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Fantasy The Helllamore Family


She would smile and say " Do your Magic On my Brother Don't Cut his Hair Just Make it Even" she would walk away sitting in the chair getting her hair done and she told them "Just Do A Nice Bun for Me"

The Hair doer

She would Look at the Boy and Cut his Hair to Make it Evan Not cutting it all off she would ask him saying "do you want me to die your Hair Black" she said Looking at the Boy Put the Cutters down​
Nevaeh's eyes widened at her mother comments. "What?! Mom! You can't do that!" She yelled, trying not to make it too loud. She got off the swings and crossed her arms. "Mom, you've never punished me this bad. I don't see what's the big deal! I have good grades, isn't that all that matters?!"

Everyone else was looking at each other, then at Nevaeh, then her mother, then back at each other. They couldn't help and they knew if they tried they'd only make it worse. They got up off the swing and calmed Nevaeh down.

Nevaeh sighed and had a frown on her face. "The party was only going to be wrecked by us, so you saved that. School, I'd rather you drive me. Band practice, you're separating one of the greatest groups of friends." She leaned in and whispered," and the way my powers work, they are used for good. Unless I say other wise... Mother." She stepped back. "I'm fine with whatever you want to do, but if I'm missing, you should know what happened." She said putting her arms down. Her emotionless face went along with the lack of expression she had in her voice.

"I'm fine as long as this monster doesn't try to do anything else to my beautiful hair." Niko whimpered ducking behind his sister. He wasn't afraid to use her as a shield if need be.

Kennedy hung up and slipped her phone in her back pocket. She sat back down on her bench. She turned her head to Navaeh. "Wait, what about Tom?" Kennedy asked. "You know what, never mind," Kennedy brushed it off. She turned her head when she heard her name. Something about liking her or whatever. "Uh, ok," she said awkwardly. She backed away. She'll just wait for Tom. Kennedy turned her head and saw her mother approaching. She jerked up and off the bench. "Mom, woah, what's up?" She asked. She was now aware of what's happening.



"Oh Yea about the classes thing I looked at Your Grades and They are going down to A 70 your Teacher Just told me in the class you just Skiped,that the only reason why I am Here is because of your Grades right Now." She said Looking at her "Look and Yea I know your Going to Sneak Out Like Always so Your Father put up Window Gates so you can't Sneak Oit and there Magic Proff and mostly everything Proof" she would Look at Kennedy and say "While Did you know about your sister skipping Class" she said Looking at Her.


London would sa
y "Okay Here You Go and Neko Lets go Buy something's to wear Okay" she said Leaving
"Alright." Niko chirped perking up and immediately forget about the monstrous hairdresser. "Let's stop at Hot Topic I like some of their clothes."
London would Look at Him and say "Okay Fine I Go Shoping somewhere else Call Me when You Jave what Ypu want and don't Buy anything with Out telling me"

Nevaeh sighed,"Mom I can't have a 70 if I just got an A on the last test... He might have just put in the wrong grade... Anyway! I can just open your car door while it's moving it something.... It'd hurt, but I'm fast enough to get away..." She said in a slightly lower voice. She made sure her friends didn't hear about the current conversation, they'd freak out to know about her scheme.



"Fine,I Was Planing On Move to A New city And the Whole Family is Moving Which you can't see your friends Or Anything and We are Leave When jine comes around since it is May" she would Look at Her and said "Look I have to go to Head Quaters Your Father would Pick you Up from School Today" she said walking to Her Car and Dtive off​
Niko hummed happily as he browsed through the clothes ignoring the weird looks the workers gave him. They always gave him those looks when he came here but it wasn't his fault he was so cheerful all the time. Soon he found a decent outfit and sent Pics to London even as he walked up to pay for it.





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-22_16-21-53.jpeg.d9bdf3053367db65cdc5c03fc335a79c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-22_16-21-53.jpeg.d9bdf3053367db65cdc5c03fc335a79c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Nevaeh screamed and shook her head. She fell onto the swings and made a loud roar. Her voice was easily heard throughout the classes that were closest to the park.

Her friends attempted to cheer her up. But failed when she groaned every time they said or did something. "Huh... It's weird... The way I work. I rely on stimulation and 'the fun of it all'. I can't handle being with just my family. I could lose them, but losing you guys feel like it's way worse..." She said in a tone that created a thick feeling around her and everyone else had felt it to. It was filled with misery, sadness, despair and depression. Her eyes teared up, but nothing fell until she broke down. She released herself from the swings and sat on a nearby bench. "Even... Even if you guys could come and visit me... It wouldn't be the same as seeing you guys everyday. I would have to separate from... our band... It just wouldn't be the same..." She moved her knees to her chest and her arms were covering her face. She sobbed and refused to be interrupted. As her friends sat around her, they all lay on her shoulders or each other's shoulders and remain there sitting and hugging...


She would Look at Her Phone and Texted Back "Yea Here are some Pic"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.41481df2af239a5c4f883cdfb94d6d90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35203" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.41481df2af239a5c4f883cdfb94d6d90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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When They Reached Home School Just Had Finished. She walked inside the house and would gomin her room Taking her Bag and walking Up the stairs she would go try on the Dress and she said "How do I Look" she said Looking at Neko​

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