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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

"Well I just got the average bad side, you got the wtf world, above average bad side." Raz laughed reaching out to pinch his cheek in a playful manner. "Do you miss them?" She asked suddenly, before shaking her head, "I mean you don't have to answer, but I'm just a little curious if you miss them."
Leon laughed as she pinched his cheek. He nodded, "I do miss them. But I can't bring them back from the dead." Leon sighed. "It really sucks always having affection and care and family then losing it so fast. Humans piss me off..." He growled quietly. Leon blinked, "But not you, I like you.... I love you." He smiled, giving Raz a big hug. Leon grinned happily, squishing his cheek against hers as he embraced her.

"I'll try my best to be as little human as I can? Oh wait- I'm already the size of a small one.." Raz joked wrapping her arms around his back before resting her head on his shoulder. "Its so peaceful.. Not having family- or those who actually care.. But lonely." She whispered.
Leon smiled before passing out, falling asleep on Raz. Exhaustion finally taking him over. He had spent so much time awake and doing things that he never considered he was tired. Leon slept soundly and quietly, his breathing very soft. He didn't weigh that much, so it was almost unnoticeable that he fell asleep on Raz.
Raz moved him carefully onto a bed she had been forming with her ability, laying her hoodie under his head as she felt him drift off to sleep. Turning to the food she began placing more rocks around the meat so no insects could eat at their meal, before setting herself beside the bed on a mat of leaves hair around her shoulders as she began to doze.
Cyrus laid on the beach just faintly remembering seeing his family and their large estate. His head throbbed for some reason and he rubbed his eyes to try and relieve some tension to no avail. Just then he noticed the sand underneath him and started looking side to side before sitting up and seeing the emense body of water before him. Cyrus turned to the mass of trees and plant life in awe questioning why he was there there. Quickly without a second thought made his way into the jungle to see how large the island was.
(Okay, from here on out no 1 liners. I will add that bit into the OCC. But again, no 1 liners. They do no good.)
Kittycat said:
What are occ and liners????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
OOCC - Out of Character Chat

OOC- Out of Character

And one liners are when you role play and it's only one sentence long.
Dxni said:
@Am2aM "It was nice to meet you...but," She trailed off trying to think of the nicest way to say it,"Could you please leave? I kind of need to change and I rather not have anyone watch me get out of the water..."
Amaya then walks through the waterfall to go by ham.."Sure thing miss!" She says smiling...."Hello ham... There is a girl back there so wait until sh dresses!" She then gets out of the water and sits on the shore..

@Dxni @Mashiro Shiina
Her eyes widen slightly when she heard the girl tell someone else that she was getting changed. Making her arm intangible she reach through rocks for her clothes. Quickly swiping them up, she got out of the water staying hidden between rocks. 'This is a little embarrassing.' Adilia thought, finished dressing in simple black fit and flare dress, the only clean outfit she had left. Slipping on some no show socks and black sneakers Adilia slowly walked out from behind the rock to pick up her bag.
By the time Amaya had returned, Hak was slumped up against a nearby rock, settled on the waters edge. His energy had been depleting since he arrived, and matters were only getting worse. To him, it was a nuisance. Groaning ever so quietly, Hak raised a confused gaze upward to examine the body whom addressed him as a ham. 'Are they all like this?' Hak didn't respond until he shifted his gaze to the side while his right hand lay on his chest, hiding his wound from sight. His gaze slowly unraveled the mystery of who Amaya was talking about. "You mean-" It took Hak a moment to speak, for he had to pause and close his eyelids over his irises to regain his own composure before finishing his question. "...that girl?"
Amaya looked over to who he was talking about..."yes!" She says smiling ....."that's her Mr.ham!"

She says and giggles to herself.
Rose says ow my arm is a pain but i need to keep walking. I wish i could use my magic. I have to keep walking or i will get dizzy and fall then pass out.
Keita continued to explore the vast jungle that made up most of the island.He kept wandering until he bumped into a boy who must have also been walking.'Not good he thought'What if he remembers who I am he said just staring at the boy waiting for his reaction.Though one thing was certain Keita wasn't scared he was in fact excited he wanted to know how strong the boy was and what he knew.@Seraph
I just what to now if they are others. I hope i get to sleep in peace today. Rose just mewed a few words. Rose starts running to the north side of the island.
Picking up the bag her curly hair falling forward obstructing her vision for a moment. Standing up straight pushing the strands out of her vision Adilia smiles, "Uh hello, I'm Adilia..." She said softly, examining the guy slumped she bit her lip raising an eyebrow in question. "Are you alright?" Adilia asked moving closer to him.

@Mashiro Shiina @Am2aM
'A-di-li-a?' Hak was at a current loss for words. His clothing lay soaked and draped over the top half of his legs, while his right hand which lay on his visible chest slid itself slightly to the side. He didnt want either of the two girls to see what he was dealing with. To make it even more troublesome, Adilia seemed to have already noticed. Silent while briefly attempting to straighten his posture to better his image, Hak combed his left and through his stringy, still damp strands of hair, which seemed to be rebellious in staying out of his face. "Stop calling me ham." Hak then finally opened his gaze to attempt to figure out just who was this person Amaya bothered him about. What kind of~ Silence. No further complaints. This, Adilia. Where did she come from? Why was she so~ " I'm- perfectly fine."
Watching him trying to sit up straight she turned to look at the girl, who's name was still unknown. "You don't seem

fin-" Cutting off her sentence with a quiet gasp, "You are bleeding from your chest." Adilia moved onto the ground sitting on her legs, already moving to her bag of supplies she sifts through all the things in it looking for her first aid kit. @Mashiro Shiina
Hak broke himself from the self-made trance, just as he heard the girl gasp. 'How did she know?' Gritting his teeth, Hak forced himself to a straightened posture, seconds before allowing himself to stand up to his feet by placing his free left hand on the ground for balance to ensure he didn't fall on his face. Once at an acceptable point, he stood up straight and leaned against the tree at his left side. "It's nothing. Don't trouble yourself."
Watching him slowly standing up she stood up as well, "Do you know how you got it?" Adilia questioned, while most of her focus was on how she would get him to let her help. Putting her hair in a simple ponytail she picked up her bag, "Okay, if you really are fine walk to that rock and back." Adilia commanded him to pointing a rock by the waterfall.
Cyrus walked around for awhile until he caught eyes with some boy. His right hand tensed up and he stared at him for a minute before flexing his hand as strings pulled him up to a tree branch he stood on. 'Who are you?' He thought to himself before pointing his finger at him in a gun shape. @Kenji Jensai

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