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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Lapis raised her gaze to the woman that saved her. She was staring intensely into the bushes ahead of her. Lapis stood with great effort to see what she was so concerned about. There was a person with blond hair standing in the bush. Lapis started to kick up the wind a little, so as to move the bush for a better view.
Ein too stood and faced the bushes, hauling on his gauntlets in case the person was hostile. " Show yourself, you're outnumbered. "
"Don't worry that you've put us all in danger," Skyre said caringly as the pair looked over the valley, "because regardless of the creatures tracking you, the Shadow King is still seeking to kill all of us." A brief pause, then; "Besides, a lot of people forget that the shadow dogs aren't actually animals, rather physical vessels of dark magic that the Shadow King can use to carry out his will. I've begun to study his methods, actually, and he's very systematic. I highly doubt we'll be attacked by shadow creatures of any sort today."

"In any case, you needn't put so much weight on yourself," Skyre gave her a warm but serious smile. "We're a group now, a team and we should all take joint responsibility for anything that happens." Once again Skyre found himself wanting to be more upfront; he wished he would allow himself to offer her a hug or even something as small as a shoulder pat. He had noticed the lack of glimmer in her eyes, and wanted to restore it, only he didn't now how.

After her pause, Skyre nodded. "Yes, we should probably press on." He was worried that the new pair might have moved from there camp; if that were so how would they find them? But he hesitated, waiting for her to respond first before leading on again.
Ethan noted the others standing off looking to the bushes across the river. Unsure what caught their eye but it seemed they saw something he did not. It was not uncommon he wasn't one to worry and so use to having his wisps for sighting around him. Brushing the crumbs from his shirt and finished the remaining tea from his cup before sucking the bitter root for its last bit of flavor. Standing up among them he motioned the wisp from Ari towards the bush where Lapis was tossing the wind.

It rushed quickly over pulsing brightly as it could attempting to stay within the vicinity of their target though the wind made it a bit difficult to keep its stance. "Since you been discovered I guess it would be best to listen to them." keeping calm and observing closely. Ethan couldn't use the wisp to visually see as it currently still split with its counter part in use watching over Skyre and Desiree.
Rusar cursed under her breath when her cover was blown it seems she lingered a bit too long. She was tempted to bolt, not many could catch up with her but there were four magicians only three of which she knew their abilities. The decision was made for her when a strange whisp was shot her way, it didn't attack her but she had a feeling it probably would interfere with any attempts to simply run. She stood up slowly and kept her bow lowered not wanting to make any moves that might be misunderstood as an attack. "I mean you no harm. I was simply hunting in the area." She called over motioning to the rabbits that were tied to her belt.
Rederik had been watching the blonde as she watched the camp. His light footing made it easy for him to sneak undetected until it would be too late for his target. He never treated a human as hostile unless he observed otherwise. He knew he could get to the girl quickly if she drew her bow, but she didn't appear the type to do so.

Naraya sauntered past the girl who claimed to be hunting in the woods close to their camp. She looked up at the blonde as she passed in almost a pompous air to tell her that she was being watched and flanked. Rederik kept himself hidden for now.
Ari wasn't sure how to handle the situation, but she felt it fell to her to do so, having been the one who called this stranger out. Ah, if only Skyre were there, with all his people skills. Heavens knew they needed that now.

As the stranger stood, Ari lowered her sparking hands. She ceased the electrical magic in an attempt to display good intentions. Though visibly unassuming, Ari was prepared to defend herself and the others if the need came.

She noted that the stranger was not particularly tall, though probably taller than herself (and who wasn't). The girl looked honest enough, but looks were deceiving. Ari stood her distance as Rederik's large cat circled the stranger. That could only mean that he was close at hand if things got hairy.

"For safety's sake, I'll ask you again and I expect a more complete answer this time -- Who are you and why are you spying on us?"
For Ethan hunters was nothing strange to see in these woods, remembering how the old hunters hut use to be for bear trappers it was not uncommon to tread these fields of woods. The wisp gently stayed on its target slowly pulsing as he looked over their visitor and her catch. Rederick's companion came pass which meant he was not far behind.

Walking between the group ready to defend themselves Ethan bowed slowly smiling at Ari's strong nature and cautious approach. Looking to the stranger "If you are no harm then would you care to join us for a meal and introduce yourself stranger?" as he pointed towards the fire "I am sure you'll find the company pleasing here if you so liked to rest from your hunting." trying to mediate the situation before it got to far out of hand at the very least it would be easier to control within the camp versus keeping it split from the river.
"Are you sure that's a good idea!?!" Lapis questioned Ethan. It seemed odd to invite a stranger into the camp, let alone a hunter.
Ari's head whirled toward Ethan, an astonished look on her face. How could he possibly have that kind of trust in the stranger already? Of course, Ari remarked to herself, unless this girl is some sort of master fighter, we really have nothing to fear in our numbers. She crouched down near him, speaking softly and urgently: "Ethan, I understand that it's important to round up as many survivors as we can, but it's like Lapis here says. It might not be a good idea so soon."
Ein looked at the new girl in camp, then Looked to Ethan and Ari " In my opinion, if we brought her here," referring to Lapis, " what's the harm."

He remembered the difficulties with the girl at the river, and the glare she had given him earlier. " We're no more or less safe with her here then we would be with her out in the woods. If anything we can keep a better eye on her, " referring to the blonde archer before them.
Looking down to the young woman in a kimono "You where but a stranger, would you say it was a good idea to pull you from the river?" as he smiled warmly. turning to Ari "Yet you welcomed me and my supplies did you not, and if not for that you would not be in possession of my father's journal." To Ethan it wasn't that the situation was not dangerous but that it was currently boiling to a skirmish. With the group still recovering he didn't feel the need to have to fight.

He looked back to the Rederick not knowing where he was hiding but knew he was least watching the situation. Though it was only a night the tracking abilities of Rederick was not of someone who was new to the wilds, Ethan had confidence that if anything did break out it would be in the camps favor. He turned to Ein who was ready and looked to agree with Ethan which left him relaxed, whether the hunter was willing to agree or not to the outcome, it was still a higher probability for the group then for her.
Lapis whirled around, drawing her sword. "I have seen many despicable men in my life," she threatened," But if you try to repeated what they did, so help me you head will end up on a plaque with the rest of them. So I trust that you will make a good decision and not anger me." The venom was literally seeping out of her voice, the light from the trees bouncing off her blade. "The name "Little Miss" was enough to get me angry, I suggest you not push it."
Rusar heard the sound of another approaching and readied to draw her bow but was surprised when the creature which emerged from the brush simply sauntered past her with out a hint of hostility. "A pet?" She wondered scanning the woods behind her. As a hunter she knew how to hid and watch for pray but also knew what it was like to be hunted. She looked back to the camp sighing softly. "I see no reason to give my name to a group of strangers" She replied lowing her bow and putting her arrow back in it quiver. She slowly approached the camp taking not of what was around that might aid in a fast escape. the camp fire they had going was a great asset already. "I was spying only to make sure you were not part of the shadow kings army." She answered the girls second question not wanting to be asked again.
Desiree gifted Skyre with a warm smile. His optimism was almost infectious... almost. "Thank you for your kind words. It is perhaps a flaw of mine that I accept so much responsibility. My brother..."

She suddenly cut herself off, almost violently turned herself away from Skyre and looked in the opposite direction. She wrapped her arms around herself in a lonely embrace; Skyre could see her free hand gripping her upper arm tightly as she fought some inner demon.
" Look kid, " Ein said to the girl, barely able to stand up, let alone hold her blade. " I meant nothing by my comment, referring to you as 'little miss' was the best I could do without your name, would you prefer I was rude, and called you her, it, that one?"

Ein took battle stance, in case the person standing before him chose to attack. "We brought you here without knowing anything about you, that was our decision. " He looked to the archer in the bushes. " We know no more about you then we do her."

Continuing to watch the nameless archer Ein advised her, " I had the same issues in trusting this group last night, and aside from this one before me I can vouch for the rest, on my honor."
The wisp quickly flew towards Ethan before erupting brightly, the secondary wisp with Skyre and Desiree ended up mimicking before bursting and fading unable to keep its form. As the other half dissipated the one back at camp doubled in size intently glowing towards Lapis.

"So eager to fight and so easily angered." as the huntress reluctantly accepted the offer Ethan smiled but kept his eye on the kimono girl. "Would spilling a lone man for stating your stature really be just." as the wisp's pulses started to hasten and light intensify.
Ari would have argued that they had nothing to fear from a woman who almost drowned in a slow-moving river, but she didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with Lapis (assuming she hadn't done so already). In any event, the outcome of the situation depended on Ari's decision on whether to welcome the stranger (whom she couldn't even begin to trust, seeing as she had not done them the kindness of providing a name). The tension in the camp was practically tangible, and Ari would have to break it one way or another. She knew what she'd have preferred to do in that situation.

Sighing, Ari decided against her instincts. She resumed her place by the fire, motioning for the stranger to join them. "You must understand, however, that we take only the same precautions as yourself." Ari said in an attempt to justify her behavior.
Naraya roared and hissed at Lapis as she approached the hostile girl. It was enough to bring Rederik out of hiding, his hands ready at his daggers. He was unfamiliar with the stranger called Lapis, but out of everyone he had met, she looked the most like a threat. He looked to Ethan, Ein, and Ari to act by their actions.
Rusar halted at the river seeing the tension and bickering with in the group and reconsidered accepting the offer. It would be simple enough to use the fire as a detraction with out even drawing her bow and make an escape.
"I prefer you don't. Testing my morals is not wise, I have seen things I do not like and I hope the similaryties I see in you is just momentary. I suggest you keep on your toes, but for now, I will trust you," Lapis said sitting by the fire, finally giving ease to her sore muscles. "As for the newcomer, welcome, I guess."
'This child is certainly more trouble than she's worth, " Ein thought about the girl, referring to her as child due to her small frame and behavior.

" Look, we all need to relax." Ein slipped his gauntlets back off. " It's been awhile for most of us to have been in such a large group, and due to this, clearly we have some conflicting ideas and morals. We should just relax. Maybe we should chat, or have lunch or something."

Ein again called out to the archer girl. " Come on over and share with us what we have, the rest of our group should be back in a few hours, and then we will decide what to do about everyone. "

Ein looked to Rederik, "And I don't think I had the chance to properly thank you yesterday for saving me after my injury. " Ein got down on his knees, and bowed his head, " Thank you for saving my life. "
As the girl finally calmed down and sat back near the fire the wisp dimmed and the pulses slowed. It floated back to the huntress as Ethan's attention was now fixed on her. Keeping some distance of Lapis in case of another outburst he attempted to gather from the experience. Ari's motion and acceptance left Ethan with a small grin. Knowing he now had a majority agreeing he waved to the huntress "Names are but titles and if you heed no mind to us calling you miss or maiden then you do not need to give it so freely." joking to the thought of how it offended the short kimono woman.

Ethan offered his hand to her from a distance "If you feel the need to run I doubt any would stop you but seeing as you have enough food to last you several days I doubt you'll need to hunt for more correct?" noting the number of rabbits upon her that had yet to be skinned. Ein was keeping watch over the group and now more relaxed then before and with Rederick near by Ethan felt confident the situation had finally calmed down.
Lapis sighed on the inside. ' Now everyone thinks I'm a dangerous beast. Way to go Lapis!' . She calmly began sharpening her blade again, hoping to dispel the awful feeling inside her heart. She never liked being mean, but she never liked people thinking she was lower or inferior to them. Never the less, she hated being mean. But when they chose to hate her back, it hurt a lot more than she expected.
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Rusar sighed lightly, her fathers reminders of there being safety in numbers ringing in the back of her mind, plus it had been a long time since she met anyone even remotely friendly. She waited for the tension with in the camp to fully calm before approaching the camp once more. "You are correct, and I see no problem with either tittles." She replied forcing a small smirk trying not seem hostile towards anyone.

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