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Realistic or Modern The High School for Society's Rejects

Berial flinched back at nearly being set on fire, looking surprised. Oh wow...this cute one is a fire wielder. Fun. So is his brother an ice wielder?

"Oh..hah yeah. I suppose I am. I guess I'll be seeing more..of you." She smiled softly and lowered her voice so only he could hear her before walking to an empty seat, sitting down and throwing him a wink. This is gonna be so fun!! *internal squeal of fangirlness*
Amy was very non observant of the other kids in her class only looking up when she had heard laughter and it turned out to be a red headed boy that had shot fire. She shrugged returning her attention back down to her desk. Lately she had taken to just trying out her ability without need to. She decided to have a little play as she quickly made a papercut on the bottom of her thumb and manipulating her blood till she had a small quantity floating in front of her. She was intrigued by her own power as she slowly made it bigger then smaller again. Manipilating the small ball of blood into different shapes and objects.
"Hey, blood girl. No powers."Eleanor said sternly materializing in front off Amy's desk, her arms crossed in-front of her."No powers in class. Please, i dont like repeating myself."
Partenia frowned as she picked up an irritated tone in Eleanor's voice. "Er- no- I'm a sophomore. Do you know where I am supposed to be?" She asked quietly, frankly afraid of what could happen next. God, if only I could turn off my emotions right about now...
If the boy hadn't been so heated already, he might have blushed, or not, he didn't really blush at all due to his naturally high body temperature, as he relaxed in the seat the flames on his skin heated to a bluish hue. The teacher seemed to get what he'd meant so she wouldn't be too much of a problem, "I guess so~" The flame-wielding senior spoke to the girl who he suspected to be a junior, though she was in the senior class. He looked at the teacher as he scolded the 'blood girl', Can she really control blood? How cool is that!? He thought, catching a glimpse of her awesome powers, "Excuse me ma'am, but wouldn't saying that make you... What's the word... A hypocrite?" She had just used her own powers to lazily scold the girl, she could have just walked over there, it's like having someone else grab the remote when you could easily lean forward and get it yourself, lazy.
Elizabeth stopped playing with her phone under her desk when she heard the redheaded guy tell her mother she was a hypocrite. She laughed and did the obious thing

Leans back in her chair, bored out of her mind and in need of a nicotine fix. Glances around the room searching forsomeone who might be into that sort of thing and comes up short first impression wise.
Berial stared at the scene playing out in front of her. That girl can control blood?! That's creepy as heck. I don't wanna stay around her.

She couldn't help but laugh to herself when flame boy called the teacher a hypocrite. It was true, since she used her powers to tell someone not to use theirs after she said no using powers in the class. "I think Flame there is right. You might want to check yourself, lady."
"Back the way you came, second door on the right."She instructed the sophomore girl kindly before turning to the burning boy."A little it is, i will admit it. However it is school rules for students not being able to use their powers, its health and safety. All of you have some amazing and powerful powers but each have different levels of control which can cause injury. Note the rules say nothing about teachers. But i will make you all a deal, you dont use your powers for any mychief i wont use my powers at all. Deal?"
Lifa now bored absently played with her hair and looked around taking in her new classmates ignoring what the teacher said. She loves using her powers and has no intention of stopping.

Though so far she got a pyro, an ice dude, a creepy but cool blood girl and a classic diva. Looking around she starts to discreetly check out the hot guys ignoring her brothers mental comments on the diva. Sometimes having a bisexual brother sharing your body is both a gift and a curse.
Stands up abruptly knocking over her chair and walks out headingfor the back fire escape. Ignores a teachers protests while hes on his way for a Prep. 
Opens the door ignoring the brief alarm pushing forward until she reaches an old tree, where Vanessa proceeds to light a joint. That shit hole is full of creepy ass wierdos who won't understand, like or even get me or my way of life. Complete waste of my time...
I look up in shock as an unknown girl knocks over her chair and leaves. I had thought scenes like that were only in movies. Shrugging I stood up and decided to follow her she obviously is troubled so I might as well offer her an ear. Or four.
Blows smoke rings at the approaching girl, while extending and crossing her legs. "What are you here for?" Raises a penciled eyebrow.
Berial had to hold back a snort of laughter at the teacher's "deal". She probably wouldn't hold to that promise. She knew for sure she wouldn't. She didn't even use her ability that often. Only to manipulate people. Which was fun.

What caught her attention was the one girl getting up and just leaving, then being followed by another girl who didn't seem to know what she was doing. Whatever..I'll just focus on pyro boy.
"Figured if others were walking out on the first day I might as well join." I said giving her my excuse as I sat next to her and took out my own smoke though I cursed when I couldn't find it. I thought I grabbed it this morning
Nodding silently I gave up and sighed leaning back against the rough wood of the tree closing my eyes and drinking in the cool morning air feeling Loki do the same. I've always loved days like this.

A moment of uncertain silence passed between us and I quickly grew grew fidgety and nervous. Silence and I were not friends.

Finally when I couldn't stand it no more I spoke.

" My names Life or lifa which ever you prefer. What about you princess? Whats your royal title?"

I teased opening one eye as I glanced at her.
Reaches the end of my cigarette and lights another, inhaling slowly. "The names Vanessa. Im guessing your that chick with the brother in her body right? The secretary told me about the others as well"
Eleanor was unsure on what to do when the girl run off though she didn't complain. If she run of after her no telling what the other would but if she let her she loses any authority as a teacher not mention neglecting a student in need. She decided to stay.

"Look, ladies and gents. I am not here to be enemy to fight at least that is not what i am trying to be. If you can work with me i can work with you and teach what you feel need teaching."She said earnestly.
"Yep, and its a pain in the ass." I chuckled closing my eye again and ignoring the headache that came with my brothers idignated shout. "through considering you know about me what about you? What makes you special?"
"I can heal people... regenerate them through my blood. Although I have found new uses for it. Like growing people limbs to different sizes or poisoning there blood with they're own fluids. Its quite funny really" Smiles slightly
Xavier watched the rest of the class bordly, not really sure what to do. There was no way in hell he'd actually do something like paying attention to class, and his notebook page was already marred with doodles. The teacher said something about wanting to to learn what they wanted or something, but he didn't really need to learn anything. If the teacher thought it was so important, she would be able to name one job where he would need trig that wasn't a teacher. Yawning, Xavier laid his head down on the desk top and closed his eyes, planning on taking a nap.
"Awesome." I complimented nodding though inwardly I pouted. I loved creepy stuff and the thought of having a creepy power was exciting. Unfortunately everyone else got them.

I got over my pouting fest soon though and decided to return the favor." I can control a rainbow like energy to make shields and weapons."

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