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Realistic or Modern the Halifax witch hunts

"That." He pointed at the phone. "What is that? I've never seen anything like it before." He didn't even try to disguise the wonder in his voice as he questioned the satyr.

The satyr was shocked, how could it be 2016 and this guy didn't know what a smartphone was? He politely said "it's my cell phone" as his crossy road character was ran over by a train.
The satyr was shocked, how could it be 2016 and this guy didn't know what a smartphone was? He politely said "it's my cell phone" as his crossy road character was ran over by a train.

"A cell-phone?" Darnall was thoroughly confused. The word "cell" must've gained a new definition in the last decade, because it didn't seem to apply well to any of the definitions he'd learned in his dictionaries. "So it is a handheld telephone, right, but where are the buttons to dial with?"
"A cell-phone?" Darnall was thoroughly confused. The word "cell" must've gained a new definition in the last decade, because it didn't seem to apply well to any of the definitions he'd learned in his dictionaries. "So it is a handheld telephone, right, but where are the buttons to dial with?"

"Is this guy for real" thought the satyr before saying while rubbing his hand on his forehead, his pinky going up his left horn slightly "There aren't physical buttons on the phone, they pop up on screen in the right app, it is a handheld telephone, but it also plays games, browses the internet, downloads movies & tunes into the radio. What year do you think this is anyways!"
"Is this guy for real" thought the satyr before saying while rubbing his hand on his forehead, his pinky going up his left horn slightly "There aren't physical buttons on the phone, they pop up on screen in the right app, it is a handheld telephone, but it also plays games, browses the internet, downloads movies & tunes into the radio. What year do you think this is anyways!"

As the annoyed satyr rattled off his list of cell phone capabilities, Darnall's face blanked out in shock. Before his kidnapping, all the technology to do that would fill a house. Now, it was all capable with a device the size of a slice of wide bread. "I know itnis the year 2016, but I've been out of the loop for a while."
As the annoyed satyr rattled off his list of cell phone capabilities, Darnall's face blanked out in shock. Before his kidnapping, all the technology to do that would fill a house. Now, it was all capable with a device the size of a slice of wide bread. "I know itnis the year 2016, but I've been out of the loop for a while."

"HOW!" The satyr called out before turning away from Darnall talking to a voice in his head "I know that's his perogative, shut up!" Awkward silence ensued before the satyr argued again "I DON'T CARE IF HE WAS KIDNAPPED OR OUT OF A CULTISH COMMUNE, GET OUT OF MY HEAD AND STOP FUCKING WITH MY LOVE LIFE!" Everyone looked at the satyr as he turned to Darnall saying "Sorry, its just my ghost friend" but there was not a single ghost in the room.
"HOW!" The satyr called out before turning away from Darnall talking to a voice in his head "I know that's his perogative, shut up!" Awkward silence ensued before the satyr argued again "I DON'T CARE IF HE WAS KIDNAPPED OR OUT OF A CULTISH COMMUNE, GET OUT OF MY HEAD AND STOP FUCKING WITH MY LOVE LIFE!" Everyone looked at the satyr as he turned to Darnall saying "Sorry, its just my ghost friend" but there was not a single ghost in the room.

'Well that was mildly unexpected. Still not the craziest person I've ever met.' Darnall watched the episode with subdued interest. The satyr's outburst didn't faze him at all. His face was neutral as the satyr calmed himself. "That's alright. I know that dealing with situations you can't control can be hard."
'Well that was mildly unexpected. Still not the craziest person I've ever met.' Darnall watched the episode with subdued interest. The satyr's outburst didn't faze him at all. His face was neutral as the satyr calmed himself. "That's alright. I know that dealing with situations you can't control can be hard."

"Yeah that's why I'm here" the satyr said trying his best to not talk to voices in his head "my schizophrenia's been getting worse and it's worrying my girlfriend, I mean it hasn't gotten this bad since high school."
"Yeah that's why I'm here" the satyr said trying his best to not talk to voices in his head "my schizophrenia's been getting worse and it's worrying my girlfriend, I mean it hasn't gotten this bad since high school."

"Maybe it's being stumulated by an outside source. Making changes to your daily routines or unwelcome surpsies can set off even "normal" people." He said with air quotes.
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"Maybe it's being stumulated by an outside source. Making changes to yiur daily routines or unwelcome surpsies can set of even "normal" people." He said with air quotes.

"I hope not because than that would mean that some demon or witch is pretending to be the voices in my head to possess me"  the satyr said before remarking to no one in particular "that's right! I mean you!"
"I hope not because than that would mean that some demon or witch is pretending to be the voices in my head to possess me"  the satyr said before remarking to no one in particular "that's right! I mean you!"

Darnall dismissed the idea with a small shakebof his head. "With all the burnt sage up hear, I'm surprised even self-possession is possible let alone demonic or witchy." He snickered slightly then sobered. "Though I doubt it's malevolent tampering, I'm sure that there's a reason. No matter what people want you to believe, true accidents are few and far in between."
Darnall dismissed the idea with a small shakebof his head. "With all the burnt sage up hear, I'm surprised even self-possession is possible let alone demonic or witchy." He snickered slightly then sobered. "Though I doubt it's malevolent tampering, I'm sure that there's a reason. No matter what people want you to believe, true accidents are few and far in between."

"Thank you" The satyr said "I appreciate your words, but I don't want to think anything about my condition untill i get professional advice, but I definatly still appreciate it" The satyr's phone had dimmed in the time that they were talking and he went back to playing crossy road while still resisting conversation with voices he knows aren't there.
"Thank you" The satyr said "I appreciate your words, but I don't want to think anything about my condition untill i get professional advice, but I definatly still appreciate it" The satyr's phone had dimmed in the time that they were talking and he went back to playing crossy road while still resisting conversation with voices he knows aren't there.

Glad I could be of some assistance. Darnall smiled to himself as the satyr went back to his game. It was nice to talk to people who cared to listen. Wish I had something to do while I wait, though. I'd love to have my book here. On reflex, he raised his hand and spread his fingers to simultaneously support and hold open the pages of witchcraft book, as if it were really there. He suddenly remembered the anonymous poem he'd read once in a book about boredom.

"A good book to land,

Out of the air,

And into hand."

He recited the poem out loud and felt a sharp pain in his head as a purple horizontal seam opened in the air and dropped his modern witchcraft book into his hand. The pain in his head increased then plateaued as the seam stitched itself shut and disappeared.

"N-nurse!" Darnall gasped and clutched the book hard as he slumped into his chair from the pain.
Glad I could be of some assistance. Darnall smiled to himself as the satyr went back to his game. It was nice to talk to people who cared to listen. Wish I had something to do while I wait, though. I'd love to have my book here. On reflex, he raised his hand and spread his fingers to simultaneously support and hold open the pages of witchcraft book, as if it were really there. He suddenly remembered the anonymous poem he'd read once in a book about boredom.

"A good book to land,

Out of the air,

And into hand."

He recited the poem out loud and felt a sharp pain in his head as a purple horizontal seam opened in the air and dropped his modern witchcraft book into his hand. The pain in his head increased then plateaued as the seam stitched itself shut and disappeared.

"N-nurse!" Darnall gasped and clutched the book hard as he slumped into his chair from the pain.

The nearest nurse on this floor hears the call from the waiting room just as she was about to go on break, The nurse is a dark elf, she walks into the room and asks "What seems to be the problem" as the nurse thoguht "great, just as I was done with an exorcism, can't a girl have a break for once!" While the satyr was finding it harder ands harder not to talk to the voices in his head. 
The nearest nurse on this floor hears the call from the waiting room just as she was about to go on break, The nurse is a dark elf, she walks into the room and asks "What seems to be the problem" as the nurse thoguht "great, just as I was done with an exorcism, can't a girl have a break for once!" While the satyr was finding it harder ands harder not to talk to the voices in his head. 

"Magic. I did magic. Not supposed to. My head hurts." Every sentence was punctuated with pained pauses as Darnall tried to get a hold of himself. The pain was causing his vision to swim.
The dark elf wrapped a cool cloth around Darnall's neck to dull the pain before walking down the all to get a dixie cup of water and asprin, 5 minutes later she came back with a dixie cup of purified water and three tablets of asprin. The satyr was already called in to do therapy within three minutes of the nurse being gone. The nurse handed Darnall a dixie cup of water and said "open wide"
The dark elf wrapped a cool cloth around Darnall's neck to dull the pain before walking down the all to get a dixie cup of water and asprin, 5 minutes later she came back with a dixie cup of purified water and three tablets of asprin. The satyr was already called in to do therapy within three minutes of the nurse being gone. The nurse handed Darnall a dixie cup of water and said "open wide"

Darnall accepted the nurse's care gratefully. He opened wide withot problems. He just needed the pain to go away so he could actually get a thought in edgewise in his own brain. 
Darnall accepted the nurse's care gratefully. He opened wide withot problems. He just needed the pain to go away so he could actually get a thought in edgewise in his own brain. 

The nurse inserted the tablets one at a time with each of Darnall's swallows of water.
"Now, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much are you hurting right now" the nurse asked looking forward to her lunch break.

"Uh...6...7?" He was still coherent enough to speak, so it wasn't that bad. Focusing on the nurse seemed to be helping Darnall deal with the pain, somewhat.
"It well settle for as long as you don't do any magic" the nurse said

"Didn't even mean to. Just poetry: silly words. No spell." Darnall continued to speak in syncopated phrases as he waited for the aspirin to kick in. "Doing magic. Much too easy."
"Didn't even mean to. Just poetry: silly words. No spell." Darnall continued to speak in syncopated phrases as he waited for the aspirin to kick in. "Doing magic. Much too easy."

"We all make mistakes" the nurse said "Anyways hope the pain subsides" the nurse said before walking away to go on lunch break.
"We all make mistakes" the nurse said "Anyways hope the pain subsides" the nurse said before walking away to go on lunch break.

"Thank you!" Darnall hadn't meant to yell it out, but the aspirin  had finally started to kick in and he was just happy to have the pain begin subside. Enjoying the reduced pain levels, Darnall decided the best way to wait to be called, was to just meditate and completely clear his mind.
"Thank you!" Darnall hadn't meant to yell it out, but the aspirin  had finally started to kick in and he was just happy to have the pain begin subside. Enjoying the reduced pain levels, Darnall decided the best way to wait to be called, was to just meditate and completely clear his mind.

After a good ten minutes, the receptionist called out "Darnall Delver"

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