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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Hak couldn't help but grin. She was intelligent. A bad sign for him at the moment. Then, it happened. 'How DID I get here?' Hak had no answer to that question whatsoever. Even so, he thought for a moment. Which of course, did'nt last very long, for she commanded him to do something to test his liability. 'Well aren't you an observant one.' Hak was still very much silent. He wasn't sure how he would manage, but he had no other choice.After all, he was an honest person. "Can't do that."
Aaren eventually reached a waterfall, where she found the source of the voices. A boy and a girl. Aaren put on her goggles to get a closer look. The girl was pointing to a rock, it seemed. Aaren bit her lip, contemplating on whether to talk to them or not. She wasn't the most social person in the world, nether was she very sure about the two. Then she saw the boy's weapon. Time to leave.... She backed up slowly, not wanting to be noticed. She stepped on a twig, ironically, creating a loud snap. She froze, startled by the sudden sound.

(Hope you don't mind)
Raising her eyebrows slightly at the silence, she moves slightly closer just in case he actually tried to move and fell. "And why exactly can't you do that?" Adilia asked a satisfactory grin slowly creeping onto her face. Biting her lip to keep her smile to a minimum, hearing a twig snap she jumped slightly turning towards the source she used X-Ray vision to see a girl.
Aaren's heart sank when the girl seemed to spot her. I guess I'll have to talk now. Here goes nothing. She walked out into the open with her hands up as a gesture of peace, ignoring every instinct screaming at her to dart back into the trees and to the clearing she spotted earlier.
'Why did she have to get so close-' Hak shut his gaze away from sight with his eyelids, just as the snapping of a twig was heard a few feet away. Saved by the snap. Blowing out his obliviously held breath, Hak parted his gaze halfway to view the surrendering girl. 'What's with all the girls?' Hak was growing increasingly uncomfortable by the increasing number of girls. He never had experience, to his very little current knowledge. Even so, he answer to Adilia. "Because I would fall on my face."
"Exactly." Adilia told the guy flashing him a grim, before turning fully towards the girl, "Hello." Adilia said staying in her spot analyzing the girl cautiously, unsure of who she was and why there were so many appearing today. Bending down she picked up her knapsack, lifting her head to look up at the girl she straightened slowly.
Aaren frowned at the boy. He seems a little uncomfortable. She took a deep breath, but didn't say anything. All she wanted to do was to run back to where she came from. She cursed herself for not running when she had the chance. What am I doing? I don't even know these people! And what if they're the reason I'm here? Heck, I don't even know anything before this blasted island! She waved awkwardly at the two.
'Wow, she looks a little young. I hate the government, most of us are kids and now we have to survive on our own.' A small frown appeared on Adilias face as she let her mind drift off into her thoughts. Snapping out of it at the slight movement she sees the girl wave, "I'm Adilia and this is..." Realizing she didn't know his name she continued on hoping he would fill in the blank.
Hak hadn't been paying either one of them much attention, for he had been occupying himself with attempting to place the top half of his clothing back on. His hair was still damp, but it gained volume as well as motion. Still, the strands refused to sway anywhere else but his face. Soon enough, his gaze arose to look at the two girls, who seemed to be staring at him. In response, he froze, having his arms tangled in his clothing, no longer bothering to hide his wound. 'Why are they looking at me like that? I didn't do anything' Raising his brow, Hak continued to stare, frozen, and in absolute silence before asking. "What?"

Aaren shrugged in response to the boy, glancing at the wound for a second. "I'm Aaren. It's nice to meet you two," she said, looking to the ground, clasping her hands behind her back. She felt extremely out of place here. I'll go back to the clearing later, after this conversation is over, she decided.
Her eyes sparkled in amusement, "What is your name?" Adilia asked watching

Him struggle with his shirt she realized it was probably weird for two people to just stare at him. Averting her gaze back to the girl she bites her lip, 'He always seems to space out.' She thought, her eyes flickered to the girl, "It's nice to meet you too, Aaren."
'Aaren? Why did she- Ohhhh.' Hak released a small, almost inaudible grunt as he finally pulled his arms through his sleeves and straightened his posture. Introductions. Perhaps he needed to pay more attention. He was no longer what one would call a 'lone wolf' now that these girls were here. Both girl's were fairly attractive, mainly the one who seemed to test him. Which both bothered him, but also amused him. "Hak, not ham. I already have yours, Adilia."
Aaren nodded when Adilia addressed her. She kept staring at the ground, counting the pebbles she saw. Would they know why I'm here? Are they like me? What happened to Hak? About a thousand more questions ran through her head without any answers. "You might need to get your wound checked out, Hak," she said, about a second later regretting having said anything.
"Oh, I was wondering why that girl was calling you ham." Adilia mumbled, "See, even Aaren agrees that your wound needs to be checked out." She stated putting her hands on her hips, "Now sit back down and let me help you." She told Hak hoping he would listen this time, 'Why won't he let me help?' Adilia asked herself raising her hand to her mouth she bit her finger softly in thought.
'Oh perfect. Two against one.' It was inevitable. He was going to have to eventually examine it himself. Even so, he didn't want to be- Well, he wouldn't mind having her for a nurse. In fact she'd be a really c- No. It's only a scratch, he didn't believe it to be truly relevant. Still, he couldn't turn her down. Not with the face she was making towards him. Speaking of which, where did the other girl get ham from? How did his name even sound like ham? Blowing his breath, Hak reluctantly shrunk down and settled on the ground, still leaning against the tree. "You're a demanding one."
Aaren backed up a couple of steps, wondering if she should leave. Judging on the direction this is going, I am not needed here. But it still bothered her. They were the only people she had met here, and may be the only humanoid beings here. She tapped random words in Morse Code with her foot, contemplating the matter.
Smiling triumphantly she slipped off her bag and once again dug through it looking for her first aid kit. Kneeling she looked up at Hak, "And you're a thoughtful one."

Glancing over at Aaren she felt her cheeks become slightly hot, "If you want I can help you meet other people." Adilia offered after seeing how uncomfortable she looked. Looking down she opened up the kit while she waited for a reply. Scanning over her supplies she took out disinfectant.

@kamikazeweaboo21 @Mashiro Shiina
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Hak nodded most approvingly. His gaze was becoming lazy, even as he watched Adilia shuffle through her bag. 'Curses~' Hak grit his teeth and shook his head. 'No. None of that. Find out where you are first.' Though, his attention soon shifted towards Aaren, who clearly seemed afraid of something. Also, she was tapping her foot, thoughtfully. He didn't feel the need to speak, but thought for it regardless. After all, with being alone for as long as he was, he had an almost clear idea of how she had to feel at the moment. "Or you could hang around."
Aaren looked up at the two in surprise, her foot pausing midway through a tap.

"There are others here? It's not just us?" She asked Adilia. She also thought of Hak's offer. Not be alone, like you're used to? She thought. Well, it is a nice offer... after all, it's about time I start making some friends, since I might be here for a while. "And hanging around sounds nice," she said to Hak.
Leon awoke from his slumber, smelling meat. He blinked and his eyes widened as he looked at the meat that was cooking on the rocks. He rushed over and flipped each slice, seeing that they were cooked to perfection. "Wow... Just my luck." Leon laughed softly, his eyes half open from his just waking up. He yawned, "Did I fall asleep?" He mumbled, groaning as he stretched.

"Yep. It's not just us, there are atleast 5 others here and it seems to me more are getting dropped off." Finishing her sentence she frowned, 'Why are so any getting dropped off? You would think the government would do a better job at collecting and dropping them off.' Staring at the first aid kit she nodded, "Yeah, it would be nice if you stayed, the more people the better." Adilia shook her mind of those thoughts, she looked over at Aaren and smiled. Turning her attention back to the task at hand she sat in silence for a moment preparing herself, "Hak uh...you kind of need to take your shirt back off."
"Just a small nap.." Raz yawned, running a hand through her hair, "I'm going to go wash up before dinner." She groaned as she stretched, there's a river-stream a little ways over that I can feel." She gestured to the woods that began to grow dark as the sun was sinking fast, by now it was late evening. Starting to walk in the direction she called over her shoulder"Don't worry, I'll be careful." A small smile phasing over her tired face.

@The Master
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Hak only kept his response simple to Aaren. A nod of his head. Silence consumed his being while Adilia spoke to Aaren, leaving Hak to rest his gaze upon his chest. It no longer pained him as much as it had before, but it still irritated him. He didn't enjoy depending on anyone else, especially not a girl. Still, one mans pride had to be pushed aside sooner or later. Then, in the midst of his aimless silence, he was addressed. 'Take my shirt off? Why did I even put it back on?' Shifting his weight, Hak slipped his hands out from within the sleeves, allowing the top half to fall and pool at his sides. "Don't be too rough."
Instead of replying to what Hak said she continued to grad out a couple more supplies. Opening up the disinfectant she poured some onto a cotton ball, cleaning around the wound she started dabbing directly onto the shallow cut. "This isn't too bad just need to put some antibiotic ointment on it and that's it." She told Hak as she put some onto the wound, she slowly spreads it over the entire cut.
Aaren listened closely as Adilia spoke to her, but she was still a little confused. She returned the smile and said, "What do you mean by 'dropped off?'" She turned around to give Hak privacy when the time came. She didn't want to make the task awkward.

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