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Fantasy The Helllamore Family

Nevaeh woke up and stared at Kennedy. "What are you doing in here?" She rubbed her eyes and saw her wrists. "Did you see that? You didn't right?" She asked with more of a panicked tone. She looked around for her bracelets and freaked. She got up off her bed and ran to her jewelry box. She quickly grabbed two bandannas and covered her wrists.

"Kennedy. Tell me whether you saw and if you did... Do Not Tell Mom!" She said the last phrase very slowly like a threat, but didn't intend it as so.

@Keira Winston

((I have been gone from here for too long and I am sorry...))
"I don't have anything to do this weekend, feel free to come over," Kennedy said to Tom. She turned to see Navaeh awakening. She watched as Navaeh panicked and ran to her jewelry box. Kennedy sighed and ran to her sister's side. "Navaeh, I saw it, and I won't tell Mom. But, tell me, what's going on? What's happening? Why are you doing this?" Kennedy asked out of concern. She placed her hand on her sister's shoulder, comforting her.

Nevaeh sighed, she didn't want to look at Kennedy. It was clear she cared and wished to know, but that was the reason of Nevaeh hiding it. She frowned and stared at Kennedy.

"Ask Mom... It's been complicating with our relationship. I am not allowed to do the things I have been doing almost my whole life?! AND we are moving! I can't see my friends? I still have memories that need to be made in our little town, I am pretty sure you do too. Even London was upset, everyone will be..." She teared up a little but stopped it with a face of anger... It didn't show too much.

@Keira Winston
Kennedy listened to everything Navaeh had to say. She paused when she mentioned 'moving.' "Wait.... So we're actually moving?" Kennedy asked shocked. She couldn't believe it. "I don't know how I can say 'bye' to Tom," Kennedy said to herself. Thomas had been with her through ups and downs for years. Now she had to leave him. Even though Kennedy had no idea that Thimas had feelings for her, Kennedy did feel a bit like they were more than friends. "And how about Connor........" Kennedy trailed off. She hoped Navaeh hadn't heard, but there was a chance that she had heard. Even if Kennedy didn't know it yet, she probably also had slight feelings for Connor. How we're the Hellfires going to leave this town? On top of moving, Navaeh couldn't do things that would be normal for her to do. Kennedy understood exactly why Navaeh had been doing this.

Neveah sighed. "Connor wasn't very happy with me leaving, but oddly enough he was concerned with you as well... Anyway no one was happy... I just can't handle these things. You know that... And Tom, how would he feel?" She asked with her Arms crossed and had no expression showing she was happy whatsoever.

"You and Tom have been friends for a while now, I can't imagine you without him..."
Kennedy thought of Connor. Was it true that he would care if she left? Kennedy shook that thought off when Navaeh mentioned Tom. "Well, it would be pretty hard to leave Tom, he's been there for me for years. I don't know how I'm going to leave these people," Kennedy said to Navaeh. "But... But why are we moving?" Kennedy asked. "Did Mom give you some sort of explanation?"

((Oops! Sorry! Busy this week and forgot about this. xD

@Keira Winston ))

Nevaeh looked at Kennedy with a slight frown. "Yeah... Tom was always with you,"she laughed,"Poor Connor! Uh... Anyway, Mom didn't explain, that's why I'm so mad, other than the fact I may never see anyone here ever again. Maybe dad can talk her out of it? Nevermind, he is usually just following her..." She looked down at the ground, then at her wrists.

"Hey Kennedy... Should we ask her? I mean it'd be best to talk her out of it with everyone else, but going against mom would be like going against a crazy rogue soldier that has just escaped prison..." She laughed a little at the rude-remarks made about her mother. "Don't tell mom, like I said. Rogue prison escapee Soldier..." She whispered with a smile.
"Yeah, Tom was always by my side," Kennedy said sighing. "What about Connor?" Kennedy asked raising an eyebrow. "Anyway, why wouldn't she explain to us? That's just a piece of shit, we should go talk to her," Kennedy agreed. "I mean, I'm not leaving LA for no fricken reason," she explained. Kennedy laughed at Navaeh's rude comment about her mother. "Hey, you and your friends skipped class together, trust me, if you had your friends, we could all go against a 'Rogue prison escapee soldier'," Kennedy smiled.

@Miss Fallen Matrix
Nevaeh laughed and leaned back into her vanity. "We need to consult mom about this. She can not just expect us to be fine with this, when there isn't a reason. And your right! We can convince mom not to or at least find out why the hell she is doing this... My friends can help, because...." Her frown crept into a smirk,"she can't do much if anyone besides our family is there consulting with her too! She can't use her powers and doing anything else besides calmly speaking would ruin her reputation!" She laughed,"hopefully it works, 'cause there is a slight chance it will." She paused and smiled,"About Connor, I'd tell you, but Conner would kill me and Liz would probably kill you." She laughed.

@Keira Winston
"Yeah, I mean, Mom expects us to move out in a week without giving us a damn explanation. Like, who expects us to be perfectly fine? She doesn't get that we actually have a life," Kennedy said annoyed. She leaned on Navaeh's doorframe with her arms crossed. "Yeah, we should get your friends to help us convince mom or get her to fricken explain to us," she stated. "Mom told all of us not to use our powers in front of others, so she can't use them either, and it isn't like she can yell at them. It can totally work," Kennedy agreed. She paused when her sister mentioned Connor and Liz."Wait.. what about Connor and Liz? Are they dating or something?" Kennedy asked slightly bummed. "Anyways, call your friends over, there is no way, no way, they could say no to this,"

@Miss Fallen Matrix
Nevaeh smiled. "Those two... A thing? Ha. No. Connor would never date another band member. Ever." She smirked,"Why do you care...?" She asked as she laughed. "I'll call them over, you're right, they will never say no to something as important as this." She took out her phone and called everyone. Her voice was loud so it was easily heard even from Kennedy's distance. "Hey... You guys? Can you come over? Kennedy and I are talking to our mom about moving. If you guys are there, she can't do anything."

Isaac smiled as Nevaeh called him. He was a little disappointed to hear that Connor and Liz were also on the line, but he listened. "Of course! I'll be right over! Your mom isn't taking you anywhere away from us!" He said with confidence as he grabbed his jacket and ran out of his front door. He hung up.

Liz sighed. "I still can't believe you see leaving, but if us coming over help you and your whole family stay, then I'll be glad to help! I'll be over as soon as possible alright?" She hung up and called her butler. He was her driver and she quickly came upon Nevaeh's house.

Connor thought about Nevaeh leaving and a frown came upon his face, then he thought of Kennedy leaving and he was a little angry. He wondered why, he answered the phone." Yo! .... Hell yeah I'll come over and help you fight for your freedom to stay! This'll be epic!" He laughed and hung up. He ran out the door and went to Nevaeh's.

All three were on the doorstep of the Hellfire family's home. They rang the doorbell and unlocked the door to come inside. They ran up to Nevaeh's room and either waved or smiled.
((god, this site is finally up))

"Yeah, I actually don't care if Connor and Liz were together. I just wanted to know," Kennedy lied. She didn't know why, but she was slightly relieved to know that Connor would never date another band member. She knew of her feelings for Connor, but she wouldn't admit them to anyone. She listened to Navaeh's words as she spoke into the phone. "Damn you're loud," Kennedy joked laughing. She heard the sound of the doorbell. "I think its them," she stated. She smiled and ran down the stairs. There was a slight possibility that she could still stay in LA. Kennedy ran down the stairs and toward the door.

@Miss Fallen Matrix
((Yeah... Just realized.

@Keira Winston ))

Nevaeh laughed. "Whatever you say..." She watched Kennedy run down the steps,"excited are we?" She went to her bed and sat on it with a book.

All three stood at the front, while I sac was unlocking the door, they all saw Kennedy. Each said their own greeting.

Connor smiled and waved, he was the first to say anything. "Yo Kennedy! So where are we doin' this? And I am pretty sure we are making a strategy first... right?" He tilted his head and laughed.

Isaac pat Kennedy on the back,"I'm going up first okay Candy? Almost forgot your nickname!" He ran up the stairs to Nevaeh's room.

Liz smiled and you could tell it was fake. "Kennedy! Hey...! Haven't seen you in a while. Hangin' with Nevaeh, Isaac and... Connor?" Her last word was hesitated, but not so easily noticed. She ran upstairs while Connor waited for 'Candy'.

"Imma go up with ya Candy, if that's alright." He smiled.
Kennedy was near the door when Issac unlocked it. They had the key... of course they did. The band members were like family to Navaeh. She put on a smile. "Hey Connor, Issac, ...... and Liz," she greeted. Kennedy was slightly envious of Liz. She spent so much time with Connor, and they probably had that bond that Issac and Navaeh had. "Yup, we gotta plan this out. Navaeh's in her room. I don't know where my mom is, but I'm sure she's not in the house. Anyway go ahead and go up." Kennedy shut the door and watched as Liz and Issac ran up the stairs. "Yup, I'm hanging with ya all. I wanna stay too, you know?" she replied to Liz. She turned about walk up the stairs. She was a bit surprised that Connor decided to wait for her. "Oh, yeah, you could totally walk up with me," she said awkwardly. "I mean, I expected you to be upstairs already."

@Miss Fallen Matrix
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Connor smiled again. "Of course Id wait for you, I'm not the one in love with Nevaeh, so I can wait. And as for Liz, she can be... Moody." He laughed,"You comin up Candy?... How 'bout I race ya?" He made a a runner's stance and his smile was bright as he looked at Kennedy.

Liz looked back at them and glared. She looked back up and continued to run up the stairs. While she was doing that, Isaac was in the room hugging Nevaeh. It would be an awkward situation to walk in on. He was smiling, but it was a worried smile.
Kennedy smiled at the thought. It was nice how Connor had decided to wait for her. "Yeah, I kinda knew Issac and Navaeh had a thing for each other," she said giggling. She walked toward Connor. "Look Connor, I would race ya, but I don't wanna see ya loose," she said smiling.Kennedy looked up to see Liz glare at them. She brushed it off. She didn't know what it meant but ignored it.

@Miss Fallen Matrix
Connor laughed. "Ouch! Didn't know Candy could be so bitter." He laughed and grabbed her hand to lead her up the steps. "Slow poke!" He laughed again and was at Nevaeh's door. He saw the awkward scene, still holding Kennedy's hand he hit the wall with his shoulder and burst into laughter.

(( @Keira Winston

if I take a while to reply, it's cause I need to take a shower, but will be right out!))
Kennedy stuck out her tongue laughing. "Yup, who knew 'Candy' could be bitter?" she mocked. "Yeah, and you gotta stop using that nickname," she said rolling her eyes. She couldn't hide the smile forming on her face though. Kennedy was then abruptly lead up the stairs by Connor. She leaned onto Connor making him hit the wall with his shoulder. She bursted out laughing. She didn't even notice the awkward scene set right in front of their eyes.

((@Miss Fallen Matrix don't worry, I totally understand))
((Sorry Guys Busy Busy Busy))


She would Get Home and would walk around the House looking for her Kids she was very Upset with One of her twin Daughters. She would walk up to her Room and she would think of what she did.


She would just Sitbthere Playing around with her Kitty and think what she also Said​
((so, Kennedy, Connor, and Thomas found out about Navaeh cutting herself. Navaeh was self harming herself because she didn't want to move and felt like she had no freedom since she was grounded. The band is planning how to change their mother's decision.))

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