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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Dxni said:
Walking through a log Adilia turned around and continued walking backwards. Making sure they were both alive and walking she flashed them both a smile, "We are almost there." She happily told them before turning back around, 'Gosh, this is so different' Before she was on the island she usually just checked up on people, not live with them. Biting her lip anxiously she continues walking, 'They seem nice...and the guy-no stop it Adilia your here to survive.'
Amaya turns into a wolf and says "I can help hunt!" She then wolfishly smiles as she sniffs the ground while she waits if someone wants her help.

@Dxni @Mashiro Shiina
Raz woke almost immediately, her eyes wide as she put a icy palm on his head, feeling the skin slick with sweat she frowned. Concerned mother mode activated she shook his shoulders in attempts of waking him, with no response she bit her lip before her mind wandered to the cheesy 'wake them with a kiss' though she didn't know how he would react she thought it was worth a try. Leaning down she cupped his cheek in her hand before pressing her lips lightly to his forehead, proceeding to move down to his lips her mind still cluttered with sleep and worry.
In Leon's mind and nightmare, time began to slow down before the horrible scene cut to a cool summer day at his house with his mom. He was ten at the time and he had fallen down, cutting his leg. Raz kissing his forehead caused the memory to come back into his mind. Leon's mom smiled at him after cleaning his cut. She spoke words of comfort to Leon but he couldn't hear her. Just as his mom kissed him gently Leon woke to Raz kissing him. He blinked and pulled away gently after a few seconds. Sitting up and panting he looked around. "...." It took a few seconds but he sighed deeply, remembering where he was and what was going on. Leon lied back down, still huffing lightly, his heart racing.

Raz bit her lip, remaining sitting on her edge of the bed, her legs crossed as she now faced the forest, her bright blue pupil-less eyes seeming to glow as she looked up at the stars. Though she couldn't see them she still imagined them, the way she imagined the wind was a person, and the rain a compassionate friend. She pulled her knees to her chest as the wind graced by, dancing like an energetic child.

@The Master
Looking at the girl turn into the wolf she nodded slightly, "Sure, if you want." Adilia told the girl, now wolf, returning her gaze forward she continued walking skimming her fingertips softly against the harsh bark of all the trees. 'I should probably go visit the beach and see if there are any newcomers.' Adilia was planning to go after everyone was settled and was fed. 'I might return.' Biting her lip she played with the hem of her simple and short black dress.

@Am2aM @Mashiro Shiina @kamikazeweaboo21
Leon smiled at Raz and nudged her gently, "Lets get back to sleep." He mumbled. Leon put his hand on her back and waited for her to lie back down. Leon was on his back, looking up at the stars for the first time in years. He stared at them with an odd interest. They were much clearer here than in any city.

Aaren was a little surprised at the girl's transformation. So it's supernatural powers, then. She shrugged when the girl-turned-wolf asked what they should hunt. She let her thoughts wander. I don't think I'll be very useful, fighting-wise, until nightfall, when I can use my powers. But by then everyone will probably be asleep. She leaned against a tree, her arms folded, looking at the bit of sky she could see through the leaves.

@Dxni @Am2aM @Mashiro Shiina
Hak was silent throughout the entire trip. He was ready to depart, even without getting food first. Even so, his top priority was to get all three of the girls to safety, before even taking the slightest step in the opposite direction. How did it come to him even caring? He could only blame Adilia. As beau~ No. Nope. None of that. Gritting his teeth subconsciously, Hak forced his gaze off to the side and his head tilted skyward.
Amaya watched Hak for a moment. 'I wonder what's wrong with him?' She then starts sniffing the ground again..... 'Nothing, nothing, and no-' she started to run off to get something she smelled.
Raz lay back on his arm, pressing herself against his chest. "What does it look like? I mean.. Nobody can describe it. But do you think you could give it a shot?" She murmured against his chest, her eyes now closed as though she were sleeping though she was far from it at this point, having her scare and her moment of curiosity followed by depressed resignation push it from her mind for the time being.
"Like the brightest most brilliant fireflies you could ever see. The stars are very unique, so describing them isn't an easy thing." Leon kissed her forehead, hugging Raz close. Leon began to hum a lullaby his mom had sung to him when he was younger. He continued to hum it to help soothe Raz. Leon could sense a lot of mixed feelings stirring inside of her.

Alex didn't remember much. He remembered two men coming through his front door, his dad yelling at him, his mother watching silently as they tried to grab him. He remembered trying to run but not being able to escape even with his powers. He remembered blackness. Now his head started to clear and sensations flooded his body. He felt warmth, and heard waves. He moved his hand and felt the ground move... sand. He was on a beach. Alex lifted himself up and sat there looking around. An island, or at least a peninsula. He still wore his hoodie and jeans. Slowly, without straining himself he stood up and got a better look. He didn't see anybody so he called out, hoping against hope that he wasn't alone. "Hello, anyone there?" He called. "If you can hear me, I'm lost! I don't know where I am, anyone out there?" nobody responded so he wandered down the shoreline, desperately calling out to anyone who might hear him.
"We're here!" Adilia announced excitedly before disappearing from site into the small clearing. Standing in the middle of the clearing she stared up at the sky, "It's getting dark," Adilia mumbled, "Do you guys mind if you hunt alone?...I wanted to go to the beach before it's too dark to see anything." She asked wanting to spend some time alone, not quite use to being around lots of people for a long time. Biting the inside of her cheek she looked around noticing the wolf-girl was already off hunting. Adilia moved her gaze to Aaren in question and then to Hak, He's so-' Cutting off her thoughts with a sigh she ran, her muddy light green eyes, over his body before shifting her gaze away hoping he didn't catch her.
Alex heard someone in the distance calling out in response. People! He thought. I wonder where we are, maybe they know. He rushed off towards the sound of the voice and without realizing it, he triggered his powers and zoomed towards the clearing, barely avoiding crashing into a tree at full speed. He saw movement up ahead and walked slowly towards it with his hands up. "Hello? are you the one who i heard earlier? My name is Alex, I mean you no harm. Where are we?"
Raz shivered as Leon began to hum, her eyes finally unclenched, and her body relaxed. Breathing a light sigh she gave into the sleep that was pulling her under, knowing that her own dreams were no walk in the park, they must have been nothing compared to Leon's. Body shivering as the tension and emotions faded she began to dream her dreams, memories of a past that no longer mattered, of people who no longer cared nor knew she existed.
Leon held Raz as she slept. He quietly slipped out of bed and put on one of his last leaf tunics. Leon remained awake while Raz slept. He kept watch over her through out the entire night. Leon's eyes were blood shot and his scars burned red the entire time.

Raz remained motionless given the occasional lift of her shoulder when she pulled in a shallow breath, though her eyes at one point began to leak tears, she never made a sound, moved, or changed in her breathing pattern. Her dreams were painted with memories of a different her, the her who built up walls to keep others out, who used her ability to protect others from harm, yet fail to protect herself. A girl who only existed in a condescending tone, who pulled pranks for the mere joy of someone remembering she existed.

@The Master
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Hearing a distant voice calling out Adilia turned to the direction of the noise, "Hello?" She called out loudly before looking over the others raising an eyebrow in question, "I think someone is coming." Adilia said before moving closer to the sound using her X-Ray vision she sees a guy. "There's a guy heading our way."

@Mashiro Shiina @kamikazeweaboo21 @Mahonasi
Amaya then comes running back with a deer in her mouth, she then drops it and wags her tail as he morphs into human again..."What I miss gypuys!?" She asks cheerfully..

Hak, both confused and in awe, shifted his dazed gaze away from Adilia towards Amaya. 'Well there's dinner.' Blowing out a slow breath, Hak returned his gaze to Adilia. Another guy wouldn't be so bad. Would it? What if he set his sights on~ Nope. Not the time for that. Gritting his teeth subconsciously as he continued to shove his emotions aside, Hak leaned his form against an oak tree conveniently placed behind him while his gaze remained on Adilia in silence.
Amaya stares at hak for a moment then follows his gaze.. After a few seconds, she laughed evily like she knew a secret.."heheheh... Soooo does anyon-oh who's that guy?" She asks hearing a guy in the distance and seeing him with her focused eyes..

@Mahonasi @Dxni @Mashiro Shiina
Alex comes a into the edge of the camp and puts his hands down. He sees a group of people there staring at him and he blushes a little, uncomfortable with all the attention. "Uhh... Hi... I'm Alex" He looks down and kicks the dirt a little while he says it. "So... I guess you guys know where we are right?" He sees a tree nearby drop the fruit off of it. His stomach rumbled and he used his power to dash to the tree, grab the fruit before it hit the ground, and dash back. He took a bite and the fruit was bitter so he threw out towards the shoreline then realized he just used his powers in front of people. "Oh god... erm... don't kill me please, I'm not gonna hurt anyone i promise!"

@Am2aM @Dxni@Mashiro Shiina
Amaya watches him then laughs..."were not gonna kill ya sir! Hahahah.... Im Amaya would you !Ind telling us your name?" She asks kindly while staring t him while blushing back...

Dusk slowly woke up on the beach not knowing where he was. He sat up and looked around and nodiced a small book by his side. The title read 'Your Memories by Dusk Wolf' he picked up the book and put it in his jacket pocket and started walking the beach, looking for any other people. But he was walking in the rong direction.

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