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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

Ethan had dozed off under the tree, the shade a bit calming and the silence peaceful. His dreams fell to the village and the chatter of the townsfolk. The rustling of nets and the sound of old wooden wheels turning in the dirt road with their load. It was a wonderful dream but quickly broke when he had heard the voice of Lapis yelling. At first he thought it was him once again who offended the girl but to his surprise she was now at the campfire talking to a child. "May the spirits have patience with her..." he thought with a smirk.

Slowly getting up Ethan had noted the party returning and from the looks with more then he had anticipated. As he dusted off his pants he felt the wind around him turn. At first he had thought the child angered Lapis again and was about to cause another scene, but instead the young woman's face was not towards the camp but away towards the bushes and trees. Moving the branches and trying to get a better view he saw yet another girl perched and in hiding. "I am starting to feel we are being herded with how many turn up..." his mind running around the idea. Carefully walking behind Lapis he sent the wisp up to greet the girl while he looked down at the wind mage "...careful Lapis we wouldn't want to startle our guest to much." as he picked up his cup cleaning the dirt that had blown in "...besides your still recovering and I would like it if you didn't overexert your magic."

The wisp hovered a bit keeping eye level of the stranger. Ethan had noted the others where still busy near the fire and found solice that at least it wasn't going to be a party of on lookers. "Miss?" he spoke looking up to her "...by chance have you been there long?" as he removed his hat letting his hair bathe in the sunlight "I am Ethan Faust" bowing his head a bit with a warm smile. He was sure Lapis would not approve but considering she was ready to fight, he was ready to talk, in such he laughed thinking how well it balanced this confrontation. Ethan noted a glimmer below the girl, an object that must of made the sound. He was unsure of what it was from the angle they where at. Still he kept his distance so not to alarm the girl and though he may not be able to stop Lapis at least be there to watch over this new found development.
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Elsani knew her presence couldn't be avoided at this point. She swiftly dropped from the tree, chuckling a bit as she received two opposite reactions from the members of what seemed to be a survival group. Before responding to any of their questions, Elsani's quick fingers snatched her fallen weapon, attaching it to her back once again. She opened her mouth and spoke slowly,

"It doesn't matter who I am." Elsani reached for her long cloak again, wrapping herself around it as if it would hide her once again. "I want nothing of.. " she thought for a moment, "Of whatever this arrangement is. I noticed the commotion and decided to drop by." Elsani's eyes shifted towards the man who called himself Ethan. "I hate to cut introductions so short, but I believe I must get going." With that, Elsani turned away, a dark aura following after her. In honesty, she wouldn't mind staying just to experiment with the group, but social accommodations were a waste of time to her.
Ethan felt disappointment but not everyone would so easily open themselves or join a camp of strangers. Putting his hand on his neck he shook his head then sighed. "Well least I wont need to explain this to Ari" chuckling a bit at what her reaction would have been. He looked to his wisp motioning it towards him but not before letting a small flicker break from it. The small light no bigger than a fire fly slowly followed the stranger while the remaining wisp hovered to his shoulder. It may not be big enough to view or speak with the stranger but at the very least it would allow him to track how far she wandered. Ethan was trusting but he wasn't going to let a stranger leave without keeping tabs of them. His only biggest concern was the distance, he hoped that the stranger would remain close.

Turning back to Lapis he smiled "Well guess we scared her away." as he walked back into the camp. The group was much larger now and from the child to the elder Ethan felt the variety of the group was spread thin. He worried about such a large group but felt that at the very least it would take more then a few wolves to hinder them now. Removing the bones now dried on the log he picked up the wooden bowl, a little smirk as he figured she wasn't a fan of the tea. Pouring out the remainder her began to crush the bones into a fine dust with a smooth rock from near by. He didn't want to impose more then he had to and felt introductions would come in time. His mind still wandering on the stranger but with the small little sprite of light following he knew she wasn't to far. The larger wisp just hovering above his shoulder seemed at peace and motionless.
Ari took her empty teacup into her hand. She stood, not as an intimidation tactic (partially because even this young man was the slightest bit taller than she), but because she wanted to meet his eyes. She wanted to let him know that they were equals in her perspective, despite all age and height differences. But, out of respect, she kept her distance to almost an arm's length.

Almost an arm's length. Her reason for this became apparent as she raised her empty teacup and whacked the young man over the head with it. The cup made a hollow clanging noise as it contacted his skull.

"I should hope that noise was the cup and not your head, but given your ignorant words, either would be a suitable agent." She said as the boy recovered from the blow. "Your town was decimated. Whose wasn't? Your relations are probably dead and if you don't do something, so are you. We are in the exact same position here, every one of us. Do NOT believe you are special because you've suffered." Ari spoke defiantly, tilting her chin up in contempt. "And if you would mind your manners, I'll explain to you why we think we can afford the luxury of enjoying even a single cup of tea that is now dented because of your dense head. You'd think that a stranger who came to us no doubt because he was in need would have more respect for those that could provide him food. But no. What you seek is vengeance, and we cannot provide you with it right now. Do not expect strangers to fulfill your every need or even your most basic needs if you cannot mind your own selfishness. How long do you think you're going to last, going on like this?" She ceased her rant, relaxing her shoulders a bit and returning to a calm façade.

Ari placed her hands on her hips. "And by the good late ruler of Valia, if we do live to take on the Shadow King, it certainly wouldn't be with someone who has just presented himself the way you have. Us, we may not be the fiercest of warriors, but the reason many of this group is alive is because we are a team. We cannot afford selfishness, but after taking on a hundred shadow hounds we can afford a morning of rest. But just one. Just one rest, one morning, one cup of tea." She raised the cup again, turning it over in her hand. "And when the day comes where we are finally unable to afford even hope, that is when you can doom yourself to an untimely death. Today is not that day. Realize this. I understand that you're worried about your fate, but you must take things one step at a time. The first step is acknowledging that you stand even less of a chance alone than with us, so you might as well make the most of it."

She bent down and poured a cup of tea from the almost empty pot. It was still warm. She handed the dented cup to Modrin. "If you still think yourself above enjoying a cup, you needn't drink it. I offer it simply as a token of our hospitality and, depending on the route you choose, the last hospitality you will ever receive."
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Desiree chuckled. "You mock me, Skyre," she said. "Can you truly not taste it in the air?" She gave him a quizzical look. "Even your magic has a certain ... taint about it; that's how I found your barrier down by the river."

She shook her head and smirked at the memory, then she waved it away with a casual hand. "That's neither here nor there, at the moment. From what I sense now, the group is in dire need of order."

Desiree laughed musically, "Oh, that's a riot. Me, talking about needing order. Stephen would trip over his jaw if he heard me say that!" She laughed, but a tinge of sadness crept its way forward and her mirth quickly dissolved as she became more serious.

"Look," she said as she casually placed her arm around his shoulder and indicated the camp with her quarterstaff in her other hand, "they have absolutely no direction. I think it's high time that you give them some, before they turn on each other." The last was said as she turned them in unison to look in the direction of the more agitated of the group.

Desiree spoke softly in his ear. "I have your back, fly-boy," she said with a hint of mischief in her tone. "Tell them your idea and let's get moving." She released her comrade's hold on him, stood back and crossed her arms as she waited for him to make his announcement. Her eyes were filled with confidence in him.
Skyre nodded along to Desiree's words, finding very little to say back. She was right of course though, and Skyre watched with a grin as her dialogue ebbed and flowed. There was somethig very fascinating about the erratic structure of her ourbursts, a sort of untamed rawness to them that made them highly entertaining to follow and made her even more attractive to him. And had she said she could snell his magic? That certainly stood for something, and he made a mental note to recap the entire conversation to himself on their next journey.

Turning with the intent of beginning to prepare dinner, Skyre was met by an angry youngster. Skyre was surprised at Modrin's outburst, but soon reminded himself of the boy's age; he was no doubt an emotional wreck. But there is truth in his words, which is why our intentions are only hopes rather than confident aspirations. We know there is little chance in success, and yet we press on. That is the beauty of survival. I swear I said that aloud moments ago; from his following of the topic he must've been eavesdropping so it's strange that he missed that. After his prior weakness though Skyre wasn't expecting that kind of aggression from him, and he made another note in his ever increasing mental notebook to keep a close eye on the boy.

Thankfully some of the others stepped in to scold him, and in their words Skyre was honoured by how supportive they were of one and other. Desiree was right; there is a true bonding in hope here. Even a girl he hadn't met before made sweeping statements in support of their party, which brought an admiring smile to his face. He would have to thank her shortly.

Somewhat reluctantly leaving Desiree's side, he approached the fire and, after conferring with Rusar, put the rabbits on the fire to cook. He watched from his cooking as another person appeared but shortly departed, finding himself too slow to try and persuade her to stay. Skyre wasn't the best of cooks, but Desiree's compliments had given him a confidence and energy boost, a boost that he exerted in tending to the meal. Soon a pleasant smell began to fill the camp; Skyre hoped that it would join people together further through a shared love of food.

Now it was his turn to be happy! Twisting the meat, he hummed tunefully to himself, his head swaying along with his internal tune. He quickly surveyed the area, giving a carefree grin to anybody watching in amusement. He noticed Rederik's wolf now at the edge of camp; no doubt they would return soon. They could have whatever they'd hunted for the evening meal. And so, behind the mask of his tune, Skyre began to plan out what he would say to the entire company come dinner time.
Rederik eventually climbed down from the tree. The interlude with the small woman was brief, but he felt Ein and his offer had left some sort of impression. They had everything a survivor in these times would long for, and they already seemed to have gathered even the most stubborn of loners. Whatever was necessary to survive often makes people expand past their comfort zones. It would be only natural.

Ein and Rederik headed back to the camp with the turkey in tow. It was likely they both hoped the girl would follow, but Rederik did not look back. They had a bit of a journey ahead, and the turkey required a fair bit of preparation before they could cook it. The turkey's head dangled limply from its round body as Ein carried it with seeming ease, the feathers ruffling with the breeze of his momentum.

The path back was serene and peaceful. Any wind that traveled through would rustle the leaves and cool their faces in the Spring heat, occasionally rocking a thin tree that would creak and sway as it gave into the unseen force. As they neared the end of their journey, Rederik watched as a stranger turned away, the blade of her weapon catching the light from the sun as a faint shadow seemingly followed after her ominously. Rederik quietly pointed over at the girl as she walked away from the clearing, hoping Ein noticed as well.

Entering the clearing, Rederik counted the numbers of those present finding they were even larger than before. The turkey should hopefully be enough for the crowd. "It appears we have missed much in our time away," Rederik stated calmly. He looked over at Naraya who had found a spot in the shade to sprawl out and take a nap. It appeared as though things were going somewhat well. Ari was speaking rather tersely to an unfamiliar boy on the other side of the treeline while Ethan talked with Lapis. Skyre and Desiree had returned and looked to be sharing a quiet moment of friendship. An old man and young woman were over near the fire speaking to the blonde. No one aside from the one that had left looked hostile or carried ill intent. It was likely a patrol would need to be set and organized on rotation to insure they were safer wherever they chose to rest. His eyes moved back to Skyre thoughtfully, noting the man's oddly compelling presence. He was a suitable leader, but with a group this size it was likely assignments were in order. Rederik felt it was likely the concept had already crossed the redhead's mind and so the thought passed through him.

The turkey needed preparation. He helped Ein lower it to the ground and began plucking the feathers from its skin. Naraya rose from her shady spot and sat next to him, her paw occasionally batting at a feather that had gotten loose from the forming pile beside him.
Desiree stood apace and watched as Skyre began to attend to the mid-day meal. The rabbits looked delectable! Her stomach winced at the mere sight of them.

She sat back down as before, legs crossed and quarterstaff resting across her right shoulder. Her focus remained on Skyre, not out of any true affection but for the belief in him that she had finally admitted. He is the one who will bind us, she thought. Everything depends on Skyre and I'll be damned if I'll let anyone hurt him.

Desiree thought back to the encounter with Modrin. Her mighty display of her art wasn't only for show; she sincerely meant that she would back Skyre up and she had fully intended to do so, even if it meant obliterating the boy who had startled them. Yes, there are still too few survivors, she thought, but she was willing to sacrifice that boy if it meant keeping Skyre from harm.

Decision made, she sat calmly and gave off an air of complete confidence. She honestly doubted that anyone in the group would actually try to hurt Skyre and even so, he had more support than he probably realized for his protection should such a thing actually occur. But Desiree knew that he had to take command and with that responsibility his protection would become more paramount.

She knew her limitations as well as the extent of her talent. She would be the last one standing between Skyre and whatever challenged him. Stephen would have liked that, she thought.
Ein glanced around camp as he continued to pluck the turkey's feathers from it's body. Checking each person out, one by one. The camp had grown quite significantly in less then 24 hours and Ein made the point to identify each person.

Skrye was the ginger haired man they had encountered at the hunters cabin. He was talking to Desiree by the fire. Desiree seemed to be shaping up to be his love interest of some form. She was the one Skrye had flown away with last night.

There was the three quiet men at camp, Vaelem and Jerrick, who Ein recalled introducing himself to, and a third unknown one.

There was Ari and Rederik of course, whom Ein had a reasonable bit of interaction with. Rederik helping him pluck, and Ari in a heated conversation with a young man, whom he did not recognize.

The old man and younger girl were obviously, to Ein anyway, the two Skrye had set out for that morning.

The man looked wise, and the girl seemed smitten with him. 'They must be related. '

Lapis, the young girl pulled from the river was speaking with Ethan, their medicine man. 'At least she's calm down, 'he thought to himself.

And last was the blonde archer girl, who just a fee hours ago had refused to introduce herself, but now appeared to fit in with the group.

By the time Ein had finished identifying all the folks around he and Rederik had finished their plucking job. He then walked over to Ari, who he borrowed a dagger from, carved off the turkey's head and neck, rang out some of the blood. And made his way to set the turkey to cook for lunch.
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He failed to comprehend half of what the girl was saying as low buzz resonated in his skull. But the wide range of expressions that accompanied her words told him enough. The urge to fight back was great, insurmountable almost, but he managed to restrain himself nevertheless. Soon enough, she would be on the receiving end. "Some company you are," he muttered. Knives and tea cups, not quite the warm welcome he'd hoped for, but then again, he'd strutted in with the elegance of a dancing brick.

Along with his pride, he swallowed another array of insults and retorts. At this point, she thought she had won, and every muscle on his face supported that assumption as he lowered his head and retreated a pace. He let her taste victory and push him back, further and further until...

Until he would exact his vengeance. At least she'd gotten that part right. "I am sorry," he said, rubbing his temple. He took the cup of tea and, through sheer force of will managed to appear grateful for having received it. "Thank you," he said, though he barely recognized himself in the voice that spoke. He turned his back on her and sipped his tea with a trembling hand. Eyes trying to find some cover before he'd let a crack ruin his delicately crafted mask.
Humming and cooking, Skyre noticed Rederik and Ein return, bringing a turkey with them. With a respectful nod, he helped the two prepare it, thanking them for their hunting help.

After a few more minutes, the meat was fully cooked, and once again finding himself plate-less, Skyre jovially decided on a creative solution. Carving the meat with one hand, he levitated each part of the meal in the air using wind magic to separate them. So for a good minute, there was the bizarre sight of floating meat in the middle of the camp. Then, when he had done, Skyre approached everybody in camp in turn, using his other hand to pick out the section of the meal that belonged to each person and give it to them. Remembering his discussion with Desiree that morning, Skyre had purposefully given her a larger piece, although it was barely noticeable; this in a way was a show of his thanks for her confidence in him.

Taking the last, and smallest, piece for himself, Skyre sat next to the other newcomer, a girl he hasn't been introduced to yet. "Hello," he smiled to Lapis, "I'm Skyre."
Lapis wondered over to where Ethan was. So far, he was the only one who was nice to her. She didn't want to seem clingy, but she had no other choice right now. Ari was preoccupied with the stupid boy that came in and insulted them, Ein had called her a fare share of nicknames today and did not care to hear anymore, the old man and young girl seemed to have a strong connection and where happy amongst themselves and no one else really favored her. But out of all the people, most of them where girls, which meant competing for guy's attention. It wasn't something that women do intentionally, it's just something natural. Every girl wants a man, however she had been previously forced to love a man which is why she is so hostile. She sat down next to Ethan as he crushed the bones, trying not to disturb his work. Lapis was fascinated, and quite exhausted. Using her magic had drained her significantly. She watched him work until Skyre sat down next to her. He bid his hellos and she bid hers. "My name's Lapis. I'm sure you've herd what happened this morning." Lapis replied in a joking tone.
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"Lapis," he smiled, "As a matter of fact, I have not so far, no, though from that tone I'm sure you'll elaborate now." He glanced across at Clara and Magnus, who he hadn't had a chance to speak with since their arrival at camp. They seemed pre-occupied a little so he had decided to leave them for now. Taking a big but polite bite out of the succulent meat, he waited for her response, his eyes still occasionally darting around camp to peek at Desiree.
Rederik thanked Skyre for his help in preparation of the turkey, and thanked Ein once again for acquiring such a feast. It had been since Autumn that he had the chance to taste such a meat, and enjoyed the flavor as he made his way over to the fire where the strangers were set. He nodded to Rusar, taking note of her bow resting beside her. He had never seen a bow crafted to incorporate runes before, and his interest peaked.

"Your bow is lovely," he said quietly. For some reason he felt as though he should retreat, and he looked over at the old man and the girl with short brown hair.
The young boy had left with the tea. Ari could only hope that he'd taken at least some of what she said to heart, but it was in her nature to believe otherwise. Just as it was in the nature of those as young as him to believe they knew best.

Ari lowered herself back into her spot, unable to bring herself to believe that she had achieved something with her lecture. The only thought running in her head was Way to go, you messed up again. Another good first impression lost because she could not even pretend to be nice. Ari had set out to talk to the young man with every good intention, but she feared that didn't come across. Offering help or advice was certainly not the stage she was meant to perform on. Really, anything that had to do with talking or social interaction wasn't, to be perfectly honest.

As the boy (who she had also neglected to ask a name for, go figure) walked off with the cup she had hit him with, Ari suffered a pang of remorse. Hitting him felt good at the time, it felt right. He deserved it...didn't he? Could she really blame him for being so young and green? Maybe he wasn't ready to accept truth and hope like she had, heavens knew it took her a while to get there. What right did she have to force him to see something he might not be able to?

Watching Skyre introduce himself to the company, Ari could only think about how incapable she was. It was so natural for Skyre; he was a people person beyond all doubt. As for her, she'd managed to screw up a total of three introductions today. There was Lapis, who she saved. That should have been a good impression in itself, but Ari had messed up even that with her callousness. And then Rusar. She'd accosted Rusar with wary precautions and distrust. Add to that the cake topper, her most recent encounter with the young man. By far and long, it was her worst yet. She would most certainly hate to be greeted with a metal teacup and a lecture. Ari had made enemies today where there should have been friends. She should have kept her mouth shut.
"Well, I was attempting to fish upstream," Lapis explained," And I dared not use my blade, so I carved the end of a stick into a point and tried to fish by standing on a slippery rock in the middle of the stream. Naturally, being accustom to a blade, I missed and fell in. The water was so cold, I ended up inhaling water and passing out. My body floated down stream and Ari spotted me. She fished me out of the water and woke me up. I tried to find my stuff, but ended up passing out again. I woke up by the fire and I began to blow on the fire out of boredom. Then the man who had saved me from face planting when I passed out again, Ein, came back with my blade and kimono. Being from a family in which most of the members thought I was to be traded for money, calling me a little miss just reminded me of my past. I got a little carried away when expressing my anger, I guess."
"Sounds like you've had quite the adventure," he smiled, wondering what she had meant about her family. "We'll, I hope you were welcomed warmly by the company in our absence." Unable to sit still, Skyre went over to Rederik and Ein, who he hadn't conversed with properly since their return, and who were situated conveniently opposite Desiree. "Happy hunting?" he said, kneeling down beside them. "Thanks once again for helping with the food. Anything eventful happen on your travels?"
Lapis when back to watching Ethan work. He seemed so sure of himself and he went out of his way to make others welcome. She thought that it was nice of him to talk to her when she had been nothing short of a angry female. She liked that he could find good things in the bad. She wanted to know more about him. But she did not want to intrude on his life. People already fled from her sight due to her attitude, yet she wondered why this man did not. She thought, and thought, and thought, but she could not come to a conclusion. She decided to rest her tired brain and lie down. She enjoyed the small breeze that always seemed to follow her around and soon fell asleep with the soft wind.
Rederik looked up from the bow at the sound of Skyre's voice. The redhead was making his rounds, and it proved a good opportunity to check with him. "We ran into a girl about twenty minutes from here," he stated as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. While he enjoyed the company of others, the time in which they were defined as strangers was always an awkward phase for him. "She was nervous. I felt it best to give her space. Ein and I told her of our camp. I hope that is alright with you."

Crimson eyes scanned the camp to take in the numbers once again. Each face showed signs of struggle and weariness from events passed and a history that brought a few to seclusion amid the bustle. "I was wondering, Skyre," he continued, his eyes still observing everyone around him. "Well, we have a good many people here. Is there a plan for how we will continue, or if we will continue as a whole?"
Modrin silently accepted the meat that Skyre was handing out. But no matter how well-cooked it was, it tasted bitter in his mouth. Three times he'd been threatened now. First the blonde wind witch , then the enraged huntress, and finally the girl with the short hair. He wished he could go out there and meet with Laelaps, the great hound and his only companion on his journey. He sat down against a tree and cleaned the soil with his boot. He'd always thought his journey would've been the hardest part, but being with these mostly insufferable people was quite the challenge. Even more so because they did get along, most of the time, among each other. He couldn't stand watching share their food like they were the bloody brotherhood of menkind, he'd never had that. Part of him longed to enter their community, but a much larger part wished to see it gone. Stabbing his dagger mindlessly into the soil he waited for nightfall to come. Then, at least, he could visit Laelaps and feel the hound's cold fur again.
Ethan finished turning the bones into a fine powder when Skyre had offered some of the meat for the meal. Not being rude he took the portion and cut a small piece to chew. It had been awhile since Ethan got to enjoy meat, always use to vegetation and the occasional jars that fermented in his teachers shack. Wanting to toss a few potatoes into the fire he thought best not to try and conserve what they had. Noting the hunter did not use the salt sack he returned it to the bag as well as pouring the bone powder into a small pouch and tying it with a lace of cloth.

Taking another piece with his dagger he smiled tossing it to Naraya who was enjoying the feathers of the turkey. Ethan enjoyed the company of animals and found them honest in their emotions. Walking back to the fire he was glad to see Lapis was enjoying herself and had begun to open up more with the individuals around her. His thoughts fell to Skyre who seemed to draw people's attention. When Skyre departed his company to speak with Rederick and Ein it left Ethan to wonder what was their goal now. Picking up the now empty kettle he felt it best to at least clean the bowl and pot.

His gaze turned back towards where the stranger had vanished, only able to feel the presence of the small sprite light that follows her Ethan hoped the lass was safe. A bit taken back that how easy hunters and such could survive in the wild it was uncommon for him to think anyone would chose to be alone then with a merry bunch like this. Still he fret not as anyone was open to their choices including himself. As he walked towards the river he noted Ari was back near her tree still taking into her privacy. The wisp on his shoulder did a swoop to catch her attention before returning to his shoulder. He smiled giving her a wave with the kettle in his hand. A little chuckle as he recalled that he would need to take better care not to let go of the tea pot again for fear he would get scolded by the young woman.

Reaching the bank of the river Ethan began to clean the bowl clearing the small bits of bone that refused to leave it. The wood bowl clang to the rag as he dried it, the white stains gone. Using both his hands he kept the kettle submerges before pulling it back out to drain. The smell of herbs still came off strong as the bottom of the kettle had left a dark ring from the tea before. Scrubbing hard and drying the pot he smiled, though it had a few dings and the handle was slightly misshapen it was still a good kettle and he couldn't wait to use again when he found more leaves.

After ringing the cloth rag Ethan made his walk back to the camp. Sitting on the log he looked to the hunter who seemed more easily approachable now "So the hours have passed and still you remain, I am glad you feel at ease around us." as he picked up his dagger to cut off another piece of his share. The wisp floated around him then hovered over the now sleeping Lapis. "This peace...I wonder how long it will last." as he let the last piece of meat enter his mouth, its salty flavor slowly melting away as he swallowed it. He looked to his satchel and the emblem of his teacher. Tracing it with his fingers he could only smile and think "Don't worry old man I'll find you and you can join this unique group of misfits."

Noting the new arrivals across from him he looked to the elder man. "It is nice to see that it is not just the youth who survived." as he tipped his hat in respect "Are you well sir?" as Ethan cleaned and put away his dagger. The elder man didn't look like his teacher but the fact he was alive gave Ethan hope for his master. Unsure how this wilderness has taken its tole on the man though was a different matter. As with the others he wanted to ensure if there was any injuries that needed to be treated and provide the hospitality that was shown to him.
"Well, it was your decision, why would it need to be alright with me?" Skyre smiled. Yet another survivor, and yet another person to cater for. He began to wonder how many people they would come across now; surely they had pretty much milked the area free of survivors? "In any case, I'm sure she'll find her way to us eventually. And for a plan, well, yes."

At this point, the meal was almost finished. Standing up, Skyre called attention to himself and prepared to make his announcement. "So, there's quite a lt of us now and obviously we need to have some kind of purpose in out travels. We can't just sit here and do nothing, we have to press on, and thus we need a goal. So I was thinking that we should travel north east to try and reach Aliak. There, we can at least assess what the Shadow King is doing and attempt something proactive. At the moment we'd be pretty much guaranteed to lose a fight against him, but if it came to that at least we'd die in honour rather than being ripped to shreds out here, or starving to death."

"So I was just thinking that we could move east together for now. I know a large group is likely to catch the attention of enemy forces, but it also gives us more protection, and I think we should stick together if only for today. So, if everybody is fine, I'd just like to propose that we head east after this meal. Thanks."

Skyre sat down, and waited for the response of the others. He imagined that a few would disagree, but hoped a majority would keep them together. Now thinking, he was already beginning to envision a route through the memorised maps of his brain.


LOCKED POSTING is now Semi-Active

(RPers may finish lunchtime interactions, including an essential post in response to Skyre, but go no further)
Desiree accepted her fare with both exuberance and disappointment. It was still nowhere near enough for her; she would have to find some real food and soon. She smiled at Skyre when he handed her the plate and once his back was turned she consumed it as if it were her last meal.

She watched as he made the rounds and checked on the other survivors that had found their way to the encampment in their absence. He easily drifted from person to person or group to group and found something kind to say to everyone. Desiree grinned because she knew that her trust in him as their leader was not placed in vain.

Curiously, the woman with the short-cut hair approached Modrin and smote him smartly on his head with a metal teacup. This amused Desiree as the whelp had been really asking for it ever since she met him. Good for her, she thought. It's about time she spoke up.

She watched as the woman lectured Modrin and then returned to her place at the edge of the camp. Undaunted, Desiree stood and meandered across to where the woman sat.

Desiree crouched down next to her as she used her quarterstaff for balance. She easily noticed the trepidation in the woman's face so she smiled comfortably and tried to put her at ease.

"Hey," she started. "Good for you." She nodded toward Modrin. "He needed some sense knocked into him." Desiree laughed lightly and hoped that it would prove infectious.

"I'm Desiree," she continued, "and I wanted you to know that I heard what you told the kid there and that I really appreciated your words. Times are brutal and sometimes the brutal truth needs to be said and you didn't shy away from that."

"I'd ask you your story, but I know that you don't want to tell it," Desiree said in a lower voice, "and that's ok. Since the Fall, we've all endured what no one should ever endure."

"But," she added as she turned her bright blue eyes to the woman and gave her a conspirators' grin, "we are all stronger for it, aren't we?"

She saw Skyre move to the general center of the campsite and call for everyone's attention. Desiree knew that this was his time to make his move, so she nodded to the woman and moved to stand behind and to the left of Skyre.

Now it comes, she thought and she gripped her quarterstaff a bit tighter.
Before Ethan could check on the new survivors condition Skyre had spoke up so all could hear him. Ethan hid his face a bit listening to the young red haired man. His talks of moving north east and his lead to objectifying the King of Shadows. It was a death wish for sure and for what a noble cause, act of revenge, justice. Words that hero's live by and legends are made, but hero's don't live forever and legends never end happily. Still the thought that they where moving east was an offer he couldn't deny, it was a chance to search for his teacher, and once found what then...?

The old king gave them an every lasting peace yet failed when it mattered most. The stories of the Shadow King's constant resurrection seemed like a vicious cycle that could not be stopped. Of course Ethan was eager to give back his hate ten fold for his family, but he seen what the destruction its army could do. The carnage they spread is without measure and yet a band of misfits seek to oppose that. "Was that his goal all along..." he thought to himself looking over the eager man.

Still he looked at the group and at their eyes. He felt they had the same thoughts running in their heads as well. Their own goals and purpose to live. In the end the single conclusion was simple, where could you run to when the world is completely in darkness. Standing up he threw his cloak around him, straightening his hat he motioned his wisp to hover his shoulder. "I am no warrior, and like me many here have seen the stain of death..." as he looked towards Ari and Desiree, then down to Lapis "What you ask for is an army but I do not see that here." as he raised his hand, the wisp slowly falling to his palm. "What can we misfits of this land do that the armies of Valia could not?" the brim of his hat hiding his eyes "I have seen what nightmares the Shadow King can do." hearing the screams of his village echo from the wisp as it shook violently between his fingers. For a moment it seemed like Ethan's hatred was almost visible before the screams stopped and the wisp calmed back to a quite pulse.

Ethan lifted his hat, his eyes a bit watered. "Still..." as he looked to Rederick "I made a promise didn't I?" as he took a cloth from his pocket and blew into it. "I said I would aid your wounded and treat them, would hate for my work to be wasted." as he walked towards Skyre patting his shoulder in agreement. Though quietly he whispered to him "Can your false hope bare the cost when it comes though." his face showing Skyre a warning and worry for the future unknown. Breaking from his eyes he returned to the log, lowering his hat as his fingers traced his satchel once more.
Ari simply shrugged when Desiree justified her abuse towards the boy. She felt a tad better about her actions, having heard another perspective, but she still felt that she had wronged the young man. Desiree made a good point, though. Times were brutal. Maybe she'd have to be aware of some angsty animosity from Modrin in the near future, but in the meanwhile at least one stranger didn't hate her.

She had to admit, she'd misjudged Skyre's lovebird. Of course, Ari had a tendency to do that with everyone. She always assumed the worst in people. Even now, after such a jovial (albeit quick) interaction, Ari was inclined to think that this woman was just a tad too maternally friendly. But it was unfair of her to think that and she knew it. Desiree was simply doing her best. They all were.

And what she said was true. Ari didn't want to share her story, she didn't want to share any personal details with anyone. But she figured that if this woman --who was now walking off to hear Skyre's address-- had cared enough to come talk to her, Ari could at least share her name.

She approached the campfire where the general assembly was. Standing a bit to Desiree's left, Ari listened to what Skyre proposed. As he addressed the group, she spoke quietly to Desiree. "...Ari, by the way." Ari said loud enough for only Desiree's ears. "That's my name."

Skyre finished his proposal and sat in wait for replies. Ari pondered his words for a moment, thinking about the state of Aliak when she last saw it. It was about two weeks ago; she had passed it upon fleeing from the university. She remembered that day well, as Aliak had been her destination since being instructed to run. Ari expected to find some refugees on the outskirts, maybe some of the royal military organizing a counterstrike, perhaps her parents among the lost and ruined. Something to give her hope. Instead, the surrounding area was akin to a wasteland --there was not a living soul in it. Ari had wanted to approach the capital to confirm her suspicions, but her better instincts advised her not to. She knew that it was nothing but shadow creatures within the city walls.

Ari waited for someone to speak up about this minor flaw in the plan. She thought that someone other than her had seen the capital in recent times. There had to be someone who could either confirm or deny her suspicions.

Ethan voiced his well-reasoned opinion. Nobody else said anything about the state of Aliak. Ari sighed, knowing she had to be the one to break the news.

"Skyre, have you seen the capital recently? As far as I know, it's overrun with shadow creatures. We have a good number of survivors here, but you can bet your fiery hair that the Shadow King will have kept his best forces close at hand." She lowered herself to a seated position. "We're not ready."

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