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Fantasy The Helllamore Family

"Well, we're obviously going to sit here, I mean, where else would we sit?" Kennedy smiled. "Wait a sec, I'm gonna check on Navaeh," she said. Kennedy walked over to her sister and put her head on a pillow. She slipped Navaeh's arm ontop of the pillow in a more comfortable position. She then noticed a few scars on her wrists. "Hey, um, Connor could you come over here for a sec?" She asked. Kennedy studied the scars. She was worried. What was on Navaeh's mind? "Have you ever noticed this?" She asked indicating to the cuts on her wrist.

Connor smiled. "Yeah... Just wasn't thinking." His face emotionless as soon as Kennedy went over to Neveah. He saw the scars and he frowned. "She'd always come to band practice crying... We use to think it was because of her being late. She stressed about it and said stuff about not being able to hang out. And that being late was stupid of her, especially since it was constant. The bracelets she wore were always sticky and she said they were uncomfortable once, but she refused to take 'em off. I didn't think it was because of this.... Why do you think she'd do this?" He asked with a noticeably sad tone. The kind smile he had just a few moments ago, completely faded. One could just take a glance at him and they'd know he was upset.

@Keira Winston
Thomas Beckett Larson

Thomas glanced toward the guy, Connor. "Yeah, nice to meet ya. Hope we can be good mates." He plasted a small smile, then just nodded and joined both Kennedy and Connor inside.

"It's... But is Navaeh going to be okay? It's not healthy for her to do this..." His face was torn between concerned and uncomfortable as he sat down. He didn't have the heart to see someone so hurt before. His stomach clenched a little because he couldn't do anything about it.

@Keira Winston @Miss Fallen Matrix
Connor sighed. "I want her to be okay... I can't believe she never told us!" Connor sat down next to her feet. "Atleast she's not dead..." He said leaning back and looking at the motionless, yet breathing body with scars that lay amongst her wrists. He sighed again. He didn't think she had done this at all. He frowned while looking at Tom,"Don't worry yourself too much you guys... She should be alright after a little moderation. Just keep watching her alright? It'd be bad if it got worse...."

@Keira Winston @Bluebell and Roses
"I have no idea why she would do this," Kennedy said worriedly. "Navaeh hid all of this from you guys. She shares everything with her band. I don't even know most of the secrets she shares with you," she said quietly. "What's up with her?" she asked. Kennedy turned toward Connor. "Do you think I should wake her?" she asked Connor. Kennedy examined the scars on Navaeh's wrist. She bit her lip, how long has Navaeh been hiding this. "When did she start coming to practice in tears?" she asked.

"I... Don't know, but she has come to band practice in tears for 2 weeks now?" He said lightly tilting his head in a curios manner. He sighed and looked at her. "Maybe we should wake her, I mean she's hurting herself and we need it to stop!" He said on the verge of tears, but not showing he was.
Kennedy gave no sign of hesitation. She began try to shake Navaeh awake. "Navaeh, wake up," Kennedy said once Navaeh had gained her senses back. It took a few seconds before she was fully awakened. Kennedy grabbed Navaeh's wrists and raised it. "What is this?" she asked worriedly. She turned toward Connor to see if he could say something to her. He seemed 'okay' on the outside, but you could never tell. 'You okay?' she mouthed to Connor.

Thomas Beckett Larson

Thomas frowned, he really wanted to helped the girl, but he didn't wanted to snuff into Navaeh personal problem. It was rude to do that.

"Maybe we can hope that she'll tell you both her problem... I'm an outsider to her so I'll go away when she's ready to talk to you." He looked at Kennedy and then at Connor "are you alright?"


Amanda Sophie Larson

Amanda looked around and pouted, "Oh god... Now I feel decidedly uninterested with school." She then picked up her phone and started texting someone she knew well.

'Niko, School is boring even I've walked in. Where are you? Please rescue me before I'm disposed into a trash can of boredom ;((' she clicked send to her friend's number.

@kira blackthorn
Nevaeh rubbed her eyes and looked at her wrist. She frowned as her eyes widened. "Why did you take my bracelet off?!" She said removing her hand from Kennedy's grip. She sat up and moved away bumping into Connor. She tripped over him and tried to get to the stairs to run to her room.
Kennedy bit her lip. She didn't know how to explain to her sister that the bracelet simply fell off. It sounded phony, and Navaeh obviously wouldn't believe her. "Connor, I don't think she'll believe me. I think you should go after her," Kenned suggested. "She won't listen to me, she puts friends in front of family. She'll obviously believe you," Kennedy said. She watched her sister run up the stairs. It slightly depressed her to see those cuts on her sister's wrists. What caused Navaeh to self harm herself?

Niko lay in bed now back in his old clothes looking up at the colorful ceiling. He was so boreeed! Everyone was busy even his pets. He blinked hearing his phone. Sitting up he dug into his pockets and withdrew his phone. He chuckled when he saw the message from Amanda and texted back.

Dear prisoner

I am so sorry but I can not help you. My parole officer aka my mother has busted me out of jail for the day. Suck it up schools over in a few minutes. Wanna come over after school and hang out?

With all the sweets in the world

Nevaeh slammed her door and locked it. While Connor came up and tried to shake the knob. "Nevaeh please! Come out and tell us why you've done this! It's hurting you and we don't want that!" He said slightly banging on the door. He sighed and texted Isaac the situation.

Isaac got the text and immediately came over. He went under Neveah's window with his 'sneak out' gear. He slely climbed up and into her window and gave her hug. He unlocked the door. "Guys it safe to come in without her freaking out too much.
Kennedy rushed up stairs as she heard the door unlock. She ran into Navaeh's room. She knew Connor obviously didn't get much out of her if Issac was here. Issac and Navaeh had a tight bond. It was obviously Issac who did the most comforting. "Hey, what's up, is everything ok?" Kennedy asked worriedly.

Amanda Sophie Larson

Her phone buzzed and she quickly read the message. The blond girl smiled a little before she texted back while walking toward school.

' you, my Alice, are letting this lady in distress in this wrecked ship alone. Any good place to meet up?' Amanda replied as she arrived in front of the class.

"Bye Dave, I'll see you after class." She grinned at the boy.

@kira blackthorn @Peachypants
Alice smirked down at his phone reading Amanda's message. Quickly he texted back.

Lady in distress

So sorry but I'm a mere pirate and cannot come save you from a wrecked ship. However I can treat you to some yogurt and a shopping trip at the ship that's named the mall for the party tonight. Meet me there at 3?

Just a mere pirate

Thomas Beckett Larson

Thomas followed Kennedy to Navaeh's room and stopped in front of her door. He looked at the hurt girl in the other boy's embrace worryingly, bu he knew it wasn't his place to do anything to comfort Navaeh. He turned toward Kennedy.

"Kenna, can I use the kitchen? I'll make some warm drinks and food for Navaeh, hope It'll comfort her a little." His mother always make warm tea and brought sweets to him and his sister when they were frustrated. It worked for them. "And it's more comfortable for her to open up without me I think." Thomas said as he stepped back.

Amanda Sophie Larson

Amanda tuned out everything the teacher's said about this session topic. It was history, almost all of the students had already slept anyway.

'Now that's a real fun, Mika. Finding clothes is mandatory for party. And don't forget to dress up. We must do shopping selfies in there because my Ig hadn't been updated since, like, 6 hours ago. I'll set the sail as soon as I get out
;) .' With a click she send the reply and proceed to sleep.

@kira blackthorn
Glancing at his phone as he got ready to go out Niko snorted shaking his head. Tucking his phone in his pocket he ran down the steps and soon was on his way to the school. By the time he got there school would be out.

(Its not mika its Niko sorry i was responding to so many post I got them mixed up)
"Yeah, I agree, she probably would only open up to her closer friends or family. She may not even open up to me," Kennedy replied to Thomas. "Well, go ahead and use the kitchen, the food may not work. Its worth a try though," Kennedy said giving permission to Tom.

Amanda Sophie Larson

When the school bell rang as the sign this day was over, Amanda blinked. Annoyed that she didn't really sleep that much, she posed her sleepy face as she took a selfie.

'A 1000 years history story telling won't make you sleep, no matter hollywood chick-flick makes you believe that #Historynotsorry' she typed quickly as she upload her selfie on Ig. Then Amanda walked out of the classroom, ready to go with Niko.

(Yeah me too, I first thought Niko's alias is Mika lol)

@kira blackthorn
Niko leaned against his car as the bell rang. Soon Amanda came out. Smiling he waved to her as he went to open her door. "How was your day in prison lady in distress? I hope no pirates bothered you."

(Dayum that car though! I apologize for interrupting IC xD )

Nevaeh whined and struggled to break free. "Let me go!" She yelled and fought Isaac off. She ran into her bathroom and locked it. "Leave me alone! I don't need your help and never will! Why can't you guys see why I hid this from you?! This is the reason!" She leaned against the door and started to sob but the noise was too faint for others to hear it.

Isaac ran to the door and banged on it. "Nevaeh! Open up! You can't hide forever!" He yelled as he continued to attack the door. He looked at Kennedy with a frown. "What can we do Kennedy? She's stubborn and we all know that she will Never come out of that door." He said sitting down and hugging his knees.

Connor leaned on the wall silently, hopelessly watching Isaac. "He's right Kennedy. It's useless, we won't give up, but we all sure as hell know that she ain't comin' out anytime soon..." He spoke awkwardly, hoping to make Nevaeh laugh. Connor's accents would always make her laugh, but nothing. "Kennedy. Do you know anything that would help?" He asked sadly, without looking up form his gaze into the floor.

@Keira Winston
Thomas Beckett Larson

Thomas nodded at Kennedy before going to the kitchen. He searched for a tea box and opened it. Thomas picked Chamomile and Lemon Balm ones then fused it into the silver colored teapot. While the tea was warmed up, he then opened the refrigerator and found some cookies.

"My family often drink Chamomile and Lemon Balm tea. it's refreshing, figure your sis should drink this. And cookies is useful if anyone need something to chew. After she calmed down of course" Thomas said softly to Kennedy as he came upstairs again with a tray consisted of a teapot, some cups, and a little jar of cookies.

Amanda Sophie Larson

Amanda waved back at Niko enthusiastically "beyond disaster! I can't even get a proper sleep and daydreaming." She pout a little, which disappeared fast and replaced with a grin. "So... Shopping adventure mode now?"

@Keira Winston @kira blackthorn
"You know it!" Niko cackled grinning widely as he shut the door behind her. Walking to the other side he started the car and began heading to the mall. "Any shops you want to head to first?"

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