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Realistic or Modern the Halifax witch hunts

After 40 minutes of dealing with other patients, the mage came back to see that the aura had subsided into a subtle teal glow on Darnall's skin. The staff wan't glowing anymore, indicating that the energy had dissipated, but enchanted pigmentation still floated around in the surrounding extremities around Darnall's skin.

Darnall woke from his meditation in a fit of laughter. The healing magic just made him feel so good, that he couldn't contain himself. "Thank you! I have never felt this good before." Darnall addressed the mage with a genuine smile and continued to giggle, as he rose into a sitting position. "Is this what it always feels like?"
Darnall woke from his meditation in a fit of laughter. The healing magic just made him feel so good, that he couldn't contain himself. "Thank you! I have never felt this good before." Darnall addressed the mage with a genuine smile and continued to giggle, as he rose into a sitting position. "Is this what it always feels like?"

"Well is suppose its what it feels like if you're not quite used to it" The mage said warmly "You are also free to leave the hospital, we just need to work on getting you rehabilitated and do some paperwork"
"Well is suppose its what it feels like if you're not quite used to it" The mage said warmly "You are also free to leave the hospital, we just need to work on getting you rehabilitated and do some paperwork"

Darnall was stunned. "Oh. That took less time than I thought it would. Do I need to fill out any paperwork before I leave?"

Darnall was stunned. "Oh. That took less time than I thought it would. Do I need to fill out any paperwork before I leave?"


"You don't do paperwork here in the hospital, Canada has social healthcare that's universal for all people within canada's borders. You do the paperwork at the wellfare office so that you can get yourself a home and some basic services. As far as rehabilitation into freedom is concerned, the rehab sessions will be payed for by social healthcare since it is in a healthcare facility that is in fact just across the street. We lonely have one form saying that you were here and that this room is unoccupied for you to sign off on." The mage said happy that the intensive treatment worked.
"You don't do paperwork here in the hospital, Canada has social healthcare that's universal for all people within canada's borders. You do the paperwork at the wellfare office so that you can get yourself a home and some basic services. As far as rehabilitation into freedom is concerned, the rehab sessions will be payed for by social healthcare since it is in a healthcare facility that is in fact just across the street. We lonely have one form saying that you were here and that this room is unoccupied for you to sign off on." The mage said happy that the intensive treatment worked.

"Oh, wow. That's pretty cool. So, when am I going to..." Darnall's attention was snatched by the wiggling of his toes. He stared at them in complete disbelief. "M-my toes can move."
A 1998 toyota Carolla drove nearby Joshua and it had four People, one driver three passengers. Two of the occupants had their machine guns guns pointed on Joshua's side of the street. Both of the gunmen were humans while one of them yelled "We heard you tried to kidnap our own! You must pay!"

Joshua was confused for a moment. These were humans. What the hell did they mean by "their own". Didn't matter. Joshua ducked into an alley and sprinted away. 
"Oh, wow. That's pretty cool. So, when am I going to..." Darnall's attention was snatched by the wiggling of his toes. He stared at them in complete disbelief. "M-my toes can move."

"Sorry to drag your attention away from your newfound mobility, but you were saying we're going to what?" Asked the mage

Joshua was confused for a moment. These were humans. What the hell did they mean by "their own". Didn't matter. Joshua ducked into an alley and sprinted away. 

The gunmen did a drive by, firing in Joshua's general direction as the car drove down the street killing around 5 people in the process. All of this was with the intent of sending a message.
"Sorry to drag your attention away from your newfound mobility, but you were saying we're going to what?" Asked the mage

The gunmen did a drive by, firing in Joshua's general direction as the car drove down the street killing around 5 people in the process. All of this was with the intent of sending a message.

Joshua yelped and hid behind a dumpster. He was lucky to have survived. "What the fuck?!" He thought, honestly confounded. 
Joshua yelped and hid behind a dumpster. He was lucky to have survived. "What the fuck?!" He thought, honestly confounded. 

The car stopped at the end of the street and the tried passenger, a fawn got out of the car with a Machine gun and a large dagger. He then jogged over to the alleyway to do negotiations and searched for Joshua, but never actually saw him as this seemed like where he ran off to.
The car stopped at the end of the street and the tried passenger, a fawn got out of the car with a Machine gun and a large dagger. He then jogged over to the alleyway to do negotiations and searched for Joshua, but never actually saw him as this seemed like where he ran off to.

Joshua stayed perfectly still. He checked his gun. He was terrified. 
Joshua stayed perfectly still. He checked his gun. He was terrified. 

The fawn still looked around for Joshua going down to the very end of the alleyway and looking behind various trash cans and boxes all while not looking behind the dumpster. The fawn didn't say anything and walked slowly as an act of intimidation.
"Sorry to drag your attention away from your newfound mobility, but you were saying we're going to what?" Asked the mage

"Transfer. When am I going to transfer to the rehab center?" Darnall sooke as if in a trance as he watched his feet doing something that they hadn't done in years: move.
"Transfer. When am I going to transfer to the rehab center?" Darnall sooke as if in a trance as he watched his feet doing something that they hadn't done in years: move.

"Three days at the very least, a month at the very most" the mage said "now, let's go do the paperwork so you can be discharged"
The fawn still looked around for Joshua going down to the very end of the alleyway and looking behind various trash cans and boxes all while not looking behind the dumpster. The fawn didn't say anything and walked slowly as an act of intimidation.

Joshua kept his breathing quiet. He was terrified. He was still barely an adult. 
"Three days at the very least, a month at the very most" the mage said "now, let's go do the paperwork so you can be discharged"

"Mm." Darnall nodded his head and motiond for the mage to continue. He was eager to get this over with so he could go back to staring at his reawakened feet.
"Mm." Darnall nodded his head and motiond for the mage to continue. He was eager to get this over with so he could go back to staring at his reawakened feet.

The mage walked out of the room, printed out a form & put it onto a clipboard before walking back. Upon walking into Darnall's room, she said "Just fill this out" While handing the clipboard to darnall.
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The mage walked out of the room, printed out a form & put it onto a clipboard before walking back. Upon walking into Darnall's room, she said "Just fill this out" While handing the clipboard to darnall.

Darnall took the clipboard and scanned the form quickly before taking the pen out of the clipboard and startinh to fill it out. It was a pretty simple and straightforward affair. There didn't to be anything that he couldn't answer, for himself, due to his captivity.
Darnall took the clipboard and scanned the form quickly before taking the pen out of the clipboard and startinh to fill it out. It was a pretty simple and straightforward affair. There didn't to be anything that he couldn't answer, for himself, due to his captivity.

After filling out the form the mage took it away and said "if you go to the first floor, another mage will be waiting for you with a change of clothes, he'll also help rehabilitate you so come downstairs."
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After filling out the form the mage took it away and said "if you go to the first floor, another mage will be waiting for you with a change of clothes, he'll also help rehabilitate you so come downstairs."

"Alright then." Darnall nodded and swung his legs over the egde of the bed. He planned on getting in his wheelchair, instinctually. "Uh, could I have some help getting into my chair?" He asked the mage politely.
"Alright then." Darnall nodded and swung his legs over the egde of the bed. He planned on getting in his wheelchair, instinctually. "Uh, could I have some help getting into my chair?" He asked the mage politely.

The mage walked over to Darnall and helped him get onto his feet to see if he is capable of walking or standing without his legs giving out.
The fawn looked behind the dumpster to see Joshua before saying "We know about Aura, what was your agenda in kidnapping her, tell me now or I'll slit your fucking wrists!"

Joshua curse under his breath and pointed his gun at the fawn. "I was trying to save her from that skeleton." Joshua growled. 
Joshua curse under his breath and pointed his gun at the fawn. "I was trying to save her from that skeleton." Joshua growled. 

"Isn't that rich, a knight in shining armour! So tell me, Prince Charming what did you think we were doing with her &I have ways of making you talk!" Said the Fawn pointing a machine gun at Jacob's head
The mage walked over to Darnall and helped him get onto his feet to see if he is capable of walking or standing without his legs giving out.

Darnall's newly healed legs were strong enough to support him while standing, as long as he had the mage's help to balance him. He tried to take a step and realize, belatedly, that he had forgotten how to walk. His legs were clumsy and uncoordinated, causing his first step to falter, and Darnall to prepare for a face plant on the floor.
Darnall's newly healed legs were strong enough to support him while standing, as long as he had the mage's help to balance him. He tried to take a step and realize, belatedly, that he had forgotten how to walk. His legs were clumsy and uncoordinated, causing his first step to falter, and Darnall to prepare for a face plant on the floor.

The mage supported him and leaned him over into the wheelchair saying "right, go to the first floor into enchantment room for one of the Mages to conjure you some clothes, m'kay"

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