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Realistic or Modern The High School for Society's Rejects

Berial sighed and gave up. He's stubborn. I'm not gonna waste any more of my time on an ass like him. "Whatever. Never mind." She got off of his desk and went back to her own, sitting down in it and putting her head down to be left alone. Totally uncool...
Senka Watched the two a little longer before a portal in the door opened up again, Senka looked into the portal sticking his hand into it pulling out a sheathed Katana and hooking the katana to his side closed the portal again. 'Im not sure wepons are permited but im keeping this with me. I can just say its welded shut.' He thought to himself as he looked at the two conversing again.
"Wow, so much for effort. Hope you do better with your classwork~" He teased before the guy in the corner magically opened a portal and pulled out a katana, "Bro, that's badass." When the girl started doing cool shit he'd pay attention, she seemed so normal and it was kind of boring, this guy just summoned a sword, that was the coolest power, in Zane's opinion.

(Well, a flame shouldn't be cool xD These characters of mine are lik little parts of myself, so the reaction to the sword thing is exactly how I'd react.)
Berial ignored him, sitting silently and ignoring his mildly pugnacious comments. They made her want to punch him in the throat, but she really didn't feel like being set on fire.

(You're being so mean >~< She can't do anything "cool" if he ain't paying attention to her and he's being a douche.)
Senka looked at the guy who had complemented him. "Thank you." he says replying to the complement looking over at the girl then back at the guy still standing by the door but now leaning against the wall. "What wrong with the lady." Senka asked the fire guy, feeling she shouldn't be left alone sense its the first day of the school.
"I honestly don't know, she never answered my question." He looked over at the girl, "Sorry if I sound rude, I don't like being called stuck up when I am in fact, not being stuck up... At least I don't think I was..." Zane thought a moment before speaking up again, "So, what's your deal, Beri boo?" The flame-headed boy said the nickname with a grin, wondering how this girl would react to his habitual nicknaming, Kane hated it and it was funny when he got upset. Gosh I'm bored. He was easily bored, he waited for a response. 
(She called him stuck up for no reason, dick move brah, JK, LOL.)
Amy looked up suddenly as the teacher appeared in front of her. She instantly sucked the blood back in through the small papercut. "Sorry miss. I can't help it sometimes." She says apologetically to the teach.

Amy sits there and looks around as two students leave but she just shrugs and instead listens to everyone introductions. "Hi I'm Amy." She said quickly before sitting back down in her seat and then went back to watching what was going on around her.
Berial didn't like the nickname, it wasn't what she was usually called, but it was better than some other names she had been called. "You're an ass, that's what's my 'deal' is." She growled, obviously frustrated with his attitude.
Senka sighed as the girl was obviously infuriated she did not get her way with fire boy. "So tempered." Senka says out loud why thinking before going into his meditating state again.
"Aww, you want a hug?" She actually looked quite huggable, and colorful, but he didn't care for her attitude, "I'm literally a walking furnace, I can't control my flame, baby~ That being said I have a short fuse, you be an ass and I'll be an ass." He knew she probably didn't see how rude she actually was, and it was a bit irritating.
Amy watched the ongoing fight between the two and she couldn't help but laugh quietly at the nickname he had given her and how angry she was getting over it. Amy was sure it was because he had just blown her off like that.
"I don't deal with idiots. I'll make you walk off a cliff, ninja-boy." She looked up, irritated. "As for you, pyro, you wanted me to talk. I did, and you just blew me off. I don't take that well." She sat back in her seat and folded her arms across her chest.
Walks over to the group from her spot in the back corner where shewas sketching out a design for her next tattoo. Smiles a bit and says hazily "Im sensing some sexual tension here... I heard theres a janitors closet that never gets used on the second level if you two want" Winks and leans against a desk
Senka ignores what is happening now meditating silently so his ability's will be usable again faster 'This girl isn't that bright...She has already reviled her power of seduction as she tried using it on a hot headed boy that has no care for her yet.' Senka mentally sighs at her small mistakes which would cost her blood if they where opponents.
Looks over at Senka wondering what the hell hes doing and if hes high. If he is I want whatever hes using! Twists my eyebrow piercing and glances between the two.
In his flameless state the boy's face turned red, "Wh-What the fuck?" Ah, yes, the awkward sex jokes always existed within his life, he'd never quite gotten used to them as the subject made him feel awkward. He looked at the clock, hoping class would end before the taunting could continue and make him face the part of himself he didn't care for, as well as the childish junior and her behavior.
As soon as Amy noticed that the teacher wasn't paying attention her mind slipped back to playing again as she slowly made a small amount of blood come from the small cut again and she began to manipulating it into some common items. She smiled as she was quickly becoming very skilled at controlling it and how to make weapons. She could even sometimes use it as a projectile.
Watches Amy in full awareness that the teacher gave up with her within the first ten minutes. Can she control other peoples blood? Mine? If she could she could manipulate my power to a certain degree...
Berial couldn't help but laugh at her joke, partially because it was so inane and partially because of Zane's blushing face. "Wow..never thought I'd hear that. And you're blushing, Zane. I must admit, it's a cute look on you." She smiled. He's such an ass, but he's still cute...
Raises an eyebrow at the both of them again and smirks when she laughs "Just kiss the girl already... if you burn her I will fix her. No need to be shy now... really."
Zane blushed, "Wh-What?! I'm not cute, I'm a man, shut up!" He yanked his hood over his head, this was embarrassing, "I'm not going to go around kissing strangers you idiot!" Zane said in a muffled voice, what was with these people?
She patted his hoodied head lightly, still laughing. "Okay fine. You're not cute. You're handsome. And charming. And still a little bit of an ass, but I am too so not that big a deal." She looked over at the girl that looked super high. "What's your name? I like your attitude."

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