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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

(Everyone who is currently active, go to the OCC so that I may explain things. Give a run down of what is up since Isune is having troubles and we need this RP back on track.)

(From here on out, no 1 liners. At least 3 sentences so as to not cause what happened on page 160. @CelestialBunny @hiro I am looking at you two. Are you serious? Delete those posts please. Alright now feel free to post!)

Leon awoke, still on the mountain side of the northern part of the island. "That was too weird..." He rubbed his head. Leon thought of how there would most likely be new arrivals on the south beach, but it didn't matter to him. Leon thought of Raz but just as quickly pushed the thought away. "A new life is what this is." Leon nodded to himself. He began to make his way down into the dangerous jungle.

Fay woke up face down in the sand. "Ugh." She groaned scrambling up from her spot and spitting out the sand in her mouth. "Where am I?" She squinted towards the sky and nearly blinded herself. No don't do that again. Fay blinked a few times to clear her eyes. Fay sat on the sand looking at her surroundings.
Raz woke, her head aching with pressure, her memories of Leon rushing in to greet her like overly excited puppies. Sighing she rubbed her eyes, "I screwed up big time." She laughed at herself as she leaned against the icy clicked wall of the cave she had woken in far too many times. Groaning she pulled herself into a standing position, finding her hoodie soaked- by sweat or water she couldn't tell, instead she shed the clothing before walking out the other end of the cave, facing a river-type stream. With any luck she could clean it, and set it out to dry in a spot of sun if she could find one...

(Thanks for tagging me, I don't usually get notifications without a tag ^^)

@The Master
Aaren woke up on her back, wincing at the sudden brightness of the sun. Immediately closing her eyes, she stood up. Where am I? She thought, opening her eyes and frowning at the landscape. She started walking to what looked like a jungle.
Fay felt tiny grains of sand up underneath the many feathers of her wings. "Ugh. This is going to take forever to clean them out again. Stupid sand. Stupid beach. Stupid scientists." She mumbled to herself. "How the hell am I supposed to clean them out?" She grumbled unhappily and tried to fun her fingers through her wings awkwardly. I suppose I'm going to have to change into my other form when I have the chance to. She sighed and looked around. The sun was impossibly bright against the white sand and shimmery water. On the other side was a thick wall of varying shades of green plants and colorful blooms.
Leon began thinking about Raz again. Her smile, her beautiful blonde hair, her gorgeous soft dark skin. A love-struck smile found itself on Leon's face, causing him to forget that he was looking for a place to rest. He sighed, stopping and standing where he was. Leon's anger flared back up, his stubbornness coming back. "I already gave her a chance. UGH!" He growled and punched a tree. He felt nothing but hatred, feeling wronged and hurt. "If they care. If she cares... She will come to me this time..." Leon grabbed onto a small sapling and ripped it out of the ground, using all his might as he growled and shouted in fury.

Raz heard a rustle from overhead, a large flock of birds she supposed, though it seemed to be noon, and the birds around here didn't travel except in the early morning or late evening. Coming to the conclusion that it must be some fool throwing a tantrum she laughed remembering Leon in all his childish ways, before sighing. Eventually she might come to the point of being brave enough to travel to find him, though she wasn't sure he would want her any longer.

Shaking her head she began washing the clothing harshly, knowing her many nosebleeds had caused blood to be woven into the dark fabric, leaving her no choice other than cleaning it. when she finished she had also cleaned her shorts setting them to dry where she felt the sun shine the strongest, before climbing further onto the rock, relaxing in the sun as she attempted to forget her responsibility's for the time being.
Leon reached a tiny clearing, something big enough for a small fire and a sleeping spot. He was setting things up close to the cave in which he arrived. Leon had gotten everything in its place when he heard growling. ".......Oh....My....Damn...." His eyes widened. Leon looked at a javelin that was only a foot away from him. The jaguar that was prowling up from behind got closer and closer slowly, ready to pounce. Leon lunged for the javelin and turned around just as quickly, the jaguar came at him the moment Leon moved. The scene faded to black, a loud shout echoing through the caves that separated the north from the south.

Raz jerked up, the cry. She had heard it, echoing from the cave, it was no lost animal, it was human. A human she knew. Scrambling up she grabbed her now crisp clothing, throwing it on she began running, she knew it was a matter of time before she would get there, but she knew where she was going and she could help.

Her bare feet slapping the washed out caves floor was used like echo location, showing her the bends and breaks as she desperately raced to help the person who was possibly being mauled by some creature of these lands. "Please be okay.." She whispered as she made the beginning of the final turns.
The jaguar's body moved over as Leon slid it off of him. Leon stood up, his legs shaking and blood coming from his mouth. He looked down to see massive claw marks across his body, having been gashed open. Leon was bleeding slowly at first, his wound still needing mere seconds before opening up. He stumbled around before the wound finally opened up, causing him to start bleeding out. "I always hated cats...." He mumbled, sliding down a tree, slumping over as he tried to grab onto the focus and concentration to change so his body could heal.

Raz paused at the entrance, listening to the surroundings before using her senses to figure what was outside of the cave. Doing so she heard, ' "I always hated cats...." ' She paused again, this time having a feeling of who it was. Her knees shook as she debated on coming out of the cave or retreating back to where she had been before the cry was heard echoing the cave. Shaking her head she held back a sigh as she ran a hand through her hair, its not like she even knew what to say, she had walked out, not him, and she couldn't expect him to just... forgive her..

Maprov groaned as his eyes flickered open, shooting bolt upright he looked around at where he was before standing and reaching into his pocket to make sure that his beloved cane sword was safe. Finding it laying still in his pocket he relaxed before realizing where he was, half of him began to panic whereas his other half saw it as just an obstacle. He stared at the ocean for a few seconds before turning and looking at the forest behind him, half of him wanted to go in and find if anyone else was here but half of him wanted to lay back down into the sand and go to sleep. After a few seconds of internal arguing Maprov began to shimmer slightly before splitting off into Áspro who was drawing his cane sword and giving his brother Máv̱ros a death stare "I SAY WE GO INSIDE !" He yelled to his brother who replied by returning a cold stare.
Leon's vision was now failing him completely, everything seeming blurry. "Come on out, I am in no position to do harm to anyone. Until I change at least." Leon had coughed up blood while he spoke, having to take a break. Leon was finally able to start changing, his body doing so very slowly. He was shifting into his humanoid form, that being the fastest change. Leon coughed up, groaning in pain from not only the wound but from changing.

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Fay stood up and looked at the dense wall of plants. Right now I guess that the best option I have is to go into the jungle and find a cave or something. Then I can clean out my feathers. She cocked her head sideways and was about to go in when she heard something call out. Wait. What was that? Her eyes widened and she called out. "Hello? Is anyone else out there?"
Raz Stuck her head out of the cave's entrance, though that wouldn't do much good, and started to walk over before she heard a girl call out. Following where she had heard Leon's voice as well as where she saw his pressure she murmured, "Leon... Are you alright?" Her eyebrows were drawn in worry, as was her body in a defensive worried stance, her hand by her chest as if she was contemplating weather or not to reach out to him.
Leon coughed and laughed, "Go ahead and look at my body before I change.... But be careful not to look to far south, the jaguar took out my entire tunic and I sort of have a half-skirt." He growled in pain as he continued changing. Leon was in an amount of pain that made it almost impossible for him to even think straight. Because of his body's natural adaptive blood that he inherited, he had much more time to bleed out than any regular human.

Kneeling down Raz reached a hand out to his shoulder, before trailing down slightly coming in contact with one of the bloody gashes on his body. Drawing back fast she frowned, a look of pure worry overcoming her face as she had nothing she could do, and she had yet to truly understand the facts of Leon's shifting. "I- What happened?" She whispered, her purposeless eyes wide with concern.
"A jaguar got me while I was setting up a small camp. I didn't move fast enough." Leon's body stopped changing but it was regenerating. Leon's eyes became a very deep gray from the failure of his transformation. Leon ground his teeth from the agony of his eyes being the only part of him that changed. The wounds were now light enough so he wasn't bleeding out, but Leon was not in any condition to be on his feet. Leon's eyes went back to their normal brown color after a moment as he remained a human. Leon panted softly, sweat going down the side of his face.

Sighing Raz ran a hand through her hair, "Is there anything I can do?" She asked her eyebrows firmly stuck in a worried expression, "Would it be better if you were laying flat? Or do you need water? Or.." She rambled for a moment her questions considered frantic, but still as she would normally be oddly calm in any situation, she was considerably worked up.
"I can't feel my lower body..." Leon commented, sighing. "Drag me over to the dead jaguar. If you don't mind helping a cripple." He had a hint of malice in his tone, still hurt from what Raz put him through. Leon was a little glad Raz was blind, because at the moment he was staring at her more than anyone really should stare at the opposite gender. He was upset with Raz but Leon still thought she was drop dead gorgeous. Seeing her and being near her made Leon feel a little better, despite having almost been gored.

Flinching slightly at his tone Raz swallowed the hurt and nodded, "Right, no problem." She muttered, clearing her throat of any of the horse-ness that came out with her words. Before he could object she pulled gravity to help her shift him over to the mass of animal on the other side of the clearing. Shifting him slowly she then simply placed him down allowing gravity to return to its normal, leaving her feeling a little weak yet she brushed it off sitting cross-legged beside Leon her face blank as she waited.
After a few seconds of arguing the brother in white looked up at the trees "I'm going in... Follow if you want" He turned away from his brother and walked into the forest, ignoring his brother as he began walking along the beachfront in hope that he would meet other people. A few minutes of walking and Áspro stopped, turning, looking behind him and hoping his brother wasn't dead yet Eh he'll be fine... He'll let me know if he's in trouble He reassured himself before continuing through the forest. Meanwhile Máv̱ros picked up a large stick and began dragging it across the sand in a hope that it could be used as a weapon in case there were other people on this island, looking out at the ocean again he sighed and looked up at the sun, covering his eyes as he stared around the edges of the yellow ring.

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