much longer he could expect her to look at him with innocent and happy eyes.

"Grandfather?" Her voice woke him from the daydreams, "What's wrong?" He had stopped walking, his feet unable to move as his mind ran in circled of dread. Magnus began walking again, catching up with his worried granddaughter with a little smile to dismiss the absentmindedness he had just showed. Ahead of them, out of the tree line, came two figures. His body tensed slightly at the sight of them, his eyes wandering toward Clara as she squinted to study them. She knew them from the look of relief in her eyes, but that didn't cause Magnus to release the breathe he was holding.

"You're late." Clara stated, her voice light. "You're lucky we didn't go the other direction, or you'd've never found us!" She took a few steps forward after that, extending her hand for the approaching youth. After an conversation that seemed to be done out of his ear range, Clara turned back to him and gestured toward him. "My grandfather, Magnus Falk, and I'm Clara." She said in introduction.
Skyre lead Desiree up to the rivers edge, hopping over the stepping stones and over to the other side, where Clara and her mystery companion approached. From up close, Skyre was a little, and perhaps pleasently, surprised to find him to be an older man; everybody they had encountered so far were still reasonably young, and for good reason. A life of constant evasion, chase and rough survival was no such life for the old. So he must have something rather special about him to have survived all this time.

Nevertheless, Skyre was pleased to finally meet with the newcomers. "Apologies for our poor time keeping," Skyre conceded, crossing his arm as he smiled onto them, "we had quite the ordeal yesterday evening and so were too tired to raise from our sleep too early." She's kept some of her aggression from yesterday, then. I wonder if things will go more smoothly with an older man here. Skyre pondered if she'd told her companion how she'd greeted them the night before, but decided against reminding her; it probably would put her in an unfortunate position, and Skyre wanted to make friends and strengthen a new connection as smoothly as possible.

"Greeting Magnus, I'm Skyre, and this is Desiree," Skyre offered out his hand for a handshake; the man reeked of power gone by. Noticing the look of aprehension in his eyes, Skyre decided to press on. "You've no need to worry; we're not here to rob or attack you, nor as spies for any greater power. Desiree will show you her injuries as proof, and I think from our exchange last night your companion would back us up." Skyre examined the pair a little more carefully, and suddenly came to a realisation. "You two are related, aren't you?"
Desiree flanked Skyre and the young archer girl and an older man approached. The man held back and the girl continued toward them which allowed Desiree to see her better than their encounter last night.

Thin and unimpressive, the girl certainly carried herself with some pride. She didn't shy away from the duo; rather she strode toward them with strength and purpose. Her short, brown hair didn't compliment her face, which wasn't to say that the girl was ugly – just, not ... pretty.

At least, that was Desiree's opinion and she quickly checked herself against her early bias. C'mon, Dez, she thought, why are you feeling that this little girl is any threat? It isn't like you have any real feelings for Skyre. She smirked. He is just a boy, you know, and this girl is more likely his speed anyway.

Desiree shook her head and allowed her long, blonde hair to swish across her back and re-settle in a more comfortable, and alluring, manner. Her bright, blue eyes continued to appraise the girl with mild disappointment, even as she approached them.

Probably a crack-shot with that bow anyhow, she thought. We were never in any danger from this tyke.

The older man (probably her grand-father, Desiree thought) was another matter entirely. How someone who appeared so tired and frail hadn't been caught up by the shadow wolves was a mystery, for clearly the girl couldn't protect them both. As was custom, Desiree stood her ground and started to lightly tap her quarterstaff on the ground as she surveyed the old man and tried to puzzle him out.

Her attention on the old man was broken by Skyre offering Desiree to show her wounds to these newly found survivors. Her jaw dropped in surprise at this affront, which she quickly closed. Her smiling demeanor was replaced with a furrowed brow as her eyes bored into Skyre's back.

With a stern voice, she said, "Skyre, would you mind coming back here and talking with me for a moment?"
Magnus gave the pair a customary nod of his head, waiting for them to approach him rather than the other way around. He was not young like them after all, he was clearly a generation of two older and the gap would most definitely prove to cause some problems in the future. How long had it been since he had looked as young as the three now gather a short distance away? 40 years? Maybe even 50? He couldn't be sure because of an inaccurate guess at their ages. The boy, whom took to addressing Magnus after his exchange with Clara, was a fire-haired ginger with a commanding glint in his eyes despite the impression that he probably didn't know it. When this boy extended his hand, Magnus took it and gave it a firm shake despite the fact that he had very little energy to do much more than he already was.

"It seems my granddaughter caused you trouble before," He said in an apologetic tone. "She's unsociable and hard to handle, but please look after her from now on." Magnus than looked at the boy's companion, a woman with fair hair that reached like silk back her body. She was attractive, but the quizzical look in her eyes made Magnus realize he wasn't the only one unsure of the current arrangement. She clearly didn't know what to think of him and he clearly didn't know what to think of her. The last time he had happened upon a girl like her had been in his youth, within the capital. Confident yet the gleam of her facial expression insisted there was more underneath those pretty features. Magnus could see it clearly, she wasn't what she appeared and he had not intention of allowing her to pull any moves on him that he wouldn't be able to read through within the seconds. The important part was that the woman overlooked his granddaughter enough that he was sure the girl could be accepted, if even a sliver, by the woman. It was comforting, Magnus wouldn't be around forever and Clara would need as many allies as possible by the time that day came.

"We thank you for coming this far to meet us," Magnus continued, turning his eyes on the stubborn look his granddaughter held in her eyes. "Clara, give your thanks as well." She looked about to retort but caught the look in his eyes that told her it was no time to be a pig-headed fool. So, her eyes flaming unhappily, she turned with a heavy sigh and forced a smile.

"Thanks." She muttered sharply, a bit to sharply if Magnus had a say in it. Reaching his mind upward to the tree above her, he dislodged an acorn from a branch and send it downward to hit her squarely on the head. It was a warning of sorts, one she knew about as she rubbed the spot on her head it had hit and glared at him across the clearing.
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"Grandfather, ah..." Skyre muttered quizically. It was quite peculiar, after her greeting the previous day, to see her completely undermined by her grandfather, and he smiled peacefully as always; surely there was more than just coincidence that an acorn would fall at that exact moment. He was completely unaware of the budding tension between Desiree and Magnus; he had always been one to always see the good sides of people and quickly come to trust. It might have been shallow of him, but he went by the scruples that somebody was innocent until proven guilty.

"It's no problem; it only took us about fourty minutes to get here from our camp, a camp where I imagine Clara's told you there are a sizeable bunch of other survivors." His thin eyebrows flicked up jovially, and his smile widened. "Circumstance brought us together in battle yesterday, and we were wondering if you would be willing to join us."

He had only just finished this when Desiree asked to call him asside. "Of course," he nodded to her request, and raised a friendly hand to the newcomers. "We'll only be a second."

Noticing her expression as they stepped away, Skyre could hazard a good guess at what she was going to say. In a quiet tone, he addressed her before she could speak. "If you're worried about my mention of your wounds then I apologise; obviously I presumed your co-operation. Think of it as a more passive version of my bow bluff last night; by showing we have weaknessed we prove our integrity. In any case, it worked, and there are no suspisions against us. I'm sorry if I've offended you, or anything else, but I assure you I would never have forced you to do anythign against your will."
Desiree seethed as Skyre approached and they moved a few steps back. The flaring in her eyes was clear: she was angry.

"You know full well where my injuries lie," she hissed through clenched teeth. "You've certainly stared at them enough. You presume that I would willingly bare my body to just any stranger?"

She turned to the strangers and flashed a smile and a quick wink, "Sorry, this will only take a moment."

She turned back to Skyre, and with waning anger in her expression, said, "Do you have any further 'co-operation' that you are expecting from me or would you rather wait and surprise me by asking me to dance with the old man?"

Then, she sighed and all traces of her anger withered and vanished. "I'm sure that you meant well, Skyre," she said and gave him a warm smile. "I don't think that we have anything to fear from the girl, but the old man bears a watchful eye. Something is amiss with him, mark my words."

Desiree lightly squeezed Skyre's shoulder by way of forgiveness and added, "Please be careful of what you say. Your words can quickly be distorted into commitments for the entire group. In this, right now, they – no we all – are your responsibility."
The dog snarled and nudged it's head towards the two figures ahead. “I know,” Modrin grumbled. His eyes remained trained the strangers at the edge of his sight. A man with fiery red hair and a girl with blonde hair that caught the light nicely, making her easy to track. Remaining perfectly still, Modrin thanked the black hound for his assistance with a pat, making his hand turn cold again. The fierce beast, reaching to his waist shot a warning look at Modrin before turning tail and disappearing.

The boy watched his only companion disappear. He’d foolishly hoped the animal would’ve stayed with him but given the nature of his task it was never meant to be. The same couldn’t be said of the two lovebirds ahead of him. Disgusting.

Modrin had lost count how many bloody days he’d been trudging ahead through the accursed forest. Pine, oak, he couldn’t stand the sight of trees anymore. Rubbing his eyes to keep them open he gazed into the distance. At last! The two travelers stepped out of the forest and into the light. Ten, nine, eight…Modrin counted down until he thought it was safe to give chase. Doing his best to stay light footed he moved out of cover and stepped onto the path that meandered through the forest. Ignoring the angry growls of his stomach, he carefully approached the edge of the forest and gazed onto the plain that rested beyond.


Two more people, an older, bent figure and a girl, hardly taller than himself staring straight at him. Or were they? Unsure if he’d been spotted or not he retreated behind a tree and considered his options. It had all sounded so easy. This was why he was born, he would never be a man unless he stepped out now and faced his destiny. Besides, what were these people really but vultures of the old world? Their time was at an end. Their downfall would be his glory, and that of his family. Sucking in a deep breath through his nostrils, Modrin pushed his back from the bark and stepped into sight.

Not before putting up a mask of distress did he kick into a sprint and call out to them. “Hey! Hey there!” Luckily he didn’t have to feign exhaustion.
Skyre hated conflicts of any kind; he hated to threaton the peace and freedom of others choices, and normally tried to be as selfless as he could be. He was very sorry that he'd annoyed Desiree, but obviously hadn't intended to, and although some of her words stung, he willed himself to keep a good focus. However, he found nothing else to say; he'd just explained everything that he had done to her, though obviously it had been somewhat lost in her anger.

After a slightly bated breath, he finally began his responce. "I expect, or at least hope, that you trust that I won't do anything that'll threaton you or anybody else, be it physical or mental. Once again, I'm sorry if I've... that I've annoyed you, erm..." He cursed how easily he trusted people, and wished he wasn't so presumptious that others wouldn't recipricate this. He had much more to say, much more to add and point out; how he was extremely careful with his words, how everything was a group decision and he had not put himself forward for leadership. But now wasn't the time.

"Look, it's rude us talking like this, we should return to the other two," he finished, eager to get back to more formal conditions where he could thrive. And that was when he heard somebody else call out from nearby. Snapping his head around as he reapprouched Clara and Magnus, Skyre spotted the speaker; a younger boy. He decided to wait until the boy came closer before replying.
She gently pushed Skyre back to the front to address the girl and her grandfather and smiled sweetly and feigned innocence. The old man was not impressed with her tactics, so she dropped the cute-girl look and returned to tapping her quarterstaff as she regarded 'Grandpa' and worked on his mystery in her mind.

Without warning, a voice startled her from behind. On instinct, Desiree whirled around and summoned air to her defense. The air immediately responded to her call. Her light, blonde hair swirled around her in a mini-tempest and her blue eyes radiated a powerful energy. Not since her latest flight from the wolves had she been so replenished in her power, and the strength of it manifested around her in whirls and eddies of air that collected small bits of dust and debris that passed a scant few inches away from her body.

Desiree held her quarterstaff diagonally in front of her with her right hand, as a shield. She clutched her left fist and held it over top of the quarterstaff and out toward the new threat, ready to open her hand and unleash a strong, blast of wind to decimate whomever it was.

Another kid? she thought with incredulity. Are they just dropping from the tress, now?

Desiree waited until the youth came within fifteen yards of them and called out to him, "That's far enough, young man." Her voice dripped with sarcasm at her last words.
The firehead took notice of him first. Just the magical type with his ridiculous haircut and wise eyes. The same couldn’t be said of his companion who looked more like a commoner if it hadn’t been for her pretty looks. But looks could deceive, Modrin was quite aware of that.

"That's far enough, young man"

Doubling over, Modrin rested his hands on his kneecaps and panted, “I am sorry, I don’t mean to impose. It’s just,” he shot a desperate look up at both of them, “my village, it’s gone and I don’t know where my parents are…” His shoulders drooped even further and he ventured to take another step forward. “Please…”

His hand hovered over the dagger strapped to his side but he soon thought better of it. Not a chance in hell he would even cause a scratch on her. The blonde's stance emaniated power, feeble in comparison to what he'd witnessed not a week ago, but a whole lot more than he fancied to be thrown at him. "I am not going back in there," he said as he looked over his shoulder towards the forest and shivered.
This time it was Skyre's turn to be unpleasently surprised with his companion. How could she threaton somebody as young as him? There was nothing malicious in his arrival, so she had no reason to be that cautious. Besides, the newcomer was little more than a child; what could he do to them? Was he the only one who had figured out that the Shadow King didn't normally work with other humans?

As he began his tale, however, Skyre did notice one quite major flaw in his words, though only because he was alerted by his partner's aggression. His village might well be gone, but it would have fallen along with the rest almost a month ago. So unless he fell down a rabbit hole which somehow sucked up his memories of the last four weeks, something is awry with his tale. Skyre considered that his mistake may have come only because of his current state though; he did look pretty shaken up and they certainly couldn't deny anybody the confort of their group. And so he elected to keep quiet for then, and see what Desiree would do; he would have stopped her in a similar way to how she had stopped him moments before, but she was already annoyed with him, and surely that would irritate her further.
Magnus had politely allowed the pair to have their whispered conversation, though Clara seemed a bit more annoyed by the gesture of distrust. It was normal for her to feel discontent at the action, it was a rather rude thing to do when they had travelled so far to find Clara and himself. Magnus, on the other hand, thought it wise that the woman did this. It showed she had a head on her shoulders, or at least enough of one to take caution when addressing people she was unsure off. He didn't know if he could trust her as far as he could throw her, but it was clear she'd be a useful ally for Clara.

He was about to address Clara about this when something pricked at the edge of his circle. He had slowly been pulling it in since they had met up with Skype and Desiree, drawing it to circle them a few yards in each direction. The constant use of magic was wearing him down but with more people he felt he didn't have to guard them so closely, instead he should worry about warnings and not warding. It would use far less of his energy that way. However, with the sense of something at the edge of his zone, Magnus at once picked up the sensitivity of his magic. It was an animal and, by the feeling of it, a person. Coming from the... his eyes flickered toward Clara as he noticed her eyes fix on something within the brush. His eyes followed, spotting the animal and it's companion in the brush. At once he grabbed hold of the animal's mind, sending it into the forest so that it wasn't a threat. With the beast gone all that was left was the boy, though it seemed Clara's gaze was enough to scare him off.

"Clara..." Magnus called, his granddaughter's eyes darting to him at once. "No magic." His words were almost silent, though he knew that Clara could read the words on his lips. She was confused for only a few moments, giving a nod just as Magnus's suspicions came true and the boy returned. At once the clearing bubbled with magic, Desiree calling to her wind. There was a surprising power to it, one that made Magnus believe the girl had been trained in Wind magic by a high class teacher; most likely one at the University of Wind Magic.

"Of course your village is gone." Clara snapped, drawing Magnus's attention away from the Wind Mage. "The Shadow King destroyed everything the moment he took power. He massacred everyone." There was a pause as her face twisted slightly, anger and a tint of sorrow. Suddenly her eyes darted to him, Skyre, and Desiree. "Well, almost everyone."
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Desiree kept on her guard as the boy obeyed her command and ventured no closer to them. She believed his small stature to be less of a threat than she originally thought when she was surprised, so she lowered the tenor of the wind that whipped angrily around her.

She kept her stance with her quarterstaff and fist before her, but the wind slowed its violent turmoil about her. Wisps of air still played and danced through her hair which lifted its lengths above and around her head in an almost mesmerizing display. The wind also flared out her cloak and played along its hem which caused it to flutter. Her face softened, but her attention did not waiver from the boy.

"Skyre," she said over her shoulder, the strength of her command over the air resonated in her voice, "this is your plan. I'm just your backup, remember? Go ahead, I'll cover you."

For all she knew, this boy was in league with the other two. Desiree moved off to the side and arranged herself to where she could quickly switch her eyes between all three of the strangers: the girl, the boy and grandpa. Although she was as well rested as she had been in over a week or more, she drew more strongly on her element and hoped that her display would dissuade any of the three from attacking her and Skyre.
Ethan walked towards the camp his feet a bit heavy but his mind was clear finally able to let go of his stress he confined himself to waiting for the group. As the fire came into sight Ethan pulled a root from his pocket and began to suck on it, the bitter taste tightened his mouth before its flavor saturated his tongue. He enjoyed the bitter sparks of flavor and found it a treat where many would look away in disgust. As he entered the camp he setup his pack keeping what he had situated. Noting the Lapis had left he picked up the blanket dusting it off before rolling it gently and binding it to his pack. There where a few used bandages scattered from various members, a small smirk thinking he would need to bind them to keep them still.

The huntress was busy cleaning her kills and for Ethan it wasn't something he cared to view, while any animal is needed to survive he found the sight of blood a bit uneasy. Leaving her to his business he clean up around the camp when it hit him, the thought landed him a smirk "Nothing was taken and she remained..." he thought with a little laughter "...guess we are a bit trusting." as his eyes fell back to her more warmly. Though the stranger still did not reveal her name it was glad to see should did not take advantage of the hospitality. With the remaining trash of cloths removed and the bones of this morning's meal picked up Ethan went and stuffed the cloth into a bag to clean up later. Wishing he had his pot to boil and sterilize the cloths he would have to hold out glad that for the very least that it was the one supply they wouldn't run out of soon. With the pile of bones from breakfast Ethan took laid them upon some leaves to dry in the sun, cleaning and tossing any excess to ensure only the bone was prepared.

He hoped by pass mid day they would be ready to crush as bone dust which was great in growing plants but when mixed and boiled to a paste was a wonderful bonding agent. Placing the leaves gently on a log near by the bones where separated and left in the sun, planning to return to them before the end of the day. Looking back the group had spread out each doing their own to get by, Ari seemed to still be gone while the two men where still hunting. Looking to the west it made him worry for the party Skyre and Desiree that left and if their journey would bring them back, the sky was still clear but with each passing hour even Ethan knew the weather could change in an instant. Talking across the fire "May their footing be swift in their return..." his wisp meeting him eye level left him with a smile.
Once again, Skyre found himself annoyed with Desiree. What plan? There had been very little plan, bar having me talk to the pair, and saying 'the plan' aloud in front of everyone makes everything seem shady and insincere. It wasn't exactly like they were fighting in the midst of battle, for crying out loud; this was a simple conversation between people they'd already met. Though he thrived in formality, Skyre wished everybody else would loosen up and be more trusting. What was it that she had snapped to him moments before? 'You presume that I would willingly bare my body to just any stranger?' Hadn't she presumed the same that morning for him? Cursing how slow to wit he had been under confrontation, Skyre wished he'd snapped that back before; perhaps then she'd have properly understood what she'd done.

Nevertheless, by angering himself, he was joining with the others in making the situation more tense than it needed to be, so he kept a presentably appearence, only a slight fire in his shining emerald eyes any indication that he was frustrated. Once again he found himself having to do the job nobody else wanted. He sighed a little, then spoke, occasionally giving Desiree disapproving glances towards her magic display. "It's ok, it's fine," Skyre's powerfully smooth deep voice was quieter, controlled. On the mountain, a bird of prey screamed.

"We're not going to send you back in there, don't worry, just calm yourself down," he said, arms patting the air in a signal of calming. "Can we have a name, please? I'm Skyre."
At Skyre's glances, Desiree shrugged, lowered her hands and allowed the swirling air around her to dissipate and rejoin the surrounding, more natural breeze. She stood her quarterstaff on the ground and kept a firm grip on it.

Seeing that Skyre had engaged the newest child, Desiree turned her attention to the first duo. They had pretty much stood their ground when the boy had arrived. She switched hands and placed her quarterstaff in her left as she strode with confidence toward the archer girl and her grandfather. Casually, she raked her hair from where the turbulent wind had settled it across her face as she approached them.

She put on one of her more calm façades as she stopped before the girl. "Clara, was it?" she inquired. Then she faced the old man and nodded toward him in acknowledgement, "And, Magnus?"

"Please accept my sincere apologies," she continued and she placed her right hand forward for a hand shake. "Times being what they are," she said as she looked at Magnus and gave a sweet, but knowing smile, "we need to protect the kids now more than ever, don't you agree?"
Rusar was half way though the third rabbit slicing meat from bone, she used just enough of her fire magic with her knife to make the process cleaner and easier. She looked up as the brunet returned noting the new bandages on his hand where no wound was before. "You are all a fairly trusting bunch" She spoke up "That or very forgetful" She kept that par of her suspicions to her self. "I have heard no news of villages in the area, to be honest I tend to steer clear of them."
A darkness passed his eye as the red-haired man with the broadsword invited him to come closer. He was glad the wind witch had doused the storm that whipped about her and paid no further heed to him. Modrin dipped his head in a bow to Skyre before shuffling closer. "I am Modrin," he said. "Are they angry with me?" he asked concerned. His small frame turned towards Clara and Desiree and he looked at them like a child contemplating to open a cookie jar, trapped in doubt. Right now Skyre was his best chance to get himself some shelter and solace. Perhaps food even. Now that he thought about it...

"Do you have anything to eat?" he ventured to ask, "I haven't a farthing on me but I'll do whatever you require of me to repay you," he humbly added.
Ethan added another few strips of wood for the fire as he tossed the root into the embers. Listening to the huntress he simply smiled looking back at the campsite "Trust...perhaps..." as he felt the sun's rays hitting his face on high "I like to think its human nature to be trusting to a point of ignorance." as he started back at the stranger.

Her braided blonde hair and brown eyes seemed preoccupied with her kills. Her talks of the villages was a disappointment unable to know if he was even going in the right direction for his teacher. Still he took the knowledge as is and kept to his goal. "How long have you been hunting?" looking at her detailed work with the knife "Surely these woods have game but what of your home?" attempting to gain insight on her travels or at least more to the maiden's situation.
Ein's eyes were set on the horizon, just where Rederik's finger was pointed. He took note of the forest sounds, and rustling leaves. Just as his companion had said, they were on some sort of nature trail, perfect for I expecting animals.

Taking in the albino mans advice he slowed his movement, and got down low, almost to a crawl. He made sure to avoid any twigs and leaves as he hadn't wanted to give away his location.

Rederik was right, his trail of frost would be perfect for reaching the turkey before it managed to flee.

As the beast had slightly left his range Ein as in need of repositioning himself, and that he did. After a few steps the turkey was back in view, just barely but enough that he could properly aim.

More soft than his previous two times utilizing his magic, Ein carefully laid his hands to the forest floor, and with a soft and deep breath outwards ice particles followed the trail between him and the turkey. It had reached his target, and not only did it freeze the creature in spot, but traveling up it's torso, it completely incased its head in ice.

"How was that!" the man said proudly, grinning like an idiot from one cheek to the other.

At that comment Ein made his way to the tree the turkey was frozen under. However it wasn't the turkey that took his attention. It was the girl resting in the branches above.
Ari quietly arrived at the campsite, noting that the girl Lapis was absent. And the blonde stranger was there still, much to her discomfort. She had hoped that at least someone mildly trustworthy (and by this she meant Ethan) would have stayed to supervise the stranger, as she had been left alone with all their meager belongings. But, given the odd spot where she'd found the tea kettle, Ari could only assume that Ethan had been at the river at some point during her walk.

She set the recovered tea kettle next to Ethan wordlessly and went back to what had become her personal spot: the place under the tree where she'd slept.

It wasn't that Ari was still uncomfortable with the group setting because of her moment of indecision in the forest. If anything, it had only served to strengthen her resolution to be even the slightest bit more trusting. She would have been perfectly okay with carrying on a conversation --even with the blonde stranger-- now, after her epiphany. But she was just so unimaginably tired. It was ridiculous that a short walk, not even 15 minutes long, had drained her like this. She knew that she was still recovering from the day before, but this constant exhaustion from simple tasks was beginning to get on her nerves. She could do better, so much better. Just...not at the moment. And yet, she didn't take the moment of anti-sociability for granted. It was just another time for her to be at peace, like an cool-down for her walk.

Ari offered no explanation for her quiet behavior as she took her spot under the tree. She believed they would just assume it was just her personality, and that was fine by her. She preferred to have them think her rude than know her exhaustion. It was a sign of weakness.

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