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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Raz sighed, gripping his upper arms tightly in her grasp, she began flipping him, her lips pressed into a line as she fought the urge to laugh at the tantrum he was throwing. "Calm down- I, if you continue like that then I'll have to laugh." She spoke in a strained voice as though she were forcing herself to not laugh, but rather shift the boy.
Still searching for a source of freshwater, Adilia came across a waterfall. "Perfect, just what I needed after sleepy no in a tree." She told herself aloud, taking out an extra set of clothes Adilia stuffed the bag inbetween rocks. Checking if the coast is clear she slips off all clothes, running into the small lake the waterfall had created she became submerged underwater.
Hak, having yet to find anyone besides himself, had been wandering aimlessly about the woods. Occasionally, echos could be heard, but Hak paid them no mind. Instead, he could only hear the crinkling and shifting of the leaves and sticks beneath his feet as he walked. Come to think of it, he hadn't realized just yet, a dire fact. He was bleeding. He thought it to be simply an item that spilled on him. Or perhaps belonging to one of the animals. Slowly shifting his gaze downward to gaze upon his somewhat revealed chest, Hak came to see the source of the odd tingling feeling he felt down his chest, yet ignored. To him, it was odd, for he wasn't quite sure what to do. Nobody was around, but there was no telling what kind of animals enjoy the smell of blood. 'Tch.' Blowing his breath, Hak stepped through another couple of bushes, before coming to what seemed to be a decent flow of water heard in the distance. Deciding it would be an acceptable temporary place to think, Hak continued forward and halted upon a group of rocks. Setting his weapon down, Hak found his gaze towards the treetops above, while he removed the top half of his clothing, simply to examine his body for further issues.
Amaya whom was looking for someone she knew, she stumbled into a tiny are in the dense jungle like forest.... She then saw a guy with the top part of his clothing off..... "Um, hello..." she said then yipped and walked closer to him so she would become visable.... she wolfishly grinned showing her cannines in a happy playful manner..

@Mashiro Shiina
Appearing out of the water she swam closer to the waterfall. Moving around behind the waterfall, where it was shallower, Adilia stood on the rocks. Using the mountain lilac fruit she found earlier she dipped them in the water and started rubbing her hands vigorously, "Hopefully they make me smell as good as they do." Adilia mumbled rubbing the soap paste on her body before standing underneath the waterfall.
'Where am I?' Alicia would think to herself as she came to.The first thing she heard was waves, the first thing she smelled was the salty air of the sea.She could feel the sand moving as she started to get up still a bit groggy.she must be on the beach but how did she get out here?She remembered going to sleep in her apartment, perhaps she ended up sleep-walking again.Lifting her hands up she rubbed her eyes, opening her eyes she gasped this wasn't the local beach in-fact she had no idea where she was.Looking around her in disbelief the first emotion to hit her hard was anger.someone had done this to her?She'd have to teach them a lesson, how dare they mess with her?She would slam her fist against the sand beneath her trying to deal with her rage.Of course in her groggy state she had no real control of her magic the sudden burst of sand hitting her in the face the loud sound and flash of light sent her away onto her back.Waking up a bit she moved all of the sand off of her using her magic.Letting her gloves handle all the delicate movements while she was still unable.Surely fi there was anyone nearby on the beach they would have heard this right?Alicia knew that and decided to avoid attention she would get away as fast as possible.Getting up she would start making her way off the beach leaving behind a small hole behind.
Hak wasn't quite paying much attention to his surroundings, until a slight voice rang in his ears. A feminine voice. Was his search over? Or was his loss of blood beginning to affect him? Raising his right brow, Hak turned his head to where his chin aligned with the top of his left shoulder, while his gaze extended to the corners of his eyes, looking behind him. A girl. A surprise to him. Allowing his clothing to hang loosely at his waist, Hak continued to stand in his position, his hands merely fumbling with the dark strands of hair dangling before the front of his face. "Can I help you?" Hak wasn't typically intrigued by the sudden appearance of the girl, up until he caught sound of a..yip?

Leon began to stand up shakily, his legs working again. He groaned as he stretched, not used to being still for so long. His legs were shaky but he was able to remain standing. "Thanks for helping me out." Leon smiled at Raz. "Can I have another kiss?" He asked sweetly. Leon hold out his arms to Raz.


After rinsing off she moved out from the waterfall, sniffing her skin she realizes that she now smells strongly like lilac. "No," Adilia groans, "I didn't realize how potent that was." She murmurs, 'Might as well swim a bit longer and this smell off me'
Raz raised an eyebrow sarcastically before adding in a just as sarcastic way, "Now we're asking for them?" A smirk painted on her lips faded into a smile, as they stretched out in a grin. "Oh boy, your so spoiled." With that she wrapped her arms around his neck making him bend down a bit while she stretched up on her toes kissing his lips softly with her own.
Leon hugged Raz, kissing her back. He smiled, "Yes we're asking for them. You're too cute to be anyone else's but mine. So I am going to kiss you and love you and hug you lots!" He embraced Raz, finally feeling at ease while on the island. The anger that burned inside of Leon wasn't as aggressive, but it was still there. A part of him knew that he would have turned into a killer if not for Raz. Leon pecked Raz's cheek before going back to setting up the small camp so they could rest. He also began to skin the jaguar so that they could get fur and meat.

"I'll take your word for it, but I'm even living up to what I described when we first met- Look one of my pant legs is even rolled up." She joked before sitting against the cave wall rolling down her other pants leg before rubbing her cut leg lightly breathing a sigh of relief, hoping that things wouldn't take another turn for the worst later in their stay on the Island Of Nightmares.
Leon had finished the skinning of the animal rather quickly. He saw Raz had a cut and walked over to tend to it. He crushed up a type of plant stem and a weird blue berry. Leon pressed them against her cut, applying pressure. "I'll be sure to make covers for the sharp ends of my stuff for you." He smiled. Leon liked being able to be helpful and nice. "So, are you hungry for jaguar?" He asked her as he tended to her wound.

Wincing as he applied pressure, Raz sighed about to respond to his question when her stomach growled even louder than his had previously. "I-.... I would take that as a yes." She suggested smiling broadly before taking off one of her many shirts under her hoodie, so she could rip it into bandages. "Apparently in this place I have become very accident prone." She sighed slightly annoyed at herself.
"I'll make you a fur top and skirt to wear. Your clothes are sort of garbage at this point... That way you can wash your jaguar clothes regularly." He smiled. Leon had started prepping the fire and jaguar meat. "I don't think you're accident prone. An island is just very dangerous, for even me." He grabbed a rather flat rock and gently placed it on top of the fire once he started it. Leon was placing piece after piece on the rock.

Raz shivered, "I just hope that it doesn't get too cold later in the season.." She muttered, clutching her hoodie closer to herself. "You should really try to make clothes for yourself, walking leafman." She giggled at her lame joke, but didn't care much of how lame it was, she simply stretched out her neck to allow her head to catch the last of the sun as it was already sinking under the trees.
"If I make something for me then we will be practically naked. Our outfits wold be so skimpy. Warm, but skimpy." Leon pouted a little. He looked at the pelt and figured that he would only be able to make a tiny tunic bottom for himself and perhaps a two piece for Raz. "If I do it right though.... Maybe..." Leon put on more and more meat until there was no room left on the rock. While he left the meat to cook Leon start working on making the jaguar clothes for Raz and himself.

Am2aM said:
Amaya suddenly realized that she yiped and was in her normal form.....she blushd with embarrassment, "oh uh hi.... Um I was looking for my friends.. And saw u alone, so I thought u might want company?..." She then nicely smiled..
@Mashiro Shiina
'Company?' Hak was slightly bothered by his own confusion involving this, girl. She didn't know him, yet she decided to approach him? Was she simply just that curious? Examining her figure, Hak paused once his icy gaze caught sight of the differentiated shade of color among her cheeks. What was that coloring? Shaking himself out of his own thoughts, Hak realized how crazy he had to look with just standing there and staring at her without saying a word. Returning his gaze to the body of water before him, not far away from the waterfall to his right, Hak shrugged his shoulders, finally beginning his response to the girl. "I don't mind. I was only looking around anyway."
Amaya whom was relieved to not be alone anymore breathed a sigh of relief... "Ok! ... So need help with anything?" She asks siting down on a huge rock on the ground..

@Mashiro Shiina
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Raz shook her head, attempting to imagine what the would look like in 'skimpy' outfits, would they seem like some rabies infested wild children raised by heathens, or would they be some sort of Tarzan and Jane combination. She doubted both seeing as how they both acted far from what raging heathens would act like- even if they were still quite immature.
Leon smiled, having cut all the good fur so he could make the new outfits. "Alright I came up with a great idea! I can make a top out of leaves for you and that way you can have a killer looking skirt." He started working, checking up on the meat every once in a while. "We are going to have to head more inland by tomorrow. I want to set up camp near a water source." He spoke to Raz, trying to pass some time while he worked.

Am2aM said:
Amaya whom was relieved to not be alone anymore breathed a sigh of relief... "Ok! ... So need help with anything?" She asks siting down on a huge rock on the ground..
@Mashiro Shiina
Hak was silent at first, but eventually came to glance over his shoulder at her once again. He didn't seem to be doing anything that needed help, and in fact, decided it was deemed unnecessary. By now, Hak had walked into the body of water until the cold form grabbed hungrily at his waist. The blood still traveling down his chest, was swept away once it reached the water, mixing itself and disappearing. He paid absolutely no mind to the fish scattering about frantically about in the water below, but instead was busy contemplating what figure he was catching sight of in the glimmering water of the waterfall located not too far away. Eventually, his attention returned to the girl behind him, for he had neglected to answer her question. "What is your name?"
Nodding in agreement to his plan she held back a laugh, "Its not like I have much to hide up top anyways." She smirked, stroking the python who had apparently stayed, and was now laying over her legs which were sprawled in front of her. "Was that where you were heading?" She asked, talking about moving inland, her head leaning against hard rock behind her.

@The Master
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