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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Since amayas attention span went to the max, she started pacing, she then noticed a man with black hair dragging a stick through the sand. She then is happy to find another new person, so still in wolf form she runs up to him standing 3 feet away and happily yips and wags her tail getting his attention.."Hello! " she says in her normal voice.

@The Jackal
Máv̱ros looked at the wolf and instantly lifted the stick up and over his shoulder, he kept it there until he heard the wolf talk when he then lowered it to the sand again and glared at the wolf as though willing it to go away, which was normal due to his hate of having to talk to people. Meanwhile Áspro had scaled a tree with the help of his gravitation manipulation and then looked back at the beach before staring out at the green landscape below him, noticing a large cave entrance he rose an eyebrow and dropped from the tree before turning and heading back to get his brother.
Amaya sat on the ground and changed into her human form which was cross legged staring at him."um...Hi....you aren't a big talker are you?" She asks blankly and tilting her head slightly... She then sees someone with white hair in the distance...
Fay steeled herself with a deep breath before she walked into the wall of plants. Very little light filtered through and she had a hard time seeing through all the plants. "Is anyone there?" She called out into the plants. I can't be the only one here can I? Fay thought as unwanted shivers ran down her wing nerves from feather light touches of the leaves.
As Jennifer woke up, she wondered What just happened? Where are I? "Oh I'm at my camp" I said to myself. She got up feeling a little woozy, but when she was stable she looked around for anyone. "Hello? Anyone here? Kat? Eden? Jacob? Nicolai?!!" She was starting to get nervous. "Hello?" She started to sniffle, her fear took over and made her cry, unsure of where all her friends are. @lette @Aeron @AliceLiddell17
Áspro slowly pushed his way out of the trees and came face to face with a girl who was calling out "Oh... Oh !" He said realizing that he and his brother weren't alone "Hello there" He called out as he slid down a steep incline that seperated the sand from the forest. Máv̱ros continued to glare at the wolf that had just turned human, shaking his head before continuing to stare at the girl at his feet.
Amaya stood and wiped sand off of the way to long ripped dress. She stares with a small smile at the new man whom had came out of the forest. "Hello! When did you guys arrive?" She asks curiously, then plays with her purplish white hair..

@The Jackal
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In about 20 minutes Aaren had entered the jungle and was looking for a place to camp, since she didn't see any signs of civilization. She had entered a clearing when she heard voices. She tensed and looked in the direction of it, unsure whether she wanted to find the source or not. What if they're hostile? She thought. Curiosity got the better of her, though, and she started walking towards it.
Leon was sitting up against the dead body of his kill. He looked at Raz and sighed. "....Can you get me another tunic? It's a little to your left." He requested. Leon was a little glad that Raz was blind, because at the moment Leon's face was the only one that was red due to the situation. He waited to Raz to get him one of his leaf tunics, Leon's arms resting beside him. His body was still extremely uncomfortable from the pain it was undergoing.

Jack slowly opened his coal black eyes quickly shutting them agin as the bright yellow sun shined into his eyes he sat up and looked around.* W-where the hell am I? What am I doing here? Am I in a jungle? * all these questions ran through his head as he looked around the jungle like area.* maybe there are more.
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((Hi everyone))

Jennifer remembered that everyone's clothes weren't going to last much longer. It's been like 2-3 weeks since we were all dropped on this ridiculous island-She thought. "Everyone needs clothes and I know how to make them" she said to herself. She quickly grabbed her basket and ran into the jungle, collecting the materials she needed for clothing.
Raz nodded, reaching to her left her hand grabbing for something, she grabbed the tail of a large winding python. "Not a tunic." She muttered releasing the snake as it turned to look at her though she couldn't tell. Grabbing the tunic next to the snake she sighed before trying to figure out how she was supposed to put it back on the boy. "Um..."

@The Master
Yawning she opened up her eyes slowly,

"And it's not just a dream." Adilia muttered, sitting up in the tree she slept in she took out leaves and branches that have fallen in her hair. Rubbing her eyes Adilia swings her legs, swinging her legs back she swings them forward while jumping off.

"And the crowd goes while, as she sticks the landing." Adilia announces before opening her mouth to imitate a crowd cheering. Doing some simple stretches she slipped on her knapsack and started walking around listening/looking for a river or waterfall to clean up in.
"Thanks, I can do the rest from here." Leon nodded, putting on the tunic completely, having to roll a bit so the bottom half could get on right. "So, what brings you here? Or was it just because you heard my shout when I got gashed?" He raised an eyebrow. Leon didn't think he was that loud when he shouted in pain, While everything was happening, Leon's body was trying to fix itself, his legs still messed up from his stomach wound and blood loss. He was also starting to get hungry, his stomach hurting a bit.

"Your next to the caves." She motioned to the black opening yawning at them in all its dark mystery. "It's quite easy for them to carry any sound seeing as how quiet they are." She remained blank faced, reaching out again to find the python had come closer- close enough to tough her leg, she simply smoothed a hand down its scaly back as she pondered what would happen as soon as he was well enough to move.

Shaking her head she sighed, "I'll catch something for you to eat. Its the least I can do- Unless you'd rather eat your kill of the day." Her voice was quiet as she stood to act on her comment.
"What kind of..." Hak found himself muttering pointlessly to himself, just around the same time his gaze was revealed and released from the hold his eyelids held on it. What time was it? Where in the world was he. Inhaling, Hak finally straightened his posture, only to stop in the middle of a breath and release numerous coughs. 'Smoke?' A single word of thought brought his attention towards the area behind him. A few debris, just around the edge of the beach. A few feet away from his own position. Which, just as any other person, brought confusion to his facade. How did he get to this...beach? Slowly lifting himself to his feet, Hak shifted an almost cold gaze towards the space before him. A tree line? Not too long of a walk. Scratching the back of his head with his right hand, Hak took a moment to look himself over before deciding on anything else. He was clothed. He had a weapon? When did that happen? Raising his brow, Hak bend down ever so carefully and picked the handle of the weapon up, before standing up straight and leaning it over his shoulder. 'Well....here goes nothing.' Hak slowly began advancing forward towards what he saw to be a tree lining. If anything, he wanted an explanation as to why he was here. Still, with his current predicament, it seemed that wouldn't be happening anytime soon. Thus, Hak made it temporary priority to explore his surroundings.
"Oh yeah, we can eat it.... Yeah get me my axe, it's stone but it should be sharp enough for me to tear pieces for me to cook. Also I am going to need my flint." Leon mentioned. He thought about how the caves all led to this one place, the opening to the northern part of the island. Leon's legs were getting some feeling back into them, but they still ached. "Hey, um could you actually come over here. I figured I should thank you for caring enough to come to me while I was bleeding to death." Leon planned on giving Raz a kiss, but he wasn't going to tell her that.

Raz held her hand out in the motion of 'just a moment' as she walked off in search of the axe and flint, grasping the flint in her hand she nodded as it felt the right texture, before tripping over the axe, her leg opening with a somewhat small cut along her shin- which she covered with her rolled up sweats. Grabbing the axe as well as the flint she placed them semi-close to the cave's entrance, before wondering where she could get some wood for the fire.

Pausing as she was about to walk back out the forest to gather wood, she leaned close to Leon as he had mentioned a thanks, "What do you mean? I simply ran like hell before shifting you next to a dead animal.." She said smiling briefly.
Leon reached over and cupped Raz's cheeks in his hands. He brought her closer and planted a loving kiss on her lips. Leon held the kiss for a very satisfying length of time before finishing it. He carressed her face a little before pla "Thank you." He cracked a small smile. Leon wiggled one of his toes, getting some more feeling back. He smirked, "You're really cute. Soft lips also." Leon flirted.

Am2aM said:
Amaya stood and wiped sand off of the way to long ripped dress. She stares with a small smile at the new man whom had came out of the forest. "Hello! When did you guys arrive?" She asks curiously, then plays with her purplish white hair..
@The Jackal
Amaya then turned into a wol twitched her ear at something she heard and said "oh wait I gotta go! Well continue this later! See ya!" She then runs off to find someone she already knows.... Maybe Mr cello or something..
Raz was startled at first, not expecting him to kiss her, her mind going blank she breathed a sigh as she pulled back, a tiny smile taking place on her lips as she touched them. "Your unpredictable," She giggled, "And that's what I love about you, your predictability to be unpredictable is what drew me to you the first time we met, now I still cant help but be drawn into your trap." She was blushing under her tan- though it was difficult to tell, she turned back to the forest calling out something about going for firewood over her shoulder.
Leon smiled, seeing her blush. He sighed, completely love-struck. Leon called out, "Just get a few sticks, we have enough already here." He rolled over, trying to get to his pack. Leon failed and ended up sprawled onto the ground. "....Damn." He whined, just laying there as his feet moved a little. Leon tried dragging himself back onto the dead animal but failed rather badly. He was still too focused on how he kissed Raz.

Raz came back from the thick brush, a mass of dry sticks in her hands, bursting into a fit of giggles, she attempted to cover them with a harsh cough. "Um.." She called, seeing his reflection in the gravity field, "Are you... alright?" She asked, placing the wood down before crouching in front of the boy, her blush had died down, and a smile was placed firmly on her lips.
Leon was now face down into the dirt. A muffled, "I messed up..." came from him as he lay there. He waited for Raz to help him get back up, his legs starting to work again but still in mild pain. Leon's stomach growled just after he finished speaking. He made an almost cute whiny noise as he wiggled, wanting to get back up. Leon pouted and waited, throwing a small tantrum. For the first time ever in front of anyone, Leon was acting like a child.


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