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Realistic or Modern the Halifax witch hunts

(Last one, I promise. And its your fault you missed.)

(Wikipedia says you misfired tho.)
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"Is is ok if I just go back to the tablet? There are a couple things I want to check out. Do you have a pen and paper? I think I'll start making notes to ask the doctors when I go back to the hospital for a checkup. I'm sure they have a program for uneducated casters." 

"You could email them from that tablet, I'm sure there's some sort of program they can reccomend." Said Maryl
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Maryl scrolled over to the email messenger and tapped it while explaining "It's like sending a letter across the internet except the other person gets the letter instantly."
Darnall looked on with open interest. Instand messages sounds like something that would require magic, not technology. "How does the letter know where to go, and to whom?" Surely, these things were not just automatic.
Maryl explained "So you tap on the icon that looks like a piece of paper" she tapped on the icon brining up a typical email prompt of



type message here"

Maryl said "you type the email address of anyone you want in the to section. The BCC is if you want to send the same message to different people at the same and you type the message itself where it says type message here." 
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Darnall nodded with understanding. "OK, I got it, but how do I know the address of the person I want to contact? Who am I even trying to message for that matter? I don't know anyone from the hospital besides a skeleton and I'm sure he's been summoned elsewhere by now."

Maryl pressed down the home button and swiped over a few screens before tapping on "Google maps" and said "maybe a community college of some kind may help your case, but what I would have to know is what help are you looking for?"

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"I'm just looking for a skilled Craft practitioner to teach me the basics of witchcraft, without the need to pledge my powers of join a coven. Preferably a solo practiioner who can realte to my need for independence."

(Mind if I?)


Luxxie looks at his phone, the alert on his screen. he had set a scan to alert him of any mention of learning 'Witchcraft.'


Luxxie had just responded to whoever was searching, with one sentence. "Meet at the Moonstone Oasis. If your any fan of a drink, you know the place." (Gnight.) 
@Delacare Maryll's phone went off, she noticed the strange number with the text message and said "someone wants to teach you witchcraft at the moonstone oasis, but I don't really trust them"
"How long do you think it will take to get a reply on the Email? I won't take any options for granted, but if you say you don't trust that message, I will at least wait for a reply before I decide to go. Obviously, I will need a ride. There's no way I can handle outside without a car to enclose me." Darnall picked up his book and started flipping through the pages, bending the corners of a few before looking back up. "Can I have a pen? I've made changes to how I cast some of these spells, and I'd like to make note of them."

Darnall didn't want to tell Maryl, but he planned on visiting this Moonstone Oasis, no matter the response he got from the Email. He thought of teachers like books. They can discuss the same exact topic, but target level of audience, depth, diffuculty, and even the author, can make worlds of differences. And I dont think I can afford to be picky.

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"Thank you. Well, I can't just deny the possibility without checking it out. Just reply and say that we'll visit in three days time. Then, if you don't have to go to work, we can stop by tomorrow early in the day, and check the place out. They won't be expecting us if it is some kind of trap. I read about it in a book." Darnall took the pen and began marking on the dog-eared pages in minuscule, but surprisingly legible, script. The scrolling and curling letters looked out of place on the page filed with typewriter letters, example photos and diagrams.

Maryl texts Luxxie "We'll be there in three days" as she turns over to Darnall, I usually work evenings to nights, doctoring is a 24 hour job Y'know" @Delacare (typewriter letters in a modern day witchcraft book, odd)

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