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Realistic or Modern the Halifax witch hunts

"New is scary to all of us, I mean when I first got into these bones, I was so scared of my skeletal form that I hid in the grave yard for the better part of two weeks. Now change is scary, but i think that you will found yourself liking the change." Bartley coaxed.

Aura sighed. "Fine. We'll go to the beach." She mumbled.
"I knew you'd come around to it" Bartley said grabbing his staff and pushing a button in front of the elevator to summon it.
The elevator came and Bartley stepped inside and pressed the "LOBBY" button.

Aura stepped in and leaned against the wall. She checked her boot quickly to make sure she still had her pistol. "Is the beach a crime-free place?" She asked softly.
"For the most part, accept for remote parts of it" Bartley said, if he had lungs, he'd sigh. He had plans to exchange drugs, not biologically disguise a half angel! The door opened to reveal a hallway that featured a couple photographs of Halifax city scape, a few benches and a glass door to the street.
"For the most part, accept for remote parts of it" Bartley said, if he had lungs, he'd sigh. He had plans to exchange drugs, not biologically disguise a half angel! The door opened to reveal a hallway that featured a couple photographs of Halifax city scape, a few benches and a glass door to the street.

Aura sighed and stepped into the hallway. "So, where to?"
"Maybe you can get a croissant at a coffee shop or something like that, I don't want you to starve" Bartley said
"Fair point" Bartley said walking out of the apartment complex to cars going both ways and a few people walking down the street Vito the nearbye bus station. Bartley turned and walked down the street.
"Well, we can have one of our healing mages teach you to hone in your abilities even to maybe conjure a spell book for you, you might be at higher risk of seizures though" the nurse said as the elevator doors opened to the 3rd floor.

"Well, maybe I should hold off on doing any magic, but I can at least read about it right? I know absolutely nothing about magic; we can just start with theory and work our way to practice once my risk ratios become a bit more favorable."
"Fair point" Bartley said walking out of the apartment complex to cars going both ways and a few people walking down the street Vito the nearbye bus station. Bartley turned and walked down the street.

Aura followed Bartley closely. "You sure it's safe down there?" Aura asked.
"That would be most wise" the nurse said wheeling Darnall out of the elevator

"Of course its safe" Bartley said walking past the bus stop on the brick sidewalk.
"That would be most wise" the nurse said wheeling Darnall out of the elevator

"Of course its safe" Bartley said walking past the bus stop on the brick sidewalk.

Aura sighed and followed. "Okay. And if it isn't, you can protect yourself, yes?"
"Of course, I have my staff to teleport people away" Bartley said holding up his staff while crossing the street.
"Of course, I have my staff to teleport people away" Bartley said holding up his staff while crossing the street.

"Ok." Aura started formulating a plan. She wanted to get away from Bartley and go back to her old life, and that would need a plan.
The nurse wheeled Darnall down the hall through the head trauma unit back into his more homeless looking hospital room.

Bartley walked down the street with a distinctive swagger as if he was subconsciously showing off his wealth.
(I'mma bring in Joshua now for fun)

Joshua stood in an alley, tossing a dagger absentmindedly and catching the handle every single time. He was bored. He checked his watch. Too early in the morning for this shit. He caught a glimpse of a teen girl following at the heels of a skeleton and raised an eyebrow. He stepped out of the shadows.

Aura felt a hand grip her mouth and she squeaked, struggling as best she could. "Keep quiet!" Joshua hissed. "I'm saving you, damn it!"
The nurse wheeled Darnall down the hall through the head trauma unit back into his more homeless looking hospital room.

"Back in the slammer. What does a guy have to do to add a little cheer to a hospital room? I mean a couple of flowers, brightly colored curtains and a painting would do wonders."

Joshua cursed and gripped Aura by the waist and threw her into the alley. Aura crumpled to the floor, and quickly scrambled away from Joshua. Joshua drew a dagger and readied himself for Bartley's attack.
"MAybe if you allow yourself to go further outside, maybe you can purchase things for decorations from shops" The nurse said getting Darnall back into the hpospital bed.

Bartley blasted swathes of fireballs and dark energy out of his staff at Joshua while chasing him down.
"MAybe if you allow yourself to go further outside, maybe you can purchase things for decorations from shops" The nurse said getting Darnall back into the hpospital bed.

Bartley blasted swathes of fireballs and dark energy out of his staff at Joshua while chasing him down.

Joshua dodged the attacks. "Get out of here, go!" Joshua yelled at Aura. She was terrified, confused, and a little bit scraped up from being tossed onto the ground. 
"MAybe if you allow yourself to go further outside, maybe you can purchase things for decorations from shops" The nurse said getting Darnall back into the hpospital bed.

"It's not like I don't want to be outside; I just can't handle it. For a decade, my entire world was an underground dungeon not much bigger than this room. I dreamed about the outside endlessly, and the few moments I got to go out last just that: moments." Darnall climbed into the bed and made himself comfortable. "Do you think I'll be able to walk on my own eventually? I mean after my Ravdium's healed and the disorientation recedes, of course."

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