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Realistic or Modern The High School for Society's Rejects

Berial gave a small glance over her shoulder at the boy with brown hair and the one that was beside the one with red hair, smiling. Got their attention...hopefully they'll take the bait later.

She decided to just head inside and glanced around. The place was....modest? Was that the word for it? Well, it wasn't impressive. And for the record, the people here were pretty plain. Not "special" at all, at least to her. She sighed. This could be either fun or boring. And it was leaning to the latter.

(Sorry, school)
Looking around bordly, Xavier decided he had nothing better to and walked over to the girl that bumped into him. He should at least make one friend, right? He looked around the hall, taking the school in. It didn't look any different from the schools he'd been to before, but then again he'd only gone to a few.

Finally catching up Xavier stood a few feet from the girl, noticing her hair for the first time. "Hey. I couldn't help but notice your hair, and was wondering if it was natural," he said like that was the most natural way to start a conversation. Of course if she had been blonde or a redhead he wouldn't have asked -would have been rude- but she had multicoloured streaks in it and they were at a school for "gifted".
Berial smiled to herself and turned around to face the boy that had just spoken to her, pretending to look a little offended. "Well that's rude. Not the best way to start a conversation, is it? But if you must know, it's not natural. I dyed it."
Xavier froze at the look the girl gave him, not really sure how he should react. "Sorry," he mumbled quickly. "I just didn't know and was curious because we are at a school for gifted and-" Xavier stopped, coughing and looking away in embarrassment. He just had to make himself look like an idiot didn't he? Offering the girl his hand to shake, he said, "My name's Xavier, currently the biggest idiot in the school."
She couldn't help but smile at his idiocy. Obviously she had made him nervous. Check. And he was interested at least. Another point for her. She mentally made a note to try the same thing with those two boys that looked like brothers. Especially the one that looked a little younger.

She took his hand gently and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Xavier. I'm Berial. And don't worry. You're not an idiot. It's probably just nerves." Compliment, check. This guy seems pretty easy to work. I'll have plenty of fun with him...
The flame-headed teen walked into his first class of the day, seeing some rather... Questionable faces upon entering. He looked over and saw that they had a special seat, just for him, wonderful, it was solid steel painted to look normal with a flame retardant substance, not totally obvious at all.

"Ugh... It's too hot in here..." An icy film coated the boy's skin as he walked, beads of sweat freezing on his face and neck as he felt the temperature rising, how could the others handle this heat? He got a couple of sideways glances, but most didn't notice or didn't care, a few maybe both.

"Sooooo... Public school, am I right?" The fire wielding brother said awkwardly as the burning glares from other students sent a chill up his spine, cold enough to freeze his flame, they were. "Ahem, well... Hmm..." He shut up and turned forward, hoping someone less hostile was in this class.
Elizabeth walked around the school and realized she was late to class, if she was 13 she would be nervous and could have cried but spending time in that prison made her learn some tricks to get out of trouble. Elizabeth took out her phone and looked at the picture she took of the school nurse's signature. She took out a piece of paper and started to write down an excuse.

Elizabeth Blackwell will be arriving late to class because she had a terrible pain in her right leg.

Elizabeth copied the signature in the end of the paper and then looked at it

"Good enough"

Elizabeth entered her first class and handed over the fake letter
Eleanor let the girl be entering her class before the bell rang. She prepared herself for the class to come as the students came. She was writing her name on the top left hand side of the board as "Mrs Malcolm" and "Trigonometry" in the centre. She noted Elizabeth enter late amd leaving a note on her desk. She took it in and read it, and gave Elizabeth a hard look.

"We will discuss this note after class, miss Blackwell."She said coldly before beginning her class.

(sorry gtg but just had to put this in.:-P)
"Thank you miss." Amy said sounding grateful for the help before putting her schedule back in her pocket and walking towards the class with the small ball of light. She stood outside tbe door for a moment before going in and taking a seat near the front. She watched the lady from just before walk in not long after her. 'Mrs Malcolm.' She thought in her head. She watch a girl leave Mrs Malcolm a note. 'Sick on the first day thats odd' She thought to herself again.
Xavier heard the bell rang and mentally cursed. First class and already late. "I gotta go," he told Berial, waving to her as he walked backwards down the hall. "See ya later." Turning to look where he was going he took off in a jog, reading the room numbers to try and find the one he was supposed to be in. He'd gotten his schedule a week before, so he had it memorized pretty well. Finally spotting the room, he took a deep breath to calm himself before pushing open the door and throwing an apologetic look to the teacher, a Mrs Malcolm if the name on the board was right. "Sorry for being late, there was a mix up with my schedule," he lied smoothly as he took an empty seat, focusing a little bit of power into the sentence and trying to look embarassed to make the teacher believe it.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes and took out her notebook. She started working in the graffiti she wanted to paint in her bedroom walls. She knew her mother knew about the fake note so she made a small ball of dark energy hit her leg making it look like it had bruises
Amanda heard the bell rang and she fastened her pace. Her cheeks were now blushing like mad. It was because she had never talked to a senior before, Amanda thought, but was it really the reason? Amanda shook her head lightly and started to jog to her class.
Berial waved back at Xavier, smiling. "See you." She turned and walked to her classroom, not even bothering to have an excuse for being late as she sat down, getting the things she needed out and ignoring any weird looks she was getting from the people around her.
"No, come in!"Eleanor said sarcastically as more student came in late, which included Jeremy."The bell is only a guideline, i wonder why we even have it. Please can we have a better showing tomorrow please. Also i would like to remind you that there is no use of powers in the high school outside the gym or otherwise instructed. "
Xavier looked up from his notebook that he was doodling in, staring at the teacher. No powers? Well that sucked. Deciding now was as good a time as any he sighed in frustration and stopped using his powers completely. The colour from his hair and eyes faded until they were back to their normal colours. Looking down at his desk Xavier tried to focus on doodling instead of worrying if people were watching.
Parthenia yawned, standing up from her bed. Letting out a deep sigh, she tied her messy braids into a ponytail and ran her hand across her pierced eyebrow. "Seriously though, were the piercings really necessary, dad?" She moaned and slipped on some jeans and a blue tank top. Pulling a vest over her shoulders, Parthenia took an apple from the cafeteria for breakfast and examined her schedule.

Wait... Parthenia thought about this morning. What did she do again? "CRAP!" Glancing at her watch, Parthenia began to run down the hallway. "I'm late I'm late I'm late... ugh..." Parthenia rushed through the school, thoughts racing through her mind. "Why couldn't my emotional turn-off have happened now, when I need it most?"

Parthenia slowed as she passed a class that a boy was entering. She didn't know where to find anything... maybe she could ask the teacher he was speaking to?

Approaching Eleanor, Parthenia gave a worried sigh. "Excuse me... I'm new here... Do you know what class I'm in?" Biting her lip, she closed her eyes, waiting to be scorned for waking up so late.
The flame-headed boy leaned in his seat, flame rising to his skin as the woman spoke, he was here for this reason, and this was why his desk was fae retardant and metal, though the teacher probably knew this, "Sorry, can't do much about this." He pointed his finger and flame burst from it's tip, nearly hitting her. "... Um... Oops?" He heard whispering and some hushed laughter but he ignored it.
Berial walked into Ms. Malcom's classroom, ignoring the fact that she was very late. She didn't really care. In fact, it didn't bother her one bit. She knew how to get out of trouble and bend people to her way of thinking, but she didn't feel that she needed to waste her time and energy on a teacher.
It was that girl from earlier, startled he nearly burnt her face if not for him falling out of the chair, quickly controlling the flame so the floor didn't burn. "Glad you decided to join us~" He said, honestly just being friendly, nothing more, nothing less, he checked his phone as it buzzed and he received a text.

This guy is soooooooooooooooooo annoying, omg. There was a picture of a man, overweight with a mouth open so wide he could swallow a mountain. Lol, gluttonous man~ Good luck~ Yeah, whatever...
Banging on the door shocked Lafi out of his dreams and he sat up in shock looking around and groaning in emberrasment when he realized what time it was.

'Seriously late on the first day way to make an impression' lafi thought bitterly getting up from the warmth of his bed and taking a quick shower before changing after quickly transforming into the form he usually uses.

Lafi got changed in a long sleeveless star wars shirt, ripped leather leggings and black and purple spiked combat boots before doing her make up and putting her long curly pink and purple hair in pinktails. Hurridly she grabbed her back pack, leather jacket, and helmet before jumping onto her purple and green motorcycle and heading off to school.

Rushing in she didn't the state of the school as she tried to find her first class.
"Are you a senior, if so this is your class?"Eleanor replied to Parthenia, starting to get annoyed with this first day lateness of the students.
Lafi hurried to her next class after getting her schedule which was unfortunately math. Yet, her hurry she didn't notice her favorite ryuk chibi falling out of her slightly opened back pack.

Out of breath she burst in to class freezing when she found all eyes on her. She hated being in the spot light. Nervous she laughed rubbing the back of her head and went to sit at the seat the teacher silently pointed to. In her emberrament she stared at the ground and didn't notice who she sat by.

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