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Fantasy The Helllamore Family

Kennedy quickly walked out of her class. A few girls in the back had been glaring at her ever since she entered the room. They were jealous that all the guys liked her. There was even a boy mob that regularly followed her around. But, the girls didn't know that it was the power of her aura. She had a been created the the powers to basically be a distraction, basically a boy magnet. It annoyed her, and she thought it was a curse. A few guys ran after her as she walked out of class. She stopped at her locker to grab some supplies. Not to her surprise, a few love letters fell. "Stupid powers" she mumbled.

Jessica opened her locker to store a few textbooks. She closed it and headed to her next class. Then she spotted Justin. "Hey, Justin, how was class?"

Alice stared out of the window in his class boredly blocking the teachers voice out. He probably knew english better then his teacher anyway. Plus the blue birds outside were much more interesting and amusing. They kept insulting each other.
Nevaeh ran out of her class and slammed into her locker. "Free at last!" She yelled as she opened her locker and threw her textbook inside. The hard cover against the metal of the locker made a loud noise. She laughed and remembered it was chemistry. She sighed and looked at everyone.

They all nodded and went into class. They didn't sit down, but stood at the teacher's desk. They caused unneeded commotion.

Nevaeh slammed her fists down on his desk. "We are leaving. Don't follow us, don't stop us, don't do anything you'd regret." She said in a stern voice. She smiled as the teacher nodded. "Good, glad you accept my showing of Mercy. You wouldn't want anything bad happening now would you?"

The teacher shook his head vigorously.

'The Band' laughed and left the room. They all smiled, it would always be Nevaeh leading them for skipping classes. They all didn't mind and loved skipping classes with her.

Isaac was still laughing. "That was awesome! His face was priceless! You saw it didn't you?!" He gasped for air, the cause was the speed of his speaking. He pat Nevaeh on the head.

Connor smiled. "Hell yeah! That was awesome! If he didn't accept your 'showing of mercy', which I love how you said that, Isaac my man would have done something he would have never done for anyone else!" He joked around and slapped Isaac on the back.

Liz was silent, but smiling. She loved how funny the scene just before the current one was. Her smile shown even more brightly when Connor looked down at her and smiled.

'The Band' left the building and went to the park and hung out there for a while until the next class started. They laughed and spoke to one another. Their bond seemed eternal. What they didn't know was that the chemistry teacher had just recently contacted the Hellfire family parents.

The E-mail read,

"Dear Mr. Hellfire and Mrs. Hellfire,

Your daughter Nevaeh and her friends are currently out of my class. They are elsewhere to an unknown location, please talk to her about her behavioral ethics and her manners and respect towards an adult. It'd be greatly appreciated.


The Chemistry Teacher"

Nevaeh was on the swings, her hair wildly flowing behind then in front of her. Her arms occasionally shot up to show her love of the air surrounding her. She'd yell in excitement when her arms were thrown up.

Everyone laughed as Nevaeh's hair got stuck on her black lipstick. She'd have to move it, but struggle. She almost fell off trying to remove her hair. Everyone was enjoying the outside scenery. The air was crisp and perfectly cold, yet warm at the same time. It was always relaxing to sit in silence or sit in the peaceful wind blowing.


She would Grab Her Phone and realized that It was From the Chemistry Teacher. She would Unlock Her phone and would Read The Message. And it was about Nevaeh and Her Friends. She would show Her Husband About the Message and say "Charles Look at This" she said Looking at Him and showing Him the Message. She would Look at Him and say "Let's go Chris I am Take you Off to school Well I going to your Sister school since you all Go to the Same School". She would Go get ready and would Put Her Shoes On and would Hop on the car and Would Drive to their school. She got out of the Car and went to the Main Office and she said to them "Hi I am Looking for My Daughter Nevaeh what Class Is she In" she said Using her Powers. The Lady would say "Chemistry.room 301" she would walk off walking the Chemistry Class and she would Say "I am Looking for Neveah I am Her Mother". She said Looking at His Class and Him.

(Her Out Fit)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.a7e0261e8801f0d139487fdfdb157f33.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35155" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.a7e0261e8801f0d139487fdfdb157f33.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



She would walk though the Hall where Her Twin Sister was. She realized there was a lot of Guys Near the Door she though it was her Older Sister. But she Look Closer and it was HER MOM. She would Yell and say "
Hey guys Kennedy Is Down The Hall At her Locker go to her" she said when the door was clear she walked On and said "Mom What are you Doing Her" she said Looking at Her Mom she said at the Window she would Run To Justin's way and say "Justin Mom Is here"


Justin would Look at Her and said
"Yea It was Alright" he saw a lot of Guys Running to Kennedy's way. When he Heard that What his sister said and he said "Wait what Why is Mom Here" he said Walking with Jessica where Is Mom Was.



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Kennedy was checking her reflection in the mirror when she noticed a bunch of guys checking her out. "London," she mumbled annoyed. It was always London who was telling the guys and mean girls where Kennedy was. "Thanks a lot, London," Kennedy mumbled sarcastically. Kennedy slammed her locker door shut with a loud 'clang'. She swiftly turned around giving the death glare to the boys. They soon scrambled away. "Works like a charm," Kennedy said with a smirk. Kennedy slung her backpack over her right shoulder and walked out of the school's doubledoors. She couldn't stand having to sit at a desk for the next few periods. Kennedy slipped on her RayBan aviator sunglasses and walked to the park. She would've gone to the mall, but there was a bigger chance that the populars would be there, hunting for her. Kennedy found a seat at a bench and took out her phone. She simply crossed her legs and leaned back, making herself comfortable in the sun. The mean girls would never lounge at the park, it was too 'dirty' for them. It made it the perfect place to hide. Kennedy looked up from her phone and saw Navaeh and her friends playing on the swings. Navaeh had skipped class, again. Kennedy couldn't blame her. "Navaeh, you didn't listen to me huh? If Mom finds out, we're screwed," Kennedy said jokingly. "It'd be worth it, though," she said smiling.

Jessica walked with Justin. "Mrs.Hellfire, why are you here?" she asked. "Is anything wrong? Are you ok?' she asked worriedly.
Nevaeh looked at Kennedy and laughed. "Yeah, Chemistry sucks... Anyway, mom won't find out. All four of us could do anything to the school, now getting caught, that's the easiest way to have fun. I don't know if I'm hoping for her to come or not, but it will be worth it!"

In unison 'The Band' yelled a roaring, "Hell yeah!" Everyone laughed and turned towards Kennedy.

Nevaeh still had the childish smile upon her face, "So what would happen if mom were to find out?

Wanna help me think of some comebacks to what she might say? It'd only be a matter of time before The Chemistry Teach tells her. He's always been a pain in the a-"

Isaac interrupted her, "He's always been afraid of us. Just keep in mind, he's almost at his breaking point! Just a matter of time..."

Connor laughed and spoke directly to Kennedy. "Yeah! You should have seen his face! A priceless work of art that will never show again, unless we do that again."

@Keira Winston
Thomas Beckett Larson

"Can you actually not messing up my room in the morning for once?!" Thomas yelled and glared all the way to his sister, which is quite hard to do given he was driving. "That shirt you just stained today has Giggs's signature on it. Giggs! If I don't get one as worthy as that until next week, I'll delete all your post on your Ig. I mean it." He tried to look mad while slowing the car because they were getting near the school.

Amanda Sophie Larson

Amanda, heard her brother's rant, just rolled her eyes, "I only barged in 3 times in 2 week, you FA." She looked at Thomas with a flat emotion on her face "And Giggs already retired anyway and uncle can get you any player's signature, so don't be dramatical about it." She said nonchalantly, but then smirked "but I know what you really want..." The blond haired girl showed a picture a Kennedy Hellfire, their neighbor and her brother not-so-secret crush to him, then laughed.

Thomas Beckett Larson

Thomas thanked the God that he was driving slowly, because when his evil sister showed the picture of his best friend and the one he had liked sometime he stopped the car abruptly, making both of them almost jumped out of their seat. Thomas sighed "Someday I really gonna burn all your clothes and hack your twitter AND Ig account. That's my vow of the day you know..." He half pouted and then looked away, almost blushing. But then he saw someone they knew, another neighbor.

Thomas rolled down his car window "Hey Dave! What are you doing? Wanna come in with us to school?"

Dave looked up from his shoes and grinned towards the two in the car. "Hey there! Just hanging around here, but yeah sure." He replied to Thomas and stood up from the bench. In a rush he headed towards the car where he hopped inside. He could feel the tension in the car, maybe from a fight or something similar. But hey, they were siblings afterall. Dave put his arms on the back of the seats and leaned forwards to hop in their little dscussion. "So, what's up? I haven't seen you guys in a while." He then said with a smile towards the two siblings.
Kennedy smirked. "Wish I was there, maybe next time I could catch a glimpse of him," Kennedy said laughing. "Anyway, mom will probably ground us, but we'll just find a way to sneak out,"Kennedy said shrugging. "Hey, I need to give a call to Tom, I gotta let him know that I'm not gonna be at school, I don't wanna ditch him and all," Kennedy dug out her phone from her back pocket. "Hey, Tom, I'm at the park, I couldn't stand sitting in a desk for a few more hours," Kennedy explained to Tom into the phone. Kennedy had no idea that her bestfriend would every have a crush on her. She was practically the only person who didn't know of his crush on her.

Thomas Beckett Larson

He glared his way to his sister before grinned to Dave "Nah, just a sister being disaster you know? If you really looking for a sibling, remember that she's
always up for adoption." Thomas started the car's engine and continue driving toward the school "hey, do we have same classes today? I forget to check it." He said sheepishly toward Dave.

Amanda Sophie Larson

"Ha, you'll miss me in just three days after I go away from you." Amanda said confidently, then laughed a little. Then she was absorbed in her iphone, updating her Ig.

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Dave chuckled silently. "Oh yeah sure, I'll ask my parents once I get home" He said with a strong hint of sarcasm. He noticed that Amanda was sitting with her face pressed against the screen of her iphone. She was simply lost in the modern technology. Dave peeked over her shoulder for the sole purpose of teasing her. "Hey isn't that the guy you used to have this huge crush on?" He began while snapping her phone out of her hands. "Oh yeah, I remember his face! You still lllike him, eh?" He teased her and rolled his tounge when he spoke.
Thomas Beckett Larson

Thomas also wanted to tag along Dave at teasing his sister when his phone rang. He almost literally jumped out of his seat at the caller id, and quickly picked it up.

"Oh, sure thing Kenna! Do you wanna have an... Additional member in there, or a tank? Haha kidding." Thomas grinned nervously, and he felt his face heated up.

Amanda Sophie Larson

Amanda aimed to take back her iphone "Cris? As in Christian Hellfire? Oh no no no, he's what? So last summer. Just checking him for the sake of... Checking." She answered Dave, tried to sound convincing. And then she looked at her brother, tried to avert the attention when she finally realized who was her brother talking to.

"Dave, I'm 73.8% sure that my brother will ditch most of the classes today, given his 'cherished one' has called. Do you want to go with my bro to the park or me? For today I decide that I'll take a nap at class instead." She asked their friend with a teasing smile before her brother had any chance to explain anything.
"Well, Navaeh and her band are there, but nope, no one else special. Why?" Kennedy asked Thomas through the phone. "Anyway, wanna tag along with me at the park? I'll assure you that school's gonna be such a waste of time. Also, if the 'Barbies' are looking for me, DO NOT give them my location," Kennedy said rolling her eyes. The 'Barbies' have been looking for her ever since school started. Kennedy then noticed his change of tone. "Hey, Tom, are you alright? Is something bothering you?" she asked raising her eyebrow.

Thomas Beckett Larson

"Yeah sure sure good idea, I'll meet you at the park after I drop my sis." Thomas coughed a little, making his voice not jittery anymore "oh, me? It's just Ammy being a pain as usual." He pointedly ignored his sister and instead smiled warily at his friend.

Amanda Sophie Larson

"Humph. Go chase your love. I can't stand you being single and miserable anyway." Despite her words, Amanda smiled slightly, then turned to Dave. "So... Wanna go with me or him?"

@Peachypants @Keira Winston


She would Look outside and Realized That her Daughter was outside. She would Rush Out side and say "Neaveh" she said in her Angry Voice saying "Why are you skipping Class"


She would walk around the School Instill She saw Dave. She would Look and say "Hey,hey have anyone seen Neaveh because Like My Mom is here and I have to Fond her Before she Gets Hear"

(Sorry way behind"

Nevaeh looked at Kennedy with a curious look. Then she looked towards her friends and whispered, "She doesn't know does she? Poor Tom... Kennedy would never think of such a thing, especially about Tom, would she?" She giggled slightly as she pushed forward on the swing.

Connor didn't answer, he looked a little paler for some reason, he didn't know why, but he didn't want to think about Kennedy and Tom being together. He shook his head and made a convincing nod and smile. "True, True, but They're best friends it'd make it hella weird wouldn't it?"

He said laughing a little too loudly. He was... Relieved to know that the two were best friends and it would be awkward to date.

Isaac smacked Connor on the back. "Jealous?" He said winking. He looked at Kennedy, then Connor. "I don't know man...! But she might be a good couple with you..." He said jokingly as Connor smiled awkwardly.

Liz sat silently on the swing, sifting her thoughts around. She tolerated the words she'd never want to hear.

Connor finding someone else.

She sighed then looked at Kennedy: she was beautiful and popular... That was it! Connor would never date someone out of their clique. They'd have to be apart of A nerdy Rebel. He even took an oath... At the time she thought it was pointless, but now she couldn't be happier. "Yeah, too bad. You even took an oath for dating outside 'The Circle' if you know what I mean."

Connor was a little frustrated. "I DO NOT like Kennedy like that!" He yelled it a little too loudly and looked at her. It sounded like he hated her, but he didn't want her to think that. But... Why would she care anyway? He brushed it off and continued to talk amongst the others.

Nevaeh still swung violently on the swings while enjoying the slight rush it gave her when she closed her eyes. Isaac still admired her from the swing beside her. Connor then spoke with Isaac and they began to converse amongst each other. Liz sat quietly, occasionally glaring at Kennedy.

Nevaeh stopped as soon as her mother came to Her side. "Mother! It's you... About that skipping class, you can't blame me for not having interest in Chemistry! I have a very high grade in that class anyway... Is it that bad to skip a few times?" She asked making sure to make it sound sweet, but not too sweet.

"I think I'll stick with you for a while. The thrill of being the third wheel isn't really my thing." Dave chuckled, but he nudged Thomas and grinned. "Good job, you go for it" he teased before leaning back in the backseat. "But yeah, Amanda I'll tag along if you don't mind. A nap sure sounds good. It feels like I haven't slept in ages" Dave said while placing hands in the pockets of his jeans.
Thomas Beckett Larson

He rolled his eyes at both his friend and his sister, but he was clearly blushing. "Oh it's really nothing! You two don't just go around and bloody assume like I was going to purpose her on the spot." He parked the car when they arrived in front of the school gate. "Well, here you go."

Amanda Sophie Larson

"Well, I agree with Dave too. That and I actually don't have the heart to see you make that severely kicked and hungry puppy face. And yes, if you don't have me as your sister you probably will shame her with your pathetically cheesy confession." Amanda then went out of car. "Come on Dave, sleeping time is waiting." Amanda stretched her hands up then accidentally saw a familiar figure.

"Huh? Is that London?"


She would look at her and say
"Yes I am London Hellfire" she said Looking at Her And Dave and she would Say "Look It seems to be Like your Busy so I just go and Fin...." She would look out the Window and she saw Her Mother and Her Twins Friends. "Never Mine,looks like I found Amy twin" she would walkOut and Go outside and say "Mom You really don't Have time for this right Now do this when we get Home Okay"


She would look at her daughter and said
"I don't know about you but your Friends Moms are here to not just Mine your Teacher email me that Your out of Contral so this is how things are going to work On My terms Now!" She said Looking at her Stright in the eye and would say "You can't go to this Party, for now on I would Drop you off at school and Pick you Up after school, You can Only Have Band Practice 1 a week Now" she would go to her ear and say "I am Taking your powers away to for 3 or more Weeks" do you Under stand Me!" She said Looking at Her
Niko yawned as he left his class bathroom pass already a crumpled ball in his hand. His boredom had gotten the best of him and before he knew it he was asking for a bathroom pass with plans of not coming back. He froze seeing the back of his mother and briefly thought about going back in before realizing he had an excuse. Sighing in relief he smiled brightly and skipped toward her soon spotting the others."Hey mom what are you doing here?"


She would Look at Her other Son and said "How About you Ask Your Sister One the Swings Skiping Class All The Time" she would Look at them and said "You know What Do you Guys want to go Home I mean it is 12 in the afternoon" she said looking at her Kids.


She would Look at Her Mom and said
"Yea sure If you Want I mean I can Go Shopping because of the Party,and Kenndey You don't Have to Go if you don't want to I was Just asking if you was Going" she said Looking at her "I mean I can Go with One of my friends"


She would Look at Him and say
"Yea But this Time I am Going to help you Shop and We are going to the Beauty Slan Today Okay Neko" she said Look at Him smiling


She would Look at them and say "Yea go ahead The Mall is Not far from Here. You Both get 500 dollars" she said looking at them Smiling and would wave goodbye​
"Alright." Neko chirped beaming at them. Looking down he dug in his pockets until he found what he was looking for and withdrew a lollipop. Unwrapping it he plopped it in his mouth humming.


She would Grab His Hand and would walk I sode the Mall and said
"I Feel Like I am in Heaven" she said Laughing she would walk On the Beauty Salon and would say "Are you ready to get your Hair Done

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