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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Judging by the lack of alarm or aggression Rusar figured the group were just members of this camp. She scanned the new additions quickly finding it a bit surprising to see both an elder man and a child with them. Usually they were the first to be slain. She set her bow a side forcing herself to relax and not jump into action. "This will take some getting used to..." Rusar thought to herself as the group dispersed into the camp. One made his way over to her seeming to be more on the friendly side like the brunet. At least he offered a name first. "Thank you... I've been trained to hunt since I was very young. It's proven a very useful skill as of late." She muttered briefly debating weather or not to give her name. Then again she did want to at least try to be social, something shed gone with out for quite a while. "I'm Rusar."
Oh great. More people. Ari forced herself to hide her displeasure at the extra strangers. She remained under her tree, sipping the hot tea at regular intervals and avoiding interaction. Surely Skyre could occupy the strangers while he introduced himself.

Ari kept a close ear to the introductions that were happening around her, however. Maybe she could learn some information about these strangers (for instance, the blonde woman who refused to share her name) that she would have otherwise been unable to obtain.

Skyre had a strange effect on people. They opened up to him very easily, like the blonde who introduced herself as Rusar just had. Why couldn't Ari do that?

Why do I need to?
Ari scolded herself. It wasn't important to her as long as someone else (namely Skyre) could handle the introductions. And it appeared that he would be doing that for the rest of the morning, given the amount of people who had appeared since they woke.
"Rusar, nice to meet you, and thanks for bringing lunch!" Skyre smiled to her. "I hope you've been given a warm greeting from the rest of us." Still not noticing the other newcomer hidden behind one of the trees, Skyre stood up and crossed his arms in thought. Their company was still continuing to rise, to lengths that even Skyre thought slightly surpassed coincidence. When they'd first encountered other survivors in the previous evening's battle, he had been simply overjoyed at the presense of others, and as such hadn't thought about it too much. But it was true; there were a lot of them, and only now they were stumbling upon one and other.

I imagine the Shadow King has something to play in that, though probably not too much. If he wanted to capture us or get something from one of us then I imagine he'd have sent special forces off to do so a while back; no, our sudden grouping up is probably as a result of the way he co-ordinates his creatures; perhaps he tried to chase us all together so that we'd be easier to track. Skyre wasn't sure. Either way, he'd figured out a while back that killing them off was probably not the overlord's main objective; he'd already destroyed an entire kingdom so it would be much easier for him to wipe out weary survivors.

In any case, Skyre was glad for the presense of others. For some reason, he had always liked picking out and noticing the differences in personality between people; seeing people's desires and feelings come to the surface was one of the main reasons for his prominant smile. As such, he was almost always wholly honest and open with people about facts, and though he did like to keep his emotions to himself, he was a very genuine figure. Perhaps this was why people found themselves drawn in respect to his friendliness, though his smooth, and perhaps even atractive voice probably played a part in that too.

Blinking away his day dream, he unfolded his arms and approached Ethan and Ari. "I presume Rederik and Ein are out hunting?" he asked.
Ari shrugged. "They should really be back by now. I expect them to have a good deal to show for their absence when they return." She drained the last few dregs of tea and set the cup aside.
The sun was beginning to heat through the trees and moisture rose from the dampened earth. Rederik's platinum blonde hair stuck to his forehead and neck somewhat as beads of sweat formed. It wasn't a particularly stifling hot, for it was still Spring.

Rederik flinched as the girl in the tree flew away and onto another branch. He was able to observe her better now and despite the dagger pointed at him in a threat, he couldn't help but be relieved. Burying the dead had always been a ritual that wore him not only physically, but mentally. He had come across so many long passed since the fall that had never been properly set to rest, and he felt it would be an injustice to let their bodies waste away so carelessly. He found himself often without help to bury the dead, spending entire days digging individual sites, marking them, an praying for each soul. Most of what he encountered had already been given to the earth as they decomposed, their bodies filled with maggots or partially mauled by creatures unknowing.

The girl before him was very much alive, however, but injuries were apparent. One of her eyes were shut with the bonding of dried blood, which would impair the girl on several levels, most noteably affecting her depth perception. Being in a tree was not a safe place for her in her state.

Rederik secured his stance on two sturdy branches below him and leaned forward on the one where the girl once rested. He held his hands up in mock surrender before speaking. "We are friends," he said calmly, and then motioned his head downward towards Ein. "We have medical supplies, food, and other survivors with us at a camp not far from here."
When the blonde approached them, her companion addressing the new arrival, Magnus felt a sudden sense of tiredness. He was glad to have people to travel with but it didn't change the fact that he had to be weary of the three new faces. Clara seemed to trust them more than before, probably because they had appeared just as she had instructed them to. She was young though, she still had a delusion of hope that made her want to trust others. Even if the Shadow King didn't work with other humans that didn't mean that these people weren't cut-throats or raiders. For not he had to follow as closely to his granddaughter as possible, enough that he could jump to the rescue if needed. He just hoped his energy would hold out.

When she finally spoke, she gave them each a greetings before turning to Magnus to speak with a gleam of knowing in her eyes. He accepted her hand at the statement. "Indeed," Magnus replied with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Protecting them should be first priority, life or death." He held her eyes, conveying perfectly that he would do anything to keep his granddaughter safe even if it meant killing or dying himself. After a few seconds, and ensuring she understood, he released her hand just as the ginger turned toward them. He felt Clara's eyes on him after Skyre asked whether they were joining or not.

"I feel our best chance of survival is together." He stated, watching as Clara's eyes brightened even though she tried to remain passive. The journey to the camp was longer than Magnus had expected, he hadn't realized just how far his granddaughter had traveled during the time she was gone the day before. It was actually rather impressive, though the distance was a strain on him it didn't seem that way for the others. They were much younger than him though, he seemed to be the oldest survivor within the area as of the moment. Stumbling, Magnus braced himself for the fall but felt a hand catch him. Startling enough it seemed the blonde woman, Desiree, had been looming closer to him than he had originally thought and had been able to catch him. He gave her a nod in thanks before straightening himself and pulling back on his magic a bit more. By slowly dragging it back he hoped that the shadow dogs didn't notice and kept their distance.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

The camp that awaited them at the end of the journey wasn't very impressive, in fact it was rather sloppily put together. Clara noted the few people within the boundaries of the clearing and watched at Skyre at once went to address the woman by the fire. Desiree and Modrin also both entered the camp without much hesitation. It seemed that Clara was the only one that paused on the outskirts, glancing over her shoulder at her grandfather. He was catching his breath just inside the tree line, though as she watched him he straightened his shoulders and ventured into camp to place himself on the ground by the fire.

"Greetings." He said with a nod toward the woman, Clara trailing behind him to squat and hold her hands to the fire for warmth. She hadn't realized how much she had let her body temperature drop while traveling, usually she kept it toasty. Though she did it for various reasons the main one was largely for self defense. By heating her skin temperature, if anything touched or grabbed hold of her they would be burnt and at once let go. However, when her grandfather had instructed her not to use magic she had at once let the temperature fall back to a normal one.

"How many are you?" Clara asked, glancing at Skyre through the fire. "I hadn't realize there were so many survivors, when you said a group I imagined it would be three or four more people." She looked around at the camp, the mess off belonging set in separate areas and the footprints that had worn down the dirt in the area. She then looked at who was in the clearing, eying each person in turn and wondering who she could trust. She was studying the blonde also at the fire when she noticed the bow at her side, and nodded toward it. "Are you a good shot?"
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Rusar was taken a bit off guard at how accepting Skyre was, enough to assume she had caught the rabbit for the group. She brushed it off knowing that a good chunk would probably be eaten before the day was done if no one else hunted but she planed to at least keep half to cure and store for later in case food became scarce. She glanced up as the elder man and another girl sat by the fire as well and nodded in greeting akwardness coming back, especially since there wasn't much for her to do since all the prep work for the rabbits had been finished. She could possibly start crafting more arrows... one could not have too many of those. Before she decided on an action the girl spoke up. Rusar refocused her mind on the pair realizing she was being spoken to. She glanced down at her bow and smirked faintly. "I would like to think so." She answered.
"It wouldn't surprise me if they were being bogged down by trying to meet and greet with even more survivors, you know," Skyre mused with a grin, before turning properly to face them. "How have you all been whilst we've been away?" Skyre noticed that her injuries were somewhat healed, and wondered how, though decided not to press on it; he hadn't yet seen Ethan's medicinal techniques and also had missed Ari's healing the previous evening.

Then Clara spoke up, and having only heard her voice the previous evening, he span around to find the speaker. "There were eight of us last night, and nine this morning though there's already been new arrivals since. I'd imagine, with you and Modrin included... about fifteen, perhaps? I did say a sizeable group, but I suppose that's a vague term." He flashed her a grin, catching the eyes of a grinning Desiree, apparently filled up with happiness that'd spawned in from nowhere. She's quite changeable when it comes to moods, he thought, holding her glance for a little longer than normal, then giddily turning away. He still wasn't fully happy, but the company of so many others drowned out any negative thoughts he had held on their journey back.

Still, it was very nice to see her happy, he thought. Her face seemed to radiate light when she was smiling like that, and he couldn't help breaking into a proper grin upon sight of her. He got up and approched her, arms crossed once more. "Well, somebody's very suddenly happy," he pointed out.
Desiree waited with some impatience for Skyre to notice her. In the back of her mind, she really couldn't say why. Perhaps she was a bit jealous of the attention everyone was getting, including from Skyre? She mentally brushed that thought aside with mild disdain.

No, she decided, it wasn't that. It was the people. The camp was abuzz with action, even if a palpable mistrust of each other still lay thickly like an autumn fog. She watched Skyre as he tried his best to settle the newcomers in to the group. Acting as the new social butterfly, he scanned each person and even if he didn't speak with them, he at least made eye contact which was enough to let them know that they were welcome.

Finally, Desiree caught his gaze and he smiled back in return. He picked his way through the encampment and stood beside her. She looked up and shaded her eyes from the mid-day sun with her free hand; eyes that, even so shielded, caught the light and shimmered their dreamy bright blue color.

"Why shouldn't I be happy?" she replied with a sincere smile. "Can't you feel it in the air, Fly-boy? Can't you taste it?" She shut her eyes and brought down her hand as she took a deep breath in through her nose and slowly exhaled out through her lips. "Mmmmmm," she said with satisfaction.

With her face still absorbing the sun's warmth, and her eyes closed, she said, "There is hope here. Underneath all of the mistrust, the worry, the angst ... there is hope."

She opened her eyes. "Can't you taste it?" she asked again. "I can smell it, and I'm nowhere near the level of wind mage that you are, Skyre."

Desiree stood, leaving her quarterstaff lying on the ground, and faced Skyre. Before he could object, she gripped him in a quick, but fierce hug. Then, she held him at arm's length with a hand gripping each of his shoulders.

"That's all because of you," she explained. "You are the one bringing them hope."
"Fifteen..." Clara grumbled to herself in astonishment. She hadn't expected so many people to be able to gather in such a small section of Valia. Clara felt her head move from side to side in a slight shake of her head, stunned and yet grateful at the same time. It was a nice thought, having so many people to travel with now, she just hoped that her grandfather would be able to keep up. Everyone seemed much younger than him and already she knew he was having a hard time traveling. This was mostly due to his magic though, he hadn't said anything but the fact that Shadow Dogs hadn't attacked them let her know he was using his secondary magic to influence them somehow. She didn't understand his Nature magic, she could barely control her own fire magic despite the years of training she had. Clara had more training than most her age due to the fact that her grandfather had known a lot of Fire Mages that could teach her when she was younger. She was no master though, she was far from a master, but she had a degree of control over it that made her proud to be a fire mage.

She was stirred from her thoughts when Skyre stood and headed over to stand with Desiree a few spaces away. There relationship seemed to be rather good, the light in both their eyes made her think there was something more than just normal companionship taking place in their heads. So romance was actually possible in a world full of darkness? It was a nice thought, one she wanted to convey to her grandfather. He could see no good in the world anymore and she knew that he thought her always-look-up attitude was just her inexperience. It wasn't like that though, Clara knew that if there was even one more person out there then hope wasn't lost. Now look at them, fifteen more people had appeared within the span of 24 hours.

Her attention was pulled once more when the woman answered her question from before. "Amazing." Clara replied happily as she gave the woman a confident smile. "I just learned a month or two ago." Clara then held up her own bow with a little shrug of her shoulder. "I can hit but I'm far from great, I'd could use some pointers if you have the time." She didn't exactly trust anyone yet, they hadn't done anything to earn her trust, but Clara couldn't deny that she needed help. If this woman could help her hunt then Clara would sing to the gods of good luck.
"If you're talking about the rabbit, then yes, lovely smell, though I'm not embracing it to the extent you are," Skyre chuckled as she begun. But as she elaborated, Skyre found himself agreeing with her. In fact, that was the perfect word to describe them, hopeful. A bunch of survivors who, against all odds, believed they could continue living and still attain some kind of a purpose. He grinned wryly as he knew that despite everything, deep down in their hearts everybody in camp hoped that they would be able to defeat the Shadow King, and longed to exact some kind of revenge on him against all the odds. And at this rate, I think we might as well try, Skyre thought, before his wry smile flowered into a wry grin as he realised that he was being hopeful too.

"Yes, I can sense it, or smell it, or whatever," he blinked back to reality, "Surprisingly warming, isn't it?" Then without any prior indication he found himself being squeezed into a tight hug, a hug that was so sudden that he felt himself recieving rather than sharing. Blushing again, before he could remember how to move his arms around her, she had let go and was now holding his arms, a dumbstruck grin forming as she complimented him.

"That's very nice of you to say." But Skyre wouldn't believe it. What had he done so far that was different from the others? Fair enough, he had helped to guide them to camp, and volunteered to find Clara that morning. But had he been injured, somebody else would have done the same for him, surely? And had Clara jumped out at someone else they would have gone to her aid and he wouldn't have had any part in it at all. Circumstance has made me out like a hero, but I'm not, I'm no better than anybody else here. Skyre quickly glanced around camp, deep in thought for a split second. I owe these people my life, and this is a group effort, a team. There will be no heroes here. However, his grin lost its pensive edge as his eyes returned to Desiree. Though of course, circumstance is free to continue if it's gonna make her like me more.

He shook his head after a pause. "I appreciate your compliment, but I can't take it. We all share in a hope, and that is the hope of survival. I assure you I have very little part to play in that."
Desiree furrowed her brow briefly when Skyre said that he could sense what she was sensing. Had he truly tasted what she was tasting in the air around them, his response would not have been so ... half-hearted?

Still, her smile returned and she was glad to see him contemplating her remarks. She gently lay her hand on his cheek and said with a twinkle in her eye, "Stop being so modest; it isn't you." Then, she lightly slapped his cheek – not enough to sting or leave a mark, but enough for him to feel it.

"That's reality hitting you," Desiree continued. She was still smiling, but her eyes became a bit more serious. "Leave your modesty at the river, Skyre," she said with a nod of her head toward the trail. "There isn't any place for it here. Not here and not now. Things may be hopeful, but this is only the first day."

She fully released him, picked up her quarterstaff and surveyed the rest of the camp. "We need a plan. We cannot remain here, and we cannot drift from campsite to campsite with no purpose. Right now, these people trust you over just about anyone else. Take the reins, Skyre. We need a leader."

She returned her attention to Skyre and looked deep into his emerald eyes, "I will follow you," she said with true sincerity. "I will not undermine or question your leadership in front of the others. However, if I ever think that your leadership is flawed or is misguided by some external influence, then you and I will have a private talk until we are both satisfied."

Even though she didn't have the full training that Skyre had received, the command and confidence that she exuded was outright visible on her face and in her eyes. There was no doubt that she meant her words and was fully prepared to back them up, if necessary.
Ari was fine with not having the chance to respond to Skyre's question about her well-being. Really, she was. She figured he had kind of already guessed her state and she didn't want to express it truthfully anyways.

Besides, whatever he and Desiree were chatting about on the other side of the camp seemed plenty more important than what little Ari could contribute to any conversation. They were a cute little awkward couple, all smiley at each other (or so she assumed, as she could only see Desiree smiling brightly; Skyre's back was turned).

It looked as though the group would still have some introducing to do when everything settled down. Or perhaps everyone already knew each other and it was just Ari who was the stranger. Regardless, she would put off a formal introduction to anyone for as long as possible.
Ein watched as the lifeless looking girl sprung to life. He hadn't noticed that she was injured but now it had became apparent by the way she maneuvered and winced. He listened to the quiver in her voice as she demanded the allegiances of Ein and Rederik. Watching her hold the dagger to Rederik's face Ein showed no worry, or concern. He knew that this man was talented in his movements and even more so in the way he spoke. A man of few words, but his kindness and compassion was hardd to miss.

" We have a lot of food," Ein said lifting the hefty sized turkey to show to the girl, and to continue Rederik's thought. "We also have a medicine man and amateur healer at camp that may be able to take a look at your eye, " noticing the way the girl struggled at fully opening it.

He then turned, but before beginning to walk away Ein made one more comment, a joke of sorts, "Hopefully Lapis and Ari won't find more competition in having another girl around. " He snicked under his breath thinking about the animosity the girls showed towards the new blonde archer back at camp.
Skyre, once again, found himself on the recieving end of Desiree's affections; so maybe the kiss the previous night hadn't been just a spur-of-the-moment-oh-my-hero thing. His brow furrowed a little when the touch turned into a slap, but when it was apparent that it was just in jest he smiled back. Once again he wished that he was more upfront, and that he could bring himself to give her a sign of affection back in return. He found himself with a lot to say in reply - he still wouldn't face up to being an elavated figure - but from the short, sweet time he had known Desiree, he knew that she was very unlikely to concede to him, so he focussed again.

"I have a plan, actually, if everybody's willing to go along with it," he smiled a little more seriously, "though obviously I'm waiting until lunch to drop that bombshell. And obviously, a decision on leader must be a group decision." He hated the word, but nevertheless used it. "In any case, I'm really honoured that you value me so highly, perhaps beyond what I'm capable of showing. I only hope that I can live up to your expectations." He smile florished into a cheeky grin once more. "I'm surprised you'd support a leader who gets confused between the smell of hope and the smell of rabbit."
"Fifteen? How was a group like that supposed to move around with out drawing attention?" Rusar wondered silently, they could possibly just move in smaller group with a few to scout ahead. Her train of thought was broken by the girl. She nodded slightly, "I've been hunting since I was very young, It's an important skill to learn." She said feeling a bit more at ease. The more hunters with in the group the better as far as she was concerned. "From what I gatherer there are others in this group who hunt as well. Not sure if they use a bow though..."
Lapis sighed as more and more people just kept on piling in. 'When is it going to end!' she wondered, seeing as everyone was taking to the archer. She sat, un amused at all the people just surrounding the girl that had refused to open up to anyone till that guy came along. Now there was no peace in the camp to be found. She pulled her hair forward, letting the breeze gently push her hair around. To most, it was a nuisance, but to her, it was calming. She tried to relax under the shade of the tree and focus on the warmth to avoid getting mad over a stupid little bit of jealousy.
Modrin scuffed his feet and kicked some sand into the fire. Listening to all the hopeful yapping was far more depressing than he'd imagined possible. It was misplaced optimism at best and outright foolishness at worst. By the time he'd looked left he'd forgotten the faces on the right. So many names, so many different stories. Surely there was at least one Knight among them? Perhaps he could pick up a thing or two in this company which, he derived from Skyre's words, hadn't elected a leader yet.

"I am not sure what parts you lot are from but," his eyes shot downward. "The town I lived in was razed. Burnt. Scorched. Obliterated. Anyone who gets their hopes up now is an idiot. Are fourteen happy-go-lucky hunters, gatherers, farmers, magicians going to topple the Shadow King?" He flared his nostrils and sniggered. "How long do you think you'll last? How long do you think any of you will last? A second, maybe two?" Folding his hands behind his back, Modrin paced over towards the what had appeared to be a boy his age, maybe a year older, but turned out to be a small brown-haired girl. "You don't have any food do you?" his eyes fell to the teapot and cups. "What have you been doing? Drinking tea whilst the bloody Shadow King is hunting down the likes of us like rabid dogs?"

"You," he walked up to Skyre now, "you said I'd have to work hard here. What about them?" he nudged towards the rest of the group. "Unless they plan on drowning those hellhounds in tea, I don't see why-" He snapped his jaw shut, took a step back and crossed his arms again, eyeing each and every one of them. What a load of tossers.
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Lapis heard the mans outrage and stood from her spot beneath the tree. Several emotions took over her jealousy. The strongest one was anger and rage. She unsheathed her weapon that was so carefully placed at her side, and sharp enough to make noise when she unsheathed it. She stalked over to the man, holding her head high and keeping her head high. She pointed the tip of her sword underneath the guy's chin, she spoke with all the dignity and venom she could muster. "I don't know from what privileged place you came from, or what snooty ways they taught you, but you can never hurt these people. You may try, but you will fail. Because I am here to protect them. And trust me when I say this, no one here is useless. They have there weaknesses and strengths, but none of them are useless. And we were waiting for him" she said, pointing at Skyre. "Now, you know we all went though trouble in the fall. I watched as my family's bodies burned to a crisp inside my old house. I lived though the separation of me and my only remaining family member. And I know most of us have seen the same, but that doesn't give you the right to come here and call us dogs that are chasing there tails. So unless you want to behave like a dog that has a bark to big for his bite, I suggest you sit your but down and think for a bit." Lapis seethed her sword and returned to the tree, making the breeze kick up behind her, hoping he got the message.
If she had been in any better condition at that time, Ari would have most definitely fried the insolent boy. As it was, she briefly considered hurling her teacup at his boorish head. More likely than not, there was nothing important inside the mind of someone like that anyways. But she dismissed the idea. It wasn't worth it.

And yet, Ari couldn't help but admire his audacity. She thought for a moment what it was like from his perspective. He was young, after all. Young people always tended to think themselves the center of the universe. But he couldn't have that luxury anymore. He needed to learn that. Otherwise, the times would crush his spirit. He spoke as though he stood a better chance against the world than the entire group of warriors.

That was when Ari realized that he was only saying what she already thought --they stood no chance, she was better off alone. How silly it sounded from one that young! Yet was she any better just because of a few years' difference? She would have liked to think so, but after hearing it spoken so loudly, so aggressively, Aurelia realized what a fool she'd been. She was like this young man here -- unaware. Naïve. She smiled at this new revelation. It was something she needed to explain to the boy.

Figuring the best way to do it, Ari addressed the rude child: "Hey, kid," she said in an uncharacteristically sympathetic voice, "Come here a minute." She motioned for him to walk back over to where she sat.
Rusar heard the new comer start ranting and insulting everyone and quirked a brow. True the group was large and perhaps not everyone could fight, she had only know the group for a few hours but could tell everyone had their strengths and weaknesses. Before she could say one of the quick tempered girl drew her sword. "It would be wise not to insult those who have allowed you into their camp." She spoke up glaring over at the boy before looking back to the fire. She realized in the tension she had grabbed her bow and set it a side. Some habits were harder to break than others.
Naraya made her way to the tree where Ein stood at the base. She could tell by the commotion and the sound of his soft voice where Rederik was positioned. The color of her latest meal still matted the white fur around her lips, her tongue rolling over the taste on occasion as she strolled closer to Ein and his kill. The feline was rather large, her back at the height of Ein's hips. Her white fur was thick and longer than what was typically seen on big cats noting that her species likely derives from the Northern regions.

Her long snout upturned to take in the scene within in the branches of the thick oak. To gain the attention of her companion, she stretched upward on her hind legs and dug her claws into the bark before raking downward. She let out a short moan as Rederik did not immediately look at her. He had his hands held out beside him as he spoke to a stranger, but finally, he looked down at Naraya. The two did not speak, their eyes locked as she slid back on all fours. Rederik showed her no reason for concern. Finally, she turned away toward the campsite, giving the thawing turkey a sniff before continuing on.

It could be apparent that Rederik did not claim ownership of Naraya. She could come and go as she pleased, or even leave his side if she so desired. But the two had a mutual relationship that would never be regarded as man and pet between them. Naraya appeared to hold the desire to let Rederik know she wasn't leaving him forever, and it wasn't as tough for the two to communicate despite obvious barriers.

The camp was nearly a twenty minute walk, but Naraya eventually arrived. She knew Rederik and Ein wouldn't be far behind her. The feline peered around the group lazily, taking note of the tension and where it resonated. The girl, Lapis, had her sword out once again pointed at a boy. Naraya grumbled lowly and plopped down in the grass away from the commotion, a huff of air escaping her in exasperation.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the camp who appeared to be arguing, a young traveller gazed upon the growing camp through a set of pale gray eyes. She blinked slowly as she wrapped her black woolen shawl around her shoulders tightly, a weak attempt to mask her light tan skin against the green leaves of the tree in which she resided. Thoughts ran across her mind with every word that was said, simply reiterating her belief that social contacts would never be beneficial. Though she would admit that living on her own hadn't been exactly the easiest way of life, she was convinced it was the best one.

As she intently listened to the conversation below, it went unnoticed that her scythe had begun to slip from its hiding place on her back. Absorbed into the idea of surviving in a group as opposed to on her own, the scythe slipped from its leather home and clattered to the ground below. Her eyes opened wide as she gasped, quickly covering her mouth to stop the sudden noise. The scythe had clattered to the ground near a few of the members of the group, and Elsani's heart beat was sent into a panic, the loud noise resounding in her ears. She hoped that no one would notice, but the probability of no one noticing such a loud noise was about one to a million. Her mind was panicking, her thoughts jumbled, and everything seemed out of place as she attempted to formulate a plan.
Lapis suddenly snapped her head up to the bushes, peering at where the noise cam from. She drew her sword as she approached, the wind beginning to whip around behind her. The wind caused her hair to fly around her face, but she did not care. The wind ruffled the bushes, making the person standing behind the bushes reveal themselves. The person behind the bush had an olive complexion, long blond hair and dull grey eyes. 'Great. Another woman. Just perfect' She thought, showing no emotion on the outside. "Who are you and what do you want." Lapis said flatly.
Modrin froze as the cold steel forced his chin upward. That was one way to take it. Yet he knew she didn't have the guts to go any further. Not here, not now. Not in front of everyone else. Admittedly, he hadn't anticipated her move and made a mental note to tread more carefully next time. As swiftly as she'd unsheathed her tooth-picker, she retreated it again, but not before peppering him with a few more words of warning. He blew a few jet-black strands of hair from his forehead which glistened with sweat. His mind simply savored in the whooshing sound her threats made as they went by. He was about to unload his entire vocabulary of snarky remarks when the boy-looking-girl called him over.

Sending one final scowl at his interrogator, Modrin approached the small brunette. "What is it?" he asked with a mixture of curiosity and impatience. He noticed a small commotion to the side but the woman that had threatened him seemed the be on top of the matter. He imagined she was on top of many more matters too, then quickly forced the image out of his mind.

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