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Fantasy The heretics


Alys Lei Seeing as the 'party' was slowly drawing to a close, she noticed that Daniel had said that he was going on night patrol. Since she really hadn't done anything to help her team so far, she decided to trail after him, thinking that it probably would have been better with two people rather than one.

Alys politely bowed to whoever was remaining around the locality before heading out. "Pardon me, I'll be helping Daniel on lookout, wherever he may be. I wish you all a good night."

Though Daniel had most-likely been out of reach at this point, she attempted to find him anyway. She grabbed a handkerchief from her pocket to wipe her face just in case, as the boy had mentioned that something was there previously. Alys paced faster and faster outside, averting her gaze in all directions. The calming nighttime wind blew her bangs and bonnet around, though she found it quite relaxing. Realizing that the village was practically empty at this hour, she figured that Daniel must have ventured off into the forest.

Alys opened up her grimoire, chanting a spell or two before entering the area filled with dense trees. Small 'butterflies' began to circle around her, though it was merely an illusion for the effects to take place. She temporarily increased her agility and defense; the agility to be able to (hopefully) find Daniel quicker, and the defense in case someone/something were to attack. (as she had naturally low defense levels)

She made her way into the forest, shouting Daniel's name.

Noah washed himself off, it felt good to finally get off all of that dirt and blood. It made him feel new again. He wrapped at town around his waist and looked into a nearby by mirror. He reached up and felt the new scar on his cheek, ad well as the large scar on his back, "ah I see, the battle went well," a familiar voice said and Noah quickly turned around to see a tall, bulky man. "Cid!" Noah yelled, and nearly tackled the man down to the ground. Cid let out a deep laugh, "you remind me of your father. I think you're more like him," he replied, slightly pushing Noah away to get some space. "What are you doing here?" "Oh me? I'm just here to see an old friend." After a little while of catching up between the two Cid looked around the room go check if anyone else was in here. From one of his back pockets Cod pulled out a glowing red stone, "I want you to take this Noah, don't show,anyone, don't tell anyone. Keep this with you at all times," Cid instructed and Noah nodded in agreement. The two talked for a bit more and Cid explained that he will be joining the group to act as reinforcements.

"It's nice to see you again Cid, but I think I have someone waiting on me," Noah said before getting dressed and leaving the room. He wandered around a bit until he found Loonie in the garden, "hey, Loonie are you alright?" He asked her with a worried tone. Meanwhile Cid watched from a distance with a small grin on his face, 'just like his father' he thought before walking off.

@Ami the breadling

@Andraus I was wondering if Adara and Cid could already know eachother?)

Cid Bethmont a holy swordsman who was Arthur De Clare's best friend, and the only person he trusts. Even in his old age he is still considered to be the strongest knight on both the red and white dragons. Noah sees him as a father figure, and as a family member.
an odd stone that was given to Noah by Cid. It. Emits a powerful aura.
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SkullRoss said:
Jeez, now the moment is ruined. It wasn't enough that Kadia scurried off, screaming. These buffoons had to go around telling her what she's feeling. "Well, I'm outta here," Neil stated as he stood up. "Sorry to have bothered you, Ma'am (@Andraus ). I know the sun's just now setting, but I'm gonna hit the hay." He yawned while stretching his arms up over his head. "If everyone's feeling better from their injuries, my guess is that we'll be heading out in the morning," he stated for everyone around to hear.
@Steviemac @MadGod @Hatz @ArcticVoid @Astaroth Suzumiya
Cassiopea heard the announcer as she raise a hand ""hello im just new here umm " she believe they will be all mad at her by her absent.
Kadia rushed to the bathhouse and grabbed the newly-cleaned clothes. She brought them close to her face and sniffed them, "So fresh," she smiled. Without hesitation, she changed out of the dress and into her normal clothes. She stretched a bit, getting used to the tight clothing again. She was about to leave through the door before she paused and walked back. She picked up the dress she wore earlier and hugged it tightly to her body. She walked to the other side of the house, embarrassed due to a lot of people watching her confess to Saccharin. She sat with her back against the wall and her legs bent, sitting on the dress. Now she could notice a tear in her trousers. She frowned, these clothes used to be her mothers. Sighing, she took a needle out of her pocket and then ripped the dress a tiny bit to get some thread. After many tries, she managed to get the thread into the needle. She was far from an expert at sewing. She sewed the tear together while she was still wearing her trousers and managed to get pricked by the needle more times that she could count, having to heal herself very frequently. When she was done she looked at how well she managed to sew it. It looks absolutely dreadful, but it'll do. Every event until today had tired her. She spread the dress out onto the ground a little more. Then she curled up into a ball so she could fit her whole body on the dress, she didn't want any dirt on her clothes. Hugging her knees, she drifted off to sleep.
( Could I intoduce an Archer? )

Mark was on too of the roof staring at the village. ' Today was pretty eventful, I can't believe so many people got over it that quickly. ' He muttered to himself, before seeing Mia and Noah in the garden. ' I wonder if the war is going to tear everyone apart. I wanna enjoy tonight while it lasts. ' He continued, laying on the roof.

@Eagershadow3 @ Ami the breadling @ Anyone
(@Hatz You really sent poor Alys to follow a serial killer alone in the woods at night...)

Daniel was strolling around the woods with a look of complete boredom. Nothing, not even critters. There was this owl, but he held some strange feeling of camaraderie for fellow night hunters as he felt they were after all the only ones who could understand and accept his true self. A meaningless rationale, but still better than the thought of absolute solitude.

A voice? A twisted smile grew on his face as he heard a distant voice, but faded away as soon as he realized it came from the direction of the village. No luck for me tonight I guess , but then again, he never believed in such a thing as luck.

Paying close attention he realized the voice was calling his name. Having nothing better to do anyway he decided to he'd stumble onto the owner of the voice, something might have actually happened back in the village too.
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@MadGod Yup. I feel no pity whatsoever for Alys-- Imeanwhat.))


Alys Lei "Daniel...! Daniel....!" she shouted some more, hoping to be able to find her comrade sooner or later. She averted her gaze all around, though no one seemed to be nearby. Alys sighed, taking a break from wandering about the large arrays of trees. 'Perhaps I was mistaken, and he is not here after all...' she thought, taking a seat on the grass as she leaned against a tree trunk. Alys took a moment to admire the bright, starry night above her, respecting the illumination that radiated around each star.

All she could notice other than that, was an owl chirping. Though apart from the stars above, it certainly was quite dark around her. It was late, and she seemed to be alone. Of course, usually that would cause an unnerving feeling. Alys shrugged it off, the fearless part of her kicking in.

After her short rest, she stood up once more, and began venturing deeper into the forest, without looking back at the small village that seemed to have strayed further and further away. She knew that it was going to be a pain to find her way back out, but she figured that she would look around for a little while longer before turning back. She cared about others, even if it hadn't been very long since they met.

Alys began to shout his name several more times, as a figure seemed to have been nearby. She attempted to make out the individual, though admittedly, it was difficult.

Noah opened his mouth to say something, but Loonie quickly interrupted him with wrapping her arms around him. His cheeks were bright red, and he was extremely flustered, "h-hey, what's wrong?" He asked her, his body was tense, but he eventually relaxed. The stupid idiot was oblivious to her situation.

@Ami the breadling

( @ArcticVoid you mean like a new character?)
As Daniel drew closer to the voice he realized it belonged to the girl from before. In an attempt to satisfy his curiosity from before he went close enough to see her, but still far enough to not get noticed and decided to watch for a while. She was resting at the base of a tree looking at nothing in particular. Whatever he had noticed before, he couldn't see it anymore right now.

He kept following her as she resumed her apparent aimless walk. A sense of excitement was starting to well up in Daniel as he looked at her wandering like that. This was the kind of prey he enjoyed most.

He absolutely detested fighting. Despite his overwhelming strength, the thought of giving the other party even the smallest chance at winning terrified him. One sided massacres, that was the only kind of acceptable fight in his mind, so he only ever went for lone, clueless prey that couldn't put up a real fight. Yes, exactly like the one before him. His thoughts started running with ideas of stories and excuses he could give to the group, but mostly with all sorts of ways to 'entertain' his long awaited guest. He never noticed he had completely forgotten about hiding and was coming in closer to Alys.


In one word Daniel's sense of reason was restored only to quickly be flooded with intense fear. Again. It happened again, and so soon! Next time I may not be able to come back!

Daniel replied with a trembling voice and his face full of dread he could not yet hide.
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Alys Lei "Alys?"

Alys was bewildered at his trembling voice, though satisfied at the same time because she had finally found him. Had something happened to the poor boy? Was he attacked? Injuries? The countless possibilities as to what transpired raced through her mind, she was glad that she had come to check up/aid him.

"Ah, so I've finally found you, Daniel.... That's a relief. I thought having two people on patrol would be better than a single person, which is why I came looking for you. But.. you seem unnerved. Did something happen while you were out here? If you're hurt, I could help heal the injury..." she calmly offered, trying her best to express her concern, despite being oblivious to the fact that he was immune to healing magic.

Ah, I see now. Now wonder I couldn't figure it out. She's the same.

The way she gave a faint smile when she talked and kept such a calm look in front of a strange situation and so many other little signs. The mask a person used to abuse crafts and wears to endure it, only hers was masterfully done compared to his own. She was likely yet unaware of it herself.

I wonder what would I see if I looked behind that beautifully crafted mask? A crying little girl? Or is there just nothingness left behind? Or maybe a monster like myself?

Having regained his composure Daniel answered while giving a warm smile.

"Thank you for your concern, but I am uninjured. The company would still be most welcome though. I had intended however to stay awake all night, I am used to little sleep, but I believe I cannot ask the same of you. Tomorrow will be a tiring march to the castle. If you fine with the ground as a sleeping stop you can retire when you feel the need to, I'll remain on watch."

Regardless of what her mask was hiding, Daniel believed there was still a lot more to gain from staying around Alys.

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Alys Lei Alys softly smiled back, relieved to see that Daniel was unhurt. "Affirmative. But... I can't completely agree about the idea of you staying awake all night. Sleep is quite important, and even if you're used to it, I believed it's still beneficial to rest, at least a little. However, I will try my best to not be a nuisance to you, Daniel." she replied, keeping up her usual placidity.

Her first voluntary 'task' for the group seemed to have been going well. She had no complaints about working with Daniel, as she saw him as a kindhearted, sympathetic and gentle individual. Alys was contented that she was getting along with the others well.

Though the silence wasn't a problem for her, she was quite curious whether there were actually any threats wandering about in the woods, as it seemed quite empty of living beings in general. Nonetheless, she was vigilantly keeping watch of her surroundings.

"It's... just... a lot of memories i wanted to suppress came up... And additionally, i am the worst knight in the world...", Mia somehow muttered while crying. She clinged onto Noah more, hiding her face in his chest.

The Krezoc had received his patrolling orders, and thus, simply out of idle tension, set out into the dark to better learn the environment that he would be patrolling. He listened to the noise of the dark, the crunch of leaves beneath his feet as he walked along. However, as he approached a clearing, he froze, hearing voices. He looked up to a rather large tree over looking the clearing, and decided to get a better view. He leapt up, claws digging into the wood as he scrambled up to the highest branches, taking his perch on one of the stronger ones. He peered out into the clearing, before seeing that those voices he had heard were simply fellow trainees. He leapt forward, landing beside Alys and Daniel with a thud. "All goes well?" He inquired
Mark smirked. ' Why the hell would she think that? ' He asked himself, i have seen people charging into big dudes, CHARGING! ' He added.
"Don't say that. I'm sure that there are 10,000 knights that are worse than you," Noah told her as he held her close. It was getting g dark and Noah could feel the strain of battle flush over his body, especially since he nearly died. "We should get some rest, there will be a lot of walking tomorrow," he suggested.

@Ami the breadling
Mia cried less and less and finally stopped, looking him in the eyes with a undefinable gaze. She smiled. "Yes, yes we should...", she said calmly. She stood up, preparing to leave. But just before she walked of, she turned to him again. "I am glad i have you, Noah De Clare. You already did more for me than you might know.", she said and then left to sleep.



Alys Lei Alys was certainly startled at the lizardman's sudden appearance. She had an instinct to step back several steps, though a part of her said not to, and so she stayed in her place. She was unsure whether the creature belonged to the Knight's Academy or not, as she arrived quite late. She was ready to support Daniel if he was an enemy, though it was wise not to jump to conclusions just yet. From the looks of it, the male seemed to have been a strong and honorable individual.

"Ah, yes, thank you for your concern." Alys calmly replied with her usual faint smile. The lizardman did seem quite friendly. "Are you... part of the... academy?" she followed up, eyeing him a bit suspiciously. Alys couldn't help but to slightly yawn afterwards, though she attempted to hide the sign that she was becoming a bit drowsy.

@SirDerpingtonIV @MadGod
The Krezoc gave a brief nod, gazing at the two of them for a few seconds, fairly disappointed with what he saw, although he made no note of it. "You may call me Chu'Kara'Vaam, and yes, I am of this academy of Knights," he introduced with a light growling tone. He gestured to his strange lack of actual armor, and the unique weapon sheathed at his hip. "I do not engage in honorable combat like a "proper" knight, but mine are the skills of my people, of whom I represent,". He explained, making a rolling motion with his hands, as if he was growing bored of giving this information. He could see her suspicious looks and yawning, and remembered how uncommon his folk were in these lands. Which could perhaps lead to... Distrust of him. A churning feeling of dislike for the human boiled in his gut, his lips bending into a slight scowl.
(Funny how after a long and arduous battle everyone seems hungry only for luxurious baths and romantic walks. What happened to the good old fashioned dinner?)

Daniel was more than a little annoyed, not just for the interruption, but he held a particular dislike towards the lizard people and had it not been for Alys' presence the krezoc would have landed on his (Daniel's) claws. Lizards were a particularly violent race and reason and arguments were rarely of any use with them. The best thing to do was to just keep clear of them or somehow they'd eventually find some reason to attack you.

But mistakes like the one from before actually were quite rare for Daniel, he showed only a slightly surprised face with no trace of killing intent.

@SirDerpingtonIV @Hatz
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Alys Lei Alys nodded, noticing the lizardman's glower and bowed apologetically. "I sincerely apologize for my false accusation. I apologize for the misunderstanding, Chu'Kara'Vaam." she said, before standing up straight once more. "We appreciate your company, so thank you."

Alys paused for a moment, averting her gaze from Chu, to Daniel, and back to the open space. She quickly added her introduction, as she had forgotten her manners. "My name is Alys. Alys Lei, support mage at your service." she bowed politely once more.

She was slightly disappointed in herself for not handling the situation better, to even assume that Chu'Kara'Vaam was an enemy when they were in fact allies. Alys gripped her grimoire a bit tighter, unsatisfied due to the mistake she had made.

@MadGod @SirDerpingtonIV
Chu'Kara'Vaam hummed to himself, appeased by the girl's apology. He held his fist over his heart and nodded, "The warrior hears and accepts," he said, a traditional saying amongst his people. He slid out his blade, giving it a few idle practice swings, feeling awfully bored. Were he amongst his peers, he would have requested a duel to pass the time, but he knew humans weren't as fond of combat, and saw it as something dangerous instead of sport and entertainment. A strange species, they were. "A pleasure to meet you Alys Lei," he said, with a nod.
Kadia was fast asleep on the ground. She was probably having a nice dream as she was smiling and mumbling in her sleep. Her mouth was open and she was drooling. Every few minutes, she would giggle in her sleep. She wasn't a very neat sleeper, she would always writhe and kick out her arms and legs, mutter and she would sometimes get up and sleepwalk. Kadia wasn't hugging her legs anymore, instead she was sprawled out on the dress she lying on. She started snoring quite loudly.

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