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Realistic or Modern The High School for Society's Rejects

The flame-headed boy sighed, "So, who are you people, anyways? I'm curious, you can see why I'm here..." He glanced around, "I'm Zane, you guys...?" The teacher would probably scold him for this, but he thought he'd be friendly and find out about these people, they seemed normal besides blood girl, too normal, they probably had better control over their powers like his brother did.
Berial smiled and stood, sitting on her desk and crossing one leg over the other. "If we're doing introductions, then wonderful. I'm Berial, or you can call me Bebe. I don't mind." She looked over at Zane and winked at him again, obviously flirting without even bothering to hide it.
"Ok, this is good. Introduce yourselves and tell us a bit about yourselves,"She said leaning back on the desk watching people introduce themselves. She pointed at the silent guy next to Berial."Your next."

"Hmm?"Jeremy said realizing he was called, he was asleep most of the lesson."Oh, i am Jeremy, friends call me Sparky since they find me electrifying."
Xavier lazily looked up, scowling at the world. Of course he had to do something interactive. "I'm Xavier," he said simply and put his head back down, changing a bit of hair that was hanging in his face into different colours to entertain himself. Unknowingly his eyes were changing as well, shifting from blue to red to green with the bit of hair.
Zane looked at Berial, flames rising slightly in defense from her shameless flirting when the teacher brought the attention to Jeremy, "For a guy who's 'electric' you seem a little out of it, though I guess I shouldn't be one to judge~" The flames in his eyes burned with his added energy, he was glad to have started the introductions and meet these common folk, that was when Xavier spoke up, obviously bored and... Quite odd, his eyes kept changing colors and he couldn't help but notice hi hair, was this his power? Cool.
"I'm Elizabeth, you can call me Liz or Lizzy"

She said while looking at the others. They seemed normal, at least for them, no one in the school was really normal anyway
A shadow looking portal opened up on the door suddenly as senka stepped through it the portal closed afterwards, Senka looked at the teacher who was obviously not having fun with the class. "Sorry madam, I had business to attend to." Senka says to the Teacher emotionless as always before walking to the back corner of the room. Facing the teacher standing straight up with his arms folded across his chest examining the others in the class. 'Seems they all have powers of there own.' Senka thought to himself why looking back at the teacher.
Berial frowned as she noticed that Zane wasn't too happy with her flirting. There was something about his attitude that gave the sense that he didn't like it. "Jeez, Zane. Can't even take a girl's compliment, can you? Gotta be all defensive."

That's when ninja-boy popped out of literally nowhere, making her turn her attention to him instead, just staring as he walked into the corner like it was normal.
"You didn't miss any lessons, people were just introducing themselves. Near the end of the lesson anyway"Eleanor said at the new kid entering the class."Care to join in the introduction."

"You haven't slept were i have last night. I am not that kind of electric anyway"Jeremy replied to Zane before raising his hand and allowed arcs of electricity pass between them."That trick comes at no extra charge. You though give hot head a new meaning."
Zane tilted his head, "Was I?" If he was being defensive he didn't notice, though his brother always accused him of it, this was probably why Kane had more friends than him, but whatever, it was just another part of himself he couldn't control, "Welp, it's why I'm here, these flames have a mind of their own, if you haven't noticed already." He didn't flinch at the electricity, seeing as it wouldn't really hurt him if he was hit, Zane chuckled at Jeremy's joke, if it was a joke, "How original." He must have heard that about a thousand times, it was impossible to avoid fire jokes, "Be careful not to start a flame war, you will get burned." Though Zane's mood was calm now, he knew in the back of his mind that this could change at any given time.
Jeremy chuckled, things in the school was looking up.

"I have no doubt about that. Don't worry i won't push you that far, i got the bad puns out of my system."He said offering his hand to shake."A pleasure meeting you. This is your community service as well?"
Senka Just stood in the right hand corner watching the students and teacher before looking out the window at the two that had left the class room. 'Interesting' Senka thought to himself as he turned his attention to the two having there conversation before closing his eyes and meditating silently in the corner ready to break the meditation of addressed. (The meditation is not viable)
Zane shook Jeremy's hand, the flame on it's surface sinking into his skin for a moment in case he could be burned, everyone seemed pretty friendly at the school, but this was the first day and his first class, "Community service? Hmm... Not exactly, my parents sent me here after things started burning." He chuckled, withdrawing his hand and looking at the strange guy in the corner of the room, his cell phone buzzing in his pocket, would the teacher be upset if he checked it? Probably, seeing as it could only be his brother he decided the guy could wait a minute.
Berial glanced around the room at everything that was happening, pouting that she wasn't getting at any attention. Maybe I should use my power..but on who? Zane or Xavier? Or maybe I shouldn't..what to do, what to do..
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"Oi, you gonna talk or just sit there?" The flame-headed boy said to the pouty Junior, by this time he was sitting in his desk backwards to see everyone, this girl, she seemed kind of needy, envious? No, that's a bit harsh to say, but she was being a bit childish, even his brother... Actually, that'd be a bad comparison. The point was that this girl was an obvious attention seeker. He slid his phone from his pocket and began checking his texts.
Senka looks at the girl after breaking meditation and then at hot-head. Studying the girl and the hot head closely before studying the rest of the people in the class before deciding non of them are a threat to him, he then looks at the teacher and walks over to the front of the class looking out the door's window before turning towards the teacher again standing next to the door. "You seem relaxed for someone who is supposed to be teaching." Senka says to the teacher.
"I'm debating something. I could regret it, or I might not. Just depends on if I do it right." Berial looked back at Zane, still pouting. He'd be fun to mess with...but I don't wanna be set on fire afterwards. Xavier isn't paying attention, this ninja boy just seems rude, and Sparky there doesn't seem interesting either.
"Hmm... Have fun with that, weirdo." He teased, looking down and chuckling at his brother's text and responding, then looking back up from his phone wondering what she could possibly be thinking about, "If you have to put so much thought into it, it's probably a bad idea..." Zane said, looking at the girl with his head resting on his arms, she seemed like a bit of a troublemaker but he decided not to say anything about it, he knew shouldn't assume.
"Maybe..but I could at least give it a shot." She got up from her desk and walked to his, sitting on it. "You seem to be a little stuck up. Probably had everything handed to you." He's a little rude. Maybe I can set him straight with a little bending...
"Excuse me, princess. I didn't wake up to please pouty little girls." He rolled his eyes, he hadn't been the least bit rude, he ignored the girl sitting behind him on his desk, the flame on his body turning blue.

Oh my god, this guy is so disgusting, he's eating with his entire freaking face, Zane, halp. I have some chick sitting on my desk acting like I should be catering to her, how typical. Lololol, have fun with that, just don't turn the girl into ash, kay? Big baby.

He glanced over hi shoulder at the girl a moment before looking away, what did this chick want, anyways?
Senka looked at the two talking. 'typical, even in a place like this people seem to flirt.' Senka then sighs as he just watches the two converse having nothing better to do.
She frowned. He's really being difficult. I guess I can give it a shot.... "Oh Zane~" She said softly, smiling and trying to hold his attention for more than 2 seconds since he was texting someone. She could read a little of his conversation over his shoulder, feeling a little offended at what he was saying about her. Man he's rude. I'm not acting like that. I'm just being sociable.
You are such a dick, ugh. Love you bro, just saying this in case I don't make it. Lol. Whatever. I don't think class should be lasting too much longer, either that or my class is super boring, see you soon, princess :P

"What do you want." Zane said, not bothering to look at her as he pressed the home button and poked the iFunny app, it never really made him laugh but it was funny... Not really, though. The flames on his body sank into his skin as he swiped through stupid things people thought were funny, waiting for the girl's response with some interest, also wondering what that guy in the corner was doing.

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