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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Ari tried to remind herself of how eager she was to speak with Ethan. She couldn't muster up any real emotion towards at finally having the chance, however; she was far too drained. Nonetheless, Ari attempted to use this opportunity.

"I've had better days," She answered Ethan quietly. Ari nodded to the now conscious newbie, acknowledging her presence before returning to the conversation. "I don't believe I've properly introduced myself. My name is Ari. I apologize if I seemed rude at our first meeting yesterday." Ari spoke at the loudest volume she was capable of at the time, a soft near-whisper.
Desiree opened her eyes and dropped her arms back to her side. Her gaze lingered across the fields ahead and the mountains that stood tall in the distance. She longed to dance in the waterfalls, and to run free through the fields of heather. "Do I like it?" she asked as she glanced at Skyre to see if he were joking. "I've never seen the like of it."

She breathed in deeply and savored the scent of the air as it gently mixed with Skyre's taint, only this time it wasn't as unpalatable as before. She gave him a quizzical look. Something's changed, she thought, but dared not ask him of it.
Ethan noted the young lady emerging from her slumber, the scratches where still bandaged and she seemed in a better state then before. Turning back to the short haired girl who introduced herself as Ari he smiled.Her voice while quite showed a bit of exhaustion he could only assume from her rescue of the stranger. The pot was beginning to heat up as small vapor of steam escaped the spout. "A pleasure to meet you Ari, and no need to apologies anyone who saw a stranger after such an experience would seem apprehensive." as he lifted the lid of the kettle dropping a metal ball filled with crush leaves. "How are you feeling Ari?" wanting to check on her as he treated the rest who where now off doing their own thing. Ethan admired the young woman who seemed calm but could tell fatigue was in her eyes.
"I'm surprised in a way," Skyre grinned, "Where have you been running this past month?" he teased her a little.

Skyre took the break in conversation as a chance to return to the previous conversation. "I didn't realise you'd had such a bad time of it: you've a right to be tired and worn. The others, though some are now injured, only jumped into combat because they'd heard me, and I'd only been on the run since lunch. So you've probably gone through the worst of us all. You really do deserve a rest, so I appreciate your company now." He smiled warmly, turning to face her.
Now decently warm and dry, Ari removed the cloak around her shoulders. She stretched her arms above her head, pulling the cut on her side that she'd agitated during her lifeguard shift.

"Ah!" She winced slightly as the widened cut began to bleed again. "Well, does that answer your question?" She joked, putting pressure on the wound. Ari clenched her teeth to take her mind of the sharp pain.
Desiree placed her hands on her hips and glared at Skyre. "Where indeed?" she asked in response to his taunt. Then, she playfully swatted at his shoulder with a weak left-hand slap.

Her mood turned casual and less playful when she spoke about her more recent trials. "I wouldn't presume to think that I've had any more difficult experience than anyone else. I press onward because to do otherwise is death."

"I worry that I have placed all of you at risk," she continued as she returned her gaze to the wilderness before them. "I don't know why the wolves were driving me and now when they return everyone else is in jeopardy."

Desiree looked into Skyre's emerald eyes with blue ones that lost some of their luster. "I will admit that it has been nice to see people, I'm unsure if I should remain or set out alone again. I can keep hiding from these wolves and perhaps if they follow my trail, then you and the others would be safe."

"You gave me my life, Skyre," she said with uncertain hesitation. "I cannot possibly repay you for that other than perhaps to decoy these wolves away from you so that you and the others might live."

She looked down as she lightly tamped the ground with the end of her quarterstaff for a moment. Then, she took a cleansing breath, exhaled and indicated the path that led them on. "Shall we find our errant archer, then?"
A bit taken back from her reaction he noted the cut and the opening. Reaching for his satchel he removed a vial that was green as new spring trees. He walked to her sitting next to her looking careful using a bandage from his bag he soaked the cloth. "A bit of warning this will sting but if you can bare with it for a bit the cut will seal quickly." as he lifted her arm slowly applying the cloth on the cut holding there waiting for her reaction in case he needed to brace her so not to remove the banadage. The vial was made from a vine it took several days to make and Ethan didn't want to use it less needed to, but considering this wound looked old he didn't want to risk further infection. The kettle was beginning to whistle as the heat was rising, he could smell the herbs rising from the water.
"Are you sure you don't want to wait another half day before traveling?" Clara's voice asked, cutting across the silence that had consumed them as Magnus tightened the strings of his pack to ensure nothing fell out. It had been a long time since his granddaughter had suggested anything in their travels since the time she had demanded she be the one to hunt for their food. Even now she was still an uncertain factor on that front but Magnus knew when she could and could bring down a beast for their supper. Prey had a large part to do with it, she had somehow taken down a rabbit not long ago but it had been on pure luck. The smaller the target the harder it was to hit, after all. Due to this, if the area was only surrounded with small animals Magnus knew that he should politely do the hunting while Clara was out trying her best for the pair of them. It took nothing more then a quick sweep of his nature magic, grabbing hold of a simple minded rabbit or large bird put some strain on him but nothing he wouldn't make back from the hardy meal.

"Don't speak unless you are doing credit to the lessons I taught you." Magnus instructed the girl, pulling on his rucksack with a slow groan. "Are you still looming on the chances that those people you met yesterday will come? Is that why you want to delay our journey toward the capital?" Magnus had been more than surprised when Clara had finally told him what had delayed her the night before; it had been the last thing he expected when she said she had something she needed to talk about. He knew his granddaughter was stubborn but he had thought her rash behavior would have made her fast-friends with them. Amusement flickered across his face at her arrow pointed at the unknown people, it had been one of the only reactions he hadn't been able to guess from his knowledge of his granddaughter. Still, he had known her in times of peace. There was no real guessing how what the flight from the capital had done to her mind, she was no longer the pure and innocent girl he had wanted to keep her. He had been foolish to think she wouldn't have changed after witnessing the murder of her father.

"O-Of course not!" She stammered in response to his question, "D... Do you think I care about those people? We're perfectly fine without them!" Perfectly fine, it was a combination of words that only Clara could put together in times such as these. Magnus wouldn't say such hopefully things anymore, he knew they would not be perfectly fine without more people. The area was filled with Shadow Dogs, they skirted around Magnus's circle of control. They knew that he and Clara were here but were unable to reach them as long as Magnus was alive. He had enough strength in him for certain things, grabbing the hounds' minds in order to drive them back when they came close enough was one of those things. It was wearing him down though, enough that they traveled a day and rest two. If they were to realize he could only ward off a dozen or less of them at a time, it they were to come at them with as a large pack... He was in no fighting condition and Clara had no real combat training except for the self-taught skills she had with the bow. It wouldn't help in a close-quarter fight though, which was why Magnus felt a sense of relief the moment his granddaughter had told him about the other survivors. Someone to travel with, even perhaps a teacher that could instruct Clara in the ways of a blade while he could not. They would greaten Clara's chance of survival.

"No need to act so brave, dove." Magnus said, softly chuckling as they started out of the clearing in the direction she had said the other survivors were. "Shall we continue lessons today? You were doing quite good with plants yesterday, it'd be a shame if you forgot everything in your sleep." Clara shot a familiar glare at him, daring him to do his worst. With a quick glance around at some of the plants he picked a white flower from it's stem and handed it to her. "What is this and what are it's uses?"

"Elderberry." Clara said at once, stirring a sense of pride in the old man's chest. "It's not the season for berries but these little flowers will turn into a deep color fruit eventually. It's common to make them into juice to ward off flus and colds but it could also be used to cure skin infections or diseases. Boils and such..." She then glanced in his direction hopefully, eager to know if she had gotten it right. He rewarded her with a nod that made her grin widen triumphantly. She was a quick one, his granddaughter. It made him think that if the Shadow King hadn't appeared she could have been something far greater than he ever was. A true scholar, not just a person playing at one like him. He hated the Shadow King for that reason, he had stripped Magnus's family to one member and had taken that member's future away from her. Magnus would make him pay if it was the last thing he did. He would kill the Shadow King and help his granddaughter survive, it was all he could manage.

"I think I know where your survivors are." Magnus announced, sensing the presence of humans in the minds of a few animals within his circle. "Shall we head over?" He could see Clara's eyes fill with thought. It was like watching gears turn in her head, running over all the possible scenarios before she gave a little nod in agreeance. Magnus was glad his granddaughter had an even head on her shoulders despite her rash and stubborn shell. It would help her survive the long darkness. "Then lets go."
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'Ahhh, there's no one to talk to.' Lapis thought miserably as she blew on the fire, watching the flames rise and fall. She was accustom to being alone, but she still hated it. She sighed, and crossed her legs. She decided it would be a good idea to test how much her power worked at the current moment. She kicked up as much wind as possible, making the trees shake a little in comparison to what she usually does. She sighed, her fears were confirmed. She was going to be little good in combat without the winds.
Ari grimaced, looking skyward as if it would help her combat the sting. She clenched her fists tightly, digging her nails into her palms. Then pain began to subside. Ari felt the would miraculously close. She removed Ethan's hands and the medicine-soaked cloth. There was no trace that a wound ever existed. Better than magic, Ari thought, or at least my own magic. She was quite certain at this point that Ethan was not the light magician she hoped him to be, but it would kill her not to ask. Just in case.

"I can see that you're quite the healer," Ari laughed a bit as the last remnants of the medicine's bite vanished. "But..." she paused, figuring out how to best word the question to seem inconspicuous. "...if you are able to conjure light balls, then why not just use healing magic?" She glanced curiously at Ethan, hoping for one reply but expecting another.
The flowing gust blew a bit of dirt into his eyes as he held the bandage on Ari's cut now healing but not wanting dirt to fly near it. The little girl who was sitting up recovering was now causing a gust around the camp. Now aware she was fully awake he couldn't help but speak out "You think you could cut that out, your bandages will unravel if you keep moving to much and I don't feel like making more to treat you..." trying to make sure none of the dirt reached the kettle when Ari's cut was now gone. Surprised to see wind magic he felt the little one was not aware of her current surroundings. "If your hungry I'll prepare you something shortly and tea will be ready as well. Please bare with me till then maiden." as he watched over Ari who asked him something unique.

He let out a small laugh as the wisp floated towards her hovering just above her hands. "Sadly my father was a light healer but I never inherited his gifts." as the orb pulsed warmly then split into smaller versions dancing in a circle around her hands before forming back up. "What you see there is a wisp, kind of a spirit made with mysticism." as it pulsed softly "It allows me to scout out an area or communicate in long distance, though sadly its not light as more just energy gathered to a single point." as he poured the tea into several cups then removing a jar of apple component and dry biscuits.

He offered a cup to Ari and the now woken stranger. "Do you prefer something sweet to enjoy you two?" as the wisp stayed near Ari dancing around her. He reached into his bag removing an old journal that bared of leather and rope binding. "If your interested though my father kept a journal of his treatments and methods..." recalling how well the old book detailed his father's work, as he slowly poured himself a cup leaving a bitter root in for himself.
"Maiden is for thouse of a weak inherantance. If I had more magic power left in me I could simply blow you away. Alas, that would waste the carefull healing you have done." Lapis replyed in a flat tone.
Ari accepted the tea gratefully. Truth be told, she was slightly disappointed that Ethan wasn't a light healer even though she suspected it. Just another reason why she shouldn't get her hopes up.

She glanced over Ethan warily. "You're sure that it's okay to share your father's secrets with a stranger like me?" Ari knew that if she were in his position, she wouldn't have even brought up such a thing.
Ethan smiled as he laid the cup near her before taking a drink of his. The young lady seemed tense and not very well mannered but he put it to the stress of the occurrence that happened to her. "Well I doubt you would benefit from wanting to harm anyone here, especially considering a moment ago your body was pulled from the river half dead." as he looked over Ari to ensure the vial did its work. "You seem to not be aware of your situation so while you relax drink this tea..." his eyes looking at her sternly "...and if you continue to waste your magic you'll only slow your recovery." as he took another sip of the brew letting it clear his head.

The wisp pulsed intensely from Ethan's emotion but returned to its calm state. He felt this one would be a hand full but never looked down at any person in need. It seemed the day at the camp was going to be filled with problems even before the mid day. Ari's response to his father's journal brought him a smile recalling how many would guard their family secrets "I am no light mage nor do I know any of my family who are..." his thoughts falling back to the loss of his family and town "...besides I feel if someone is interested and could have a use it beats holding unto it and increasing the load of my pack." as he offered the book to her. "He wasn't a master of the art or a teacher like ones in the capital but if you really are seeking knowledge of the light then this would be a good start." as the weight of the journal was laid on the cloak near her.

Ethan wasn't one to trust or not trust he simply was practical.
Ein was just getting back to camp, he decided to take the opportunity to relax on the riverside on his way back, knowing that the girl was in good hands with Ari.

He arrived back just in time to see Ethan preparing to teach Ari of his medicine skills. 'That will be good. Having someone else able to heal better,' Ein thought to himself while passing by them and heading to the fire.

"Here's your stuff," he said to the girl he had just met an hour or so before. He placed her sword, kimono and pack down on the ground and turned to speak with Ethan and Ari. "How's it going? Did Red decide to go with the others?"
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Ari took the journal tentatively, watching Ethan's impassive face as she did so. She laid the journal in front of her. Sipping her tea (it tasted very earthy, but it was a good mild tea), Ari thumbed through the book.

At first, she looked quickly over the pages. As she continued through the text, her eyes widened with each detailed drawing, quickly scrawled footnote, and lengthy description. It was more than just a field guide to roots; it contained recipes for powerful potions like Ethan had used as well as hints and tricks to certain methods of light healing, including some that had never been discussed in the university.

"Ethan...this is amazing!" Ari said, unable to contain her smile. Ari rarely showed this kind of excitement in anything other than her studies. She hadn't even noticed Ein's return nor his question -- she was too entranced by the journal.
Rusar observed from her location noting that there were five people with in the camp, three awake and two still asleep, but there appeared to more packs and gear than there were people. "Fairly large group to be moving around...." She thought to her self figuring the group hadn't settled since there was no shelter. Two were confirmed magicians with a girl using wind while the other guy was fairly skilled at healing and had some kind of lights around him. Light magic? possibly but then again she could never be sure with how creative people used their magic. Rusar couldn't help but find it strange for tea to be made in the middle of a forest with possible threats looming around at any given time. Another member of their came rejoined the group bringing the total to six now. She debated weather or not to stick around to see if there were any more and risk being discovered. Or sneak away before any more of the day could be wasted.
Ethan turned to the other fellow as he returned from his journey. The items of their new guest seemed to suit her well and hopefully would calm her current nature. Sitting back down near the fire he pour another cup while spreading some of the apple jam on a half of a biscuit. Ethan assumed Red was short for Rederick so with a curious thought "No I think he went to bathe south of here down the riverbed. Skyre and Desiree where traveling west towards the survivor's camp." as Ethan looked at the wisp, no new images had been shown and it didn't seem the other half was feeling any threat. Worried the group was reaching the limits of his communication it was best not to stress about it for now.

Reaching for another cup he turned to the stubble man "Care for some tea or something to eat?" as the pot steamed out another blast from the fire causing the embers to spark a bit. "I don't believe we been properly introduced, I am Ethan." as he forwarded his hand to shake his "...a pleasure to see you looking better then the rest here, no injuries I should know about?" as he took a bite of the biscuit, its coarse dry crunch was firm but the jam soften it enough to eat and make palpable.

Ethan smiled at Ari's remarks "Your most welcome I hope it comes to help you, my father did enjoy his work." as he tossed in more kindle for the fire.
Glad to have her stuff back, Lapis picked up her kimono and began putting on the heavy garment. Once she had all the layers on again, she unsheathed her sword to make sure it wasn't tampered with. Fortunately, the blade was fine, so she reached into her pack and grabbed out a sharpening rock and began to sharpen the blade.
The young woman was in her attire now and was slowly sharpening her blade. Ethan took this as a sign she was not in to much pain from her scrapes. "Have you calmed down miss?" as he turned to her reviewing the kimono, it was very rare such fabric could be seen among these parts. "Be sure when you get the chance to clean off the ointment here in the next hour and change out the bandages." as he offered a biscuit with jam on a large green leaf since he could find no plates. Ethan wasn't sure about her state of mind but didn't want her to cause another ruckus with others still recuperating.
"Indeed I have." Lapis replied, keeping her usual calm and collected aura. She was quite fond of this trait of hers, to be able to hide behind this kind of disguise. She never expressed much emotion, always cautious.
Ein had believed there was a brief introduction this morning, prior to his going to check on Ari, but nevertheless reintroduced himself. "I'm Ein, and it's good to meet you," he said to the man, while stretching out after his walk.

"In regards to injuries, the worst I had yesterday has a bite to the calf, " Ein lifted the sewn up leg of his pants. He recalled the battle with the wolves and made note of his dodging ability in combat. 'If it wasn't for helping, Ari I would be fine. But I won't hold a grudge.'

" I managed to irrigate it using my water magic, and Ari gave it some minor healing, " he looked up to the man, " It should be fine though, but be my guest to check it out."

He turned his head to the girl, now dressed in her Kimono. " And about you little miss... do you have a name, or should he stick with that?" He let out a bit of a chuckle.
" I prefer Lapis over little miss," She said. She was clearly mad at the little nickname, but her façade wouldn't let her show it. She hated men that diminished her. She wanted to wring there necks and toss them in a vat of lava. Unfortunately she did not have lava.
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Ethan noted the so called calm individual but found it false considering her outburst a few moments ago. Something just wasn't right with the woman who introduced herself as Lapis. Still he could not judge her actions or her mood seeing as he barely knew her. Ein had introduced himself and resolved to show the limp leg he had injured. Ethan smiled recalling the morning introductions but didn't want to forget this man's name considering how he looked to struggle a bit with his leg.

"Apologies then Ein just a moment then if you don't mind." as he reviews the calve of the leg. The bruising looked natural and from his conversation it looked to be healing nicely. If anything the muscles would be sore and take time to reduce in swelling. "Ari and your magic are remarkable the recovery looks weeks old but yet it was only day." as he took another bite of the biscuit. "Just be sure to compress a cold rag to reduce the swelling and try not to over exert and you'll be good in no time." he chuckled noting the gear and packs he had brought back.

Turning back to Lapis he looked concerned of the trouble that may have been brought but he kept quite considering the gathering was all new comers and varied in their tastes and backgrounds.
Ari nodded without tearing her eyes away from the journal to signify that she had heard Ethan .

She turned to a new page slowly, attempting to finish reading what was on the previous page. There were so many techniques that she wanted to try in the journal. It killed Ari to know that she wouldn't be able to attempt magic of that caliber for a few more days at the very least.

Suddenly, Ari's head snapped up from her reading. She glared at the stretch of forest ahead, narrowing her eyes. Something...something was off. Something was there that shouldn't be. Squinting harder, Ari glimpsed a bit of light between the branches of a bush. But it was a strange spot to have caught sunlight, given the placement of the forest canopy above. She closed the journal steadily, still staring at the light...no, it wasn't light! It was hair! Blonde hair!

Ari stood abruptly, her fingertips instinctively generating sparks of lightning. "Who are you and why have you been spying on us?!" She shouted at the underbrush.

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