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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Skyre was surprised at Desiree's sudden decent into silence; she had been in so much awe a few seconds prior to that and instead now seemed broken. It didn't take a genius to work out that it was likely something in regards to her brother, who Skyre presumed was probably dead now. His ever-present smiled turned wry; everybody had lost something in the fall, some more effected by this loss than others. Skyre could deal with the change better than most and was controlled enough to keep his mournful reflection to fireside evenings - he understood what this meant for others though.

As a result of this, and also still being unaware of what specifically happened to Desiree to cause this sudden grief, Skyre decided to change the subject instead. "We should probably get going." He hesitated a little to allow her time to follow, then lead on up the mountain path.
Ari turned her attention back to the journal. She thumbed it without really looking at it; she was still displeased with the turnout of the situation. Glancing over pages filled with drawings and eloquent scrawl, Ari was unable to lose herself in the pages as she had before. She fumed silently toward the journal.

Calm down, Ari had to physically tell herself. It's no big deal. She's probably not working against us anyways. Unless she is. Ari mentally slapped herself for the contradiction. Fine, she's here now. Doesn't mean you have to trust her. And let's just say you won't give her your name until you know hers. Content with her decision, Ari was able to concentrate again. She turned the pages in the journal more slowly, tuning out of the fireside chitchat.
Ethan was glad to see for now there was at least a calming peace in the campsite. Returning to the fire he checked the kindling to ensure it was still roaring. Carefully removing the hot stone he accidentally burnt the tips of his fingers, laughing wishing he had some lam-dis leaves but sadly he was stuck using the fresh water and rag to cool the sting. The kettle was empty now having used up the remaining of the tea. There was only a few biscuits left and the jar of jam was about three quarters full. Ethan wish Rederick had grabbed more but considering what the camp had he was glad there was something to make them comfortable. As the rest of the group relaxed Ethan decided to recheck the bags ensuring his counts of food and bandages where still correct. Noting the potatoes and the various plants he was happy to see for now the camp would be well stocked. Tossing his satchel Ethan realized he would need to forage for more herbs within a day if it was to hold out.

Grabbing his dagger he broke up the remaining biscuits making them into six halves. Looking to the camp he offered them to each "Would you care for any...?" as he motioned to the girls. Then looking to Rederick and Ein giving them a smile and glad to know they where both looking out for the group. Ethan wasn't much of a hunter nor much of a warrior for that matter. He knew how to defend himself but he had never killed before. Recalling his actions of his town and the fear made his feet stone. He wanted to be stronger but for now he would do what he could for the group. Not forgetting his goals he hoped the others would return soon, otherwise he would be forced to search for his teacher by tomorrows light alone. Looking to his wisp he noted the size and was a bit disheartened, his laps of judgement in defending himself cut off his connection to the others, for now he would have to wait for their return before knowing if they found the remaining survivors.
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Desiree clutched tightly to herself and turned away from Skyre so that he wouldn't see the anguish and turmoil in her expression. Of all of the times to think of Stephen, why now? she wondered. Her heart pined for her brother; she convinced herself every time that she thought of him that he was alive and safe somewhere, probably with a band of other survivors like the group she had found.

She had heard of the decimation and carnage that had been visited upon the university 'in the name of the king'. There were stories, rumors and wishful thinking that some of the students and faculty had escaped the shadows' wrath, but for each one of those stories there were practically hundreds of others that told a more bleak and forboding tale.

Stephen was all of the family that she had left. After the Fall, Desiree had managed to sneak her way home and it was there that she had discovered the unburied and molested corpses of her parents. She risked revealing her presence and location when she torched their house; unable to dig proper graves for them, she saw their bodies purified for the afterlife in the pyre that once was her home.

Skyre's voice brought her back to the present. She hadn't heard what he said, but assumed it was something sweet and consoling. Numbly, she nodded her assent. She returned the hood of her cloak over her head and buried herself as deeply within as she was able. Desiree followed Skyre up the mountain path, and her dour demeanor cast a pall over their trek.

Some minutes later, Desiree did her best to shake off her doldrums. She forced a smile and spoke to Skyre's back as she followed the pace he had set for them.

"Thanks, Skyre."
Rederik eased to a sit at the campfire. The scene had calmed but tension still clung to the air above the site. Lapis had Nayara uneasy and restless where she sat, her red eyes fixed to a state on the blonde. Rederik's attention had moved on from the newcomer to the offer of a biscuit, to which he declined politely.

He scanned through the woods slowly. It wouldn't being until he'd need to hunt again. Gathering for more than just himself would take some getting used to. His eyes glanced between the two new strangers, but he remained quiet sill.
Aware of her downcast presence behind him, Skyre had lead them both up the scenic mountain ascent. As they climbed, the view of the rest of a valley became obscured behind the wide rocky path, the pair having to dodge around larger rocky outcrops in their journey up. In the unseen valley, something cawed loudly. Skyre took the occasional glance back at his companion, wondering if at least being able to see the dramatic landscape in full beauty would have brightened her mood a little. That was one immediate advantage for Skyre; whilst Desiree's awed watch on the valley had been stopped by their pressing on, for Skyre the true beautiful thing was still present and walking behind him.

Of course, with such a good grasp and control on his thoughts of the past, Skyre did not find himself troubled by memories like many of the other survivors. He, instead, found himself emulating his companions mood a little by quashing the warmth gained from his admiration of her beauty with the emotional events he couldn't wipe from his mind this morning. Could he truly embrace loving someone who would do something like that, even unintentionally? And was he even really right for her?

Having rounded the mountain cap, the pair began their decent into the forest once more. It was at this point that Skyre heard her speak once again. He turned and tried to comfort her with a smile. "You needn't thank me, I don't know what I've done to help." Then with a lightened grin; "Though of course I'm grateful for your thanks; tell me what I did and I'll be sure to do it again."
Rusar entered the camp noting how quiet and standoffish most of the members got and realized they might not have been together as long as she first anticipated. She looked over to the brunet who seemed to be the calmest out of everyone and politely declined the biscuits she had eaten some rations a little while ago. She wasn't quite sure what to say since she normally avoided groups but in these times it might be safer than being alone. She wasn't completely sure just how much safer she would be with them though.
Ethan noted their declines putting the dried food back into the bag and sealing the jar. Looking over the new visitor and to Lapis who remained quite. "So miss by chance during your hunting did you happen to come across news of the neighboring villages?" He knew not to pry on someone's personal business if they had yet to trust them with their name, but still any information regarding the surrounding area would be crucial in their future journey. To Lapis he simply smiled hoping her calm demeanor was something that would last. "And to you Lapis I understand from your language you are not from around a commoner's society..." taking note of her kimono and the special details of the blade she carried. "...by chance would you be willing to tell us where and for what you travel?" attempting to find common ground between the new stranger and the easily excited Lapis.

Ethan found he had a knack for observation what he lacked in skills of combat could be made up for in his keen idol mind. He knew if this group was to benefit him in his search he would need to know more about them and judge accordingly on who he could rely on. Ethan cared not for personal matters, not wanting to be attached to close to them he never wanted to feel the loss he had for his family. Still the group's members where a lively bunch and each seemed to carry their own worries and aspect of teaming up. Slowly enjoying the biscuit Ethan forgo the apple component preferring that his mouth not be smothered in to much sweet jam. The crumbs fell slowly gathering between his legs, cleaning himself off between bites as time passed in the camp. The wisp merrily dancing above Ethan's head was calmly keeping its pulse in a slow tempo.
Lapis sighed, not quite sure if she trusted the stranger with her life story. It wasn't a happy one at that. After a few seconds, the pressure got the best of her. " I travel to find the only remaining person of my family besides me. I travel to find my brother and continue our bloodline together and re establish out house of noblemen. As you can see, I am no mere commoner. I am a Leavenwoth, the noble tribe of unknown origins. I am the last remaining family warrior."
Desriee's mood lightened at Skyre's light jest. She grinned beneath her hood and answered with a voice more at ease, "You've put up with me, for starters. There aren't many who could claim such a feat."

She stopped their descent and leaned against a tall oak tree. "I need a moment, Skrye," she said. "I haven't yet recovered all of my stamina. Just a minute, please."

She pushed her hood back and once again allowed her hair to tumble down. She set her quarterstaff against the tree's trunk and raked her hands through her hair. She leaned her head back, exhaled and watched as a lone hawk circled lazily above them.

Several heartbeats later, Desiree noticed Skyre watching her. She blushed slightly at his attention, looked away and chuckled before she returned her gaze to meet his green eyes.

"How much farther do you think it is?" She inquired with a smirk. "Maybe we should have just flown there?"
Rederik listened to the conversation between Lapis and Ethan quietly. He had never seen someone of noble birth, and while he knew that it have her noteriety, he felt that the fall would socially even out the hierarchy. His eyes moved down to study the sword and then away to stoke the fire. He then rose feeling as though he were in the way of their conversing.

He debated on where to go next, his pause awkward just outside the group around the fire. "I will gather more food," he stated to no one in particular. The only reason why he spoke was in hope that someone would hear and insure he wouldn't be left behind. Naraya rose with a groan, her eyes finally breakin away from Lapis as she turned to follow Rederik out of the clearing.
Ein, who felt a little upset for his act of thanks having been ignored, stood back up on his feet. He looked around to see what everyone was doing. Ari had her nose back in Ethan's journal, but didn't appear to be enjoying it as she was before. He could tell due to the disgruntled look on her face.

Ethan was making his attempt at getting to know the newcomers, speaking with the blonde archer about her travels and Lapis about her origins... ' I've never heard of Leavenwoth...'

And then he came to Rederik. Ein once again made an attempt at speaking with the pale man, though at this time he was making his way out of the clearing. " Hey Red, " He called out, " Let me come with you. I'l help you out ."

And with that Ein grabbed his gauntlets, put on his cloak, and jogged after Rederik and Naraya.
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"Well, you're not all bad," he had grinned back, teasing once more. He let her rest against the tree, finding himself unable to resist taking several furtive glances in her direction. He was engulfed in the storm of indecision that inevitably inhabits those beginning to have a crush, but that made her the centre of his thoughts for whatever reason at most times; he had to at least get a frequent active picture of her.

"I don't know, maybe another hour?" Skyre responded, turning to face directly into the incoming forest. "It all depends on whether they've left camp already, and if so whether they were heading towards us. And if flying didn't literally wreck my magic energy then sure." It was true; as a very advanced skill, controlling the amount of wind with enough expertise to levitate oneself for an extended period was extremely taxing; Skyre's short, five minute flight the previous night had drained him from fresh to near magic barren. Skyre wished that there was a way to extend this, but that would defy the magic sciences completely.

Casting his mind back to her previous sentiment, and noting that she was now seemingly a little cheerier, he used the moment to ask; "Are you alright?"
Ari closed the journal, having had her fill of reading for the time being. She was entirely tuned out of the fireside conversation throughout her reading. But now, for whatever reason, she was highly uncomfortable with being around others at the moment and looked for some excuse --any excuse-- to be elsewhere.

Hunting with the other two was out of the question. Ari raked her mind for a reason. I don't suppose anyone would buy it if I said I was going for a swim. She instinctively glanced over at Lapis, who was still recovering from her swim. It's much too soon to go ahead scouting for Skyre and Desiree. She doubted she would be allowed to do that alone anyways. And the fire's fine, she mused, dismissing the idea of gathering wood.

"I'm going to check the perimeter." She addressed the group at large, unable to come up with another excuse. Plausible enough, and nobody really needed to join her to do a little short-range scouting. Ari rose and pulled her cloak on, fastening the clasp and letting the cloak fall to cover her completely, save for her neck up and the bottoms of her boots.

She turned her back to the group and walked a ways out into the forest opposite of Rederik and Ein. She continued until she was sufficiently far so as not to be seen or heard moving about, but not so far that a good shout would be muffled by the foliage. Ari walked a slow circle around the encampment, though she could no longer see it. She listened for sounds besides her own footsteps and the flight of birds and startled rabbits.

The forest was oddly peaceful, not ominously quiet and yet not exactly teeming with a slew of organisms. Peaceful. Ari allowed herself to feel relaxed for the moment. She tousled her short hair, thinking about how...different it was, away from the fireside chatter, from the company of allies (she hesitated to consider them friends still), from the crackle of fire. From Ethan's biscuits. Ah, maybe there was that one thing that was wanting from her walk, something to munch on. Hopefully they would still be available when she returned.

Looking out into the forest, Aurelia had a strange sense. A kind of unknown longing. It was silly, really. Ari shook her head to clear her thoughts, but found herself gazing out at the forest away from the camp. Why had she chosen human interaction over the freedom of solitude? No, but she knew it was stupid these days to go alone, she knew it would get her killed, she knew, she knew. But it would be so easy to leave if she wanted to, right now. Keep on walking and never stop. Let the forest claim her, let the shadow beasts come, she preferred to die that way than have to rely on strangers to keep her safe while she was trying to keep them safe. A vicious cycle indeed, the forest reminded her as it bent the sunlight to illuminate her way out, away from the others. Aurelia glanced up at the sun-speckled canopy of leaves above her and understood what she longed for. She owed these people nothing, she'd been with them for less than a day. If she left, they'd no doubt be over it by nightfall. It would be so easy to leave.

Ari took a step forward, almost in complete disbelief that she was continuing on this path. The group they'd formed was a last glimmer of hope, maybe, but a faint one. She knew they stood almost no chance at taking on the world in the shape that they were. She knew what she wanted, she knew, she knew. Ari realized how easy it was to leave; the thought occurred to her with each hesitant step she took.

"Another day." She said to the forest as her feet fell into a rhythmic gait, continuing along the perimeter check. "Ethan's got biscuits back at camp."
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Rederik looked back at Ein and smiled. He had heard the man's thanks, but had always been better at offering his appreciation than receiving. With an inclination of his head, he accepted the man's offer to help. The nickname was beginning to affect him less, and he continued into the woods calmly.

"Do you have much experience in hunting or gathering, Ein?" he asked while momentarily looking over his shoulder.
Ethan couldn't help but smile letting out a bit of a laugh as the girl explained her search and bloodline. He thought to himself whether the noble line of any family mattered now in a world of turmoil. Still perhaps it was her way of rooting herself down, after all who else would know being alone and without a home or family but Ethan. He thought about the others and how many more similar would they all be, a bunch of misfits in a broken kingdom running from the unknown.

He looked back to Lapis glad to know she had at least for now lowered her guard and was opening up. "Commoner or not we are all people of this land Lapis. Even I seek my teacher's whereabouts." as his face lowered staring at the flames "I am not a noble or even of a family of position." his memories pouring back as his voice soften from its normal calm nature. "Still I had a family, a village, a home that was my own..." from the embers of the fire he recalled their massacre and the death of those he cared for. "...maybe its the views of a commoner like myself that I welcome the sight of another living soul." his wisp lowering closer to his shoulder as its light dim and the pulse slowed "...be glad you are alive and you get to see this world another day."

The wisp started to fall apart as bits of the light dripped and faded, slowly it was withering. Though Ethan hid his tears the wisp reflected his emotions. "I have only my teacher now...and my only prayer is that he is alive, I care not that we are not blood relatives, to me he is my only family left in this world." the wisp started to shake slowly as it reduced in size and whittled away. Ethan was now lost in thought only broken when he noted Rederick's words and seeing Ein leaving with him and Ari scouting the camp's perimeter.

Seeing that his emotions had once again gotten away with his focus he cupped his hands once more to bring back the wisp. The light of the wisp seemed the only thing to calm Ethan down as his face showed the warm smile once more. "Sorry...I seem to have prattled on..." as he got up to fetch the kettle. "I believe before we continue our conversations I'll fetch us some more tea." taking a deep breath to clear his head as he walked to the river, the wisp closely hovered near its creator.
Lapis watched as Ethan wandered towards the river. She wondered what it would have been like to be a normal human. After all, her family mostly accepted her, but on the inside, they never were very comfortable with there lives lying in the hands of a woman. They thought that she was weak, incapable, undeserving. They thought that she was meant to be a good to the family, something to sell of to marriage for a large sum of cash. She was a rare item, sought to be captured. That's the one thing she hated about her past.
Desiree heard Skyre's jest and fumbled for a witty rejoinder. Surprised that she was unable to quickly come up with one, she fell back on the last, best thing for a retort: she stuck out her tongue at him.

With that, the light in her eyes returned and she laughed with him at the sillyness of her infantile act. Her laugh was deep, long and made her eyes tear as she found it difficult to contain herself. At last, Desiree found control of her emotions and calmed down. She looked into Skyre's green eyes... and tried with all of her will to suppress a snicker.

It was to no avail, and the last few day's stress unleashed in a torrent as she laughed full and uproariously. Eventually she sat down against the oak tree and held her sides from the pain of it. Desiree could not recall the last time she had laughed so hard or had laughed so openly with another person. Her blue eyes lively danced to a tune only they heard and as they caught the morning light, they sparkled which caused her face to cheerfully glow. Finally, the moment passed and she was able to catch her breath and wipe her eyes.

Then, it hit her, why she enjoyed the company of this kid wind-mage: he didn't back down from her teasing and dished it right back at her. He reminded her so much of her younger years – years before attending the university – with her brother, Stephen. Sure, the two siblings argued as only siblings would do, but they had had their moments of pure, wholesome laughter.

She pitied Skyre for not having met her brother. Not yet, she reminded herself. We'll find him, and when we do, he and fly-boy will get along like peas in a pod.

Desiree retrieved her quarterstaff and used it to help stand up. She, again, raked her hair from her face and then pushed herself away from the tall, oak tree. "Thanks for your concern, Skyre," she said. "I'm as alright as I can be right now."

Desiree returned to the path chuckled lightly and shook her head as she replayed the last several minutes in her mind.

Yes, she thought, like peas in a pod.
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Rederik asked Ein a simple question, but the answer wasn't quite as simple. He recalled a time when he was still young, living at home on the farm with his parents. His brother had come home for a visit from school. Their Mother and Father had been having trouble with foxes, wolves, they weren't really sure what, capturing the chickens and dragging their bleeding bodies away at night.

When Spencer came home for this visit he and Ein stayed up all night watching the chicken coop, in hopes of catching whatever it was. By this point Spencer was in his last year of learning to utilize earth magic, and to set a trap he manipulated the dirt surrounding the chicken coop, and loosened it so much, it began to run, almost like quicksand. In the end they were able to catch the two foxes and set them free on the other side of the river near their town.

Even with this memory Ein gave Rederik a rather simple answer. " Once or twice when I was young. " Then, in the next moment, another memory sparked in Ein's head, a much more recent one, from only that morning. "Actually... just this morning I caught a stag, a beautiful majestic creature, in one of those coldsnaps I used to seal the wolves movements yesterday. I was on my own, going to retrieve that spoiled girls things, and I wasn't able to bring it back on my own, so I decided to set it free."
Skyre regarded the outstretched tongue with a repressed smirk and raised eyebrow before stumbling Ito full-blown hilarity like his companion. His laugh was polite and fairly quiet, but still showed occasional burst of vigour and true emotion. Yet in contrast to her, he managed to keep his cool the second time around, watching her with a slight chuckle as she laughed uproariously. It made him feel peculiarly good seeing her so happy, although the nature of her action made him curious. Had he actually just out-bantered her?

As she climbed to her feet, Skyre watched her toss her hair from her face for perhaps the hundredth time. "That's good to hear. Onwards, then!" He kept his response simple as not to delay their journey any further.

Now in their separate thoughts on their journey, Skyre thought back to the last times he had enjoyed banter like that, times in the university. But he soon controlled them; you can do that tonight, Skyre. He wasn't one for too much sentiment, and bar his fireside thoughts was much more a man of the present and future than the past.


LOCKED POSTING is now Active

(Each RPer has one more post tonight!)
Ethan reached the river and let the kettle settle, it didn't take long for it to fill but Ethan just knelled for a bit enjoying the silence. The wisp's pulse seemed the only sound outside of the rustle of the river. For a moment his memories tormented him and his words run harsh as if to relive those cruel events. So lost in thought he didn't notice his grip as the current took the kettle sending it well beyond his sight. A silence as his breathing stood still, it was as if the built up tension was finally released.

Ethan began to punch the rocks below, the sound of the pebbles spreading and clacking together with each thrush of his arm. Slowly tears fell upon them as his face began to water. "I'm sorry..." his voice was sputtered and nearly taken by the wind "...sorry..." he finally let his emotions go letting back his fatigue and frustration. Images of his father and mother reflected in the pool of water, their calm and loving faces smiling back at him. He bent his head back letting the sun hit his face, a large breath releasing from his lungs as he calmed down. Looking back down he noted the stones covered lightly in blood, his knuckles scrapped from his released anxiety. Dipping his hands into the river the cool current kissed his skin, though sharp at first it eventually soothed the pain.

Cleaning his hands and face he wrapped his hand in a bandage an stood back up. It was nearing mid day and the party hadn't returned. Though they where gone for only a few hours it felt like days. The party was growing and sooner or later they would have to move. Turning back to the camp he motioned the wisp to follow. The ball of light floating down towards the blood stained stones as the river washed them away, it seemed to gaze before finally following Ethan. "I'll find you master...just you wait!" he muttered as he trekked back to camp the sun falling upon his back.
Lapis heard a soft voice flow though the wind. Recognizing the voice, Lapis stood to find its origin. She wandered toward the river from where the sound originated. She hid behind a tree so as not to be seen. She saw Ethan sitting by the river, tears falling down his face into the water. The look in his eyes was unmistakable. Hurt, disperse, misery. Her own heart lurched at the sight of his face. She saw his past reflected in his face, much as the water reflected the sun. Ethan punched the rocks at the bottom of the riverbed, sending pebbles floating down stream. He flipped his head to the sky, then examined his knuckles. He pulled out a bandage and began to wrap his hand. Then he stood, heading strait for the tree she was hiding behind. She darted out of the way as he passed her, leaving for the camp site.

Lapis stood there, thinking about her life and how the despair on his face matched the despair she felt for losing her family, her life, her brother, although she was almost certain he was alive. The only person she did not miss was her grand father. The wrenched man hated her guts, and she hated his, which was why she had burned his dead corpse. Still, she new how it felt. She shrank to her knees thinking about her mother, the woman that loved her so, that did not deserve to die. She began to cry, the wind picking up just enough to hide her sobs.
Ein's lack of apparent weapon told Rederik he likely relied on his magic as offense. That was no matter, for hunting and gathering did not require a certain type of weapon, and relied more on adapting concepts to strengths. He looked back at the man as he continued to lead them further away from the camp, nodding to him in acknowledgement of his feat with the stag. With the amount of activity going on there it was likely a lot of creatures would steer clear.

"I will teach you," he said, and paused a moment to scan their new location. A host of birds chattered in the treetops to the West lining the branches like black dots. A squirrel close by angrily warbled and chirped at Naraya who payed it no mind. It was too far up the tree for her to bother. While Rederik saw nothing of better size, he did see a familiar looking bush to the Northeast, and quietly guided Ein toward it.

"Keep your steps soft," he advised in a near whisper. Once they neared the bush, Rederik's face broke into a pleased smile as he crouched to pick a bright red, oval shaped berry, holding it out to Ein for him to see. "Raspberries." He then popped it in his mouth and lightly chewed on it as he removed a square piece of cloth from around his belt. He said nothing more and quietly picked the ripened raspberries from the bush and set him on the cloth. If they were quiet enough, a creature was bound to cross their path before they were done with the bush.
Rusar simply studied the exchange of the people with in the camp noting how each one seemed to have their own issues and quirks. The brunet had asked her if there was any news from the villages but she had avoided going near any settlements for quite some time. The last she tried visiting was while she was being chased more than a month ago. The town was very small only a few buildings. Despite her pleas for aid none offered assistance or even opened their doors. Looking back she really couldn't blame them, the town looked like it had been barely standing as it was. Still didn't stop her from being bitter towards them. She had manged to survive the night but not with out a few extra scars.

Rusar sighed softly hating to be idle, she was always moving or doing something. She was wasting time by just sitting around some strangers camp. Then again what else was there for her to do. She had fallen into the same routine of hunt, sleep and wander that she'd lost the any really purpose for her actions other than survival. Her initial intention was to venture to the south west to her home to see if there was anything left of it but she held little hope of finding any survivors. She had given up on the notion of finding her family alive believing it was better to be pleasantly surprised than suffer heart wrenching disappointment and loss.

Too long with too many thoughts Rusar decided to use her "down time" for something productive. since almost everyone had cleared out of the camp, something she was surprised was even allowed to happen since she was a stranger and most left their belongings. She set her own pack down, pulled out one of her sharp knives and sat on a reasonably flat surface. She took out a bowl and that had a few blood stained cloths folded inside then laid out a small set up before starting to skin and dissect the rabbits she had caught. Her knife work was one that showed her experience as someone who had spent many years hunting. Each slice of the blade was quick and clean but with purpose and made carefully as not to damage any useful parts or bloody the soft furred pelts. The skins were placed off to the side, meat and bone piled on the stained rags, blood and entrails deposited with in the bowl.
FREE POSTING is now Active


The pair walked in silence once more, allowing Skyre to gather his thoughts and think about the Shadow King himself. What does he want now? I mean, he's already taken over the kingdom and pretty much ensured that nothing can stop him. But he's still active. He surely knows that on our own, us few survivors are very little threat to him. One very curious thing that Skyre noted was that throughout the entire month since the fall, he hadn't seen a single Dark Druid anywhere.

Another deeper question was how had he got this powerful? Sure, Dark magic in its core is pretty strong stuff, but being able to forget creatures capable of destroying an entire kingdom, and controlling them, must have required such a high magic efficiency, almost to abnormal extents. He must've done something to extend his natural magic efficiency, Skyre pondered, but we have no idea how. Skyre concluded that there was no point in worrying over questions that he would not be able to have answered, and so stopped.

Soon, the pair had journeyed through a short splattering of forest to reach a small hill the overlooked the valley. Here, the foliage began to deteriate, and spread into a longer valley plain filled with small bushes and gorse, making an entire valley trough open to mankind. Here, Skyre spotted two figures approaching from the other side, and smiled.

"Hey, looks like they were heading this way after all," he alerted Desiree, pointing into the near distance where the pair could be seen. "Come along then! Let's go and greet them!" With another grin, Skyre took off again at his brisk pace. In the centre of the trough was a wide stream, bubbling with rapid speed, and able to cros only by five big stepping stones. They would have to cross them to reach the newcomers.

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